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Holy Anger for Your Freedom 08092024_1

Holy Anger for Your Freedom 08092024_1


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The speaker acknowledges the difficult situation in Nigeria, where many people can't afford to go to church and struggle to feed themselves and their children. He emphasizes the importance of Holy Anger as a means to achieve freedom and success in life. He explains that Holy Anger is different from other types of anger and should be used to overcome challenges and criticism. He highlights the significance of favor and relationships in achieving success and receiving blessings. He encourages everyone to pray for favor and not solely rely on hard work. He shares examples of how favor has helped people achieve great things and urges listeners to value relationships and continuously seek favor. I'm aware that Nigeria is becoming more difficult. Nigeria is becoming more hard. I'm aware that many are not stopping to go into church because they can't feed themselves. So many are converting Sunday morning into their business hour. I'm aware of that. I'm also aware that to feed yourself together with the children is becoming more difficult. You are like questioning God about all of those things. I'm aware of that. I pray for every one of us here and even the members that travel those years to return back from their August travel. I pray God will bless every one of us. We shall have more than enough to give to others. In Jesus' name. Okay, now before we go this morning we'll be talking about an important topic which I believe the Lord wants us to talk about this morning. And that is titled as Holy Anger for Your Freedom. Holy Anger. We have different kind of anger. We have malicious anger. We have anger that is dated for mileage. When you have mileage towards a person, you can decide to have anger towards that person. We have a jealous or envious anger. This is the kind of anger that is dated for envy. If you are envious of a person and you are talking to that person, you'll be talking to that person with what? Anger. But among this many kind of anger we have, there's a kind of anger that we should have. The others we should not have because this one we should have it. It's called the Holy Anger. Nobody experience shift in life. Nobody move to the next level in life until you move by Holy Anger. Sometimes where we are today is dated by the criticism of our parents. When your parents say nothing good can happen to you. When your parents say you are useless. The best way to respond to your parents is not for you to cause them. It's a sin. What are you to do at the Holy Word? Anger. But I'm going to tell you what the Holy Anger can do for you. It is the Holy Anger that can make you to shift your level in what? In life. When people insult you, when people criticize you, when people gossip you, when people talk down at you, the best way to do is to go back to God and ask God to put you. You will discover that you are the only one that have the burden to pray more. So that it is through you that God want to set your family free. So when we are not done with the problem affecting our home, you are not done with the spiritual problem attacking you. You will keep pursuing things. You will keep struggling. It will never work out. Wait and learn. There is something I believe that there are two ways to make it in life. Number one, it's either you labor. Then number two, it's either you have favor. So which of them do you want? With everything that passes through spiritual possibilities, it engages them. It puts everything involving God and skill and knowledge and builds reasonable relationship. Because one of the strings that make favor to flow is through what? Relationship. You will discover that that person based on relationship, one day somebody can come and gift him a mansion. You will build a bungalow after 10 years of what? But this guy will see the mansion as a gift within one day. That is called what? Favor. So some people become great in life, not because of labor. It's because of favor. So people don't understand the spiritual indices. So everybody want to labor. No. If this is by labor, it will take you years before you rise. You may not even reach that years before you rise. So there is something that God has put in order which is called favor. And I want to repeat it to you that most favor will never come except through what? Relationship. Listen carefully. I'm coming back to my teaching. Value relationship. I beg you, value what? I beg you. You may take anything for granted. Don't take relationship with anybody for granted. Including my daughter here, for example. This included the children. Take any relationship for what? Granted. Because many blessings you will receive in life will flow through what? Relationship. I'm telling the truth. It was relationship that gave him a damn grant. It was a gift. A relationship with the king. And the king asked, okay, what do you want me to do for