Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a prayer and sermon about worshiping and honoring leaders in the church. It emphasizes the importance of setting things in order and submitting to pastors and leaders who labor to seek the mind of God. The characteristics of a true leader are mentioned, such as being a watchman and setting an example for the flock. The sermon encourages the congregation to focus, prepare their hearts, and receive the teachings as a platform for answered prayer. name of jesus our everlasting fire lord we thank you we glorify your name there is none like you you are the beginning and the ending who is like unto thee among other gods which like thee glorious in holiness and fearful in praises father we have come here we gathered in your presence we have come to just worship you for the love that you are for us father receive all the praise in the name of jesus we thank you for your saving grace we thank you for opportunity to be here where we can hear your true word father receive all the praise in the name of jesus father a time like this we ask for your presence we ask that you will open our hearts to receive from you in the name of jesus thank you lord for answering our prayer for in jesus mighty name we'll pray if you know you are a little bit when they are shout hallelujah shout a big hallelujah hallelujah amen let's sit in the house of the lord you are welcome hallelujah we want to thank god for his grace and for another time to be here we did not we are not counting it we see it as a privilege to come here and worship him it is by his mercy hallelujah it is by what it is by his mercy and we thank him for that brethren before we go ahead i want us to don't be distracted hallelujah don't be what don't be distracted what god have in plan in any of his gathering earlier what god having what in planning any of any of his gathering is for everyone that can receive it so you can be here and be and you can miss out of what god has for you if you don't want the focus and prepare your heart to what to receive amen so many of us is ready to receive this money oh only few of us but hallelujah and that which god has in plan for us he shall do for us in the name of jesus the bible says where two or three are gathered his presence is always there amen so don't see anywhere you find one or two people talking about the word of the lord either praying just know that what god is what god is there and i know he's in a mix right now in the name of jesus the topic before us this morning is a very special one and as we can see during our previous sunday service the lord has been what helping us so much you can see if you can come back one two three sunday behind you we see that the lord has been intentional you can come here and you can say you did not learn one or two things hallelujah no you can't say that except you are just here your mind is someone else if possible you can be sitting down here and your mind is counting on money or you're thinking about how your plan for the week will go if you have that kind of mind you can miss out of what god have what are for you amen you can what miss out of it anytime we have a program here especially sunday and wednesday i can tell you on wednesday i was powerfully blessed amen there is personal i was what powerfully blessed and what i've noticed in our gathering here that god takes the messages as an as an as a platform to answer prayer it could be what you are struggling in your heart it could be what you are asking for hallelujah so in the messages you just notice that the pastor just mentioned something that's maybe a question you have been asking god god this disease and you just notice the pastor will just be giving an illustration and that illustration will be a answer prayer to what you have been praying for my what my was i was having a drag i was back and forth in my heart and on wednesday when our father the lord start talking i know what to do so in in in a place where we share the true word of god that true word of god become a answer prayer if you can tune to it amen it is not until somebody come and say brio and seeing that is a value eat this money and that's why i say yeah amen is a man no even in his world you can receive what your what answer prayer i was struggling with that thing in my heart back and forth should i do like this should i do like this but immediately he started thinking i said okay and that okay i said i was saying okay to to god amen he never knew what he was but he was speaking the mind of god and i was what receiving so this morning to set your heart what are those prayer points you have you will receive in the name of jesus let's open our bible to the book of titus chapter one verse five the topic says the way of honoring your leaders hallelujah the way of honoring what your leaders are vibrating titus chapter one verse five amen please i'm seeing one or two people that are not here with their bible you are very wrong for doing that so next sunday please and please do not make that what that mistake amen titus chapter one verse five the topic is the way of honoring your leaders for this course i left id increase that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting and ordained elders in every city as i had appointed d i'll read again for this course left id in crate that thou should set in order the things that are wanting and ordained elders in every city as i'd what appointed d this brought paul talking to one of his disciples that for this course i've led the intake that thou should set what set in order so in church in a garden of brethren is a place where order is what is paramount is a place where we set things what in what in order hallelujah are we together we said what things in order and proper was telling him that i have because of this i've left you in what set these words in order the topic is the way of honoring your leaders and when