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Keeping to your Integrity- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Keeping to your Integrity- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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The speaker begins by expressing gratitude for a hymn that encourages them to remain steadfast in their faith despite the storms of life. They pray for grace and strength to overcome difficulties and challenges. The speaker then introduces the topic of integrity and highlights its importance in the world today. They discuss how integrity is lacking not only among Christians but also in various aspects of society. Lack of integrity leads to a lack of trust and hinders personal and professional relationships. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to have integrity and be truthful in their words and actions. They share personal experiences and express concern about the impact of a lack of integrity on society. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to strive for integrity and trustworthiness in all areas of their lives. Steadfast and strong while the billows roll, Fasting to thy rock which cannot move, Grandest firm hand is in the Saviour's love. Shall we bow our head and for prayers? Our gracious Father, we thank you so much for encouraging us through the hymn song that no matter the storms of life we are going through, our anchor holds on you. Holy Spirit, we pray that at this difficult season of time, give us grace to endure in Jesus' name. Give us grace to overcome in Jesus' name. And Lord, we ask that every one of us that are going through difficulties, challenges, one way or the other, console our hearts in the name of Jesus. May we find consolation in this meeting this evening in the name of Jesus. Lord, that before the end of this work study, we shall be encouraged, we shall receive strength, we shall receive goodness in the name of Jesus. We shall receive miracles in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father, because you are faithful. For in Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen. You may have your seat. God bless you. I welcome you to our work study today. Today is our dual program. Today is the end of our 21 days fasting. And as well, today is our work study. And we have taken time to pray, to make sure that God visits us with His power and grace. My expectation is that all we have been asking from God, all that we have been asking God to do for us, God will do it for us in Jesus' name. God will do them for us in Jesus' name. I'll be discussing with you on the topic which I titled as, Become a Person of Integrity. Become a person of what? Integrity. The Lord has been taking us through teachings in our work study to encourage us and to as well, to make us better people in the sight of God. And the topic that is coming today will not only benefit us as Christians, it will also benefit our relationship with other people. And it will also benefit our relationship with God also. If there is one thing that the world is lacking, and if there is one thing as well that the people, the world, everybody is even searching for, they are searching for people of integrity. Hallelujah. Yes, the people of integrity, they are very hard to find. It is very scarce in these days. You can hardly find someone that has integrity. You can hardly find a Christian that has integrity. This quality that we are talking about, it is not only Christians that are looking for it. Even people that are not Christians that are looking for people that have integrity. Even people that are not even part of the Christendom, they are in other religions, they are still looking for these people of integrity. Integrity is one of the qualities that is lacking in these days. Integrity. Even inside churches today, people don't have integrity again. People don't trust one another again. Inside church, what the people of this world cannot even do to you, is what people inside church can do to you. Today there are people in prison, in prison houses, because of their deal business with church people. There are people that are into debt today, because their deal business with church people. Integrity is not common. Integrity is lacking. Praise the Lord. I remember I was speaking with someone. And while we were talking, I told the person, I'm a pastor. He said, I beg, he said, I understand. But we have true pastors and we have what? We have fake pastors. I know you are a pastor, but the things we are hearing about pastors now, cannot make us to trust what? Pastors again. What are they saying? They are saying that integrity is not even among pastors again. They are saying that integrity is not even what? Among pastors again. We went to evangelism. And we met a sister, who is part of this other kind of fraternity. Those people that don't normally put on white, they don't normally put on true. Hallelujah. And then we were talking to her. And she was like trying to ask us, what church are you attending? We said, well, the church is not the most important thing to ask. She said, but I want to know. I said, well, we attended the believers renewal ministries. She said, okay, thank God it's not the church