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Beware of Modern Idolatry- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Beware of Modern Idolatry- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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The speaker discusses the topic of modern idolatry, explaining that idol worship has evolved over time. While traditional forms of idol worship, such as shrine worship, are less common now, modern idolatry still exists. The devil has modernized idol worship, offering people new things to worship instead of traditional idols like trees and stones. The speaker emphasizes that idolatry is not limited to physical objects, but can also involve giving time, power, loyalty, and devotion to anything other than God. The speaker warns that many people are unknowingly committing idolatry and will be judged for it. They also mention that some Christians still engage in traditional forms of idol worship, even in Christian schools and marriages. Overall, the speaker urges listeners to be aware of modern idolatry and remain devoted to God. may come to join me as I ordain our new pastor and God will bless you in Jesus name clap for Jesus hallelujah so we'll be talking about an interesting topic all our messages are always interesting i was so surprised when i started receiving messages from uh different countries different different countries i was so so surprised they give me joy that there are people that still listening and read our messages and my desire for us is that uh we will become doers of this world in Jesus name so what i'll be discussing with you this morning is titled beware of modern idolatry beware of what modern idolatry if i ask you what is the meaning of idolatry some of you will say the word idolatry is also known as idol worship worshiping of idol but the one we are talking about now is not the one that we usually known which is the ancient idolatry we are talking about the modern world idolatry if you go through the streets you will not see any shrine again shrines are not common not like in those days everything in 90s in 80s and 70s and i believe in the 80s something i think you will not see church just we were not seeing shrine commonly again that was where you were not seeing churches those days i went together so when you walk in the street you don't see idol worshiping like pratika shrine again that does not mean that idol worshiping is not going on that does not mean that people don't worship idol again because we are not seeing it everywhere does not mean that people don't worship idol that's what we call the modern idolatry they have modernized it the devil has modernized it the devil is aware that the church always push against the ancient idolatry but the church as the devil has commonly preserved it and say well instead of the people to be coming to bow down to trees to worship water to worship stone to worship wood to worship iron to worship thunder let us give them another thing to worship so it is called more than what i do let me more than what i do let you let us go to the book of exodus chapter 20 verse 3 exodus chapter 20 verse 3 the bible says in exodus 20 i read verse 3 thou shall have no other gods before me that shall what i have no other gods before me now when god wrote this commandment and it gave to the people of israel the reason he gave it to them was because they were coming from egypt and egypt they have more than 2 000 idols that they worship just only egypt they have more than what 2 000 idols that they worship and that was why when god wanted to fight against them through moses it did miracle for 10 days each of those miracles quantified the idol they worship the egyptians they were worshiping the idols of flies so what did god do he allowed flies swamps of flies to cover the city which was what they were worshiping to fight against them they were worshiping water a ton water to what to blood i would have said wine a ton water to what to blood now if you see the way it was going god fought against their idol worshiping so now these people of israel they are leaving egypt they are not going to the promised land god sent a message to them you shall have no other words gods let us go to first corinthians chapter 10 verse 14 first corinthians chapter 10 verse 14 just listen attentively you will be blessed this morning first corinthians chapter 10 verse 14 the bible says in verse 14 wherefore my dearly beloved flew from what you are not putting your bibles flew from what flew from idolatry this is what god told them my dearly beloved this is the new testament now he said don't only flew from fornication is it also flew from what idolatry idolatry is is the worship of unknown god and the word idolatry from the dictionary means to worship anything beside god anything beside god is idol worshiping even if it is this iron or this glass if it is this puppet anything that is beside god anything beside god is called what idolatry so idolatry is not only when you go to a shrine and you are worshiping something anything you worship beside god becomes an idolatry and the word worship because when we talk about idolatry who is with the microphone i'm hearing the sound somebody's with other microphones where's the other microphone i'll put it up hallelujah amen now when we talk about idol worshiping it involved the worshiping of any other gods and there is no worship without time anything they it means that number one there must be time connected to that thing you keep that thing worth time number two anything they call worship you keep that thing power within so when we say idol worshiping we are saying something that you so much give power within more than god we are saying something that you so much give time to more than god it becomes idolatry because that worship goes with time it goes with what time and it also goes with power within