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Discerning the Will of God- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Discerning the Will of God- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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The Renewal Life Christian Center is an apostolic and teaching ministry led by Apostle Peterson O. Abun. They focus on revealing Christ through teachings and the power of Christ. Their contact information is provided for inquiries. The message emphasizes the importance of jotting down teachings and seeking the will of God in decision making. The main topic is designing the will of God, discussing understanding and different classifications of God's will. The speaker encourages listeners to seek God's will in all areas of life, not just marriage. The will of God is described as His desires, choices, consent, commandments, instructions, and leading of the Holy Spirit. Seeking the will of God is seeking His approval and counsel. The Renewal Life Christian Center is an apostolic and teaching ministry that anchors on revealing Christ and Him crucified through expository teachings and the manifestations of the power of Christ. It is generally coordinated by Apostle Peterson O. Abun. For further inquiry and counsel, please contact us with these numbers. 234-802-671-9577 or 234-081-024-21675 or 234-807-599-6218 or WhatsApp us via this number. 234-802-671-9577 May you encounter God as you listen to this life changing word. Will I say extra curriculum? Because something not just outside this topic but more advanced and those things you have to jot it down. I may explain a topic like this and then God will give you not just interpretation of what I said but a deeper interpretation backing up what I said. So it is very important that you jot down every time you come to the house of God. And I pray God will help us. And then we will be able to become, you know, Spiritual believers in these last days. Christians that God can trust. God can trust in our generation. And God will bless us. I say God will bless us in Jesus name. Our gracious Father we thank you for a time like this. Thank you for your children always ready to listen. Always wanting to listen. Always want to listen. We thank you for everything you have done in their lives. We are praying Holy Spirit that you speak to everyone of us in Jesus name. Bless us even this moment. For in Jesus mighty name I pray. Your Amen is not loud enough. Alright, you may have your seat now. Amen. Quickly let us open our Bibles to the book of Ephesians chapter 6. Ephesians chapter 6. I will be discussing with you shortly on discovering the will of God. Sorry designing the will of God. I beg your pardon. Designing the will of God. Ephesians chapter 6. And my interest in this topic is so that everyone of you can have understanding of what the will of God is. And then you should be able to design the will of God when it comes to decision making and other things. You want to go into marriage. Whom to get married to. And as well the business or the kind of business to go into. And other things. So that is my intent of bringing this message to you. In Ephesians chapter 6. I read verse 5 to verse 6. Ephesians chapter 6 from verse 5. Verse 5 to verse 6. The Bible says in verse 5. Servant, be obedient to them that are your masters, according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart as unto Christ. Verse 6. Not with high service, as men pleasants, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the earth. As servants of Christ. As servants of Christ. Doing the will of God from the earth. You see the emphasis in verse 5. Paul the apostle was saying. Be obedient to your masters. To your bosses. To your leaders. Should be done as though you are doing it to Christ. And that is what I want to tell everyone of you here. That whatsoever capacity you are serving in the house of God. Or in your place of work. You should be able to represent Christ there because. Whosoever you are serving. It might be your boss. It might be your husband. It can be your pastor. Your service is unto the Lord. If you have this understanding. That you should do your service as unto the Lord. You would never seek for men pleasants. You would never seek on how to please men. So Paul the apostle speaking to the church in Ephesus. He made known to them. That everything they were doing should be as unto the Lord. And then they should do it in the will of God. In Ephesians chapter 6. Sorry Mark chapter 3 verse 35. In Mark chapter 3 verse 35. The Bible says in verse 35. For whosoever shall do the will of God. The same is my brother and my sister and my mother. Jesus put it a condition. That if you want to claim to be someone that knows me. It must be he that doeth the will of God. So Jesus said. Whosoever do the will of God. Such a person is my father. Such a person is my brother. Such a person is my mother. Such a person is my sister. Now we are talking about designing the will of God. What are the things you are going to learn from this topic. Number 1. In this study you will learn what the will of God is. I am going to teach you what the will of God is. Then number 2. You are going to learn what is the perfect will of God. What is the perfect will of God. And then number 3. You will learn what is the permissive will of God. What is the permissive will of God. And then number 4. What is the general and the specific will of God. So in this topic I am going to teach you in this study. What is the general and the specific will of God. Number 6. You will learn on how to design the will of God. And then number 7. You will learn the art condition to seek the will of God. What is the best art condition that would enable you to quickly design the will of God. Some of you have been