again. So what church are you talking about? She said, this other church. I said, what happened to them? She said, there is one of their members, he did business with them. Maybe he gave that person money, or probably they were doing contribution. And this member was a Sunday school teacher in our church. And probably maybe she ran away with their money. Hallelujah. And this sister is still teaching Sunday school in the church. Hallelujah. She lost her integrity. And this particular sister we are pushing to, she doesn't want to talk to anybody that comes from that church. Because she is not seeing every one of them like they say. That if such a person can do that and is still teaching, she is still teaching Sunday school. That means they are all the same. Integrity. Integrity is not common these last days. When people tell you that it is blue, you have to go and check again whether it is blue. Even Christians, when they tell you that it is white, you will be scared to check whether it is what? White. If they tell you that it is not white, you will be saying it is black. When they tell you it is black, you will be saying it is white. Because there is no what? Integrity. No integrity. And this quality that is gradually losing has made people not to trust again. Yes. People don't trust people again. There is lack of trust. People in the church. Because a brother that says A to you, you later want to go and find out and it is B. And it is a brother you highly respect. It is a brother you see with high esteem. And then finding out about that thing, you say it is B. A sister that says A to you, only for you to go and find out that what the sister is calling A is B somewhere. The original thing is that it is B, not A. And the sister says that is what? A. And there is no integrity. There is no integrity. And it is happening with even landlords. Before landlords give you accommodation, they will promise you, I am going to put your house in order. I am going to renovate and do everything. The moment you pay your house rent and pay everything, and you start paying, you start reminding the landlord what you told me you are going to do, when are you going to do it. They tell you, I cannot do it again. No integrity. No integrity among our Christian business people. Those in the fashion designing area. Somebody came to give you a cloth that you want to sew that cloth. And the person told you, I am coming to get it on Saturday because I am going to use it on Sunday. Instead of you to say, I have many works at hand, I can't do it. You will tell the person, I can work, I can do it. Now it is Saturday, they are asking for their clothes, you are giving excuses. No integrity. No integrity. And because of the lack of integrity, the trust of believers for one another is no more there. My prayer for us is that God will help us to have integrity. Your A will be A. Your B will be B. You will not say one thing and be doing another thing. Yes, those things kill trust. Even in marriages today, there are wives that don't trust their husband's words again. There are husbands that don't trust their wife's words again because of lies. Lack of integrity. Lack of integrity. And personally as a pastor, I don't like dealing with people like that. The reason is because I easily trust. It is a weakness in me. I easily what? I easily trust. Yes, you don't know. If you have been with me for a long time, you will know. That is why I always get injured. I always get dug up by people. It is because I easily what? Trust. Today, people are crying. Even the people of this world. Go and meet many business owners today. Let me tell you what church did to them. There are some sisters in the church, the moment you connect them to a business owner, that they should be working with that person, suddenly they will carry the money of that person and run away. That you saw a sister in the church who was not doing anything, who was not working, had no job, and you decided to connect her somewhere because you feel that she is serving the Lord. You trusted her only for you to find out. That the sister where she was working, she packed all the money and ran away. And because you are a pastor, they cannot come to arrest you. Because they respected you. But they are trying to tell you that all your members are not, they don't have integrity. Integrity is lacking. And this is why God is not doing so much in our midst, in the churches in the world. Are you not seeing that there are many churches everywhere? And yet the community is getting more corrupt because the churches have failed to teach their members integrity. People lie. Hallelujah. Yes, people lie to get something. A pastor friend called me. How a particular friend of mine called him. And they were lamenting that they needed money to pay accommodation. And this my pastor friend was struggling. And he struggled to raise assurance for him. Not knowing that somebody had already sent the money to him. To pay what? Assurance. Yet he still went ahead to collect the assurance money from this my friend. About almost $300,000. No integrity. When you have sent the money, why do you still ask? This man is struggling with children to pay your own assurance. There is no integrity