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Faithfulness - Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Faithfulness - Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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The speaker discusses the importance of faithfulness in various areas of life, including marriage, work, and politics. They emphasize that faithfulness is a significant aspect of being a true believer and a Christian. The speaker refers to a Bible verse in Luke 16:10 which states that being faithful in small things leads to being faithful in larger things. They also share personal experiences of individuals who went through a process of testing and training before achieving success. The speaker highlights the lack of faithfulness in many believers and encourages everyone to prioritize faithfulness as a fruit of the Spirit. They mention that even in the business world, faithfulness is crucial for long-term success. The speaker concludes that being faithful in small things can lead to greater opportunities and blessings. I will be discussing with you on what I titled Faithfulness. Faithfulness is our topic for tonight. The word Faithfulness is commonly being used even in addressing couples in marriage and in many other things, Faithfulness finds a significant part. Even the unbelievers seek for faithful people. And even the believers seek for faithful people. And God himself has a very good desire for those that are faithful. And that is why as believers we must go through the word of God to start... ... ...even towards our own self. We should be faithful in everywhere we find ourselves. As a Christian worker in the church, be faithful. As a worker in the place of work, you are under an authority, be faithful. You are a politician, be faithful. Be faithful to the promises you gave to the people before you came into power. Governors need to be faithful to all the promises they gave to the citizens before they were elected. Presidents need to be faithful. Faithful not only to the promises also unto the citizens. Faithfulness has a significant part in the life of a Christian. In fact, unfaithful Christian is not a Christian indeed. Unfaithful Christian is not a true believer. So we are going to check the Bible to see what the word of God has to say about faithfulness. In Luke chapter 16 verse 10. The Bible says in verse 10, if you are there say Amen. Okay, only a few people are there. Luke chapter 16 verse 10, if you are there say Amen. Okay, we are going to read verse 10 together. 1, 2, go. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much. And he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. My motivation or when I say what also encouraged me to bring this teaching was when I was on social media I think this morning or towards this afternoon and a man of God posted about ministers. He was talking about ministers and he said sometimes young ministers do not know that the big pastors or the great pastors they are seeing who God is using now and you see they are flaunting their prosperity all around. They never know that these pastors you are seeing now that everybody is sharing about that there were times they went through process. Before the man of God posted it on his status as process. And he said before you see God lifted them up they have gone through what? Process. And it is in that process of which God tested them, humans tested them and they came out faithful. That was when God glorified them. It is unfortunate that many do not see faithfulness as something very very important. And that is why as church we must come to understand that it is very significant in the life of a believer to be faithful. The Bible says he that is faithful in the least thing shall be faithful in what? In much. Hallelujah. But God does not just give you a power. Give you an anointing. Without taking you through the seizing of training to see your faithfulness. And that is why some of us that are still young in the ministry I am a still young person in the ministry. Ten years is still young am I right? And some of us that have been still young in the ministry when we see new ministers, young ministers rising we don't move. We don't get moved by their Jim Jim. You know what they call Jim Jim? They are jumping and they are playing people like Catherine Shea. We thank God for what God do through their lives. Or God is doing through them. But we don't really pay much attention. Because it is when they put something inside fire and you increase the boiling point. That is when we know whether such a person with TB remains in the ministry or not. Are you with me now? Yes. Because most of the time people see ministry as coming before the crowd of people to preach. Hallelujah. And that is why when you go through the seizing of God, the process of God the one of the things you will not desire again is poopy. When you go through what? The process of God. One of the things that you will not desire again is what? Is poopy. And also check those people that have been in business for many years. And you that is about to start business. When people start patronizing you because you just came to the environment. The people that have been in that environment for so long. Some of them, they will not be moved. Because what they are trying to say is