number two number three it goes with loyalty so when we say worship the word worship we are coming to worship god i am coming for worship i want to worship god number one that word worship means that you are giving time to that what thing praise the lord it means you are giving what time to that so when you say you are coming to church to worship are you not giving time you're supposed to be at home you're supposed to be cooking you're supposed to be sleeping but you decided to come to church this sunday morning to worship god so worship is only when you sing because what you call worship is a i do not we worship you you think singing is worship singing is part of worship singing is not entirely what worship so when we talk about worship i am worshiping this thing it means that number one you give time to that what that thing number two you give your power with it that means nothing come about that thing that thing is number one in your life even if it comes to anything again you put those things aside you say no this one first you mean that you are worshiping that thing so anything you worship you give what power with it then number three you give your loyalty you are loyal to that thing you are submissive to that thing you are bowing down to that thing that is worship then number four when we talk about worship it means that that thing is most valuable that thing is what is more is what is most valuable so when we say modern idolatry we are talking about modern worshiping of idol people are still worshiping idol even in the church there are people that worship idol so idol worshiping is not when somebody go to bathroom to shrine idol worshiping is not when somebody you know go somewhere and he's paying uh he's pouring water on the ground he's buying wine or alcohol and pouring and calling the name of the idol that is ancient idolatry that has been existing from time immemorial but there is a modern kind of idolatry and that is why when we get to eternity some people will be sent to hell for idolatry and they will be surprised i didn't worship any idol when i was on earth why did you send me to hell for idolatry and god we said but you worship this because they don't understand that the word worship is the thing you give your most preset time to the thing that takes your most priority people are worshiping today and they don't know they're committing idolatry until when they die and discover that anything beside god anything that makes you to take god out of the equation makes you what an idol worshiper hallelujah the last of it all the word worship also means devotion you are devoted to that thing you are what you are devoted to that thing idolatry is committed through worshiping you can never be an idol worshiper without you worshiping that thing so an idol idolatry is committed through worshiping through serving and through devoting to that thing more god you devoted to each you are devoting your time devoting your energy more than god you remove god from the equation you are idol worshiper and this is the truth that many people are scared to tell you they don't understand that god his name is called jealous what people don't know that that word jealous god i think that is what god is you know what they say for example now this is brother allahu that's pastor tundi when i say today has jealousy he has what there's even between pastor tundi has jealousy than his name is codeword jealousy god doesn't just have jealousy god is codeword his name let me sometime when you are worshiping god he says oh jealousy i thank you his name is codeword just when you say yeah jehovah his name is called jealousy it means at the moment time you begin to worship other thing beside him you are putting on the world jealousy and he's waiting for you in eternity where he will judge you from his jealousy so when we talk about idolatry people don't speak this topic because when we start teaching this topic the two edges sword when it starts piercing to the dividing axon that men will begin to see their reality that they have been a long time what i do worship hallelujah hallelujah so idolatry is the worship of false gods false god anything beyond there are christians today that still worship asian idolatry there are people that travel to the village they say pastor we are going for christmas uh christmas traveling in the village when they go to the village the asians idol worship they still do it they still do it in their villages they masquerading everything they put their masquerade clothes in the village and in the short they have quiet clothes when they finish putting on quiet garments and they put it off and they go and they talk to the village where masquerade they say give to see that what belongs to and to go what belongs to what idol worshippers so you discover that even in christian school in christian marriages when it comes to christian marriages you will discover that they will say according to tradition you must do this you must do that you must bow down to this you must say this they must pour water on the ground you must work on water they must i do worshipping they'll begin to engage it into your marriage and because you don't want to offend people you start bowing down to what i do or not to you so idol worshipping is still going on even in christian or even the ancient idol worshipping is going on is going on in many homes in many families in many churches idol worshipping one of the reasons we don't use anointing oil i'm not against anointing oil i use it sometime when people need it i just pray for them to take it people worship anointing oil even more than the name of jesus there are people that worship their pastor at the point of accident that we say the god of abu the god of peterson the god of this am i right the scriptural guidelines that connotes the name of god i put it aside and we start placing denomination we start