again. No integrity. People are scared to even do business with church people. With pastors. You don't know what I'm facing in the world. Sometimes for you to even say that you are a pastor is the very reason they will not do anything with you. No integrity. We are doing business. You bought your market for $500. Instead of you to make the profit $100. At least if you sell it for $600 it's a profit. You start lying that you bought it for $600 or $700. No integrity. And the same lies you are telling. There is somebody close to you that is doing the same business. That is selling it just for $100. And when you start seeing them going to that same person. You start saying that they are not coming to patronize you. It's because you are not having integrity. Hallelujah. It's because of no integrity. So this quality is losing out of Christianity. And nobody wants to talk about it. Nobody wants to talk about it. There was a particular church. A very big massive church. A very big church. Whenever the ushers, they go to collect offering. Whenever the ushers collected offering. They will dip their hand inside the offering bag and pack money inside the pocket. The reason the church appointed them to be collecting offering is because they trusted them. And look at what they are doing. They will dip their hand inside the offering bag and pack church money. Put inside pocket and leave the other ones for church. And they will be doing that for years until God exposes them. No integrity. No integrity. Let me not call him my friend. Someone I know. He can't be my friend. Someone I know. Hallelujah. He was telling me how his church needed to buy land. Are you getting me now? And he was saying like he added money. He went to tell the church. For example, let me say the land is $1 million. He went to tell the church it is $1.2 million. So he is trying to collect his own money from that. He is a minister in that church. No integrity. Hallelujah. No integrity. No integrity. If a pastor of a church is trying to cheat on the church. There is no integrity everywhere. The church has gone. What we are celebrating is the churches that have the biggest money and the biggest edifice. The churches have forgotten that the people inside are decaying. We use money to be beautifying the church and yet the people inside are decaying. Because we have lost focus that the real church is the people. The real church is not the building. So today we want to identify with beautiful churches. Haven't you seen graves before? How many of you have seen graves? Graves are they not beautiful outside? But the inside is full of dead men bones. This is how many churches look like. Beautiful edifice. Inside are full of carcasses. Dead men bones. People that lack integrity. Yahoo people. People that steal, fraud. And we are celebrating big churches. We are celebrating big edifices. We are celebrating crowds. Crowds that are on the broad way. No integrity again. But my prayer is that God will restore it back. 1 Peter 3 verse 16. If you are there let us read together. Are you there? 1 Peter 3 verse 16. The bible says in verse 16. Having a what? A good conscience. That where has they speak evil of you? As of evil doers. They may be ashamed that firstly what? Accuse your good conversation in Christ. Acts chapter 24 verse 16. Acts chapter 24 verse 16. Acts chapter 24 verse 16. Acts 24 verse 16. Verse 16. Are we ready? And yea, do I what? Exercise myself to have always a conscience void of offense towards God and towards man. That is integrity. My heart is free from condemnation towards God and towards man. There is no conscience disturbing me. My conscience is not quitting my heart. My conscience is pure. My conscience is clean. When we talk about integrity. Integrity means to be honest. An honest or a honest person. A honest person. And for you to be honest you must be truthful. You must be what? You must be truthful. What you say, your yea is your yea and your no is your what? Is your no. To be a person of integrity is to be a person of honesty. Is to be free from fraud and deception. Integrity means to be truthful with a conscience void of offense. You are truthful. Not that you are neither yea nor no. You are truthful. You are truthful. The world is full of men and women of insincerity. Yes, insincere people. The market place is not a place of deception and falsehood. The church is becoming a place of insincerity. The church. There are people that say they will never serve Jesus again. Not because they were offended in Biafra law but because the people they met inside church, they discovered that they are more wicked than the people outside the church. The church is full of insincere people. Insincere people. So integrity is a very important topic to talk about. It is lacking in these days. People don't care to know whether they have it as a quality or not. People don't care to know whether they have it as a lifestyle or not. But Jesus is calling us back that we should pick up the nature of what? Of integrity. It has closed so many doors against people. Closed so many doors. Hallelujah. Closed so many doors. Because people are not honest. There was a particular brother. Hallelujah. When he came close to me, I wanted to connect