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Desperate Faith For Immediate Result- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Desperate Faith For Immediate Result- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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again i welcome you all to this wonderful special meeting in our last meeting we talk about faith that moves mountains and i still want to encourage you in case you are not in our telegram channel you won't be doing yourself good our messages like this message this very message is on that record and i believe at the end of the message it will be sent to the telegram channel so that we can all download and listen to it again and i know i know god will speak to you in the name of jesus so this morning i will be sharing with you on desperate faith for immediate results desperate faith for immediate results i understand that a lot of us have been praying a lot of us have been asking the lord for a specific need we have prayed we have fasted you have got involved in some of our programs and it appears as if god has not yet answered but god doesn't want to answer you and this has weakened your heart it's making you not to find the interest to continue in prayers you are beginning to think of maybe this god is a scam of course god is not a scam i pray to god that this message will open your eyes on your own path of responsibility for answered prayers so we are talking about desperate faith for immediate results desperate faith for immediate results in luke chapter 18 luke chapter 18 i read from verse 1 to verse 8 luke chapter 18 from verse 1 to verse 8 verse 1 and he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint saying there was in a city a church which feared not god neither regard man and there was a widow in that city and she came unto him saying avenge me of my adversary and he would not for a while but afterward he said within himself though i fear not god nor regard man yet because this widow troubled me i will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me and the lord said hear what the unjust judge said and shall not god avenge his own enemy which cried day and night mark that word day and night unto him though he be along with them i tell you that he will avenge them speedily nevertheless when the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth when the son of man comes shall he find faith on the earth i know we do explain we do give the characteristics of the last days preachers have been teaching you and they are very accurate that one of the signs of the last days is that there will be war against nations nations against nations there will be pestilences all these are very accurate signs in scriptures but may i sound it clear to every hearer that one of the signs that will be very very common in the last days is that men shall become faithless in god so faithlessness is a sign is one of the signs that that will dominate the last days is something that will be common in the last days faith will not be everywhere people will be discouraged with life is something that arrives the last days so jesus said when the son of man shall come shall he still find faith when the son of man shall come shall he find men and women that still have faith in him because already we are discouraged many of us are discouraged many of us have withdrew our faith from god we are beginning to put faith on works on the energy of man so that we can make the money ourselves somebody said we don't need to put faith in god just believe in yourself there are many teachings that are coming believe in yourself and those teachings are very dangerous believe in yourself you don't need to trust in god again believe in yourself you don't need to count on god again believe in yourself so in the last days one of the common characteristics of the last days is not that men alone will backslide is that men will lose faith in god so jesus speaking to the disciples they say iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall be good the love of many for god shall be good because faith in god has been weakened so we are talking about a desperate faith that brings immediate results we see that the widow woman kept disturbing the unjust judge and the judge said let she weigh with me let she weigh with me because she cries to me night and day and jesus said when the son of man shall come shall he find a people that will be calling upon him night and day when the son of man shall come shall he find a people that will be seeking his faith night and day already we don't pray in the night again families don't have vigil again families don't pray again families don't fast again brethren are getting discouraged people do not have the interest to call upon god in genesis i think chapter 3, 4 or 5 the bible says from that time men began to call upon god but in revelation one of the things that will be coming you know in genesis men started calling upon god may it not be that in revelation men stopped calling upon god because in the last days many will not have interest in god again because of their present challenge and that is why we are here to speak to you, i am here to tell you that you need to go and revive your faith again because your faith can still walk wonders we are living in a time of faithlessness where many walk by sight and not by faith again many walk by feelings a lot of christians have become emotional christians when they are happy they can praise god when they are sad they murmur to god when they are happy they are in fellowship when they are sad they are absent when