we talk about leaders we are talking about our pastors people that have been what said what over us we're talking about what our pastors the pastors wife they are what are what our leaders is the way to honor what our leaders what is honor hallelujah i almost acted as if we are in sunday school what is what honor the dictionary meaning no let's start no not on unless that what is what who is a leader earlier with who a leader the dictionary meaning says a leader is someone why orders what follows a leader what lead is what is ahead another word for a leader is what captain amen they are what ed the edwards lead wide what the body and the rest of the part of the body did what follow that is a leader that is what a leader or how can we now what honor our leader remember anytime i talk about leader i have it in the back of your mind i'm talking about who our pastors and what the pastors wife because we are in the gathering of god in the gathering of what of god so as we were in the in the politics we may be talking about our counselor we'll be talking about the senate we'll be talking about the presidency they are what in in in family the man is what is the head so that is the hierarchy of what of leadership but in this context we are talking about what the pastors are what and the pastors what wife scripturally a leader is someone who label unto you the word of what the word of god a leader is what labor what do we call it what is laboring labor is artwork labor is what artwork labor is not something we do from what from comfort we have our mothers here they don't smile if a woman is in the hospital laboring to give birth to a child it's not a thing they do it what with my meaning it is a walk it is what it is what is wet so scripturally a leader is someone who labor unto you the word the word of god who take time to seek the mind of god a leader a pastor and the pastor's wife are those who labor to seek the mind of god is it for themselves no not for who not for themselves but for what for the people of god so that is what a leader that is the duty one of the work what the scriptural meaning of what of a leader if you open your bible to the hebrew chapter 13 verse 17 the bible says they watch over what over your soul so one of the duty of a leader as they are the head they are what a watchman they are what a watchman that is the duty of who of a leader hallelujah so before we talk about the way to honor our leaders we want to see what are the characteristics of a true leader meaning what are the characteristics of those people we can call our pastors and pastors wife do we do we know why we want to consider this in in a time like this we have so many people they may be in a church setting like this and have other pastors somewhere and they are calling it what my pastor hallelujah we may ask people pastor that did not know them before pastor that they cannot call and they are calling these people they are what their pastor we want to see what qualify a man as a leader or what qualify a man to become a to be called my pastor before we now talk about how we can watch honor such person amen we want to see the standard for you to call anybody my pastor what are the qualities that that man to to show or that conviction that will give you your heart and say yes that is my what that is my pastor you can go anywhere and say that is my what that is my pastor's wife hallelujah remember we want to watch set in what in order amen let's open to the book of first Peter chapter 5 verse 1 to 3 first Peter chapter 5 if there is microphone there i want them to give it to sister comfort first Peter chapter 5 verse 1 to 3 we want to see how do you know your pastor the right person you should submit to for you to submit to any man of God what are those things you should consider if you are there please give microphone to sister comfort she want to read first Peter chapter 5 first Peter chapter 5 from verse 1 okay let me read from here if you can see it very fast first Peter chapter 1 okay let me read hallelujah 1 2 3 first Peter chapter 5 the elders which are among you i exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the suffering of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed verse 2 seed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight day of not by constraint but willingly not for feudal lucre but a ready mind verse 3 neither has been lord over God's heritage but being example to the words to the flocks hallelujah i will take this one by one this is this is the scriptural meaning for anybody you want to call your pastor this is their duty so if you are calling anybody my pastor and this person is not meeting this criteria is either you are wrong or the pastor is wrong so we don't just call anybody my pastor we call my pastor if this person meet what this criteria are we together i want to hear amen amen is this person meet what the criteria the first thing peter was saying that he was saying he exhorts the elders which him also is what is an elder and he said one feed the flock of God so a pastor is the one who feeds the flocks i'm not talking about food amen he feed them what with the word of God of God with the true word of God and this true word is in two way is for you to know and for you to do have the knowledge and understand it so every pastor should feed what the member with what with the true word of God of God and see that they what they practice the word of God so if you find yourself in any environment that the pastor is preaching teaching you the word of God that means he has meets the criteria for somebody you can call your pastor if the person is intentional in in the word of God that they bring to you so that what you will grow have you have any of us uh do we ever have a pet especially our father we want to eat we see the way we intentionally feed them we feed them so that they can grow amen the same thing with pastor is that the