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A Bulgarian football stadium, Esses Stadium, is facing demolition. The YouTube video of the crumbling stadium captures its beauty in decay. The local news article reveals the hefty price tag for demolition and a separate contract for the new stadium's design, without open bidding. The national radio report discusses the increased cost of the new stadium and the mayor's vision for revitalization. However, there are concerns about the future of the team, transparency, and the role the stadium will play in the community. Balancing progress with preservation is a challenge faced by many communities. The stadium saga highlights the importance of not bulldozing history, transparency in decision-making, and community engagement. The future of the stadium lies in the hands of the people of Esses, and it prompts us to consider how progress should happen in our own communities. All right, so get this. We're diving into like a story that's straight out of the Roman Empire, but like instead of gladiators, we're talking about a Bulgarian football stadium that's like on the verge of demolition. Really? Yeah. Wow. We're talking the Esses Stadium in Esses, and to like get the full picture, we've got a YouTube video that's basically a time machine, a local news article that's like spilling all the gossip, and then a national radio report that's surprisingly optimistic about the whole thing. Interesting. Yeah. It's wild. So are you ready to dive in? Absolutely. Let's go. Okay. So first up, we've got to talk about this YouTube video, right? Like the dude drove seven hours just to film this crumbling stadium, and let me tell you, the footage is mesmerizing. Like it's seriously beautiful in this like decay kind of way. It's captivating how a place can hold so much history, even in ruins. Right. And it's kind of heartbreaking when you see those empty seats. And remember that Esses team isn't even in the National Third League anymore. Yeah. It really makes you wonder what happened. Like saw the team's glory days, you know, fourth place finish, even a little taste of European competition, but now, poof, gone. Yeah. Just like that. Makes you think about like the city spirit, you know, like did it fade along with the football team? That's deep, man. It's a question worth asking for sure, but let's not get too philosophical just yet. We got to talk about the demolition drama. That local news article doesn't hold back. They dropped the price tag right away, 5.37, 5.60 leva. Wait, hold on, hold on. Before VAT just to tear it down. You're telling me it cost over half a million leva just to say goodbye? Pretty much. Yeah. It's a big chunk of change, but it gets even more interesting. They've also awarded a separate contract for the new stadium's design. Okay. So how much is that going to set them back? Almost 800,000 leva and get this no open bidding. Wait, no open bidding? What's up with that? Yeah. That's where things get a little murky. You see in Bulgaria, these kinds of public contracts usually go through this whole competitive bidding process. It's all about transparency, making sure things are fair, level playing field and all that. But skipping that step, it raises eyebrows for sure. People start wondering about local politics and whether everything's above board. Yeah. I can see why that would raise some red flags. So we've got demolition costs, a questionable design contract, and let's not forget the price tag for this whole shiny new stadium back in 2019. That national radio report was all like, hey, a new stadium for 12 to 14 million leva. Yeah. 2019. Those were the days. Simpler times. Fast forward to 2021 and suddenly we're looking at a whopping 30 million. More than double. Are you serious? Oh yeah. Sticker shock for sure. What happened? Did they add a retractable roof and like a jacuzzi in every seat? Probably not that fancy, but seriously, think about it. 2019 has been crazy construction materials through the roof and maybe the design itself got a little more ambitious. Adding to the bill, it's not unusual for stadium projects to go over budget, but this is quite a jump. It's a big jump. So we've got this tale of two prices, but it's not just about the money, right? This is about people, about A's history and identity. And those comments on that local news article, whoa, boy, people are fired up. Oh, the comment section, always a rollercoaster of emotions. There's this one commenter, I'm furious. They're basically accusing the local government of being obsessed with demolition. Comparing the stadium to parks, they've bulldozed trees, they've chopped down. It's like they're saying, hey, stop erasing our city. Yeah, exactly. It's about feeling powerless, like your history is being disregarded. And when you add that to the whole lack of transparency with the design contract, it just fuels this fire of distrust and resentment. It's like they're building this shiny new stadium on a foundation of frustration. Yeah, kind of a recipe for disaster, don't you think? Exactly. Yeah. It's a tough situation for sure. But amidst all this negativity, the National Radio Report actually paints a kind of hopeful picture. Really? Yeah. They talk about the mayor's vision for a stadium with a future, like with whole revitalization