shifting and i don't know what is going on people worship false god they bow down to images even in the church they bow down to images there are images in many churches images of jesus images of mary images of paul images of silas i don't know that there's images of judas but there are many words images and they say it doesn't matter it's god we are connecting no i do not think it's a subtle worship of other gods unconscious to you unconsciously you may not be aware of that but you are subtly worshiping other gods and that is why god is warning us against modern idolatry modern ancient idolatry is still hiding under the modern idolatry and they appear to be good and normal but before god they are called idolatry so what are the levels of idolatry i said i'm not taking your time what are the levels of idolatry so that you will know whether you are idol worshiper and so that you can repent this money number one we call the we have it the idolatry of self say the idolatry of self yeah the idolatry of self is the first worship many of us so much worship ourself you don't know you worship yourself you are worship your appearance some of you if you don't put on perfume will not come to church some of you if you don't make up you will never come to what church so we worship ourselves more than god anything that comes between you and god is idol is the idol of your life anything that makes you to disobey god accurately has become the idol of your life so we worship ourselves some people worship themselves they spent ten million naira how about you see celebrities they spent money to carry out surgical operation on their body they call it plastic surgery some of them they had something to their breast am i right extra extra large breast am i right and they put silicone inside their body their heart to their bum bum am i right you are you are pretending so much you know what i'm saying more than me are we together they will add what extra bum bum they are worshipping their bodies worshipping themselves you will never see them obey god they worship themselves they worship their beauty they worship their handsomeness this word selfie is not a it's not i'm not saying it's bad but some people are so much so much engulfed with themselves that every time they do selfie just to admire themselves every time they idolatry of the self idolatry of the self praise the lord and the worshipping of self is idolatry people don't know they think that things are not bound to worship any idol they're not idol worshiper you idol worshiper you worship yourself yourself is more important than the bible yourself is more important than anything i remember when we were building the other church there before we moved on your worship was a particular one of our members it cannot do it cannot work it will never work you will just you will just be walking like this pastor will be carrying block you will see this guy will just come like this and walk like this and look at it and say well done sir i'll walk again worshipping self who am i to stress myself in the work of god and walk again worshipping self who am i to stress myself in the work of god who am i to stress myself who am i to get in my body to make sure i get i can't this my skin is expensive worshipping ourselves money you should have used to take care of your your your relatives and friends assemblies people are spending millions of naira for clean body cream just for body cream the worship of what ourselves and we don't know when we start going there gradually because it comes as a normal thing just like when we take it to the school with you that the things of this world is already becoming normal in the world in the church the things of this world is becoming normal in the church not everybody like my teaching and i don't care i don't what i don't care i don't care and that is why i don't even like going for invitation because i will preach the way god want me to what to preach a church invited me after i finished preaching i called for altar call almost all the church what came out and the pastor took me to his back office i went to the office each of them said they call me drummer is a courtesan keyboardist is a fornicator when they started confessing they say i just called the pastor this time come please i'm very sorry there are some things you need to know he said later i said they should say it again court is i said what's going to say in it and you are playing instrument they say it's very bad because we don't care about the eternity of the keyboardist we don't care about the eternity of the drummer all that we care about is let them come and play his people will die so the worship of self is going on the worshipping of self so people cannot even enter if rainfall they cannot enter this route and come to church they say the ground is messy when crisis came when there was crisis in worry in 2000 i think in 90 in 1990 in 2000 i think 2002 there was crisis in worry you will see people running inside river people that cannot sleep running for their life trying to save self when we so much start worshipping about self we begin to give god the reason we cannot serve him well but we can do those the same thing in our businesses we can do those the same thing for writing exam no matter how how messy the environment is you must go and write your exam the worship of self the idolatry of what worshipping self some worship their clothing and adornments when they dress and they come to church or they come go to a quick occasion they start looking their body like this praise the lord have you been to some occasion when you mistakenly just eat them though you look as well conscious of what because of what what when my mother died i carry all our expensive and crowd nobody i said okay everything she has done nothing useless it was my other sister i just take it i came and packaging useless the few months i