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Conquering A Whole Community For Christ complete message mp3- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Conquering A Whole Community For Christ complete message mp3- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

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This is a prayer and teaching session where the speaker thanks God for the ministry and asks for blessings and guidance. The speaker talks about the importance of conquering territories for Christ and cites Bible verses about spreading the gospel to all nations. They emphasize that everyone, regardless of their role in the church, should be involved in soul winning and bringing people to Christ. The speaker encourages the audience to go out into the world and preach the gospel. They stress the importance of fulfilling the great commission and bringing light to communities. Father, we thank you for this moment. We appreciate you for the leadership. Thank you for my beloved sisters and brothers who have taken it upon themselves to make sure they are here at the beginning of the ministry. This is the second time we are meeting over here at Agbede. Lord, we commit this section into your hands because of the things you have shown to us, the things you have revealed to us. We are asking you, Lord, at this moment, bless our lives in Jesus' name. We bind every spirit that wants to oppose the word of God, misinterpret the message, and to make us want to become partakers of the plan and the things God has promised to do for us and the ministry. We ask of you, Lord, that every spirit that wants to oppose your divine plan and mandate that is committed into our hands, we bind and cast out that spirit in Jesus' name. Holy Spirit, we ask of you that you take absolute control. Move in our midst. Thank you, Father, because you are faithful. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Now, because of the things God has revealed to us and revealed to me concerning the ministry and the future, today's date is what again? 26th of what? July 2021. Of which we are having the second meeting concerning the Believers in You As Fellowship. And because we are starting here at the foundation of the ministry, we will be discussing a very important message concerning on how we can conquer this territory for Christ. And I know God is going to give it to us. God will give us this territory. It will not just be this community. It will be even the local government. And then God will give us a state. Lagos State is for Jesus. And then God will give us Nigeria. And then God will give us Africa. And then the whole world in Jesus' name. Now we will be considering the topic, conquering a whole community for Christ. Is it possible to conquer a whole community? Yes, it is possible. Is it possible to conquer a whole territory? Yes, it is possible. Is it possible to conquer a whole local government area? Very, very possible. As well, is it possible to conquer a whole state? It is possible. Is it possible to conquer a nation? It is very possible. Conquering a whole community for Christ. We are going to discover here principles that we can use, not just to conquer only Agbede or Ikurudu, but also to conquer the nations. And this is why we must understand what God will be communicating to us. Let us open our Bibles to the book of Matthew chapter 28. Matthew 28 verse 18 to verse 20. Matthew chapter 28 from verse 18 to verse 20. Matthew chapter 28. I read from verse 18 now. The Bible says from verse 18. And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach all nations. In fact, the vision was what? Nations. Discipling all nations. Teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. We are going to do our first water baptism. We are going to give you the date. Verse 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Now, over here you discover that Jesus Christ had finished his mission. Then he passed over to the disciple the commission. He finished his mission. He was about to ascend. But then before he left, he gave the disciple a commission. And he said, I came for the Israelites. And I was successful in fulfilling the thing the Father gave to me, the vision that the Father gave to me. Now I am about to ascend to heaven. And he told the disciples, is it likewise? Go and teach all nations. Go and preach to all nations. Go and disciple all nations. Let us go to the book of Mark chapter 16. Mark 16 verse 16 to verse 20. Mark chapter 16. I read from verse 16 down to verse 20. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believed. In my name shall they cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues, and they shall take up serpents. And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall be recovered. So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they that went forth preached everywhere at the Lord working with them, confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Now you discover that over here, Mark was still speaking on the same thing Matthew was speaking on. Mark said, the Lord gave us a commission to go into the world and make disciples of every nation. The vision God has given us, the moment you give your life to Christ, the calling, which is the general calling, is that everybody must be a soul winner. Get this clear. There is a difference between a soul winner and an evangelist. You may be an evangelist, or like I say, you can be a soul winner without being an evangelist. Get this clear. An evangelist is quoted from the word evangelion, which means the gospel. So an evangelist is a person that goes to preach what? The gospel. They go out to preach the gospel. But a soul winner is someone that don't just preach the gospel, but win the souls unto the Lord. That means a prophet, the reason he's a prophet is to also win what? Souls. He may not be going out like the evangelist. Are you getting me now? But those that come to meet him, he first introduces them to Christ because the vision is to become soul winners. We win them unto the Lord. A pastor whose vision or whose calling is to groom up the people committed into his care, who is a leader over a congregation, a pastor should also, with the aim of marshaling them for their soul winning, a teacher should be able to teach the Bible to the understanding of the Scripture, that the people may be able to come to the knowledge of the truth for the salvation of their souls. An apostle whom God has given the administrative gift and has the leadership ability that he can even function in different offices, he has some gift of the Spirit. The apostle is not only just to plant the church, but also to win them into the church. And when God gives these gifts, the reason he gives gifts to men is so that we can be effective in the ministry of reconciliation. The ministry of reconciliation is reconciling the people who have gone far away from God, bringing them back to God. The ministry of reconciliation is to meet the perishing and then you become a bridge of contact between the perishing and the life giver and then you bring them back to the life giver so that they can have life. The ministry of reconciliation is to take the gospel, the saving gospel that saves your soul, and then you reach out to the community of the people you see, the indwellers, and then you preach to them about the saving Christ, Christ the crucified, and then you point them to Jesus for the salvation of their soul. Now that the Lord has given us a commission over this territory, we are talking about the way by which we can conquer a territory. We are not talking about an individual soul now, we are talking about a territory. Now what can we do to bring light to the territory? Remember, Jesus never told the sinners to come to the church. He told the church to go to meet the sinners. Go ye into the world where the sinner dwells. A lot of Christians are saying, there is no need for us to go into the world. Why should we go into the world? Let them come to the church. There is no need for me to go to the world of the prostitutes. You will see a sister that professes to be born again for about 10 years, 20 years, never a day she has gone to the world of the prostitutes to preach to them. She is not fulfilling the commission that Christ has given to the church. Now you see that everybody feels satisfied now. The moment you get born again, you just remain in the church. That is all. Nobody asks the mindset and the motivation that the moment you get born again, you are recruited into the service and the vineyard of God to become a soul winner. You were saved to save others. Christ saved you at an essential to save those around you. Jesus will not come down again for the second time in flesh and they begin to go through Galilee, Campanion, even to that again. He is not raising you up at an essential to meet those people who have not Christ in them. Conquering a whole community for Christ, the mission of the great commission calls for the involvement of all who have claimed to experience the saving grace of God. If the commission for you has been there that God has given to us, you must not just say it is Peterson's commission. If it is your commission for the fact that you are born again and for the fact that in this community we have unsaved people, it becomes a responsibility. It will be unfortunate that you profess to be born again and those in your community who are sinners, dead in sin and transgression, you do not feel the impact of their eternal domination. To be unfortunate. For the fact that you are born again, you are recruited for the great commission. We are to go into the world to rescue the people from the world of darkness and to bring them into the lightening kingdom of God. Bring them to the knowledge of the truth, the saving grace. Bring them to the truth, the one that saves. Jesus Christ who is the head of the church and shepherd of his sheep has given the commission to every Christian believer irrespective of their religious positions. That's why I said the pastor, the prophet, the teacher, the evangelist, we are all what? Soul winners. Well, the pastor may say, I am not an evangelist. Well, we don't argue that with you, you are not an evangelist, but you are a soul winner. So, most times we say, well, we misinterpret the ministry of soul winning for the ministry of what? Evangelist. Whenever we talk about soul winning, you say, well, these are the words for the evangelist, it is not for us. Unknown to you that even evangelist is called to be a soul winner, just like the pastor is called to be what? Soul