they are happy they are ready to obey god when they are sad they have no interest to obey god so many walk many walk by feelings and not by faith many walk by popular opinions and not by faith so they have to go and consult different people my brother what are you saying about this this is what i want to do, how do you see it i am not saying that cancelling is bad i am saying that men do not have the patience to seek god again therefore human that substitutes god they go to human to seek counsel and do it without seeking the counsels of god not because cancelling is bad but because they have an ego motive to escape waiting upon god therefore they look for a short cut for them to put their whole agenda into action so men are beginning to lose faith, many are beginning to walk by popular opinions and not by faith and in this age of feelings, emotions and sight walking i believe that jesus is seeking for a desperate faith in these days where faith is not common jesus is looking for people of faith he said when the son of man shall come, shall he still find faith in these days where everybody this excuses people are complaining, let me ask you when last you prayed and your prayer was answered you see people do not have the patience to pray and to wait upon god again so you see that the moment they pray about this on monday, on tuesday they will go and consult other means to make it happen and they will come and share testimony and say by the grace of god, to the glory of god we prayed, i prayed and god answered the prayers, but they prayed on sunday or monday they went to pay money, they went to bribe for what they prayed on sunday to come to us so men do not have the patience to have faith in god again they are just religious because they don't want to be questioned why do they live with eternity they therefore decide to practice eternity with the flesh in this age of feelings and emotions, in this age of sight walking i believe that jesus is looking for desperate faith, my sister jesus is looking for your faith, my brother jesus is looking for your faith, men of god jesus is looking for your faith, i will not assure you that the challenges in ministry will not be tougher but i want to tell you that in all you face in ministry, jesus will be looking for your faith even in this storm he told the disciples, yea men of little faith jesus was expecting them to demonstrate faith before the stormy sea they were all together in the ship and jesus was at the lower part he was sleeping at the lower part when they confronted the storm it revealed that there was no faith in them, you see you can claim to be following jesus until there is storm in the sea you may claim and say oh i have intimacy with jesus imagine peter saying that jesus is my master i am always with jesus 24 7 you would have think that peter was a man of faith you would have think that peter was a man of faith, if not that the storm exposed who they really are you see if faith is not there, storm will expose it anybody can come to the pulpit and say the lord was saying to me yesterday and people will start thinking that oh this brother that always hear god is a mighty man in faith this sister that always hear god because everytime she is ministering in songs or she is preaching she will be saying and the holy spirit said to me yesterday, when the brother start preaching the word of god you will be hearing statements like oh this morning before i came to this program the holy spirit spoke to me you would think that they are people of faith until there is storm in the sea when there was storm in the sea when there was storm in the sea, jesus was with them but there was storm let me tell you that you may be in a ship where jesus is and that does not bring an excuse for storm to happen storm can still come even in the boat where jesus is storm can still come even in that assignment jesus sent you to storm can still come even in that business that god said you should go into storm can still come even in the at time in fact what differentiates our storms and the storm of this world is that although there is storm but jesus is in the boat although joseph was in the prison but jesus but god was with joseph it is god with you that brings the confirmation that you are not alone that the storm will be calmed and when there was storm what did jesus say to them because the same way jesus the same thing jesus said to them is what he is saying to all this money what did jesus say to them is a year of little faith year of little faith jesus may be in your boat and there is storm you see jesus expects you to use faith although he is there with you he knows what is happening but he expects you to use faith to attend to that case let me say this to everyone of you the presence of challenges is not the absence of god the presence the presence of difficulty is not the absence of god things are very hard does not mean that god is absent let me say this a man of god can be crying and jesus is still sitting at his side a man of god may be frustrated and jesus is still sitting at his side let me say this to you my sister you may be bowing and people are making mockery of you that does not stop you from being a friend of jesus you see jesus can be very intimately close to you and yet things are still wrong around you because you have failed to use faith if there is no faith jesus cannot move into action you must understand that faith brings god into involvement it is faith that involves god in that challenge how do you apply faith call upon me in the days of trouble and i will deliver you and you shall glorify my name call