person is that is for him to pack you all to where to heaven that is the goal so intentional feed you with words that will make you grow so if you find if you are calling anybody your pastor and the pastor is not feeding you with any word of God that is making you to grow such person is not what is not what your pastor hallelujah the next one says see this love of God which is among you taking oversight thereof taking what oversight that means is watchful over your life is what watchful over your spiritual life watchful over your physical life watching you if you are growing it cares for your life that is the role of what of pastor it cares if you are growing spiritually it cares about your commitment amen amen the next one says not by constraint but by willingly in it means that the pastor is not doing it by force he's doing it willingly he's not forcing it's not a force it can only compel and encourage we can only what compel and what encourage we come and visit you we pray with you we advise you the pastor can't sell you he advises you on what to do if you see anyone you are calling a pastor and this trait is not there i believe we understand what what we mean now amen if feed the flock you oversee watchful amen what is the next one he's not doing it by force neither commanding but what with willingness it's not what constraining and the next one says not lucre what it look we mean it's not doing it for what you want to get out of it the pastor is not doing it because of your pocket amen it's not doing it because of the money what with you it's not doing it so that you you will get something from you no it's not doing it because what because of what of that neither being lord over god's heritage meaning it is not a commander he's not doing it as if he's a detector no because the people are the people of what of god and the last one says but being an example to us to the flux that means the pastor's life should be what an example to the church member that means the church member should look at the pastor and say i want to be like this is spiritual life of god help me to what to grow like amen if you live a life of what example hallelujah so all these are the scriptural script out scriptural what scriptural text we can see in the world in the life of a man of god amen the characteristics of a pastor amen you can write this down are we together the characteristic of a pastor the pastor is born again the first words the pastor must be what born again and spirit filled the next one the pastor must reflect the life of what of jesus he must what reflect the life of jesus we have so many man of god now they come and preach but their lifestyle is not showing you can't see christ what in them you can't see one thing in them i say ah this is the life of christ so the path of life the past of white life must reflect the life of jesus the next one says the pastor must watch watch over what over the sheep how does that work over the sheep through prayer canceling and what i'm preaching we are talking about the content of a pastor for us to call anybody a pastor these are things which you see in your life the next one says the pastor is a teacher of truth righteousness and what holiness he does not care about your feeling he will tell you what the truth we remember our sunday school amen you will remember our sunday school i said the pastor must just have studied the way what it is so the pastor must be what preacher of truth and holiness amen the next one says the pastor must be what god conscious and every word conscious we see many pastor doing anyhow they don't care there are some online i don't want to start mentioning their name i wonder how members go to that church i wonder i don't i wonder how people go to such a church you must what the person was what god conscious and what heaven conscious i want to move very fast the pastor is ready to defend and protect the sheep against what wolf he must be what ready to defend and protect the sheep from what from wolf he would defend spiritually and what and physically spiritually and what and physically if we know the duty of our pastors we will be praying for what for our pastors you know why amen the reason is that is that if the lord just removes the pastor the enemy is not fighting you is fighting the pastor because he knows that if he can win the pastor fight the sheep and what hey the shepherd and what scatter so the enemy is not fighting you just fighting the person let me conquer this one place if i conquer this one i know all the people are what because there's a covering we'll get it hallelujah the the pastor is willing and ready to impact spiritual grace over what over the sheep what do we mean meaning at a long run with our submission there are some grace in the life of the pastor that will become evidence in our world in our own life amen as time goes on as we submit to the leadership and honor our pastor there are some graces in his life that knowingly or knowingly you will start seeing it what in your own world in your whole life amen and the last one says okay second to the last the past okay yes the last one says the pastor frowned against seeing this is this is the characteristic of a pastor they can't see you doing the wrong thing and what look away most of the time some of us look at our pastor and say what is your problem can't you just leave me alone because he cares about your life he's doing it because he wants you because god will ask him the people i give to you how how do you take care of them so when we get wherever the pastor will say jesus i did it so i did that so but he refused but despite he refused i still try and just say oh truly you do you do your best okay you've proved try and that person will carry his own judgment that's why when the pastor sees that you are doing something that is wrong he can't just look away because he frowned against what against seeing now we've established