winner. So, each time we mention soul winning, you shouldn't narrow it to only the evangelist. No. Even some evangelist, they just only preach and give utter call and leave their community. After they give utter call, some of them are not even truly saved, they will hand over those souls to pastors. Are you getting me now? Evangelist just come and spread the seed. The Bible says some of the seed will fall on what? Stone, some on tombs, some on good soil. Am I right? Yes, that is the work of an evangelist. They come and spread the seed. What is the seed? The word of God and goes. But for the watering of the seed, it grows. It is responsibility of the pastor, responsibility of the prophet, even responsibility of the evangelist himself. Apostle Paul, he said, I preach as I sow Apollo's water. Who gives the increase? God. God has brought us into this community, to the community where you stay. And you must understand that the sinners in those communities where you stay, it is your responsibility to preach to save them. You are preaching to what? Save them. That is where the many long evangelisms we are doing. We don't preach to save them to come to church first. You preach to make sure they are saved before they are recruited. The mistakes the churchies are doing today is what led to false preachers, arising of false preachers. Someone who is not really saved, is not really born again, who we are not even sure his name is in the book of life. Because you preach to that person, he came to church the first time, the pastor said, brother you are welcome, please put him among these departments, who is not saved. And because you place that brother into a particular department, he feels no need to be saved. Because already unsaved man is not doing service for saved people. So what is the need for him to be saved again? That is where canality begins to creep into the church. And the pastors who have, I would like to always trust, good speakers, they can speak very well, who are not saved, born again, they are not born again. But because they have high intelligence, or they have high IQ, maybe some of them, they went good courses in school, and they are graduates, some of them master, PhD holders. And then the pastor looked at them and said, well, we make you a pastor, a man who is not saved. Who had not the life and spirit of God in him, became a pastor. Imagine what he will be teaching, he will be teaching human knowledge, no revelation, no revelation. He begins to teach what he thinks is correct, not what the spirit of God is saying to the churches. You must understand that for the people to be saved, you must know the correct message that the spirit of God is speaking towards the churches. He said, he that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit, the spirit of God, when he begins to communicate to a church in a particular season, and to speak to my church about this thing, the man of God is deaf. In fact, he does not have personal relationship with God. Because he was just added to the pastoral department, because they want parishes everywhere, they want branches everywhere, they want churches everywhere. You begin to see dead men on the pulpits. And what can the dead give, if not rottenness. For the soul we need to be effective, we must have men who have a contact with God. Men who knows what the spirit is saying to the churches. When you go into the world, you don't preach denomination, you preach Christ and being crucified. As a matter of fact, God is not denominational, God is universal. There is no redeemed in heaven, deeper life in heaven. So if you are still the type that says, well, I am a member of this church, this denomination, I die here, you have not yet understood the correct move of the spirit. Because the Holy Ghost does not know church, when he is coming to bless you, he does not know whether your church is existing. The misapplication of the evangelistic commission or so many commissions has led to the perversion and the corruption of the work of God. Jesus said, go ye into the world and teach. Unfortunately, we go into the world and bring into the church. Jesus said, when you go into the world, he didn't say preach, at the time he said preach to all nations. But after preaching, he came to the second point and he said what? Teaching them to observe all things. What is the mistake we are doing today? We go here into the world, you know what we do? We preach to all nations, very correct, through radio, internet, we preach to all nations. But we bring them into the church, not to teach them, but to start serving God and start doing service for God. And the people that are not yet taught are not becoming teachers in Sunday schools. Praise the Lord. However, professing to have Christ as Savior and Lord without prompt obedience to this commission is a direct disobedience to him. And God does not have disobedient children. If you say you are born again and this commission that God has committed into our hands here is not a burden that you can, because maybe some of you that are living at Kuluye or K2 or you are living at Yaba and it's not a burden. This work of God in Agbede, oh God, what about the souls? How would the work of God be going? Can only this brother do it? Can he just be going everywhere, going from