coming to me asking me. How will I be able to know the will of God for marriage. I don't know why this will of God is mostly defined or explained or looked for. When it comes to the area of choice of life partner. It's good but that should not be the only condition that should enable you to seek the will of God. So 80% of Christians are seeking the will of God every time they reach the juncture of marriage. And I know that very soon some of you that have not yet married. You know you appear to be spiritual now. And then sometimes you don't. We hardly hear the will of God coming out from your mouth. But then when it comes to marriage. That is where we will know. This boy I even know about the will of God. This is I have even knows about the word will of God. Because it is when it comes to marriage. The juncture of life partner. Seeking for life partner. That is when most Christians you know begin to realize. That oh there is a will of God that we should follow. But now I want to teach you this so that you can have understanding. Not just in the area of marital choice. Or the choosing of life partner. But also in the area of taking a journey. Going into business. Or relocation. You want to relocate from Nigeria to U.S. You want to relocate from London back to Nigeria. So that you can be able to design. If God is part of that plan. Or that decision you are about to make. So the first thing I am going to teach you now is. What is the will of God? What is the will of God? The will of God can best be understood. You can understand it by first having understanding of the word will. When we talk about the will of God. You cannot understand until you understand the word will. So what is the meaning of the word will? My will. Of course I know you are familiar with this word. Because some of you. Your parents have already written down their wills. And they have connected it to you. You know you are the one to inherit. You know your father's car. Your father's shoe. Are you getting me? So you are not innocent of that. You know about that. So what is will? When we talk about the will of God. God's will. People answer that name. Oh my name is God's will. Not just God's will. We have God's will. Are you with me? So what is the will of God? How can you design? How can you define? How can you do and know the will of God? So we are going to check the dictionary. The dictionary meaning of the word will. Means the act of you expressing your desires. That is number one. So when we talk about will. Dictionary says that it means the ability or the act of you expressing. Number one, your desires. Then number two, your choice. So if you are expressing your desires, your choice. You are expressing your will. Then number three is your consent. If you give your consent, you are giving your will. Number four is command. So your command is your will. Then number five is tendency. Tendency. And that is your will. Then number six is instruction. Your instruction is your will. So you have to get this understanding. The instructions of God are the wills of God. Or is the will of God. So you must have this understanding. We are talking about the will of God. We are talking about the desires of God. We are talking about the choice of God. We are talking about the consent of God. Then we are talking about the commandment of God. And as well, talking about the instructions of God. So when I say the will of God, I'm not talking about something big. You say, oh, this is a big grammar. It's simple. The will of God is the approval of God. The approval of God. That is the consent. The word consent is the same thing as approve or approver. The will of God is the commandment of God. The instructions of God. And let me even go further. The will of God is the word of God. The will of God is the word of God. The will of God is the voice of God. And then the will of God is the leading of the spirit of God. It's the leading of the spirit of God. That is the will of God. So when we talk about the will of God, Have you sought the will of God? Have you designed the will of God? All we are talking about is, Have you been able to know the interest of God for this? Have you been able to design the approval of God? Whether God approves your decision. Whether God approves this thing. Whether God approves your traveling. Whether God approves your relocation. Whether God approves you starting the ministry. Whether God approves you getting married to that person. That is the will of God. Are you with me? So it's not something that is so difficult that should make you to start saying, Oh, I'm tired of the will of God. Anywhere I hear the will of God, I'm not doing it again. No, it's not something difficult. So the will of God is you seeking the counsel of God. The consent of God. The commandment of God. The desire of God. The choice of God. The instructions of God. And as well, the law of the Lord. And this will of God we are talking about, it is good you understand that there are two classifications of the will of God. There are two classifications of the will of God. The will of God can be classified into two. Number one, there is the general will of God. I want to open Bible now. There is the general will of God. The general will of God. In the book of 2 Timothy, I'm just teaching you. I don't know why. Maybe you are going to buy me something special at the end of this class. So number one, the general will of God. 2 Timothy chapter 3. 2 Timothy chapter 3. I read verse 16 to 17. 2 Timothy chapter 3. Open your Bibles. Verse 16. All scripture is given by the inspiration of God. And is profitable for doctrine. For correction. For reproof. For instructions in righteousness. All scripture is given by the inspiration of God. Verse 17. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. So we have read it now. What we call the general will of God. And this general will of God is the documented word of God. That is the Bible. Show me your Bible. Those online, they can't show me their Bibles. Show me your Bible now. The Bible with you. The Bible with you there. That is the documented word of God. So it's like we say the constitution of this nation, Nigeria. So inside the constitution, the constitutional book, you will find the will of the nation. Are you with me now? So the documented word of God contains the instructions of God in it. It contains the precepts, the law, and the commandment of God. So every time you open your Bible, the Bible is a book of principles. God's principles. And the will of God is documented. So that is the general will of God. It is general because it is for every Christian that prefers to be born again. So inasmuch you claim to be a Christian, you must subject yourself to do the will of God documented in Scriptures. So there is no instructions of God that comes to characterize the general will of God. The general will of God is in the Bible. Read your Bible from Genesis to Revelation. And then get understanding of what is documented in Scripture and obey the principles in that Bible. So every time you do what God says in the Bible, you have done the will of God. So that is the general will of God. And you must understand that even as we talk about the general will of God from Genesis to Revelation, you must know the instructions, the laws of the Old Testament that Christ has abolished. So all those instructions, laws, commandments that is still usable for the New Covenant, that is what God is asking you to do. Are you with me? Not the killing of animals. Those ones are not the will of God. It has been abolished. But the ones that is still recommended for the New Testament, the New Covenant, or the New Testament Church of believers are the ones that God is asking us to do as is with. To do as is with. So the will of God, we have the general will of God. That is from the Scripture. So if you are talking about, oh I want to get married. Should I marry an unbeliever? I don't need to go and pray and say, Father, my Father, my Father, my Father, my Father. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Oh Jesus, should sister, sister, what name should I use? Should sister share with you? Get married to that allergy who is not born again. I don't need to consult God. I will just go to the Bible. The moment I open my Bible in the book of 2 Corinthians 6, verse 14 to 19, that alone has canceled that. That is the will of God. So immediately I will say, do not unequally yoke together with an unbeliever. We don't need to go and pray and fast. The person is not born again. It's not the will of God. It is not a thing of, I will pray about it. I see people saying they are going to pray what has been revealed already. So the general will of God cannot be broken, cannot be disobeyed in attempt for you to meet your selfish interest. So there's hope for the general will of God. Yes, so the will of God must be obeyed, must be followed. Read your Bible. That is why I do say that every Christian, read your Bible. Know the Bible for yourself. Because a time will come when you will want to design the will of God. And the Bible will be recommended. If you don't have any glimpse or you don't have understanding of the Scripture, you'll be taking decisions without knowing the will of God. So number one is the general will of God. That is the classification, the classifications of the will of God. Number one, the general will of God. I believe you are following. Yes, so number one, the general will of God. And then number two, I believe you understand what the general will of God is. Then number two is the specific will of God. The general will of God is for comparison. You have to compare it. Even if the specific will of God coming to you, it must still be followed. So even if the general will of God, even if the specific will of God coming to you, it must still be compared with the general will of God. So what is the specific will of God? In Romans 8, verse 14. Romans 8, verse 14. Please open your Bibles. Romans 8, verse 14. The Bible says in verse 14 of Romans 8, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. So now, there are times that the Spirit of God will come and direct you. The Spirit of God will lead you. There are many times the Spirit of God will lead you wherever you don't need to go and check the Bible. For example, now you want to travel. There is no way in the Bible where it is written, travel only on Saturday. If you travel on Friday, on Monday, on Tuesday, you are going to die. It is not written in the Scripture. But there are times the Spirit of God will come and condition you not to travel on Sunday. Are you with me? And some other times, the Spirit of God can come and tell you, travel on Sunday, don't travel on Saturday. So that is called the leading of the Spirit. It comes on our daily life. Are you with me? The sister is born again, the sister is spirit filled. According to the Scripture, do not marry an unbeliever. This one is a believer. It is a true, sincere believer. But because God sees the art and knows the future, the Spirit of God can come and whisper to you, do not marry this sister. Scripturally, you cannot prove that. Are you with me? Scripturally. But then, the Spirit of God is coming to give you a conditional statement because of the future. Or because the person will not live long. Maybe after two years, that lady will die. God has given you a purpose or a calling in life that requires you to spend the next 70 years on earth with your life partner. So, you must understand that the leading of the Spirit of God is also a test or attestation of your spiritual maturity. Because many