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Living a Life of Purpose - Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Living a Life of Purpose - Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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The speaker begins by thanking God for his blessings and the ministry's success. They then ask God to open their eyes to the truth of his word and help them discover their purpose in life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of discovering one's purpose before getting married, as marriage is about fulfilling that purpose. They believe that God will ask about fulfilling one's purpose rather than asking about marriage or having children. The speaker points out that everything in the world has a purpose, and as Christians, it is important to understand that God is intentional about our lives. They encourage believers to seek God for their purpose and understand that they were created for a purpose. They provide examples from the Bible, specifically referencing the story of Jeremiah, to illustrate how God knows and ordains individuals based on their purpose. The speaker ends by emphasizing that everyone has a purpose and that God is willing to reveal it to them. Father, we thank you for a time like this. We appreciate your name for blessing our lives. But thank you because we know you have wonderful plans and promises for us. Thank you for this ministry. Thank you for the gift of teaching and the gift of miracles that have been happening in this ministry. But thank you, Lord, for giving us the privilege of having insight into your word and then granting us the opportunity to understand everything you have been communicating to us through this platform. Father, we have come to seek knowledge from you again. And we are asking you, Lord, that this morning you open our eyes to the truth of your word and help us to be able to discover that which you have made us for. And the purpose of our creation and the purpose of our existence to this moment help us to find our mandate and help us to discover your will for us in Jesus' name. Father, we are asking you, Lord, that you grant us the grace and every one of us here and those following online help us to be able to understand the things that you will be saying to me in the name of Jesus. Father, I thank you because I know you are faithful. For in Jesus' mighty name I pray. Jeremiah chapter 1. I will be very fast this time also. I don't want to take much time. I don't want to stay here for long. Jeremiah chapter 1. I read from verse 1 to verse 5. Jeremiah chapter 1. For those that have been following us consistently, I want to believe that you are experiencing development, experiencing growth in your Christian life. Jeremiah chapter 1. I will be discussing with you on the topic living a life of purpose. Living a life of purpose. You can also title this message as finding purpose in life. Finding purpose in life. I am one of those ministers that often emphasize the need of discovering your purpose in life before discovering life partner. And I believe that when you find your purpose in life, it's going to save you from a lot of stress. Most especially when you want to go into marriage. Because when purpose is discovered, everyone coming and every choice you are about to make, you would have to use the word of God as a standard of judgment. And as well, you are going to consider your purpose in life to make a choice. So that would save you from making mistakes. The word of God as a standard is the utmost, is the most important. But nevertheless, using your purpose as one of the criteria of choosing who is aligning with you or not is also very advantageous. So, I encourage believers to first discover their purpose in life before they talk about marriage. Because marriage is all about the fulfillment of purpose. The giving birth, the procreation, the marriage, and all the other activities are just the spikes of it. They are the benefits of it. But marriage is solely the fulfillment of purpose. After our life here on earth is over and we go to the Lord for judgment, He may not ask us, how many kids, how many children do you have? God may not ask you, do you have children? Did you give birth? Why didn't you give birth? Why did you die as a barren woman? These are not the questions God would ask you. But He would ask you about your purpose. He would ask you if you fulfilled that which God created you for. God may not even ask you if you married or you were not married. I don't know, but I'm not too sure that when you get to eternity, that the angels of God will begin to ask you, why didn't you marry? I'm not sure about that. I'm not sure if the angels would ask you, why didn't you marry and then you would go to hell because you didn't marry. I'm not sure about that. But I believe they will be talking about your purpose and then they will reveal to you the original plan of God for your life. And it is unfortunate that the purpose discovery is one of the things that humanity takes for granted. So everybody begins to do things the way they feel and like about it. But as a Christian, you must understand that God is very intentional about your life. We can't be talking about purpose if there is not a creator or a manufacturer. Everything we use in this earth realm was made for a purpose. Even the green trees, the trees, the plants, God had the intention in making them to supply... You know, we