Monday to Sunday and not be coming once? What sacrifice can that be? These are people going to hell. They are dying every day. Every day they are dying and going to hell. What clarion call can you give? For example now, you see those that went to the river to swim and they began to drown. One of them, they shout, Ebb! They will go down under the water and come up again and say, Ebb! You know me, I have experienced it too. Ebb! In the place where they shouted Ebb, that is where the water entered their mouth. Now, you are close to the river bank, you saw somebody shouting, Ebb! And you are saying, what concern me? I have not eaten since morning. Everybody with their own problem. Somebody is dying. If God said, Agbede, the people here are going to hell, have you taken it as personally? Is it because it has not come to your family members? The Great Commission is not pastoral service. The Great Commission is the service for all believers. For the fact that you claim to be born again, it becomes automatically your service. The only proof you can show to God that you love God, is not your tithe and your offering. That is part of it. But the proof, which is one of the greatest proof, that you can prove to Christ and say, Christ, you are my Lord indeed, is a response to the Great Commission. As we observe many communities in our localities, Christ's saving power seems to be lacking in such regions. As the rate of crime and adulterous practices is of high increase. Therefore, every saved believer should arise with the armor of Christ. Having their feet shooed with the preparation of the gospel of peace. And with the mandate of the Christ's commission to conquer territories for Christ. By shining forth the light of the gospel in every dark community. You see powers of darkness, when they come to this place, and they discover that there are lights here. I am telling you, not that they will run away. Because there is light, they don't want to stay here, to put off all lights. But Christians, when they come to a place that is full of darkness, they will run away. You will not begin to ask, I thought God said, we are the light of the world. I think light is best expressed in darkness. But people say, no, let me go and turn on that light. The light you say you carry, you cannot shine it in a place that already has light. You know when you put many bulbs in this house, almost all the bulbs will become useless. Because you can't see their glow here again. But carry one of those bulbs and go to a dark place and put that bulb there. You will see the importance of that bulb. We have so much gathered in places, we have gathered ourselves and we are in a place that we have many churches, light everywhere. What about the place that has no light? Your relevance, what I do tell people, you will not know that you have the Holy Ghost power until you go out to dark communities. That is when you will know that you have anointing that you never knew you had. Because you are in the midst of people that everything looks bright, you think that you are not spiritual. Let God send you to a community and you obey God. That is when you know that you can raise the dead. My friend was telling me a situation that happened in Abuja. It was in the church alone, a man was coming with his child. I don't know why they built the church, I don't know what happened. But the man fell down and he used his brain to hit the floor and he died. Nobody was in church. In himself, he was in an office in a room that had this kind of glass, transparent glass. You can see outside. That was how he saw the man. The little child was not crying, Daddy, Daddy. The pastor was not around. It was only him and that man in the church. They called the pastor. He took part in the situation. The pastor said he was coming, of which the pastor never came. Everything got over. He looked at the child. The little child was crying, Daddy. He said that thing touched him, the crying of the child, Daddy. This was my father. I never knew he had a legal struggle. Look at the man. He began to pray. As he began to pray, the man woke up from the dead. Newspaper never carried his name. Social media never carried his name that a man has raised his dead. You will think you are not relevant until you respond to the call of evangelism. You will think you are a bait that needs to be fed. Give me food to eat. Until you begin to ask spiritual daughters and sons. That is when you will know that you ought to be more sure to take your people. The Great Commission does not only make Jesus to be happy with us. It also builds our spiritual muscles to be spiritual indeed. If I tell you one of the secrets of my first, I would like to say, speeding Christian growth was evangelism. When I gave my life to Christ, there were two things I was dedicated to with my life. Evangelism and follow-up. I can follow you up every day for 365 days. You will get tired of me. And that is where you see some of this habit of calling you, shaking up on you. I didn't learn it because I gather you people know. I can call you, every one of you, if I have the time, every day I will be calling you to shake up on you. It builds up your spiritual muscles. It does not only bring the happiness of God on you, or the pleasing of God on you, or the pleasure of God. It