him to a job whereby we receive 100,000 Naira every month. So I was too fast forward. So I wanted to do it until I began to have the oligos. Because that is what I normally do. I have the oligos. What should I? Who is this person? Who is what? This person. Yes, I want to have this person. But who is what? This person. So when I began to pray in my room, I will kneel down at my bedside. I will be talking to God. Who is what? This person. If I connect him to that job, sometimes at least, what he will be making at least is 100,000 Naira. At least. Because I have connection with that boss at that time. I am talking about what happened last year. That September, October last year, I had a connection with a man. Are you getting me now? That if I connect this brother to that man, at least, at most is 500,000. But at least, let us say, nothing really happened. Are you with me? Nothing is 100,000 Naira. So, I now decided to delay. Because already that period, I was going through financial crisis. Since the crisis, what? Difficult. I was tempted. Should I move? Should I just stay with this brother there? Until I, I lost time. Because the Lord was speaking to me. He said I should not be hasty. That I should use time to prove people. And truly, at the end of time, I discovered that this brother cannot merit that. I don't know people who have in haste, pushed somewhere, that not only that they destroy that work, they also destroy your relationship between that person and you. Don't be in haste. Many people lack integrity. I am telling you. You see, one of the signs of lack of integrity, people will only bow their head down to you when you have money. The moment you do as if you don't have money, you'll become rebel. Integrity is lacking. So, now let us come to the areas of integrity. Number one, integrity, we should have integrity in our words, and we should have integrity, number two, in our actions. When we talk about our words, we should keep to our promises. When you make a promise, what? Keep. And when you cannot meet that promise, call the person. Call the person. Are you guessing me? And say, I thought I would be able to what? Meet it, but the way it is going, as if things have been done, I can't what? Meet it. But let it not be like this. Every time you make a promise, you are going to say, I can't meet it. So, always think before you make what? A promise. So, when it comes to promise, keep to your promise. Even to your children. Even to your children. If you tell them you are going to buy biscuits while coming from work, buy that biscuit. That is how you start developing integrity. Keep to your word. Number two, keep to your vows. Your vows. When you told the Lord, I'm going to do this for you, you have opened your mouth to say to God, make sure you do it. Make sure you do it. Keep to your vows. Keep to your integrity. Number two is your action. One of the ways we keep to action is time. It's time. I'll tell you the truth. It was 2013. When a... Was it a woman? Sorry, is it a woman being a man? It happened in most states. They were having church service on Sunday. I think I've told you the story. That was when I made my decision. Since 2014, there is no church I have attended. I came late. I'm telling you. I told my minister. When I was attending rebeam, I always attend the rebeam before service starts. I don't come to church late. If you see me come to church late, know that it was something that happened. I don't come to church late. I've been doing this since 2013. When there's a church in most states, the thing happened to a church in most states, and that news spread everywhere. What happened to that church? On Sunday morning, they have service. They invited a guest minister to come and minister. The guest minister came. The service was starting by 8. The guest minister came to 8. He was surprised that when he came to church, the boy swept the church window down, but nobody was inside the church. He sat down, just waiting for people to come. 8 o'clock, nobody was there. Suddenly, he heard a foot march at the entrance. He said in his heart, thank God that somebody has come. I said, come and bless this church. Hallelujah. The person started walking towards him. He was yelling. He thought the person was coming. Only for the person to walk close to him, just for him to turn his back and look at the person, he saw nobody. Hallelujah. When he saw nobody, suddenly he saw that the church got shaken. He became scared. He heard a voice. The voice said, I have come to collect the attendance of those who attended God's service today. I am going straight to heaven to give reports of the people that attended God's service today. You know that nobody attended God's service. Because when they said they were coming, but after 8, all of them, as far as it concerns God, as far as it concerns God, they were not in service that day. The man, the guest minister was shaking. When the General Garcia came, he went to meet General Garcia in the office and told him what happened. That was how the whole church felt. They began to cry. If I say that one, that is a mistake, am I right? Let me tell you what happened. I am talking about integrating to time. How many of you know about Sunday? You