times, the Spirit of God will come and direct you to lead you in things. Wake you up at night and pray. Is there anywhere in the Bible where it was commanded that you must pray in the night? But at every three o'clock, something always comes to wake you up to pray. That is the leading of the Spirit of God. That becomes the will of God. It is not the will of God for you to pray. So, sometimes when we speak to you and I tell you that, oh, I think the will of God is for me not to take this journey. And you are saying, where is it in the Bible that you should take or you should not take this journey? The will of God can come by the leading of the Spirit of God. So, that is also the will of God. The will of God can also, the specific will of God can stop you from some certain things. For example, the Spirit of God can stop you from having television. Not because television is a sin, but because of your dealing for that season. The Spirit of God can come and condition you not to have television. Even there are people that are not using Android phones. They are not using all these internet phones. And when you ask them, why are you not using it? If they say because God said they should not use it. Not because others that are using it are bad, they will go to hell fire. No. That particular season of their life, God is dealing with them. And the dealings of God in their life at that season requires that they should not be exposed to the social media. If not, or exposed to internet. If not, it might corrupt the dealings and stop the dealings. Are you with me? So, when God is dealing with you, it can prevent you of some certain things. That you might not even be permitted to go into relationship. Into marriage or into relationship until some certain age. Sometimes you see people getting married at the age of 40. Not because they will. Some of these men of God, it is because of the dealings of God. Because God wanted to use them to plant some certain things in their youthful age. So, the leading of the spirit of God may many times be misinterpreted. That is where some pastors make mistakes. They will eventually make it a doctrine. And say nobody should have television. Nobody should use phone. Nobody should do this. Nobody should do that. And those things do not have scriptural pillars to sustain them. So, they will begin to base it based on their encounter. They will begin to base their doctrines based on their personal encounter. Or based on dreams and revelations. So, you must understand the place of specific will of God. And every will of God that is broken takes you to hell. Will lead you to hell fire. So, if God gives you a general instruction. And he comes to give you specific instruction. And you disobey the specific instruction. You will still go to hell. Are you with me? So, the specific will of God is the will of God that comes to attend to our daily choices and decisions. Our daily choices and our daily decisions. And this involves God's guiding you. In traveling. In getting married. In relocation. In businesses. In eating food. Sometimes the spirit of God can whisper to you not to eat food from a particular person. Maybe because that food is poisoned. Or maybe because that person is not too neat enough. That if you eat such food it can eventually affect your system. So, there are times the spirit of God can whisper to you. Or sometimes the spirit of God may want you to be on fasting. So, when you are about to eat you lose your peace. It begins to speak to you. Are you getting me now? So, that is called the specific will of God. The will of God can come to you, you know, as a pattern of worship. That every time you are worshipping God you should kneel down. Mind you, there are people that are standing up worshipping God and the power of God is still upon their lives. But for your dealings God will ask you that every time you come for worship you should kneel down to worship Him. So, most times the problem we have in the Christian domain is that we so much copy. We are too copy. We copy a lot. Somebody is always lying down whenever he is worshipping God. You want to be lying down every time. Is it instruction? That person that is instructed by God will lie down and blind eyes will open. You will lie down and every open eyes will get closed. You know why? Because you are just copying. That person is working based on instruction. Specific instruction. Where it becomes problem is when that man of God eventually comes and says this is our doctrine. In our church everybody must put off their shoes. In our church everybody must lie down while worshipping God. They miss it because of lack of understanding. Also, the specific will of God can come as sacrifice. The Lord can instruct you to start paying not just one-tenth. You can be paying nine-tenths of your salary. Yes, there are people like that. God instructs them and you will never see them broke. You know why? God is behind their wealth. So, God will tell them that every time they receive salary, they should not pay one-tenth but rather they should pay, they should divide the salary into two and give one to God. That means they are paying more than tithes. And that is their specific instruction. The problem is when they come to the general congregation and they say come today, everybody be dividing your salary into two. Many will not have the grace to sustain that commitment. So, you must not make your personal commitment to become general commitment. That is why in my fellowship in the ministry, my ministry here, we don't force people to fast like everybody must break their fasting by 6 p.m. No. We encourage them. We persuade them, you know, to fast or at least break their fasting, you know, for the married, for the pregnant ones, for the children, you know, for those that are sick. We