breathe in what? Oxygen. And we breathe out what? Carbondioxide. And these plants use the oxygen. Are you with me? The carbondioxide we breathe out and then convert it to an oxygen and release it back to us. So God created plants with an intention. He created plants so that we can deliver our food. We can deliver bodily healing like abatement, medicine. All these are gotten from plants. So God created plants not by mistake. The sun, God created the sun for a purpose. So if you check everything existing on earth, there is intention behind them. So if you say you are a Christian and you haven't find time to find the intention of God for your life, why he made you, why he created you, then there is problem. A Christian should know why he or she is existing in this earth realm. Then you look at the human manufacturing project. For example, now I'm using this microphone to talk to you. The microphone I'm using was created by the intention. So the person that created this microphone made this with a purpose. He had designed a purpose before he created it. So nobody created something before they find their purpose. Everything that we are using today, the chairs you are sitting down, the microphone I'm using, the speakers, everything, the gadgets, the person has first conceived the thoughts and defined the purpose before he created it. So if everything on earth were made for a purpose, is it you that is more important? Is it you that is more valuable than all things that God has made that is not with a purpose? So God has created every one of us with a purpose. And that is what I want to lay down for you to understand. You are created for a purpose. You are made for a purpose. You are on this earth for a purpose. You are existing for a purpose. So who is the manufacturer of life? God. If I see a project, if I see an object that I don't understand the purpose, I can likely find the manufacturer and then ask the manufacturer, please, I saw this object, but I don't know the purpose of using this. And the manufacturer can say, okay, this is the purpose why it is created or why it is made. So what you don't understand, you find that from the manufacturer. The same way, if you don't understand the purpose of your life, find that from the manufacturer. Jeremiah chapter 1 from verse 1. I read from verse 1 to verse 5. The words of Jeremiah, the son of Achaia, of the priests that were in Anathot, in the land of Benjamin, to whom the word of the Lord came in the days of Josiah, the son of Ammon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign. It came also in the days of Joachim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the end of the year of Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month. Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I found thee in the belly, I knew thee. So how did God know Jeremiah? Because he said, Before I found thee. That means, let us assume before Jeremiah's parents even met Jeremiah, God had knew Jeremiah. So how did God know Jeremiah? God knew Jeremiah by purpose, not that He knew Jeremiah by name. When I say name, I mean, oh, there's Jeremiah coming. It is the purpose that defines Jeremiah. You and I are defined by our purpose. God knows us by our purpose. Before I found thee in the belly, I knew thee. And before thy cameth forth out of the womb, I have sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. So even before Jeremiah was conceived in the womb, before the father of Jeremiah met with his wife, before they had anything together, God knew that a prophet would rise up. So God knew Jeremiah by purpose. And let me say this to every one of you here, that God knows you by your purpose. So every time God makes sure, every time we are talking about this particular sister, God sees this sister based on the purpose she was created for. So you are known by God by purpose. God doesn't only know your name, He knows your purpose. So He puts you into this earth for a purpose. He allows you into that family for a purpose. He brought you into that company, into that organization for a purpose. You are in that church for a purpose. Where you find yourself today is permitted by God for a purpose. That is why I want to let every one of you know, if you are in this fellowship, in this ministry, don't just become arrogant and stubborn. You are here for a purpose. If you don't know your purpose, go and ask God, Lord, why did you bring me into this place at this time? For those that are online, if you connected to me now, you met with me at this point. See, you didn't meet me by mistake. You met me at this time for a purpose. It is part of your manuscript. In your manuscript of purpose, it has been designed that you will meet Apostle Peter soon. It has been designed that you would meet Apostle Peter soon online. You would get a account that you will meet or you will have access to his messages. So, everything is made by God with a purpose. So, before Jegemiah was born, God said, I have known thee. Before you were formed in the womb, I have known thee. I have known thee. I have known that a man is coming whom I will ordain. I have created to be a prophet. My sister, you have a purpose. My brother, you have a purpose. My brother, you have a purpose. Every one of us have purpose. We have purpose of existence. We have purpose why we are still alive. There is a purpose of you still living. God wants you to discover that purpose. And God is very, very willing