upon me and i will answer you and show mighty great and mighty things that is faith faith is you putting god into action so in these days of faithlessness god wants us to have desperate faith on him desperate faith when we talk about desperation from the million website dictionary from the dictionary meaning the word desperation means you involving or employing extreme measures in an attempt to escape defeat or frustration when you go beyond the measure just for you to rescue something just for you to meet an expectation so when somebody is desperate there is nothing else for that person to do a desperate person like for example now in africa some people that are very desperate to make money they will go to the cemetery to go and sleep some will go and make love with cops some of them because they are very desperate to make money some of them will not sleep for days because according to the sacrifice or the price attached to that thing they want to make their gods the devil he must have told them that their commitment to that money is that they won't be closing their eyes in the night they can be sleeping in the day but not in the night and you see them that because they are very desperate for the money no price becomes too difficult for them to pay where there is desperation there will be willingness to pay any price and that is the same thing that god is asking us to do so when we talk about desperation desperation means finding all means to escape a situation finding all means to escape a situation if you are still the type that you just sit one place and the best you can do is just to cry my brother you will never come out from that situation, even life itself will not bring you out of that challenges crying alone is very different from action so when things are difficult there is a measure of faith that god expects us to put into action weeping without faith is you just suffering your eyes if you just weep without applying faith let me say this to you some of you that are coming from a background where nobody is to assist you your father, your parents, your brothers your uncles, nobody is helping you and you are weeping weeping cannot make you to be greater than them you know some of you will say they will regret what they are doing you can say this 10 times and you just weep and you start to cry and say is it because I don't have money that's why they are treating me this way is it because I don't have much that is why they are treating me this way you can weep in the next 10 years you will still be broke, they will still say that what they say about you is true let me tell you what changes things, it's not weeping what changes things is when you come to realisation and you put faith in action so weeping alone will still make you to fulfil their negative prophecy their negative prophecy on you will still come to pass because you don't come out of a situation by weeping alone, weeping is ok but weeping alone does not bring a man out there are many people that looked down on me many years ago, by the grace of God I am better than them today when they looked down on me when they talked me down, how did I do it I cast my fears I cast my faith and I cast everything on Him and that was not the end I engaged in the place of prayer that was not the end I put faith into practice and that was not the end alone I put the works of faith into practice desperation from the additional minutes is when you find all means to escape a situation now what is desperate faith desperate faith number one a desperate faith is a faith that continuously knock at the door of heaven until it opens a desperate faith is when you continuously knock at the door of heaven until it opens you continuously you pray in the morning you knock at the door of heaven in the morning you knock at the door in the noon you knock at the door in the evening in the night, you keep knocking at the door not that you knock at the door one day and when there is no response you say oh my God, you change prayer point no, desperate faith will continuously knock on the door of heaven continuously knock inside the car is knocking in the place of work, you find a time, even if it is 15 minutes to knock at the door again he or she keeps knocking a desperate faith number two, a desperate faith is a faith that continuously ask seek and knock on God until there is result a desperate faith is a faith that continuously ask seek and knock on God's door until there is result number three a desperate faith doesn't give up and doesn't take no for an answer a desperate faith will not give up and will not take no for an answer until your faith come to that point whereby there is no no in your vocabulary there is no no in your dictionary you believe that God must answer he must answer so when you are desperate like that you begin to open doors results will begin to come Jesus parable of the unrighteous judge that we read in our text concerning the unrighteous judge and the widow it reveals the desperation or the desperate faith of the widow the widow had a desperate faith that was why she kept disturbing the unrighteous judge she act on what she had a desperate faith that was why she kept knocking she kept knocking she kept knocking she kept knocking at the door of the unrighteous judge she kept knocking she kept disturbing the unrighteous judge not just once in a week she kept doing that night and day she kept doing that night and day a desperate faith will keep disturbing God through prayers prayers day and night a desperate faith will keep disturbing God through prayers day and night or night and day when there