know about Sunday, Baba? Baba, when we were there, about Sunday, the Deep Alive Brother, that pastor that was living in your compound, yes, yes, he called me and was telling me what happened to his own pastor. Because that day he was the one in church. Hallelujah. He said that one, because when we are talking about integrity, integrity is towards God and towards man. And that is why, the way my wife and I normally do it, anything after 4, we are taking our baths. After 4.30, or whenever I would come to church, so that I would come to church and sit down at 4.45. That is how she met me. And that is how she had to do it. I don't come to church when service has started. I come to wait for God. Because I don't want to miss Heaven. Hallelujah. So, but Sunday was like that day, the pastor was so discouraged because the church was not growing. He was saying that to me when we were there, to warn me that on no occasion I should take the work of God for granted that his pastor is dead today. And he is going to tell me the reason his pastor died early and what happened to his pastor. But as Sunday said, he doesn't know how to teach Sunday school. He was not able to learn. He just came to church. When he discovered that Sunday school time as wished, nobody was working. Nobody was around. Members, workers. He said the church, he was telling me, your church doesn't have instruments. He said that church has instruments. Workers, nobody has got. So, he himself now decided to just say, let me just teach Sunday school and be reading and be practicing. Eventually, the moment he stand up to go and teach Sunday school, he saw two hefty men, very hefty, huge. They walk into the church just like when they come for to sit down. He said both of them they didn't sit down, they stand. So, when he saw that they were visitors, he quickly said, oh, let us go to our Sunday school. Our pastor is still on his way. Coming. So, he said, sir, can you have your seat? He said, he should know what he should teach. He said, sorry, sir, you can have your seat. He said, don't worry, teach. So, he said, okay. They stood. And he began to teach. When he finished teaching, they looked at the time. Pastor had not yet seen what arrived. And they told our Sunday that they would be going. They came here for an assignment. And the time is what? Off. So, they went outside. The way the church is, just where our street is, if somebody is going like this, you will see the person. If somebody is going like this, you will see before they bend. So, when they went outside, the woman just stepped their leg outside. He just remembered that he didn't collect their number. And he just said, ah, their number. So, they just stepped outside. He ran outside, didn't see them again. They disappeared. They were hinges. They came to find that whether the servant of God was in duty. You know that many of you, when your government employs you, you will not be in duty. And that was at the pastor. When the pastor came, but as soon as they told the pastor, the pastor did it. They were aware it was a hinge, but they didn't take it seriously. Not too long, the pastor bastardly did it. He became a drunkard. From drunkard, he got swollen and he died. He died unrepentant. According to Biazonde, he said before he died, he started selling shash for parties to eat. He said it was one of those that fought against the pastor not to sell the poopies and some of them. That if you don't want to do ministry again, give it another shash for what? For free. That these are not yours. He started selling shash for parties to eat. Selling the shares, selling the fires. I don't know people that have left what God called them for. They are not pursuing money. No integrity. How many times has everyone, maybe angels did they come here physically. How many times did angels come and they discovered that brother was not in church. Sister was not in church. And God will say, okay, I'm waiting for the period when you will be looking for me. You see, when we don't have integrity towards God, it will make many things to become so difficult for us. We must have integrity in time. In time. What is the time you are supposed to meet with God? Integrity in time. Keeping to time. Hallelujah. So how do you keep to your integrity? Number one, you must have a strong moral principle. A strong what? Moral principle. Hallelujah. One of the advantages of me coming to church early is it has helped me in so many things. I remember when I was looking for a job. Hallelujah. Some years ago, because I told you that when I adopted this job, before 2030, sometimes I come to church late. It helped me when I was looking for a job, because if they told me to come by 8, I would be there by 7.30. Because I am not used to it. I don't like going at that assurance that you give to me. I always go 30 minutes before the time to meet at the time. You must have a strong moral principle. Whether it is appointment with just human beings. Try to go earlier than the what? Than the time. Go. Go earlier than the time. Go earlier than the time. Let it be that the other person is the one that came late. No problem. You are building your morality. You are building your what? Your morality. So you must have a strong