the characteristic of a pastor now let's not see the spiritual ways of honoring our leaders the reason why i have to explain who our pastor is the characteristics of our pastor and the wife so that if before you honor them know why you should watch you should honor them amen so we've established the content and the characteristic of of a leader of a pastor and the pastor wife now let's not see the scriptural way of honoring what our pastor and the pastor's wife let's open our bible to first Thessalonians chapter five at least we want to first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 to 13 chapter 5 first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 to 13 i read and we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love for their worth sake and be at peace among you we want to see the scriptural ways and the bible saying in first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 28 we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you to know them which was labor among you the person you are calling your pastor presently is he or she laboring among you amen is he or was he laboring among among you establish what honor them earlier labor among you are over you in the Lord i admonish you and to esteem them very highly am i the one that said this is it in your bible the same way braille are you with me esteem what amen what is honor honor is a regard with great respect honor is what a regard with what great respect or i esteem we are talking about how we want ways to honor our leaders so honor is regard with what with great respect or what i esteem we have established what scriptural way is that esteem them i because they what the label among you because the label which what esteem the word i what is when we talk about honor what is the content of honor we know we've defined honor that is a is what a regard with what great respect are we together honor is what regard with great respect for what are the contents of honor what do we say you know when you buy what should i use an example when you buy anything maybe things that you want to consume is when you check the label in the body they used to write what the content they can say nutrition uh glucose they were carbonhydrates so we want to see the content of what of honor because we are talking about how we can honor what our pastors our leaders our pastors wife what it is content the number one thing here is i believe we are writing one respect do we remember the the definition honor is a regard with great what respect so the first content of honor is what respect we are expected to respect our pastors and the pastor's wife this is what the bible is telling us to do we are putting things in order i know you like which kind of message are we preaching this morning is the message that will lead us what to heaven that is what we are doing here promoting christ in what every heart what does it mean at the end of it all me and you should look like and become like christ jesus that is the goal amen so the content of honor number one says hallelujah respect your leader and the other one says obedient obedient april chapter 13 verse 17 april chapter 13 obey them they have ruled what over you it is in the bible one respect to obedient all these things we are talking about it is not in by age did i write age in the bible that if the pastor is this age before you and you are older than him no it is not by age let me use an example we don't have much time much time our elders are not here we are praying that the lord as in our elder baba the baba mama is here god bless you in jesus name when mama enter into the church i was this there's a joy in my heart hallelujah and the lord will strengthen you my in jesus name i have seen baba especially baba coriday there was a day i was greeting him after i was ordained as a pastor baba shake me and baba was doing like this i said daddy no no no no and he was doing it from what a pure what a pure heart you know how old is baba to me baba would have have people like me maybe like four or three hallelujah baba was shaking me and i said no daddy don't stand up i was back bending down within respect it is not me hallelujah so first one respect second one obedience we should obey what our leader and the third one says we should love our what our leader which what there are people we should love they are laboring they are what laboring praying for you day and night watching over you i may know you will be like what are they doing if the lord will open your eyes in the realm of the spirit and you see the covering that the lord have over us because of our pastor only you will be doing vigi because of the pastor not praying for yourself you'll be doing what vigi for the pastor hallelujah the next one says celebrate our pastor that we remember we are talking about what the count how many of us have celebrated our pastor or the pastor's wife how many of us you you can't even post his picture on social media you can't what you are ashamed to even post his picture and the bible is talking about honor celebrate our pastors celebrate them they are human also we should do what celebrate the pastors and what and the pastor's wife celebrate them make them happy hallelujah do what make them make them happy these are what the unbeliever knows what i say these are the words understanding of on the word unbeliever they understand this more than us hallelujah we celebrate them we make them happy we do things that make them happy we call them we ask of them pastor how are you how is your wife how are you doing it is not only the pastor to call the members pastors to what call members call what check on the pastor make them happy celebrate them cause them to smile because they are what they live all over you the next one says give give to your pastor hallelujah but in a day like this reverse is what is the case is the case i remember those days when we were growing up and