is desperate faith there will be consistent praying life you pray in the morning, you pray in the noon you pray at night, you pray always you pray without ceasing a desperate faith will keep praying a desperate faith will not pray once a week day and night or night and day so where we read in Luke chapter 18 we saw a woman who was desperate who had a desperate faith she had a strong faith and that is what God is speaking to us about let us go to the book of Luke chapter 11 Luke 11 verse 5 to 10 Luke 11 verse 5 to 10 verse 5 Luke 11 and he said unto them which of you shall have a friend and shall go unto him at midnight and say unto him friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine is in his journey is come to me and I have nothing to set before him and he from within shall answer and say trouble me not the door is not shut and my children are with me in bed I cannot rise and give you and I say unto you though he will not rise and give him because he is his friend yet because of his opportunity because of his opportunity he will rise and give him as many as he needed I say unto you ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened we have seen another situation where a friend was having a visitor and he had nothing to give to that visitor he had no food to give to the visitor but he remembered that he has a friend who has food to give to his visitor and then he went to visit his neighbor when he met his neighbor he said my neighbor I have a friend that is coming please I need three loaves of bread I need food to give to my neighbor to entertain my guest to entertain my visitor but he came at the wrong time because he came in the ninth time but the bible says that his friend would respond to him that he cannot switch on the light again because his children have already slept off that he cannot meet his need because the children have already slept off but the bible says that though that his friend would give him excuse but his friend would still respond to the need of the other person why? he said because of the opportunity you see for example there is a way you will face a situation in the night you will go and knock on the door of the doctor the chemist, the pharmacist they have closed it's already in the night yes the pharmacist have closed they have already in the night the woman, the pharmacist she is already sleeping at home the pharmacy have been closed the shop have been closed but there is a situation you find yourself if you know the house of that doctor, of that nurse whether it is 2 am in the night, 12 am in the morning or in the night you will see yourself knocking at the door if that person opens that door you will never leave there that is what God desperation that is a desperate faith and you must understand that Jesus is trying to communicate to us that our faith should come to that point whereby we keep knocking at the gate of heaven until it is resolved many of us will pray once pray twice and that is the end that is why it appears as if God is no one else in your life let me ask you what do you know God for the dimension of God that has been revealed to you do you even know God as Jehovah's child do you even know God as Jehovah's niece you are a stranger to the dimensions of God because you don't have desperate faith I am waiting for that time when you will say hey I may not know God in this dimension but when you come to this dimension I am champion in this dimension because my life is a testimony of the supernatural provision of God we don't experience God because we quickly give up, you knock once you knock twice and nobody responds the next day you get discouraged you go back home and you start feeling depressed as everybody has rejected me, everybody has abandoned me even God has abandoned me who tell you God has abandoned you the problem is that God was waiting for you to keep knocking when he said knock and it shall be opened God was not referring to just one time knocking he was asking for a consistent continuous daily knocking knock on that door there is no job, keep knocking there is no child keep knocking there is no man no marriage, keep knocking there is no arm in knocking knock and it shall be opened knock and it shall be opened you shouldn't be discouraged there is a particular terminal disease in your body, doctors are disappointed or probably you don't have the money you don't have the money to consult doctors and then you say is this arm going to die? you are not going to die have you knocked at the gate of heaven there is a gate that has the instrument you need for that divine operation there is a God that can send angels that will come and do surgical operations in your bedroom without any cutting of your flesh if we can stand up and start engaging our faith we begin to see the supernatural move of God from our text where we read again Luke chapter 11 we see that Jesus gave an illustration about opportunity which is a desperate faith which is a desperate faith the persistent resort the persistent request I beg your pardon of the man to his friend was the secret of getting his request met he kept disturbing his friend he kept knocking at the door of his friend come and give me bread I am a visitor a desperate faith is persistence to its giver a desperate faith a desperate faith it will keep knocking until there is an opening when there is a desperate faith you will see a continuous knocking until there is an opening most believers pray only once and change their prayer request even when they have not received answers prayers but a desperate faith will keep praying night and day on a particular