moral principle of keeping to your integrity. Of saying the truth at all times. Speak the truth at all times. Speak at the truth. When people want you to lie, don't lie. Tell them the truth. I can't lie. You shouldn't lie. Tell them what? The truth. It helps you to build your moral strength. Number two, have the fear of God in you. For you to keep to integrity, you should have the fear of God in you. Have the fear of God in you. Hallelujah. I don't believe that the truth can make you to become poor. I don't believe that telling the truth can make you to become broke. So even though it appears as if if you tell the truth, you will lose that thing. Tell the truth and the truth shall make you free. The truth has its own way of fighting for you itself. So have the fear of God in you. Speak the truth. In war, they don't have trust for anybody. So if they can find you and they discover you are truthful, even they see you, everybody will depend on you. Because I have founded a trusted man. Number three, be quick to hear and slow to what? Speak. Be quick to hear and what? Slow to speak. Slow to speak. Because there are times out of you didn't prepare for that, you would just stand up and say, Pastor, one million Naira I will give to church. For your lifetime, you have never seen 500 Naira before. 500,000 Naira. But you were not able to meditate on what the pastor was saying because we said we want to change the rule. It's just, maybe it's from inside sleep you had those who just jump up and say, Pastor, one million Naira. It is after you say one million Naira, we stop seeing sister in church, seeing brother in what? So what is brother this and this? It's not a hand. One month we are not seeing brother. Two months we are not seeing brother. Until we, the church now have to go and meet us, they don't pay give. Just resume what? Church, don't pay give. So be quick to hear, slow to speak. Number four, make the word of God your standard. Make the word of God your standard. Number five, keep a life of prayer for you to be able to become somebody of integrity. Keep a life of prayer. Hallelujah. Even in marriage, there should be no funny thing around your marriage. Hallelujah. When I was in courtship with my wife, over there where we were before, there were several sisters that sent me love words, messages. And I just have to call my wife then, she was my fiancée then, and say, Read, I don't want anything to cover up. She will love it, but don't use it against what? This person. And that person will just observe that when he said, I love you, because sometimes we say a message, I love you. I will not say, Hi, hello, God bless, or just leave it like that. So when they see me, when I come to church, and they see me, they always feel what? Ashamed. But I will be not. I will say, I hope you are fine. For them not to feel the guilt that what they sent to me annoyed me. No, it didn't annoy me. My mind was not even there. Are you with me? Integrity should be in relationship. If there is no integrity, there will be suspicion. Hallelujah. There will be suspicion. A wife should be transparent towards her husband. And the husband should be transparent towards the wife. If there is no transparency, there will be suspicion. Let me say this to you. If integrity is not in our marriages, the devil has full right and authority to torment our marriages. The Bible says, Hadam and Eve were naked, and they were not ashamed of one another. So if there are still things, husband is still covering up, or wife is still covering up, think if that, if you expose it, if she exposes it, there will be shame. They don't understand the Bible. Because Hadam and Eve were naked, and they were not ashamed. You must naked yourself before your wife. When I say naked, open everything, every secret to your wife, and your wife should open up every word. Secret. There is no transparency in marriage again. Amen. I want you to know that I was that kind of person, because not only from Agbede or Lagos. Messages were coming. There were some people I mentor. There was one from abroad that I was mentoring. Hallelujah. That time I was a lot, eBay said, we do prayer almost every night. Almost what? Every night. I went for abroad. Sent a message to me. That she wants to marry me. Hallelujah. And when I sent the message to me, that she saw this deal in me, that one was serious, because she has not married. That one was serious. And I told her that, I don't think it's going to be possible. Of course, that one, the father died, and left properties for her. So she is a hallelujah in dollars. Are you getting me? Any young man in Nigeria will not pray before they will say what? Yes. In fact, you won't say yes and marry and do it before you start praying. Just to make it religious. And she wanted to visit Nigeria. All this time I'm saying, it will be the first time for some of you to hear it from my mouth. Because some of you, I don't think any of you will know, she herself would have seen that person among the prayer those days from another country. Precisely from US. Hallelujah. And I have to just open up everything to my wife. It was a temptation to me. Are you with me? Because I was broke that period. And I opened up everything to my wife. I said, this is what is coming. This is what the devil is bringing. She is trying to seduce me with money. And I told her, as I am engaged, she got angry. I said, the one I want to marry is the one God said I should marry. So my wife saw that, that is what I look like. So she started opening up things to me. If anybody stops her on her way from work, does anybody stop her at all? When she reached home she was what? She was dead now. Because integrity is the secret of intimacy. Let us be open to one another. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Integrity, even among us, how then can we have it to the world? How then can we give it to the world? No integrity. It is not sad for you to find that some men are already telling their sisters that they are single. Married men. They are not married. Hallelujah. No integrity. So make the Word of God your standard. Keep a prayer life. And keep to your promise. Keep to your promise. So let us close with the benefit of integrity. The benefit of what? Integrity. Number one, God will trust such people. If you are a man or a woman of integrity it will make God to what? To trust you. I tell you there is a great benefit if God trusts you. God doesn't need to take time to answer your prayer because He knows that what you are asking He trusts what you are asking for. So if you are somebody of integrity it will make God to trust you. Number two, men will trust you and favor you. Men will what? Again, men will what? Trust you and favor you. If you are only saying the truth. If you are only saying the truth. A landlord called me and said, I want to report my member to me. I said, Baba, say pastor because I respect you, I won't talk to you. But this will not be you. But your member will stay in my compound. He said, what is the problem sir? I know that you will be a good person but I have to just complain to you. Their contribute liked money you know liked money and gave to one of our members and he did justice to the money. And I was so ashamed that despite the teaching I am teaching if not that the landlord had respect for me he would not have called me he would have been criticizing me behind. I said, sir, I am sorry sir. He said, no, no, no, no, no that is why I just called. I said, make I tell you. I said, I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry sir. How much? He told me the amount. I said, he hid the money. He said, yes. They have been asking for money since now. I will bring it. I will bring it. I said, God. Hallelujah. I have to when I saw that the thing I was so ashamed I have to start pleading. No integrity. Imagine if that landlord had the mind to come to our service before. They won't come again. Because somebody has proven to him that we are all the same. Integrity. No integrity. We should keep to our word. We should be faithful in what we say. It is better you don't make a promise than you making a promise and you are not able to meet your promise. The people of this world they are tired of Christian people. They are tired of churches everywhere because there are a lot of churches everywhere and their people are not changing. Not changing. Not changing. Hallelujah. And that is why God is speaking to us this evening. We should be truthful. Truthful. We should be truthful. Before I came to church I was online and I watched a video of a young man in abroad, a Nigerian man in abroad who trained a little girl that he wants to get married. He trained that girl from Aya Institute. The girl is from what? Aya Institute. The man he flew from abroad to Nigeria because of the wedding. Both of them have discussed wedding. Landing now in Nigeria the lady said I want to marry. That she already has a what? A boyfriend. Someone that we knew from GS1 GS2, GS3 SS1 And when I was watching it the young girl was saying just think that I was not there. 500 I would have given her what? A slap. The lady was saying if I force you that you train me. Hey! Hallelujah. Whether you force me whether you force me. And the people were angry. People that look at their comment they were angry. Someone that were angry they were even saying in my mind I wish they were just there. Just give the lady. Somebody trained you through what? Aya SS1, SS2, SS3 to Aya Institute. Four years or five years you came out. You are openly your man saying that I force you. You see There is no what? Now this is what we call I think when I say the truth people laugh. Do you know that there are people that have helped you? At the end of it the people that helped you I regret why they force what? You all may not be trained to school. Somebody helped you you pay that person with evil. Lack of integrity. They are trying to stop that person from helping others. That guy now that guy will never in his life again whether if you now come and say if you want to marry me the guy will tell you that let me marry you first before I train you to school. He will never marry anybody to school before marriage again. You see it is insincerity that makes good men to become bad. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Mama will allow you to speak later. Let me just finish. So you see there are people like that too. Praise the Lord. When they are buying fish chicken and they are giving it to the lady the lady will take it home. Are you with me? Both the mother and the sister everybody they will eat from that chicken. When the guy now say he want to marry they will rise up and say you will never marry. Didn't they benefit from the chicken? It is lack of integrity. Praise the Lord. You see good people have become bad people today because of how ingrate ingrate people treated them. My friend opened a restaurant a pastor friend, my pastor friend let them be, they are full time minister let them be doing something to support their business support themselves in ministry. They opened a restaurant and decided to employ, they said they don't want to go into the world to employ, they want to employ inside the kingdom. Because inside the kingdom we are kingdom minded you know they now want to employ the kingdom. The supposed what? Kingdom. And they now make one of the one of the member of the coalition to be the manager of that restaurant. They discovered that whenever he sell there is always cut short of him. Maybe if you have to cook like 10 cups of rice, it is 5 cups of rice but the remaining 5 cups they don't see it. The money they don't see it. Not knowing that this girl inside somebody's business this lady was trying to build her own what? Business. She wrecked everything and she ran away. They called her number because she was not picking. They called her mother, her mother said she doesn't know where she is. She wrecked the business carried the capital, everything. They didn't find this girl inside prostitute's quarter. Where did they find her? Choir department. No integrity. No integrity. Hallelujah. You see why good people has to come back. When they say they don't want to help you again they are speaking from experience. They are speaking from experience. Nobody actually was bad. It was bad people that made them to become what? Bad. And this is why you see some people when they open a business, they don't give it to their relative. They don't even employ their relative into that business. They don't employ their friends. They will just employ total strangers. You will not be hearing that they will go to social media and be writing My other brother is doing this business. He is not employing us. He is making us brothers to be suffering. No. He is not making people to... He is speaking from experience. He knows that when he employs church members, when he employs family members the business will crash. Because this person will come and buy credit on you and will tell you that I promise I will pay you on Friday. I don't pay you. I don't pay you. Forgetting that you need to go to market to go and buy on that one and put. If I look from Friday to one week. One week to two weeks. Because it is a church person, you cannot do two weeks to one month. I am saying this to every one of us here. Anytime I come to business, put church aside and tell the people, not the church, they feed me. Put church aside. And that is how many business crash. Even me, I don't like collecting on credit. If I don't have money, I stay. Are you with me? I don't like it. And if I open business, you will see it there. No credits come tomorrow. And I will make sure that anybody I employ there will know how to push that message very well. No credit and with Bible references. Lack of integrity. Do you know that many business owners in churches, they are business closed down because of credit. Church people can buy credit too. There will come a time when it starts destroying the Lord. Brother, brother in law. You didn't come to church yesterday. If you see the service, it was powerful. It was powerful. How much is this? It looks beautiful. The pastor asked a few days ago if you didn't come. He said, give me first. I forgot to carry this money. They didn't forget to carry the money. They don't have the money. But let me just buy it. I will give you this. Unfortunately, they that promise you, they will still wait for you to be calling them for the money. Praise the Lord. And I'm saying, thank God I'm the pastor. There's nobody above me. I can say boldly, when it comes to business, put church aside. Your business will die down. And when... When your business knows that it doesn't have to do business. Not that we won't pray for you. And they join in wrecking that business. I'm saying this to you. When it comes to business, put church. Pastor is not aware. So put church aside. Integrity. Integrity. May God help us in Jesus name. Number three, it brings the glory and honor of God down. Number four, it promotes good name. The Bible say good name is better than what? Than what? Than wishes. Good name is better than what? Than wishes. So if you don't have good name, it's not going to be good for you. And number five, it opens doors for recommendation. When they see that you are transparent and sincere, it opens doors for what? Recommendation. Somebody will call, somebody will recommend you to another person. Another person will recommend to another person because you are a sincere person. God will help us in Jesus name. Shall we set up on our feet and go to the Lord in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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