also fastens your spiritual growth. So, if you want to be spiritually growing, you want to grow spiritually, you want to fast in your spiritual growth, in 4th in the ministry of sowing. Because when you begin to win souls for God, God cannot joke with you again. Because there are only few people on earth that are into this service. Now, point number 1. If we are not able to finish this topic, we will close it today. We will close it and continue later. Point number 1. Spiritual mapping. Silence pie and examination of mapped community. Spiritual mapping. Silence pie and examination of mapped community. When you read Numbers chapter 13 from verse 17 to verse 20, you will discover that Moses sent some spies to spy where? Canaan land. The promised land. He sent them to go and look. They wanted to take a territory. They were walking from Egypt to Canaan land. Canaan land was his destination. Canaan land was a place they needed to conquer. Before they conquered that place, he sent a spy. He said, go and tell us the situation of that place. Let us go to the book of Numbers. Numbers chapter 13. Numbers 13 verse 17. When Moses sent them to exploit Canaan. He said, go up to the Negev. Go up to the Negev. Okay. Go up to the field country. Okay. See what the land is like. See what the land is like. Continue. And whether the people who live there are strong or weak. Few or many. What kind of land do they live in? Is it good or bad? What kind of towns do they live in? Are they on world or fortified? How is the soil? Is it fertile or poor? Are there trees in it or not? Do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land. Do your best. Not only tell us what you see. Bring a product of the land to us. It was the season for the first white grapes. So they went out and exploited the land from the desert of Zim. As far as Rio. They went up to the Negev. Continue from verse 25. At the end of 40 days, they returned from exploiting the land. After 40 days of spiritual mapping. Continue. They came back to Moses and Aaron. And the whole Israelite community at Kedesh. In the desert of Paran. Continue. There they reported to the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land. Continue. They gave Moses this account. We saw the place it was fertile indeed. Continue. Now. This was their response to Moses. While we went there. We saw all the things he told us. But among the things that were precious. There were. Now please look up here. The lamp was milk and honey. But they were powerful people. The end of the work is milk and honey. But the process to the end. They are powerful people. Continue. Look what happened. And the cities are fortified. And very large. And very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there. Okay. Giants. Continue. Okay. They live in the. In the hill country. Near the sea. The 13th. Silence the people before Moses and said. We should go up and take possession of the land. Now. There is a different perspective. God will raise up Caleb. There are people that will come to the land. Of which God has given them a mission to. Or they carry the news back. If you go there. You will die. Don't near there at all. Me. I only wonder. When I wonder. I chose God. Not me or you. I think that voice I heard. I have to examine that voice again. It is not from God. That land. Oh God. If you see the giants. You look like ants before them. But not Caleb. Not Caleb. Now. Why was it not Caleb? These people gave their report. Forgetting that God said. This land I have given to you. When God said. I have given you this thing. Don't allow what you see again. To affect you. Except you have not spoken. When God said. He has given us at the day. Whether there are giants here. Is not our business again. Caleb said forget about that. He opposed that because. That kind of news. If the congregation hears. They will start. They will start lamenting. They will not forget what God. They will forget that even. Egypt was a strong place that God brought them from. They will not begin to focus on the. The giants there. Have you forgotten what God did for you at Egypt? Have you so much forget? You know some of us will easily forget things. And they say. That land Kena. And I have forgotten that there was also what? Muke. Why can't you focus more on that one? Will God give you a place. That they will not go with you. He told you. To start a business in the place. Where there are other similar business. And you are still asking God. But there are Amalekites. There are giant businesses around here. Are you sure my smaller business will succeed? Has he said you should do it? If he said do it forget what you see. We don't walk by sight. We walk by faith. Some of you might say. But Agbede is already a church in Agbede. Why is God. See he is not dealing with you as a congregational person. He is dealing with you as a personal person. It might give you a mission. In a place. Where there are the same vision. Killers said. Quiet everybody. Spies keep quiet. You are weakening the heart of these people. Let us go and take over their land. Because that was what God said. He said we give up the land. Automatically that land belongs to us. If God says Agbede is for us. We are the owner of this land. When you are walking in Agbede. Begin to say this is my land. You