request until there is response from God a desperate faith is not a one time faith it keeps making that prayer night and day until there is answer prayers from God until there is answer prayers from God and let me say this to you that spiritual warfare is a violent warfare and if you must be violent in the fight then you must be desperate in faith so you must be violent in fight and desperate in faith for you to get results even what you are going through is demonic manipulation and you are not rocket in prayers you are not violent in your prayers you just pray one kind of prayer and you just shed a great and sleep off you will be under the mercies of the enemies until you engage a violent prayer with a desperate faith that is where you begin to see the manifestation of God you begin to see the manifestation of God so time is not our friend you can later read the book of Luke chapter 8 verse 43 to verse Luke chapter 8 verse 33 to verse 43 Mark chapter 10 verse 46 to verse 52 please read this later Mark 2 chapter 15 verse 22 to verse 28 and where we read all these scriptures I just have given to you these scriptures have wake up of people who through desperate faith obtain results and healings if you read all these scriptures I am giving to you you are going to see the case of a woman with issue of blood you know in the in Moses law a woman with issue of blood according to the law of Moses was not permitted to be in the midst of clean people such a woman was called unclean person because according to the law of Moses she is unclean so she needed to be in a very separate place she is supposed to be isolated but because she had desperate faith in Jesus despite she was a woman with issue of blood you discover that she made efforts she pressed, she pushed she pulled and she entered and then touched the arms of the garment of Jesus that is a desperate faith desperate faith does not have excuse, you don't say oh I would have done what she did just that, just that just that, no we are there with desperate faith you break the protocols, the protocols that deprive you of entering to your it doesn't matter who is connected to that thing, you just want a result you pay any price people may say look at you you are a machete when will you stop your fasting and prayer God will not answer you, how long will you pray and fast, my sister just allow your situation to take over and just kill yourself, no a woman that is desperate in faith even if if her body is a machete her faith in God is not a machete understand this that a woman that has faith in God people may give her reasons why she need not to come to her fellowship people may give her reasons why she need not to come for prayers but a woman that has faith in God there is no price that is difficult for her to pay, understand this that we can only strive and thrive through faith faith is very essential, without faith you won't be able to come out from that depth, without faith you won't be able to enter into your promises the Bible say follow them who through faith and patience inherit their promises follow them, faith is one of the things you need to enter into your promise, you need a desperate faith to bring immediate results Jesus Christ will always honor a desperate faith, the irrespective of the tribe the race, the nationality that is coming from whosoever is willing and ready to demonstrate a faith will eventually win the heart of Jesus will eventually win the heart of Jesus through faith must produce results, and let me say this to you, a desperate faith will always produce immediate results, if you have not been receiving results there is every tendency that you have not applied desperate faith a desperate faith will always produce results, now what are the characteristics of a desperate faith what are the characteristics of a desperate faith number 1, it is hopeful on God you can read Psalm 121 verse 1 to verse 8 you can read that later a desperate faith it is hopeful on God, number 2 a desperate faith it is totally dependent on God, it is totally dependent on God that is a desperate faith totally dependent on God, number 3 it is persistence a desperate faith is persistence a desperate faith is persistence not one time no, it is persistence it is persistence, number 4 a desperate faith it prays without ceasing a desperate faith it prays without ceasing a desperate faith, it prays without ceasing, number 5 a desperate faith it is not discouraged and ashamed it is not discouraged and ashamed, a desperate faith is not discouraged and a desperate faith is not ashamed people may laugh at you, no, you are not ashamed you know what you are looking for you are ready to pay the price for it life fasting should not be an issue look at Anna when Anna was looking for the child somewhere the Bible said that Anna was weeping, imagine that even the priest Eli misunderstood Anna and he thought that Anna was one of the daughters of William, he thought that Anna was a drunkard because it was a humiliating situation that Anna commanded himself so you should not be ashamed if it will take you to be praying with mucus coming out from your nose and your mouth, don't be ashamed don't say who is looking at me if I pray and people are looking at me you must understand that people looking at you is not the big deal the big deal is God looking at you so don't allow anything to divert your attention most of us we are not consistent see that your church or that your fellowship where you always attend, that is where God will meet you as appointed place the way you are meeting service, today you are here, tomorrow you are not there