you? He said, okay, this is what I need. And the king gave him. That time, if it were to be now, the king would not give him. Because at that time, the king never saw that the future, that place would work better. Most of the gifts you will get in life will not come through labor. Labor will always achieve few things. But when favor comes, you are going to achieve great things. That is why you need to apply the place of favor. That means the place of holy anger to attract what? Continuously seek for a favor. Say, Lord, favor me. Say, Lord, favor me. I have labor for so long. But favor me, Lord. It worked in the life of Jesus. The Bible says, and Jesus was favored both with God and with men. I tell you the truth. One of the greatest gifts of a pastor is favor. Live now your past and keep praying for it today. When favor comes, a single person can come and build the whole church. If you want to come to God and say, brother, bring my daughter here. Bring my son here. Take us here before we build the whole church. But a single person can come and say, forget about it. I'm building the church today. Everything is over. That is God's word, favor. That is what many churches experience. They will think that they just rise once low. After some years of faithfulness, when God sees that you have been faithful, that's why there are few members. One of the things that God used to reward you is sending a person of what? Favor. After you have seen that you are struggling for years, you are faithful. You are teaching faithfully. Then you will be rewarded with what? A faithful person. That person will just come and say, how much is all the speakers, instruments, and everything? And one single person will do it. Our father in the Lord, Dr. David Oyedepo, they wanted to build, before they started building this structure, this what they are doing now, the church they are building now. When he announced it, later one week, he came back to announce it that a single person gave them one billion. That's what he did. This is not called favor. Don't think that most of those buildings are paid from the man. No, it was a combination of people of what? Favor. I tell you the truth, for you not to remain in one place for too long, pray for favor. Night and day, ask people to what? Pray for you. Anything you want to do, whether it is business, ask God, Lord, send men of favor to favor me. You will never struggle if it comes. Don't just depend on my energy, my bag, my energy. You will do it. You will get a little. Favor comes from multiplying what you are getting by what I labor. These are the secrets our parents never knew. They never knew the system of favor. So our parents, they focus on what labor. They labor and labor and labor. In what age they are sick. They have back pain. Anything you are doing, whether it is business, whether it is family, Lord, favor me. My pastor friend in Akure, I just came on Facebook, and somebody gave him a gift of a building, a new building that was built. Are you with me now? This guy, we are doing better than them. We are what? In fact, it is nearly 3,000 up to 10,000. But, you see, one of the gifts that came to him, recently that he posted, we are celebrating with him, was a full house, 10,000, new building. If I want to build that, if you say let us labor, it will cost me about 23 to 30 million Naira. Please, don't take this prayer for granted. Sometimes lock yourself in that house. Lock yourself. And say, Father, release favor upon my life. It will take you far. It comes like a speed. It comes like a what? Speed. I'm telling you the truth. Lock yourself up and cry, Lord, favor me. Even your enemies, when they say for you. They will not know why they are helping you, but they are just helping you. They will not know. They will not know why they are giving you that money to go and start business, that they are giving to you. You will not receive calls, and somebody will just call and say, send me your account number. You may think it's one Naira, two Naira. But when you send the money, even the person will not know the reason you give to the money. Look up here. Everything you are looking for is in somebody's account. There is no money you are looking for now that somebody does not have. Most of them have it, and have it, and have it. They are even spending it every Saturday in the BFLO. That's what they are using to drink, to carry women. Every Saturday they are spending it. Every Saturday. So don't think that what you are looking for, nobody has it. All you need is what? Favor. Favor will make one of those people, God will touch their heart, they will call you and send you one of their Saturday's money. And your problem is what? Self. That is what only anger can do. Only anger can shift your position. Only anger. When you discover that things are not going well in your life today, you must struggle before you get something. Shift your prayer point. Change it. Enter into a place of prayer. Is it not surprising that my friend today is working in Escalade