are giving us the land. You are giving us the land. Except I never had any revelation. Except I just came and cook up stories. And tell people. If he says take over. Whether it is wood that is in your hand. Go without wood. It will turn to sword. The spiritual mapping they went to do. Was to observe the land. But unfortunately they did it. With the eyes of fear. Not with the eyes of faith. Caleb and Joshua. No wonder God allowed them to enter the promised land. Among the generation. Only Caleb and Joshua. That made it to the promised land. You know why? They saw the promised land as inheritance. The rest saw it. As where the enemy dwells. But they saw it as their worth. Inheritance. That is why among all that Moses sent. Only Joshua and Caleb that went. That make it. Look at what Joshua said. Continue. For we can certainly do it. For they are stronger than us. The Israelites did bad reports about the land. They had exploited. They said the land we exploited. All the people we saw. They are of great size. They are of great size. Now stop there. You see they are teaching now. Their follow up now became. That land. Their visitation. When we visited this one in the tribes. To discuss about the land. Now imagine. If they took Caleb. And Joshua. Imagine Moses we feel. That would have weakened Moses. Are you getting me? Moses would have felt depressed. Why? If not Joshua and Caleb. That stood up and said. Daddy. Man of God. We are able. Come get the scotch. We can conquer them. The Caleb. That will not judge. The situation by sight. But will rest on the promise of God. The Bible says we should be followers. Of those who through. Patience and faith. Obtain their worth. Promises. That we should be followers. Of those who through us. Patience. And faith. Now spiritual mapping is required. I say because of time. In spiritual mapping. We come to evaluate the community. Not for the purpose of fear. It is for the purpose to prepare. Before we came here. Me and some of the leaders. We have come here. We were observing. As we were going around. In attempt to look for accommodation. I was observing. I was carrying out spiritual mapping. And I can tell you for the few days I have stayed here. I have not faced any oppression. No demonic oppression. Are you getting me now? Like the way I thought it was. That does not mean there is no forces. But I feel weight. And that weight. I feel inside of me. I know it is in between. That Christ has given to us. Are you getting me now? Now you discover that these people. They want to observe. Where they want to conquer. For example. That you want to open your business. You go to the place. You don't just go to where you never know. You observe the environment. Observe what is being sold there. And the population there. Before you see one person outside. The place looks like JIOA. Put your body in the door. Your business will not work. So you go for spiritual mapping. You map the place. This is what I do here. There are monks here. There are monks here. You enter the street. You are watching. To build the church. A strategic place. So that everybody can easily flow into it. That is spiritual mapping. That is what they did. And even Joshua did it. Are we together? Let us go to Joshua chapter 2. Before we go to. Joshua chapter 2. Read verse 1. Then verse 9 and 11. Joshua chapter 2. Verse 1. You see. Secretly what? Go. Look over the land. Especially Jericho. So they went. And entered the house of a person. Named Uriel. And stayed there. Yes. And said. Before the spies laid down for the night. She went up on the roof. And said to them. I know that the Lord has given this land to you. I know. The Lord was telling them. I know the land has been given to you. Now the land has been what? That was before the devil came to conquer. Your enemies. That you are scared of. Know that that place has been given to you. You know what the devil does? He only fights in you. For accomplishing what has been. Planned by God. So when we are coming to Agbede. We are not coming to take over land. We are coming to. We are coming to make what God has spoken to us. A reality. Because it has been conquered in the spirit already. Because of time. We will come to point number 2. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. 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I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. I believe you can later go through this. If I meet you and I talk to you If I meet you and I talk to you and I perceive a particular challenge from your life and I meet your brother and I talk to your brother and one way or the other, I don't know exact but I say it is similar there is no need for me to say I need to be a person before I tell you I will tell you what is happening to that family Are you getting me now? I can tell you exactly what is happening to your family I can tell you exactly what is happening to your family So, if you want to know So, if you want to know what is happening in the community what is happening in the community there is a community in Walidah there is a community in Walidah people, wife people, wife, adultery people, wife, adultery adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication Adultery is more than fornication

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