can say it's level 12. But those that are healthy, I used to mean the aged people, we can say two, three, four. But the giant ones, we tell them six. And it is not, if they break by two, it doesn't make them less spiritual. So, we don't try to make it a religion. The moment religion comes into things, into worships, the presence of God will depart because God hates religion. When I say religion, I mean form of godliness but denying the power thereof. So, we have the general will of God and as well we have the specific will of God. So, number two, we come to the operational dimensions of the will of God. The operational dimensions of the will of God, you are going to learn on how to design, you know, the dimension of the will of God coming to you because God can say yes to you and say yes to another person but they don't mean the same thing. So, God can tell you go ahead and still tell the other person go ahead. But God is not saying the same thing. Are you with me? So, you need to know when God is speaking and the instruction that is coming to you from God, you need to design if this one is accurately from God. So, in the book of Genesis chapter 6, Genesis chapter 6 verse 3, the Bible says in verse 3, Genesis chapter 6 verse 3, And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh. Yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. My spirit shall not always strive with man. You see God saying there that He will never, you know, force man or humans against their choices. So, when a man is making choice and God tries to persuade that man and that man still wants to go ahead with his choice, God will never strive with that man. In Deuteronomy chapter 30, Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 15 to 19, Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 15 to 19, The Bible says in verse 15, See, I have set before thee this day life and good, death and evil. Let us go to verse 19. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore, choose life that both thou and thy seed may live. You see God not forcing them. God was pushing the options to them. There is good, there is evil. There is life, there is death. Make your choice, but ask God. I advise you, choose life that you may live. So, God never force man. God will never force man against their will. God respects your choice or respects your choices. So, what are the operational dimensions of the will of God? Number one is the perfect will of God. We have the perfect will of God. Then number two is the permissive will of God. Let us come back to number one, the perfect will of God. I believe you are enjoying this class, am I right? The perfect will of God in Psalms chapter 19 verse 7. Psalms chapter 19 verse 7. The Bible says in verse 7 of chapter 19 of the book of Psalms. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. Remember I told you that the will of God is the law of God. So, the will of God is perfect too. What is the perfect will of God? The perfect will of God, this is the will of God that is done from the heart. Without murmuring, without complaining, without any form of slavery, fear. God has spoken to you, you are doing it from your heart. You are even happily doing it. Even if it is hard for you to do, you do it, but without murmuring, without complaining. So, perfect will of God is the instructions that comes from God that you do. The one that comes from God that you are doing is the perfect will of God. The number two is called the permissive will of God. There are times that God can give instructions and then people will reject. They will refuse. They will avoid His instructions or they will shy away from His commandments. And still yet, God will permit them to go ahead. We call it the permissive. It means that it does not come from the heart of God. It does not come from the happiness, from the joy of the Lord. It comes from, Lord, God just said, okay, let me just permit them. Let me just allow this person to do what he wants to do. Let me allow this sister to do what she wants to do. Let me allow this brother to go into the business as he wishes. Let me allow this sister to marry that man as she wishes. So, God can permit you, but that is not the perfect will of God. Let us see examples from the Scriptures. Examples from the Scriptures. In 1 Samuel 8, verse 4 to verse 7. 1 Samuel 8, verse 4 to verse 7. The Bible says in verse 4, Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Rama, and said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons. And said unto him, Thou art old, and thy sons, walk not in thy ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. But the king displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord. And the Lord said unto Samuel, Act in unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto you. For they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. These are people that came to Prophet Samuel and said, Well, all the nations, they are their kings. We don't want God to be king over us. We want human beings to be kings. We want human beings to be really human beings. So Samuel was very sad and said, Why will you reject God? And then Samuel went to God and said, God, this is what the people are requesting for. And God told Samuel, Allow them to do what they want to do. You see it? So if Samuel comes back to them and says, The Lord said I should allow you to do it. What are you going to call that? You will say it's the will of God because God says you should do it. God permits you to do it. But that is not a perfect. God allows you to do it because that is what you want to do. It allows you to do your will. Most people got married by permissive will. Most people went into businesses by permissive will. Most people travel out or travel to other places by permissive will. Many Christians