World, oil company, with just YF Resorts. Not original YF Resorts. That printed at one. It's something I cannot understand sometimes. I sit down and talk like, how? How? People. Their contract finished initially, and when their contract finished, before their contract finished, a white man met him and said, you are going to join this new set of people. Now they made them permanent workers, staff, YF workers. Not even original YF Resorts. Not even YF Resorts. Like they printed, what do we say? Maths. Physics. It doesn't add your date of death, nothing. That is what it is. That is favor. That is favor. When God wants to favor a man, He doesn't look at your limitation. He shifts you beyond your work limitation. Every father, every mother should pray this for their children. Favor my child. When favor comes, it comes like a scholarship. And I will say true atrocious, shouldn't primary, secondary, university. That is favor. Anything that makes you not to labor again, it's called what? It's called what? Anything that makes you not to labor again, it's called favor. But for you to experience that favor, you need what I call, holy anger. Hallelujah. So anything that doesn't do anything, will not see anything. Until you rise up to take responsibility, and enter into spiritual warfare, you cannot obtain freedom. To be free, it comes with a price. And that is the price of persistent praying and faith in God. For you to experience freedom in your life, you need this holy anger. You need something to be set up in your heart. You need something to challenge you. You need something that will make you to spend time in the place of prayer. You need something that will wake you up to pray. Without this holy anger, you will think that everything is normal. It's not normal. It's not normal. Hallelujah. Let us go to the book of Genesis, 27 verse 37 to 40. Genesis 27. From verse 37 to verse 40. Genesis. 27. From verse 37 to verse 40. Are we there? It says, And Isaac answered and said unto Esau, Behold, I have made him thy Lord, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants. And with corn and wine have I sustained him. And what shall I do now unto thee, my son? And Esau said unto his father, And thou but one blessed, my father. Bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and what? Verse 39 together. And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the sharpness of thy head, and of the dew of every form above. Forty together want to go. And by thy sword thou shalt live, and shalt serve thy brother. And it shall come to pass, note that plate, when thou shalt have dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke of thy neck. You know what is happening here? You know what happened? Jacob used lie, used cunning, to collect the blessing of what? Esau. So Esau went up to his father and said, Please, you have given all my blessings to Jacob. Even if it is one, give to me. The father said, No, I beg you. I did, Jacob. I carried all, and I gave it to Jacob. I thought it was you. The father answered, But I have something for you. I am the one that blessed Jacob, but this is the way for you to be free from Jacob. He said, By the time you have come to dominion, the door beam, the yoke, shall be lifted up to your what? Neck. What does it mean? It means by the time you are ready to fight, they start holding anger in you, and you say you are ready to fight, Jacob, the yoke of Jacob on your neck, will be removed. And I tell you the truth, even Esau appeared to be more richer and wealthier than who? Jacob, after that time. Because the father said, The only way you can be free from your brother, because your brother is greater than you now, but the only way for you to be free, you must come to the place of holding what? Anger. Now when you have dominion, whether you can defeat Jacob, a Jacob yoke over your neck will be broken. Many yokes in our life will be broken if we apply holding what? Anger. Now mommy is suffering, now daddy is suffering, but you have taken it personally in your life that you must break the yoke over your family. That you must change the challenges in your own. Nobody has been rising in this family, but it must start with you. Nobody has made it in this family, but it must what? Start with you. That is how you do it. That is how you do it. To change the conflict in your family, to change everything in your family, then you must have a provocative only anger to make sure that you never experience what they are experiencing. That is how it happens. It happens to someone called Jabez. Jabez has a bad name. Let us go to the book of 1 Chronicles chapter 4. 1 Chronicles chapter 4. Don't worry, I'm closing very soon. 1 Chronicles chapter 4. Because if we keep saying that we are Christians, we are Christians, and we are doing nothing about spiritual warfare, the devil will have upper hand in our life. But that will not be our portion in Jesus name. 1 Chronicles chapter 4. 