that let us see whether you can keep these same customers for the next three years. And I want to tell you that every business loses customers. Sometimes somebody comes to buy from you just once in a month. Before you see that person comes again, you will still see that person in the environment going to other places. But they may not come back to you again. And after three years, you are not still moved. You are still strong. After five years, you are still strong in that business. That is faithfulness. So faithfulness in this regard, there are many definitions to it which we are going to look at. Dictionary meaning. But one thing that is lacking is what? Faithfulness is lacking in the life of many believers. Hallelujah. Yes, faithfulness is lacking. It is lacking in the life of so many believers. Many do not consider faithfulness as part of the fruit of the Spirit. Go and read your Bible. Faithfulness is part of what? The fruit of what? Of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit. I was on social media a few days ago where a wonderful man of God that God is currently using, I love him so much, and God is using him mightily. And somebody that was close to him, he wrote on the status, on the Facebook post, he said, This man of God you see everybody celebrating today, I was fortunate to be close to him. That this man of God you see was washing toilets in the church for more than five years. It was what? Washing toilets. He said nobody knew him as a preacher. That means he never preached in that church for once. What he was doing was what? Washing toilets. For more than what? Five years. And when he said that, it took me back to the period when I also washed what? Toilets. And the moment I read it I was like, wow. So this man didn't just go from heaven. There was a season of training. And how many of you wash toilets today if you were not normal? And that is why not every one of you God will use. Because the period that they appointed some of us to wash toilets, I'm not talking about toilets of a neat church. I'm talking about when campgrounds, you know campgrounds, where people can poo on the floor. And I wash toilets. I've washed toilets before in retreats. We call it retreat campgrounds. I've also done security work. You will never see me in the auditorium. Where I'm doing security fire in the night, I will be hearing people shouting in the auditorium, only ghosts are taking over. I can't live there to go and partake. I will still be there. Hallelujah. So you must understand that before God exalts any of us, it will go and shake the book of faithfulness. To see if we have been faithful. God doesn't just come and promote your business. God doesn't just come and bless you. God doesn't just come. And that is why I do tell people that are close to me, I say there are some things you get through prayer and fasting. There are also some things you get through sacrifice. You get through faithfulness. You don't need to pray for them. Hallelujah. Because when God has tested you over time and sees that you are faithful, then he will entrust you. He will entrust you. So Jesus was speaking in Luke 16 verse 10. He said, If that is faithful in that which is worth, least is faithful also in much. Hallelujah. Yes, if that is faithful in that which is worth, least will also be faithful in what? Much. And that is why if you shake the evil people, I love the evil people so much. Not because my part is from evil, but also because of their strategy in business. Evil people will never entrust you with your own business. They will never entrust you with your own business without you going through training. Hallelujah. So you will see that in the evil realm, somebody can be under his master for seven years, helping his master to sell that business. Because there is no way you can do it if you are not betrayed. Hallelujah. If you are not faithful, so what that your master's business. If your master's business closed down under you, you cannot start your own because your own will close down. So the evil people, they will first of all carry you into training. They will sign a contract with you that you will serve me for five years. At the end of the five years, either I give you money in cash or I open a business for you to start. So either they give you capital to start or they open a business for you to start. The reason it is done like that is to inculcate the knowledge of faithfulness. Because many are not faithful these days. Even though it is a sign of the last days, many are not faithful. Even in the church, people are not faithful. Hallelujah. So Jesus said, if you can be faithful in little things, he said you will be faithful in what? In much. It's the same principle. I discovered by the grace of God that a man that can lead his 100 member church, or 50 member church, or 10 member church, faithfully, you may even be surprised if I say 5 member church, and for the next 10 years it is just 5 members you have, a man that can lead that 5 member church faithfully, faithfully for the 5 years or for the 10 years, can lead 10 million churches. It's my experience. The next 2 months make me, by the grace of God, a small boy like me, 16 years in ministry. I will tell you, it is the same thing. The way I led the first church I ever led, the way I led the second church I ever