most of us can testify to it people give to what to the pastor people do what give to who to the pastor amen i'm not talking about our eldest one though is our responsibility to take care of who of the elders in our midst for in the church we are meant to give to the pastor take care of the pastor we are meant to what take care of the especially when that pastor is a full-time work pastor what do we call a full-time pastor a pastor that is not working so how many of us have imagined this pastor is not working what is he eating how is he feeding his family have we ever think about it so we should give to our pastor we should take care of them especially what the full-time pastor that does not mean that those are also working we can't show them love but we should what take care of what of them because they labor what over you they say what there's a blessing to eat most of the time let me let me tell you most of the time the pastor give out of what they give to him and if he would give to the people amen so we should what give what gives to the pastor there's what there's a blessing it's there in the bible there's what there's a blessing hallelujah so these are the contents of what of what or no so now let me not tell you that if you are doing one maybe you are respecting the pastor but you don't obey him you everything is what a lie are we together oh there's one i missed out value the pastor how do we value things what you value you don't you don't joke with it alleluia what you what value you know what you don't joke with it you take care of what you we should value the pastors and the pastor's wife amen are we together so if you are maybe you love the pastor but you don't give to him you have what there is no honor are we together for this time maybe you are celebrating the pastor and you don't respect him everything is what is the field concealed amen the lord give us understanding in the name of jesus we are talking about the ways to honor our pastor we've established the facts for us to know who is what our pastors and their qualities we've talked about their characters and also we've talked about the scriptural ways of honoring the pastor we've talked we've defined what honor honor is in regard with great worth respect and we now look at the content of honor which i just give to us now and the next thing as we are rounding up content of this all no we've checked the content of what of honor now we want look at what the content of what dishonor are we together ask your neighbor are we together my neighbor are we together alleluia amen now let's look at the concept of dishonor so when we start seeing one of these things in our lives we will know the path at which you are maybe you are in the path of the ones that honor the pastor and the pastor's wife or you are in the path of the one that dishonored the pastor and what are the pastor's wife content of dishonor number one disobedience that's the first content of what of dishonor disobedience when you can't obey instruction the pastor can't tell you do this the pastor wife can't give instruction you do the one you want to do the next one is murmuring and complaining murmuring and what and complaining when the pastor give instruction or the pastor wife says we are doing this you start grumbling and you start complaining there's nothing you will not complain about you give excuse you that is one of the contents of what dishonor the next one says evil speaking and mocking evil what speaking and mocking when pastor's wife give instruction after that you start what you start laughing and talking down on what on the pastor's wife the pastor give instruction this is what we are doing and you just laugh like which kind of you understand that is mocking evil speaking behind the pastor what you speak evil against him that means that is what the content of what dishonor the next one says arguing with what with your pastors or your pastor's wife you argue you disagree pastor is saying one you are saying two the pastor's wife is saying this right no that is what a content of what dishonor it means you know what you don't honor your leaders next one walking out on your leader and the church after being corrected walking out of what of your pastor or the church after being corrected immediately they call you like um for instance briar uh this is this happened we noticed i'm just using for example and he gets angry he walk out of the pastor i refuse to come to church that is the content of what this oh no and i pray our life will not be like that in the name of jesus so with this now you can see where you stand amen you can see what where you stand oh this thing this thing because sometimes you may be doing it and you don't know so that's why we have come to what to set what set in order we have seen honor content of honor and we have seen what content of what dishonor murmuring evil speaking arguing walking out of your leader when the leader corrects you you refuse to pick his call you talk to him anyhow that is the content of what dishonor now let's talk about advantages of honoring your pastor and his wife is there an advantage if you this thing we are talking about is there an advantage to it when you honor your pastor and the pastor's wife what are the advantages sister how far are we together are we together what are the advantages the first advantages of honoring your pastor and the pastor wife is spiritual covering what did i say spiritual covering spiritual watchfulness god can speak to your pastor about you or make him prepare a message just for you because you are what submissive submissive spiritual what spiritual covering i think our pastor was talking one day that there was a day he was praying and he saw one of the member that is fire in the in the member's house and he called them and pray for them and tell them and it almost happened that is what spiritual what covering because that person submits under