how many times have you missed that angel came to look for you so if you pray with that season, it is not ashamed and it is not discouraged number six a desperate faith it doesn't speak doubts or unbelief a desperate faith doesn't speak doubts or unbelief now what are the conditions that weakens desperate faith what are the things that weakens desperate faith most of you you have faith, you have a desperate faith but suddenly we never see such faith again, number one is fear fear of the future fear of the unknown, the fear of men is one of the things that weakens desperate faith number two is assumptions assumptions number three is people's opinion dwelling on people's opinion it will weaken your faith number four is shame shame is another thing that weakens the faith, shame, number five is prayerlessness prayerlessness weakens faith, prayerlessness weakens faith, number six demonic distractions with other needs demonic distractions when demons have observed that you consistently pray one particular prayer point and you are very close to your breakthrough you are very close to answer prayer, suddenly you will see that it is going to set up an issue that will stop you praying that prayer so you will be distracted, you will start praying another prayer number seven is wandering thoughts wandering thoughts weakens a desperate faith and number eight is depression depression when you are depressed it weakens a desperate faith, number nine is focusing on the disappointment or your reproach when you keep focusing on your challenges, you keep focusing on your problem you will see the more you look at your problem the more you see how big it is, why not look at the promises of God and look at the possibility that is in God look at the power in God so focusing on your disappointment or reproaches will weaken your desperate faith, number ten is offenses offenses weakens desperate faith offenses weakens desperate faith, when you are always offended, your faith will be weakened number eleven is sin sin living in sin will kill your desperate faith because it brings guilt and the moment there is guilt there won't be boldness to call upon the Lord, at such a time what do you need? the moment you are living in sin you have to come to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and help so before we close to this morning, before we wind up this morning what are the possible ways to grow your faith the possible ways to grow desperate faith how can you develop a desperate faith, number one feeding on God's word when you are feeding on the word of God daily, you feed, when I say feed, not just reading you also meditate you also meditate on the word of God, it's the way, one of the ways to grow your desperate faith, number two is maintaining a consistent prayer life maintaining a consistent prayer life it will help your faith to grow desperately number three three is involving incorporate prayers, there are times that when you are praying alone you can't pray use the wisdom to organize vigil in your house call one or two or three brothers people should come together, just use the wisdom I said, it's just just call it in name, they will not know that it's because you are weak, that is why you are calling for the prayers, and when they come just organize a vigil you put your prayer, incorporate prayers with strength in your feet incorporate prayers with strength in your feet involving incorporate prayers with strength in your feet number four listening to the testimonies of others we have testimonies here we have people that God has taken their asthma away you see testimonies go and look for our testimonies listen to them, even if at that time we never had audio recorder to record our testimonies go back and think, we have some of them in our flyers, look at the back of our flyers, you will see testimonies listen to them, the God that did it for them can do it for you powerful testimonies the God that did it for them can do it for you listen to testimonies there are testimonies from our fathers in the faith people that our fathers in the faith prayed for, and they obtained deliverance they obtained miracles, go and go online listen to those testimonies it will grow your faith and then number five is fasting fasting is another weapon to strengthen your faith to bring desperate faith if you are involved in fasting you always fast once, twice or three times in a week you will be able to develop desperate faith you will be able to develop desperate faith I am talking to you this is the time for you to rise up shall we stand up on our feet and say God help me to have a desperate faith give me grace to develop desperate faith, then put your mouth and begin to pray I want you all to start praying Lord help me Lord help me desperate faith desperate faith desperate faith desperate faith ask the Lord to help you Lord give me desperate faith help my faith help my faith help my faith Jesus help my faith Jesus help my faith Jesus help my faith Jesus help my faith Jesus help my faith Jesus help my faith Jesus help my faith ask the Lord to help your faith Lord I will knock I will keep knocking I will keep knocking at the door of heaven I will keep knocking I believe in God I believe the answers of prayers I will keep knocking I will keep knocking I will keep knocking I believe in God call upon Him in the days of trouble and He will deliver you and you shall glorify Him call upon the name of the Lord let put your mouth and begin to pray Lord help me Lord help me desperate faith desperate faith desperate faith desperate faith

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