pastored, the way I led any church, the third one, it is the same way I am living here. There is nothing big. Hallelujah. I will thank God for the wisdom of God. Over these years of being a pastor in different churches, I have pastored the one you don't need to visit, they will come to church. I have also pastored the one that, if you don't go to them, that day before the service day, you will never see all of them in church. The same way, one of them, you have to just come to church, they must come. The other one, if you don't go to them, they will never what? Come. I never got murmured. I never got tired. I got evangelizing every time. It is the same way. God will not keep promoting you, when he sees that even one capacity he puts you, you are struggling for long, you can't even push it. You are murmuring, complaining, he will not trust you, you will just suffer. So one thing that God looks at is what? Faithfulness. Say faithfulness. We should learn to understand that faithfulness is paramount. We ask for big, big things. Lord, give me one million. Lord, give me ten million. Lord, give me twenty million. The one he has given to you, the ten thousand he gives to you every month, how do you manage it? He gave you ten thousand last month, the next day we saw you in Biepalo. The other time we saw you dashing people's money. No investment, no planning, no financial wisdom. And God has seen that your capacity can only be receiving five thousand a month. So if God must bless us, faithfulness is also very what? Important. Hallelujah. Faithfulness is very what? Important. How faithful are you? So if you are faithful in little things, then you will be faithful in much. You open your business. How faithful are you to that business? There are people that owns business. The moment, before you see them come and open that business, it's already twelve in the afternoon. It's already one in the afternoon. It's already two in the afternoon. Some of them, it's just evening they will not come. Why? They say, I beg. Not just evening, I want them to come. You see, it's the consistency that matters. It is not the attitude of the people around you. They might not be patronizing you, but your consistency of going every morning is what puts a separation from you from them. People are watching. People are observing. When they see that whenever they pass through your shop, it's always closed, forget about it. You have already disappointed the people. Business does not grow like that. Whether they are not even patronizing you, understand that you have to be faithful to the customers. Because when we talk about faithfulness, we always consider people faithful to us. Are we also considering we are faithful to others? So, God has given us little things in our life today. Little money, little opportunity, little talent, little gift, little connections. To see how you will remain faithful in that, if you are faithful to that little thing, it's going to lift you up. Matthew chapter 24. Matthew chapter 24. I read verse 45 to verse 51. Matthew 24, verse 45 to verse 51. The Bible says in verse 45. I'm waiting for your reader. Matthew 24, from verse 45 down to verse 51. Amen. Okay, verse 45. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Now, this guy, the master made him a ruler over his household. For what purpose? To give them what? Only one person. Some of you are not reading your Bible. To give them what? So that was his responsibility. That was what his master asked him to be doing. Your responsibility is just be giving these people food every time. I have a food store and a, what is it called? I have where I store food. A barn to store food. So to you, don't go and look for food. Just be going there, cook and give to them. Cook and give to them. That is your responsibility. That is why I am appointing you. Let us read further. Verse 46. Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find what? So doing. Verily I say unto you, that him shall make him ruler over all his world's goods. Verse 48. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming, and shall begin to submit his fellow servant to eat and drink with the drunkards, the Lord of that servant shall come in a day, when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him what? A portion with what? The hypocrite. They shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The reason he is appointed a portion with the hypocrite, is that what he claimed to be before the master, is not what he is behind what? The master. Hallelujah. If you want to know whether people love God, it is not when you are giving them opportunity to come and display their talents. When somebody is being stopped from being a worker, check his lifestyle after he is being stopped. Their commitment will immediately decrease, to tell you that they were not faithful before. They were only doing that because they were scared of you, or because they don't want people to say anything. So many of us, we are only committed, as long as we are exposed to the platform. The moment the platform is taken from you, your commitment dies. Your prayer life dies. Hallelujah. God bless my pastor in Jesus name. Even though I never understood that time, but God bless him in Jesus name. I started studying theology, when I was just an ordinary worker. And one of the