wanted to collect the sewer useless the things you are that is taking your time from god they will later become useless people will start to run away from them the idol worshipping of self worship beauty they worship adornment they worship clothing as a christian if it's not the life of christ praise the lord number two is idolatry of human being there are people that worship human they worship humans praise the lord they worship humans idolatry of humans you worship human being even if the person tell you to hate god you will hate god it's a person that have financing over you and god you are idol worshipper you may say no i'm giving him or not you are idol worshipper number three there's idolatry of money this one is very common idolatry of what money if this one is number one is trendy there are people that don't read their bible they don't pray they don't come to church because of money and that is why when we get to eternity i said a pastor i was watching a pastor yesterday night he said he was very angry about us some fathers in the lord in nigeria did him some things that were not good and he made a statement so when we get to heaven there will be great surprise i tell you when we get to heaven there will be what great surprise there are pastors you never heard about when you get to heaven jesus will be talking about them and there are pastors you have so much heard about when you get to heaven jesus will say i never know them there will be i'm telling you there'll be big surprise when we get to heaven even inside this church there are people that have never climbed pulpits are you with me i never will say i know them and there are people that have been climbing pulpits and i was i just i don't know him i don't know him so we must be careful as we journey to heaven idolatry of money when you start loving money it will pain you that you miss your business or you didn't go to your job it will pay you more than when you miss church love of money when love of money starts coming gradually you will start that your commitment is with what he done it will be giving you legitimate reason why you shouldn't give god much time the devil is wicked is wicked if you shake life very well the time you spend with god for a whole month is no more than 10 hours calculate whether this church or i know there are many churches that spend almost seven hours for one service if you shake very well an average church you don't spend more than 10 hours in what in a month go and calculate how many hours we have in a month but the idol of money will make you to feel like even that small that one 10 hours for a month is three too big the idol of what money jesus said you cannot serve god and mama people don't they wake up in the morning they just recite john 3 and do the name of the father and they bundle themselves to work they don't have intimate relationship with god again because of money if you are a member of this church and you are like that then you don't understand what i am preaching when you wake up in the morning first acknowledge god as long you are going at let god become the first place in your life in your place of work let god be what the first place there the idol of money we call it the god of mama praise the lord and there are people like that christians worshiping money worshiping money idol of money they don't have time for evangelism again you know there are people that the they don't come to when is this service the only time they come to church is what huh and yet that's something they will not become they will still think it's too much this sunday they only come to church on sunday they don't come on wednesday that's sunday that they are coming once which is four times in a month they think it's too much they want to reduce it to one time in the world and the next day will be telling you say in the western world it's not about going to church is it are you not seeing what is happening in western world are you not seeing that there is gay revolution man and man sleeping together do you want her to come to nigeria they say nigeria is too religious it's not about praying too much nigeria is playing but they are corrupt but we are not gay we are not saying we are legalizing gay let us manage ourself like this the worship of i thought took christianity away from america america when it started america were like africa go to 80s the 80th century go to 70 70 centuries 50th century when america was still born a reviver africans were traveling down there for reviver but america started saying that there is no time you know when the church starts making service you know what we call fast food service praise the lord we have the fast food service the indomie service 30 minutes are close you come six o'clock you leave by 6 30 they say we don't need to keep them for a long time why will you keep them for two hours don't you understand that they need to go and do other things and when you start building them up like that you will discover that personally they will not be able to spend time with god because you have taught them that there is no importance of what spending time with god is and this is what we are looking for and i started affecting america so america won our service if we won our service if you are not done with one hour service you will see a member if they continue if they observe that you are doing that every day they will sue you to court and say our pastor doesn't consider our private life they will sue you to court you're not not i said that a member will go and report you to government uh let's keep us for long and now look at the state that that was at a lower than the standard they reduce the time they reduce service worship 10 minutes message 20 minutes lost where they close look at the state yeah if you want to eat better fighters and chicken is it 10 minutes sister come for say it now when you want to eat fighters