that pastor that is spiritual most people are just are just a prey in the hand of the enemy because they don't have any what any covering your pastor can just say don't travel today okay okay sir and you obey he has talked about it there's a brother if i can remember that story that they told the brother not to travel i can't really remember maybe he tried to travel or something but just for the mercy of the lord he went back home or something and that day what ran into accident and that brother was shaking that thank god he did what he obeyed so one of the advantage of honoring your leader is that there's a what a spiritual what covering the pastor can just come and be preaching and just talk something that i've enjoyed that a lot amen i've what enjoyed that what a lot and it comes by what submits when you submit to your leader that's what they say what there's a coverage over you i can't i can't start saying a lot of things that my son dominio i've not packed to lego state in august 8 i was just coming in that morning i said no he did not say he just called and start praying for us he said i should bring the children i bring the children we pray for everybody and say amen and he did not even say anything even though after some minutes my boy was playing in the room i don't know how he just noticed her and knock his eyes on the angle of the suit it was very close what to the high assuming that assuming he just knocked his eyes on that would have lost the eyes just a few minutes after he prayed god just shift it up that is what spiritual covering that is one of the advantage we are rounding up the next one is release of grace and impartation from the from the leader i've talked about it that way as time goes on there are some grace in his life that will become evidence now what in our own life gift it could be gift of prophecy it could it could it could be gift of revelation it could be gift of giving it could be give things that are showing forth in his life naturally it starts you start seeing it in your what your own life it could be it could be the fruit of the spirit it could be what the gift of what of the spirit amen it's true it it happens oh hallelujah it's what it happens i won't say much amen the next one says it brings joy relief and happiness what to your leader amen when we honor the leader it brings what joy and relief it's as if there's a heavy load that is taking away from the pastor and the pastor wife because when they sees you they see that you are what you are a joy giver when they see you they they feel rest that's one of the advantage and the next one says it attracts favor and blessing of god upon your life it attracts favor and blessing of god upon what upon your life you don't know you you can't just you don't know why it attract what favor i don't want to be using myself as what example we've done a one of our fasting year and i pray god connection connections we i receive a connection hallelujah that's when we are praying here and i see some of you just doing like this and you see me you see me i want to die in the prayer i know that it's what it works so it attracts the favor and blessing of god upon what upon your life and the last ones it brings supernatural what open door supernatural what favor open door things you do not even plan for it just to just happen it does look as if it is easy and the lord will help us in the name of jesus so these are the advantages of what honoring our pastor and what and the pastor's life don't you want this advantage in your life amen don't you you don't want to pray for the sick and you see the sick ill yeah i want you to eh don't worry one day you just hear that i've raised the dead you'll be shocked hallelujah you don't want to raise the dead me i want to raise the dead hallelujah so by submitting this great what would be transferred into what into our life now let's talk about the pastor's wife as we round up amen hallelujah in summary the church of god is ordained by god the minister of god are god choice they are representing god along their wife and what and children disobedient to the pastor and the pastor's wife and those on the pastor's wife and those on them into authority is disobedient to almighty god god who in his wisdom has chosen them and such as as a consequence such as missing heaven meaning that if god has chosen some people and you refuse to obey them you dishonor them you can miss what heaven the church is not a lawless the church is not lawless the church is lawful the church is not careless but careful and the church do not the church you can just do as what as you like but according to instruction and what um order the church is not a place i come and do the way i like no you do according to instruction and order lastly the management of the church according to the scripture is supremely on the authority of the apostle is what supremely on what on the authority of what of the apostle the bible says they submit all at the feet of who of the apostle the apostle is the supreme head as jesus is the head of the church the pastor and the pastor wife i was i was at the head and we all must watch we must watch respect and watch and honor them so that all these advantages we talk about will manifest in our life and i pray as we do so the lord bless us in the name of jesus if we are in the path of dishonor if any of us are in the path of dishonor i want us to close the eyes and say father give me the grace the grace to honor my pastor and his wife the grace to do all these things so that i don't want to dishonor your men the people that you've chosen as head over us father i don't want to dishonor them if they do anything in my life in any way i've been dishonoring them say father help me i repent oh lord from the sin of dishonoring our leaders i repent in the name of jesus i repent in the name of jesus father grant me grace to honor my pastor grant me grace to honor his wife