funny things, it pained me at that time, the people that got born again, in the church, and eventually they made them workers in the church, they came to meet me. My pastor knew I knew Bible very, very well. I really read Bible. I love my pastor. God bless him. I really read Bible. It was a mandate for all workers in that church, to finish the Bible at least once a year. So that was where I met them. So I said, why would I be finishing Bible with them once a year? So I started finishing my first part of the Bible, May, June. So I was striving to finish Bible two times or three times a year. Because what I always do, I always try to go ahead of them. Not because I was a minister, but I always don't like being at the same level with people spiritually. Hallelujah. So I read my Bible so much, that my pastor was so aware, that I was highly intelligent scripturally. I have some of those, my Bibles. If I show you, you will see, bio from Genesis to Revelation. My wife has seen them. Not one, not two. They are just kicked now, because I don't read those Bibles. But you know what my pastor never did to me? He never gave me Sunday school for once. He never allowed me to teach Sunday school. The only once I taught Sunday school was, when he wanted to discipline the Sunday school teachers, they came late, and they didn't observe their quiet time, because in my church, before you teach Sunday school, you must observe personal quiet time with God. First, before you minister to the people. So he called them out, to the altar. These people, what about your quiet time today? This one is no, this one is no, this one is no, this one is no. And I sat at the front chair, where Pastor Allawi is sitting down now. I said, young man, come. And I came. He said, do you observe your time with God? I said, yes, sir. He said, please teach them. I did not teach. Hallelujah. That was a holy time. So all my, all the headers I met in the church, these are the scholars, they sat down with new people and members, as you teach all of them. But do you know that I was a worker close to this man of God, that I do go to his house, the pastor. I was close to him, close to his wife, close to the children. He never gave me food. The painful one was when the people that I knew they were sinners, I was out of those preaching to them, some of them virtually God born again, and they became a worker in that church. Hallelujah. It was when my pastor now made them Sunday school teacher, another one teaching me. The flesh couldn't what? Take it. But I fought with what? The flesh. Because even I knew, I knew the Bible more than them. And that's why I was telling people that for the past seven years, six to seven years, not even Sunday school I was allowed to teach. The highest I could do was to lead people in Korea. Highest. I think with the courage I was finished. As time goes on, the church really just made me ask fellowship leader. Hallelujah. So my personal commitment to ask fellowship, since in the church they don't give me anything, I made sure that the ask fellowship leader, I took advantage of it. So any time we finish service on Sunday, because we do ask fellowship on Sunday evening, when we finish our service, we do finish service one, two in the afternoon. I don't go home. If my father-in-law is in the church, he don't see me go home. That was where we went to. So all of us will sit down, the prayer worker will have his shirt and sardine. The ministers, we have shirts. We ask everybody to sit down. The one that is sleeping like this, the one that is resting, is resting. So me, myself, I will be at the back of the altar. I will be praying for five o'clock, ask fellowship I have. I would pray, make sure I pray for one hour, and study what my pastor gave us to teach. So that was what I was now using to me. My pastor was aware that my fellowship was growing. Yes, he didn't see me on the school board. The first time I climbed pulpit in my life was not in that church. It was a church in Kogi State. I went there for a visit. And they said, young man, can you lead us in prayer? The first time in my life I climbed pulpit like this, my eye was turning. Because I have never climbed what? Pulpit in my life. But anyway I got to, I only discovered that people kept asking me, what church are you coming from? You are a different believer. Anywhere I went to, people kept asking me, you are different. There is a fire in your life. Because the least among us in that church, if it goes under that church, they will make him pastor. But in that church, our pastor kept breaking us to the point where I would do miracles. If you have been close to me, have you ever seen me exalted in a miracle? No. It was from there they trained us. So when the least among us get to places, even some of us that go to school, when we hear that a sister has gone to school, the next we are hearing is the head of, the sisters in the campus fellowship. This one go, when I left, I became president in my own campus fellowship. Because where we were, it is as if they were training us, the fire was so much, but my pastor kept training us. You will not discover that you that could divide theology that will tell you that you are the one in charge of teaching. You, you are the one serving food in this program. You will be expecting that with all the