today are doing things not by the will of God. In the book of Ezekiel chapter 14. Ezekiel chapter 14. I read verse 1. Ezekiel chapter 14 from verse 1. Ezekiel 14. I read verse 1 of Ezekiel. You will see where the people that rejected God were coming to seek what the will of God was. Ezekiel chapter 14 from verse 1. Then came 13 of the elders of Israel unto me and sat before me. You will think that they are very sincere. They were coming to inquire of God. They were coming to seek the will of God from Ezekiel. From prophet Ezekiel. But you will think that these people were genuine. They were sincere. Look at verse 2. And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face. Should I be inquired of at all by them? God is saying that they have already made decisions in their hearts already but they were coming to seek approval. They have idols in their hearts already. Sometimes people come to men of God and say, Well, I want to go into this business. I want to know whether it is the will of God. In their hearts, eh? They have already written their business proposal. They have already done everything. So even if God says no, they will still go ahead and do what they want to do. So there are people that come and say, Man of God, should I marry this sister? The sister has already been in their hearts. The sister has already been idol in their hearts. Before they even went to pray. When I was praying, in my dream of the night, I saw a mighty angel came down from heaven. And he told me that Sister Lucy, she is the one for me. And immediately I turned my back. I saw Lucy dancing. The t-shirt that Lucy was putting on was carrying my picture. And I said, Oh Lucy, Oh Lucy. If these people come and tell you their revelation. Before they finish you, we say that is the sister for you. You know why? They have already known the sister in their hearts. Before they went to the altar to pray. They have already carried the sister or the brothers in their hearts. Before they went to the altar to pray. So God would answer them according to their hearts. So that was what God told Ezekiel to do. He said, Ezekiel, give them answers according to their hearts. Should I travel? Ezekiel said yes. Should I marry? Ezekiel said yes. Should I marry that lady or that brother? Say yes. Should I go into that business? Ezekiel said yes. Don't say anything more than that. Answer them according to their desire. But there is a danger. The permissive will of God always comes with side effects. Always comes with what? With side effects. In Psalm 106. Psalm 106 verse 15. Psalm 106 verse 15. And he gave them their requests. But sent leanness into their soul. He gave them what they asked for. Because they asked not according to his perfect will. So he gave them their desires. But the Bible says he sent leanness into their soul. He sent leanness into their soul. He gave them their requests. But he sent judgment to follow it. So they start the business. And everything crashed down. They travel and start suffering. They left the place they were located. And ran away. And everything scattered. Are you with me? They started what God didn't ask them to start. And they couldn't continue. They marry and they face the challenges. They marry unbelievers. And today they are crying inside the marriage. Because why they wanted to go ahead. And God was speaking to them through diverse ways. To them, every challenge that God was speaking through became an enemy. So God allowed them to do their will. But God sent leanness to accompany their decisions. I pray for you. You will not enter the permissive will of God. If not, you will be moving in one spot. You will be moving in one spot. So lastly, before I end up this moment. I would like to share with you lastly. On how to design the will of God. How to design the will of God. Let us go back to Ephesians chapter 6 verse 6. How to design the will of God. Ephesians chapter 6 verse 6. The Bible says in verse 6. Not with high service as men pleasers. But as the servants of Christ. Doing the will of God from the earth. So how can you design the will of God? If for example, you want to know the will of God. You want to know the choice of God. The decision of God concerning a particular thing. What must you do? Number one is the circumcision of the earth. It is very very important. Very crucial. In fact, most important. Circumcision of the earth. You must go to the Lord in prayer first. Let me say this. If you are asking God for decision or direction in life. And you discover that you already have the idol in your heart. You already have your own choice. But you just because of the fear of God. You still want to hear from God. See, if you want to go into three days fasting. Use two days to pray for the circumcision of the earth. And use one day to pray for that. You will hear God clearly. Because the problem is your heart. The Bible says that the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked. So even if God starts speaking to you what to do. You will never do it. You know why? Because your heart is deceitful. Your heart is deceitful. So there is need for the circumcision of the earth. Before you go to seek God for divine leading for his will of God. Now in Deuteronomy 30 verse 6. Deuteronomy 30 verse 6. And the Lord thy God will circumcise your heart. And the heart of your seed. To love the Lord thy God with all your heart. And with all your soul. That thou mayest live. So you see what God says. He says when I circumcise your heart. You will then be able to love me. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. If not if you go and seek God with your own circumcised heart. Even if God is speaking to you. You will never do it. You will never do it. Even if God is speaking to you. You will never. Jeremiah chapter 36. Sorry Ezekiel 36. I beg your pardon. Ezekiel 36 from verse 26 to verse 27. A new heart also will I give you. And a new spirit will I pour within you. And I will take away the sony heart. Heart of your flesh. And I will give you an heart of flesh. That is Ezekiel chapter 36. I'm reading verse 27 now. And I will put my spirit within you. And cause you to walk in my status. You see it. When I put my spirit. When I have circumcised your heart. And put my spirit. I will cause you. I will make you to do my instruction. So even if God is speaking to you. You will not do it. You will fight with God. You will disobey God. So the will of God cannot come to unsanctified heart. And that heart will do it. You will still follow your own ways. Even if the man of God. If the anointing of the man of God is reaching heaven. From heaven to heaven. And the man of God gives you instruction. You will not do it. The problem is not you. The problem is the condition of your heart. So if you want to design the will of God. One of the important thing that must take place in your life. Is the sanctification of the heart. Or the circumcision of the heart. Is very crucial. Very very important. It position you to be able to do the will of God. Because the spiritual circumcision of your heart. Is what position you. To bestly design. And to do. The will of God. The circumcision of your heart. Is what helps believers. What will help you. To become selfless. And obedient. To receive the will of God. And to do it. So if you are praying for the will of God. You are trusting God for direction. Step to follow. What to do next. See. Spend quality time to pray for your heart. To be circumcised. Ask God to take away that stubborn heart. That self will heart. That heart that always want to do his will. Do his will. Self will. Then when you have done that. Number two is knowledge of the word of God. You have to. You know. Have knowledge of the Bible. Read your Bible. Study your Bible. Know the Bible. Because. Even if anything starts speaking to you in the spirit. You will be able to design it with the Bible. To design the will of God. You need the Bible. You need the Bible. Because if you hear anything in your dream. You dream about anything. And those things are not in agreement with scripture. They are against the Bible. They are not according to the word of God. You don't need to believe those things. You discard them. You dump them. You avoid them. That is not the will of God. But if you don't know the will of God. If you don't know your Bible. Everything that comes to you. You will just easily obey and do. I pray God will help you in Jesus name. So knowledge of the Bible is very very important. So you cannot test all spirit. Except through. One of the ways you can test all spirit. Is through the word of God. Through the Bible. Number 3. Number 3. How to design the will of God. Number 3. Fellowship of the spirit. 2 Corinthians 13 verse 14. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The love of God. And the fellowship. The communion. The communion. The togetherness. The sharing. Together. With the Holy Spirit. So fellowship of the Holy Spirit is number 3. When I say fellowship of the Holy Spirit. If you want to design the will of God. There must be number 1. Separation. Separation. Separate yourself from people. Sometimes you can be in your closet. Be in your room. Be in your apartment. You can go to the prayer camp. That is if you are always not. If you don't have privacy at home. There are some of us. God have not so much blessed us. The blessing has come in Jesus name. That you are still squatting with your family in one room. One apartment. You are just living in one room. One room self contained. Are you with me? So you don't have privacy. There is no room. Just that room alone. There is no room Apollo. One room. And because of that you can't design. Or probably you are living in room Apollo. But your children are like replenishing the earth. Replenishing the earth. You have almost 10 children. 5 they are sleeping in the room. Another 5 sleeping in the parlor. So you don't have privacy. So you can take a separation. Take an agreement with your spouse. Go to a prayer camp meeting. Or a mountain. And then you seek the face of God. To design the will of God. So there is a need for separation. But if you are living in a place where you can separate yourself. Maybe you can go to the church. Go to our fellowship center. Or you can go to other places. Where you can lock the door for 2 days. Or 1 day. Morning till night. Or some hours. And then just seek the face of God. So separation is required in fellowship. Fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Then number 2. Intense praying in the spirit. When you always pray in the Holy Ghost. It helps you. It opens your spiritual sensitivity. To be able to design the will of God. So praying in the spirit. Then number 3 is studying the word of God. This is not just reading. But conscious studying of the word of God. You spend time to study what is in the Bible. Study. Know the mind of God. Then number 4 is meditation. Meditate on the word of God. And then lastly number 5 is faith. Faith. That is how you design. So when God is speaking to you. You have understanding of the scripture. To design what you are hearing. Number 2. You have a circumcised heart to receive what you have heard. And number 3. You have the fellowship of the spirit to appropriate. To receive clarity on how to execute the will of God. And as you do that. The Lord will help you in Jesus name. I know you are blessed. So bow your head down in prayers and talk to the Lord. Bow your head down in prayers. And talk to God. And say Father you have spoken to me. Your word of life. All eyes closed. Talk to the Lord.

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