thing. They even secured 32 million leva in funding. Wow. That's a lot of money. It is. And they mentioned that the mayor wants input from like athletes and coaches to make sure it's a top-notch facility, you know, really serving the community. So it's like they're trying to balance this progress with respecting the past. Yeah, exactly. It's an interesting approach for sure. But the question remains, is it enough? Can a fancy new stadium really fix all this? Right. Like what happens if they build this incredible venue and the local team is still stuck in the lower leagues? It's a valid concern, like building a palace with no king, you know? You can have the most state-of-the-art stadium in Bulgaria, but if no one's there to fill the seats, it becomes more of a symbol of disappointment than progress. And it makes me think about that part in the Radio Report where they mentioned getting input from sports figures, like, yeah, it's great, they're asking for opinions, but it highlights a bigger issue. What is the vision for this stadium? What role will it play in the community beyond just hosting football matches? Exactly. Will it be a multi-use facility? Yeah. Will it be used for attracting concerts, festivals, maybe even international sporting events? Could it become a hub for youth sports programs, giving kids a chance to develop their skills, and maybe even dream of playing for a revitalized Asian team someday? These are the questions that need to be answered. It's like we need to think beyond just the physical structure, you know? It's about understanding the needs, the aspirations, and yeah, even the frustrations of the people who call Ava home. You hit the nail on the head. This isn't just a story about a stadium. It's a reflection of the challenges faced by communities all over the world, you know? How do you balance progress with preservation? How do you ensure transparency and accountability in local government? How do you build a future that honors the past while embracing new possibilities? Big questions, right? And for you listening, this is where it's really interesting. We've laid out the facts, the conflicting perspectives, the hopes, and the doubts. Now we want to hear from you. It's crazy, right? We started with those glory days. Yeah. Those epic moments in that YouTube video, and now we're here talking about crumbling concrete and like these superheated debates in the local news. Yeah, it's a wild ride for sure. And now we're stuck with this giant question mark about the future. Like, can they really pull off this stadium with a future thing? I mean, it's a question a lot of places are grappling with, right? Balancing progress with preservation, making sure the future doesn't completely erase the past. For sure. It's a story that resonates way beyond it. Absolutely. So as we wrap up this whole deep dive, what are the big takeaways here? Like, what can we learn from this stadium saga? Well, I think the biggest thing is that progress shouldn't mean bulldozing history. You know, like the CSF Stadium, it's more than just a building. It represents memories, community, identity, demolition. Even if it leads to something new, it's still a loss. Yeah. Watching that YouTube video really drove that home. You could feel the weight of history in those crumbling stands. And it makes you think about those reader comments, too. All that anger and frustration, like they're being ignored. Exactly. Which brings us to another key point. Transparency is crucial. When decisions about public projects, especially something as big as a stadium, happen behind closed doors, it creates this breeding ground for distrust. Like that whole no bidding thing with the design contract. Not a good look. Yeah. Transparency builds trust, and trust is like the glue that holds the community together. So what's the final takeaway? What's the big aha moment for our listeners? For me, it's this community engagement isn't just a checkbox. It's the key to making sure that progress actually benefits everyone. The mayor's idea of getting input from athletes, that's a start, but it needs to go deeper. What do the residents want? How will this new stadium serve the community beyond just hosting matches? These are the questions that need to be asked, and the answers need to shape the project's future. It's about making sure everyone has a voice you know, not just the people in charge. Exactly. It's about building a future together. We've explored the past, dissected the present, and now the future of the West Stadium. Well, it's in the hands of the people of Soria. But this deep dive, it's not just about a stadium in Bulgaria. It's about asking ourselves how we want progress to happen in our own communities. Do we just charge ahead, bulldozing the past in the name of something new? Or do we find a way to honor our history while building something that truly serves everyone? We've given you the info, the different viewpoints, the hopes, the doubts. Now it's your turn. What do you think? Is a shiny new stadium enough to revitalize a city, or is something more needed? We want to hear your thoughts. Thanks for joining us on this deep dive into the heart of Ge'em. Until next time, keep asking questions, keep exploring, and keep diving deep.

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