theology you have, that will say you are the one teaching this thing. That will even be given to people that you know, you know the Bible, Mother. Then you that know the Bible, that will tell you, you are the one doing security all through the night when they are sleeping. So you will see pastors that are working in NNPC, doing security while you are sleeping. Breaking us down. Because faithfulness must be the what? The focus. Faithfulness must be what? The focus. So Jesus was speaking about this man, whom his master made him love over his house. And said, feed everybody. But the moment his mouth traveled, he took advantage. How many of us, the moment our boss didn't come to work that day, what were we supposed to do in the office? What were we supposed to do in the office? We were not there. We were lying there. Because you know your boss is not around. But the moment they say, oh God don't come, you will just jump up and run. As if you are faithful. The things you do, when you are no longer given an opportunity to exercise yourself, is a real you. When your God is not around, the things you do is your what? Your real you. When nobody is coming to buy market from you, the things you do at that time is your real you. That is what heaven record about you. Not the one you do, because people are there applauding you. By the grace of God Almighty, am I under any persona? Like this child, am I a defender? Are you seeing me taking negligence of the work? I was trained like that. I do this work with the whole of my life. Because at the time I was under ministers of God, I was trained. So when you are faithful in little things, God will not call you. Forget people that are calling God. I know these people that are calling God now. It is not God calling them. And that is why the next thing they become founder, they become pastor, you see people opening doors for them. Hallelujah. Because that is what they have been admiring. People opening doors for them. You will see them with bodyguards, with protocols, and everybody that is teaching them. Because that is what they are. They are not served. You can't serve and arise like that. Your wings will be broken. The wings you came into service with, before you leave there, you will break it. And you don't know that even the one I am doing here, is still an example. You don't know that my father has been watching me. Because promotion comes from him. If you are not faithful in little things, you cannot be faithful in much. Hallelujah. Let us go to chapter 25, verse 21 to verse 23. Chapter 25, from verse 21 to verse 23. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. His Lord said unto him, Well done, that good and faithful servant. Thou hast been what? Faithful over few things, and will make thee ruler over much, many things. Enter thou into the joy of what? Verse 22, let us read it together. I want to go. He also, at sea to Thailand, came and said, Lord, that delivers unto me to Thailand. Behold, I have gained to other Thailand beside them. Verse 23 together. His Lord said unto him, Well done, good and what? Faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over few things, and will make thee ruler over what? Many things. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord. Who is the Lord? Hallelujah. There was a friend of mine. Look up here. Anytime they invite both of us to the same program, that was those periods where I was a traveling evangelist. And that is why I will tell you that there is no department I have not touched. I've been a teacher. I've been a traveling evangelist. If I was to be doing traveling evangelist from that time, 2018, 17, 18, 19, if I'm to be doing it now, you will not be seeing me here. I was one that stopped those things. I was people in flyer you will be seeing evangelist. What? It does it. Not that I told them I was evangelist, but I kept moving from place to place. I had no church. I had not set up my ministry. So churches do invite me. From there I became a part of a church. Today I'm what? An apostle. I have touched the prophetic side. That is today me. So this particular friend of mine, who just got born again one year ago. So 2018 when we met, he was not trying to put himself in the same world class with me. He just got born again when I was nine years old in the ministry. So, if we keep talking about whether it's always problem is when they invite us to the same place. Or a single minister give us poopy to share. When I finish preaching, when I finish preaching, they will always come to me. I say, ah, it's like you have been long in this, you know. Hallelujah. I will just keep quiet. I say, okay, I will just keep quiet. I say, okay, this brother has healed, he has been revived by the fire, but I don't see that he has been much short in this thing. So, they will not appoint me as a pastor. So, even the nurses that I'm supposed to preach, they will give that message to me. So, he started cursing, my lease, envy, jealous. Hallelujah. What was speaking whenever I climbed the altar was my years of what? Experience. Not just the, not just you quoting Bible of hands. If you have belonged on the pulpit for years, people will know. They will what? They will know. If you have belonged in this business of the ministry for years, people will know. If you are just young, just welcome, they will know. Because it shows from your explanation, your definition, your examples, and your illustrations. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Because, I was in the, in the pulpit when the man was teaching about Jesus. This man has been in the ministry for more than 30 years at that time. He was not vibrating. He was talking very slow. Sometimes he would even talk, and rest or something. Do you know that this man have not preached for, I don't know, day to day, I will never forget that experience. I don't know what beats me. Are you with me? I started crying. The topic, he was teaching on Christology, the study of Christ. As he began to teach about who is Jesus, I don't know who beats me. Not that I was speaking loud, his voice was even low. My heart was full of watered tears. I have to put my head on the chair like this again. I was, I was, I was still crying. I said, maybe it is only me. When I saw like this, my neighbor, I don't fool with watered tears. And I look, I said, let me look back. People were crying. He was not shouting. He was only, he would push, and push, and push, and put one leg on something like that. I was just pushing. I tell you, we cried. I cried, I, it's as if, you know when they beat a child before, about, like, any little thing you do, it will always have an opportunity to what? To cry. The tears were just rushing out. I cried, I, I felt, I cried my life. I want to be like who? Jesus. That one was not just inspirational, so, yes of what? Ministry. See, if you are faithful in little things, if you are faithful in little things, God knows the way to bless you. Have you seen that everybody comes to church to shout, Amen, receive, Amen, but only few people receive what? That blessing. Because the blessing, when the man of God says receive, it comes to find whether there is faithfulness there, before it's, it's rest upon you. I just, I hope you are not distracted. So, if that be faithful in what? Little things. Little things. Little things. I see people saying that, it's not, it's not my thing, I'm not used to it. I thank God I never told my pastor like that. Of course, some of you hear my voice, you will know that I'm not a singer. I love music, because I was taught music, but I'm not a what? A singer. My pastor, I murmured, he forced me into that. He fought every prayer where you must be a musician. I'm never for once, I thank God, that's why I'm thanking God today. I've never for once, he, respond to my pastor, even before I became very close to him, I've never for once to say, no. Anything he said, yes. And that was how I prospered in different departments. Be faithful, whether you don't like that thing, be what? Be faithful. You don't like children department, be faithful there. There is something that is in you, that you don't even know is in you, that God wants to exploit. Some people say, it's only what I can do that, only where I have grace. You, shut up. You don't talk about grace before a man of God. Do you think you're more spiritual than him? Do you know how many times God was speaking to a pastor, and he just, shut up, and look, you are dying gradually, because you have not even discovered yourself. And that thing they wanted to put you, would have catapulted you, to discover yourself. Most of us have not discovered ourselves till now. If I ask you, what has God called you for? You say, I don't know. I sent a video to you, I think, this month, about one pastor, pastor, you know the pastor. I said, it was when he came there, the old man of about 70, I said, we are going to, who is it now today? Is not a big pastor that people are celebrating today? You don't know that sometimes God can use, a man of God to call you into something you don't like. The moment they appointed him as a pastor, he was not a member of that church. He was saying that his roommate collected key, and his roommate was a member of that church, playing keyboard. So he came to that church to come and collect what? Key, and he could go back home. Actually, the church now, the old man of 70, I said, hey, we are going to, you are the pastor of this church from today. Who is not a member? He said, what he was saying in his mind is, Justin, so that you will see me again. He said, the moment they were praying, before they finished prayer, he ran away. It was one year later that God, after his life had been scattered with depression and frustration, he finally got back there. God, you don't know that when the man of God, at that time, is pointing, is positioning you, you say, I don't like this, I don't like this. No, I don't want to be a pastor. No, I don't want to be this. It's not my nation. I don't have grace here. And God is trying to realign you that this is what is obstructing you from destiny. If that be faithful in little things, you'll be faithful in what? Much. God was speaking to the people of Israel, speaking to Aaron and Miriam. He said, have you founded my servant Moses, who is faithful among you? Moses was faithful. What about the person of David? David was called faithful person. That is 1 Samuel 22, verse 14. Moses, Numbers 12, verse 7. So, faithfulness, from the dictionary, means, to be steadfast, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be faithful, to be 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