1 Chronicles chapter 4. I read from verse 1. Okay, let me read from verse 9. Because of time. And Jabez was more honorable than his what? Jabez had daughters and sisters. But he was more honorable. That means all the rest are not honorable. Jabez was more honorable than his what? And his mother called his name Jabez. Saying, because I bear him with sorrow. The first thing we see there is that who gave name to Jabez? That means Jabez never had a father relationship. Possibly, maybe his father denied that he was not responsible for the what? Pregnancy. But the Bible never made reference to his father. And his mother named him Jabez. So we can say that Jabez's father was somewhere else. Grooving. Caching. He was flexing life, possibly. And this young man who was born out of wedlock was suffering. And the more that I never did well, I gave him a painful name. A sorrowful name. Verse 9. Am I right? It is because I bear him with what? Sorrow. Verse 10. Let us read together. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh, that thou wouldst bless me indeed, and enlarge my coat, and thy hand might be with me. And that thou wouldst keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me. And God granted him that which he was. That you are from a family. Mommy is suffering. Daddy is suffering. For you to eat is a problem. And my sister and I came to church and said, Lord, this is not what is written about me. And you lock up yourself for two days. And say, Oh God, until you change my story, I'm not leaving you. God will do it. It is only anger that can make you to lock up yourself of fasting. It is only anger. Only unprovoked anger that can make you to shut the door and say, How long are we going to suffer? And you hold the hand of your wife. You hold the hand of your husband. And you enter into a prayer. You enter into a prayer. Praise the Lord. Sometimes all that God expects you to do before you become a believer is that you should pray. You have not yet prayed. You have not yet entered into warfare. There is no problem to do because you are engaging in prayer. You discover that your children are behaving funny. You have talked, nothing is happening. Lock yourself up and change your destiny back. Somebody has changed their destiny. Re-change it again. Many Christians are too weak. We so much put every blame on the society. And they are afraid and they spoil them. No, you have not done your work. No, you have not done your work. If your faith can change them, you can change them. Enter into a prayer. Jarvis, before he became honorable, the Lord has given us what he did. He called on the God of Israel. Oh, that thou wouldst bless me. I know that nobody is blessed in my family. Even my younger sister is not blessed. Even my elder brother is not blessed. Even my elder sister is not blessed. Even my brother's child is not blessed. Oh God, that thou wouldst bless me. I know we are members of the same family, but we are not the same. You discovered that if you can pray, your blessing and your prayer can rest upon your family. God is looking for a praying family. Holy anger. Praise the Lord. You have not yet become faithful. Somebody has not yet prayed for us. Praise the Lord. If somebody has not yet prayed for you, you will not take action. If somebody has not yet worked, you will do. Most times, before some of us take action in life, the thing must fail us first. That is why we have not yet prayed. That is why we have not yet fasted. Even now, some of us are not, we are not believing in prayer again. We say that prayer does not work. It works. You have not yet done it. Your best way is to pray God that thou wouldst bless me. That thou wouldst bless me. Prayer. That thou wouldst bless me. That thou wouldst change my family. My father is suffering, my mother is begging for food to eat. Would that pay us rent? I can't continue like this. That thou wouldst change me and bless my life. That thou wouldst change me and bless my life. Landlord is coming, landlady is coming every time knocking on our door. Insulting my father, insulting my mother. Oh God that thou wouldst bless me. That a sister here will come to church or find a place and you are going on fasting and prayer. And say God I must see a blessing in my family. The thing has not yet paid you. Hallelujah. You see your mother on that ring. Is walking on that ring. And it doesn't touch your heart. That you see your father. On that throne. Your father is doing many jobs and it doesn't touch your heart. That landlord will come and knock door. And when your mother opens door, landlord will insult your mother, insult everybody. You'll be inside and never touches your heart. You think it's normal? You don't know that that is a shame? That neighbors will be the one coming to give you food to eat. Neighbor will cook and carry rice and basically come and give it to what? To eat, you put with, including your mother and your father will eat. And that the same neighbor, whenever he do something bad to you, you put another attacker. Because you want feeding work. And you think it's normal? You think it's ordinary? That