and chicken don't you spend time to cook huh and you spend time to cook at most one hour 30 minutes two hours you are done with your cooking or three hours it depends on the type of food but if it is fried right i mean the indomie indomies are many minutes and they say even indomies affected is damaging the earth fast food damage because of the worship of money people have so much worship money that they are the one giving god time hallelujah the worship of money number four is the idolatry of power the idolatry of what of what of power so there are people that they can do anything to just get that power even in government in politics even in the house of god even in the community they can kill to just get power and the last of it all is the idolatry of pleasure the idolatry of pleasure are you writing so when we talk about pleasure there number one sex number two sleep number three is laziness you don't know you can worship sex you don't know you can wash your sleep praise the lord you don't know you can worship laziness when you start observing that laziness is making you not to have time with god or sleep is making you not to have time with god sleep is making you not to pray sleep is making you not to read your bible sleep is making you not to come to church you're already worshiping sleep praise the lord and this idolatry so when god is taking people that worship iron and stone to hell he will put you alongside all of you you are there he said but i didn't worship any iron he said but you worship your sleep because when i want you to do something you will say you are tired praise the lord when i was speaking to you that go and talk to that your neighbor that your neighbor will soon die you told me i beg you are tired must you talk to everybody the one you obey is your what is your god hallelujah guys i don't want idolatry of pleasure so when does a team become idolatry when does a team become idolatry because we have to strike a balance does it mean we should not also does it mean we should not work does it mean that we should not meet family needs does it mean that we should not pursue career no we are not saying that so when does a team become idolatry number one something becomes idolatry when we can disobey the word of god just to please that thing or just to get that thing you can disobey the word of god to get that thing that is idolatry if you can obey god and still get it is not what idolatry so anything that makes you disobey let me disobey god just to get that thing it's idolatry it's idolatry you can worship your friends one of my sister in the lord got married praise the lord to her husband she never knew her husband was drinking that actually husband is a committed person in the church in fact if i'm not mistaken the security uh is this security department something like that it's a type of marriage sometimes we go for parties and come back and we soak with alcohol he said you didn't tell me you were drinking i said no that i'm drinking i don't usually drink every time but anytime i visit my friends you know for me not to behave like a jew i just have to play along so when they present the bottle i would just have to watch things see i don't on my own i will not buy it it's worshiping is what his friends so if he does not meet his friend he cannot what drink but as long as he meet his friends he must what drink that is idolatry so anything that make you to disobey the written instruction of god is your idol worshiping and that is why in those days there was so much persecution but you don't see that is there persecution now no everybody is buying that to idol of boss idol of oga that some of you if you're gonna come to me and tell you that we want to stop you uh what are the days you go to church you say i go to church on sunday i go to church on wednesday we want to put your work then you'll be working on sunday on wednesday so i'm good my brother if you don't want to leave this job some of you will bow down you say let me not offend my brother i i see let me tell you the truth you don't know that god test us before he promotes us praise the lord he will intentionally present it to you god be a lot of temptation you know you were the one that was crying when you have not gotten job those days oh god i didn't give this job i will slap you till i die he gave you his job now you are bowing down amen praise the lord there are some of you your girl will ask you to go and carry a prostitute and bring you say as long i'm not the one sleeping with her now i just have to be my god no where are those who do not get christianity when you will look at your god face to face i said i love you but except the man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of god but now we bow down to our god your boss will ask you to go and bring prostitute you know your boss is a married man you go and call prostitutes for your boss we have lost christianity and we are praying for revival which revival you don't know that revival begins from repentance where are those days you will stand and say oh god give me jesus and take what and take your word but we have lost those days because we want to please people we want to please people the former s.u. s.u. of early 2000 of 90s this is where christianity the s.u. then you will see sisters who will never give in to their boss who sleep with them today we see christian aligning their bosses to what to sleep with them they say no matter now jesus is the god of love and where there's one pastor i love so much the pastor said that sin cannot take a man to hell they will not be jumping yes hallelujah sin cannot take a man to hell he put with the sin cannot take a man to hell why did jesus come to die if it were if it was not a serious issue why will he come to die so they worship the god of their boss they worship idol of their boss

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