in the place of market where your mother is selling tomatoes, you will see men will come and touch your mother. You know they are tapping current. Your mother is trying to resist them because you are there. But the reason your mother cannot resist them is because they are the one still buying the tomatoes. To feed you. See, there has to be anger in you and tell you God, I can't remain like this, change my story. Something must provoke you. Something should provoke you. That Lord, I am ready to change my family history. Just do it for me. Lock up yourself. Lock up yourself. By your father is a security man, opening door for children. You say it does not mean? It does not mean for anybody, for everybody. It does not mean for anybody, for everybody. But not what? Father, this man has suffered. It is time for the children to lift him up. That should be your prayer. Lord, my papa don't suffer. Wait, wait. My mama don't suffer. Lift up the children. Lift us up. We want to lift up this man. This man don't suffer. That should be your prayer. Do you know how many men are crying? Do you know how many times your father cried in the secret? Because you cannot send him 10,000 Naira every month. Not that he is angry, he is not angry at you. He is angry that the way he suffered is the same way you are suffering. That your mother in the night, she will wake up and cry. Because you say you are in the city. Not this. She is not angry with you. She is only saying that you are repeating what? Misplaced. He knows that that is the same way. I have not suffered and nothing came out. So, your father is not angry with you that you are not sending money. He is only angry that you are repeating what? Misplaced. He is looking for that man like Japheth that will rise up in the family. So, God, until you change our story. I will not leave this altar. Let me die. Until you change my family what? You hold the altar and you are crying. Oh God, change my family. Your father is looking up to you. Your mother is looking up to you. He is looking for that lady. That you are a female daughter. A daughter of your parents. You cry in the place of prayer. And say God, the mistake my parents made. That made them to be in this situation. I will never make a mistake. That is the holy anger. That is what can change things. We are getting old gradually. Our parents are still alive. They are not yet dead. We cannot repeat history. They put their hope on us. And they were suffering. Now we are not putting our hope on where? Our children. No. Change the things. Change it. Change it. Because if you put your hope on your children. It means that they will not benefit from you. And if you don't do anything. So your children will grow up putting their trust on where? Their own grandchildren. It will not become a family bondage. I am looking for that brother. Who after this message will go and lock up himself and pray. I am looking for that sister. Who will take life more serious after this message. Where are your aunties? When did they call you to shake up on you? Do you think your aunties will look at your face? It is a responsibility of your parents. That is what they are saying. That they will not help any of you people. They are focusing only on their children. Some of us here, we have aunties and uncles that are big people. But why are you suffering? Why are you suffering? Jabesh cry to the Lord. That thou wouldest bless me. Don't think everything is ordinary. Don't think everything is ordinary. Don't think everything is ordinary. It pains me when I see elderly people feel so ugly. It pains me. I was in church. When I see an elderly man walking, I was there. Trying to work on speaker change. Mum is in the village. Daddy is in the village. Daddy is at home. They are looking on to you to rise up and fight. Their brothers have been insulted. I have been upset that nobody called them for family meeting again. Because they have nothing to offer. They are looking on to you to quit. This particular man, he came to the point whereby, they have to insult him and they say he was poor and in church. My heart was heavy. My heart was heavy. Please, rise up and pray. In the night, in the day. Destinies are attached to you. You will not only hear that others are making it, you will make it. That everybody's children are getting married. You all will marry. You all will marry well. I know the pain in the heart of parents. When they discover that their children cannot assist them. It pains them whenever their children call them and say, Mama, Papa, me could not pray for also. Please ask for yes. Those things always break the heart of the parents. I say, oh God, we like guys. We like guys without entering the car of my child. We like guys without entering the car of my child. We like guys without seeing my children making it in life. These are the pains of our parents. Shall we stand up on our feet? Say, oh God, my Father. Put in me, holy anger. Put in me, holy anger.

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