to reveal to you your purpose. Don't think that some of you will say, Ben, I have been praying about my purpose. I won't say anything. I won't add anything. Let me say this to you. God is even more interested to reveal your purpose to you than you, than the way you are interested to find your purpose. You see, God would never want you to waste time on earth. You know this earth is bounded by time. But in eternity, in eternity there is no time. So, God would not want you to waste your time on earth. So, God is very interested to let you know your purpose. And that is why this teaching is coming. That is why God is impressing it in my heart that I should come and let you know how you can find your purpose. Number one, you must have the understanding that there is a creator who created you. That means there is a God who manufactured you, who produced you, who made you. So, the easiest way for you to identify your purpose is to first consult the manufacturer. Is to first consult the creator. Consult the creator, then you will find your purpose. So, we see over here that Jeremiah was known by God by his purpose. So, God knew Jeremiah by the purpose. So, your purpose is your identity. I repeat, your purpose for living is your identity. So, God has called me to be a man of God, to be an apostle to nations. And if God has called me to be an apostle to nations, my identity is an apostle. Even though if my name means, maybe in Africa here we have traditional names. Maybe my traditional name is, for example, my traditional name is pointed to the area of doctor. Maybe they have to call it in a very traditional way. And they say this is the meaning of my name. My name means I'm going to be a doctor. God does not know me by that. So, every time God sees me, he sees apostle Peter. He sees the apostle ship on my head because that is what God created me for. So, your identity, your true identity is found in your purpose for living. Your true identity is found in your purpose. Jesus was called Jesus Christ. The reason the name Jesus Christ, the word Christ means the Messiah. The Messiah, the Savior. Even the word Jesus means Savior. In the Old Testament, the word Jesus is used as Joshua. In the New Testament, it is used as Jesus. Old Testament in Hebrew, Joshua or Joshua. In the New Testament, Jesus in Greek. Are you with me? So, the name given to Jesus was a name that described the purpose of Jesus' existence on earth. So, our name is supposed to have been given to us by the definition of purpose. That means every time I see... Every time I see... If I see this brother, Taiwo, or if I see... Okay, who should I use now? Okay, let me say I see this brother. If I see this brother, I should be able to say... If I mention the name of this brother, the name should define who he is. That is our name should be given. Go and read your Bible. Abraham was called the father of many nations. God gave him that name to define his purpose. But our parents are not able to host the presence of God and to receive from God the instruction and the definition of our existence. If our parents were so spiritual enough, they would have known our purpose before they gave us names. And even if they gave us names before they discovered purpose, they are supposed to give us a middle name. So, your name should have been given to you to describe your purpose by the definition or the design of purpose. Your purpose. We all came into this world to fulfill a purpose. We all came into this world to fulfill a purpose. And that is why he said, find purpose, it will be easier to find partner. Even though there is a place of examining the character of the person, that even though the person has an alignment with you in purpose, you have to design, evaluate the character of that person. That is the place of spirituality. But purpose discovery is one of the factors that is essential before you find a life partner. So, Adam was called man. Adam was called man. And if you find the meaning of that word man, and you find the meaning of the word if, woman, you will discover that there is an intention of God to multiply the two genders in the world. So, God gave them a purpose. The purpose of Adam was not to work in any other company. The purpose of Adam is not to found oil. The purpose of Adam was to replenish the earth in godliness. To spread the seeds of God around the earth. That was the intention he was created for. So, Adam was not created to found oil, crude oil, load. That is why even though he was created, there were still some people that founded some benefits of the earth. It was not Adam. So, Adam is not the first to make brick stone. Brick, brick stone. Adam was, because that was not the purpose. He was not created to find how brick stone can be made. He was created to replenish the earth. Let us go to 2 Timothy chapter 4. We are going to see a man who discovered purpose and he was told to say that it was done with his assignment on earth. 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 6 to 8. The Bible says in verse 6, For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have finished my course. That is purpose. May we be bold to stand before all men and say we have finished our course. We have come to fulfill the purpose we are created. I have kept the faith. Verse 8. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day, not to me only, but unto all them also that love is appearing. So Paul the Apostle discovered his purpose and he fulfilled his purpose. So to fulfill purpose is possible. We have seen it in scripture that Paul fulfilled his purpose. Now there is something you must understand that there is no life on earth that is created by God without intention. No life on earth created by God without intention. Some of you said I was born out of wedlock. God has intention for your life. For the moment even though you were born by mistake. Sorry when I use the word mistake I mean you were born out of wedlock. Your mother gave birth to you without necessarily wanting to give birth to you. They were not expecting the pregnancy. Are you with me? That is what I mean. They were not expecting it and suddenly your mother discovered that she was pregnant. And the story has been told to you. No matter that mistake, we humans we call it mistake. But in the sight of God, for the purpose that a life has been conceived, God has a purpose for it. Every life on earth is created by God, is made by God by intention. So God has intention for every life. Even those mad people, those insane people that has psychiatric issues, mental problems. God still has a purpose for them. God brought them into this world with a purpose. Those that have, you know the sex of people that their hands are twisted, their legs are twisted. Some of them are called imbecile. They are imbecile. God has a purpose for them. There might be bed accidents. There might be accidents doing from the bed, from the womb, you know, that cause them to be deformed. But nevertheless, God has a purpose for them. Every life has a purpose on earth. Sometimes it is the human mistakes and failure that deform their bodies. Not to be able to execute their purpose. So no body is created by God without a purpose. And that is something I want you to understand. No one is created by God without a purpose. Every single man or woman that are made by God, every single man or woman that is made by God has a definite purpose. They have their definite purpose of existence. So they are not existing by mistakes. I want to tell you that you are not existing by mistakes. You are not existing by mistakes. God is intentional. The conception might be a mistake. But your existence is not a mistake. If God doesn't want you to exist, it would have terminated you from birth. There would have been still birth. But you see, God allows you to come into this world. Because He has a purpose for you. God doesn't create men without first defining their purpose. No. So before God created you, before He allowed you into this world, He at first defined your purpose. It was not after you were created or after you came into this world, that God now sat down and God started saying, Okay, this one has already come. What should we do for this person? What should be the purpose of this person? No. Before you were formed, God has defined your purpose. Your purpose has already been defined. And there are six points I want to share with you before we end up this message. No. 1, every child has a glorious destiny. There is no child that God created to be poor. There is no child that God created to be a beggar. There is no one that God created to be a cripple. There is no one God created to be a waste, insane or mentally deranged. No. Everyone has a glorious destiny. Every child has a glorious destiny. That is number 1. Number 2, every human should be defined according to the purpose of their existence. Every human should be defined according to the purpose of their existence. So, if I meet this sister, I shouldn't define this sister by what she is today. I should be able to see into her future and then define her by her future. Some of you have fought against your destiny helpers. You fought against people that should help you in life. Because when you met them, you met them in a state that is really, really not good. Bad state. And you concluded that they are going to be like that. Not knowing that the person you met would be the next governor of the state. Would be the next president of Nigeria in the next 20 years. But you defined that person by the current situation of life. You shouldn't define people by who they are now. Define them by their purpose. Even though if they are not in the reality of their purpose. Define them. Keep calling them according to their purpose. Discuss with them according to their purpose. Don't talk to people anyhow. Because anybody can be great tomorrow. We are all journeying to purpose. You may come to this ministry and say, well, I don't like the setting of this ministry. I don't like the hall. I don't like the space. I don't like everything. I don't like the music. They are not having quality instruments. You might even find fault with our nature of services. But you see, we are going somewhere. We are only journeying. You are still seeing us in the journey. We have not gotten to the destination of purpose. So, what I will tell you is never you look down on a man or a woman who is on the journey to purpose. Don't give up on anybody. We should be defined according to our purpose. We should be addressed according to our purpose of existence. Number three, you will feel satisfied and fulfilling only in divine purpose. One of the things you are going to experience when you are pursuing purpose is that you will feel satisfied and fulfilling. Even though if there is no money, even though nobody is paying you for that thing, even though if you are struggling to survive, you will feel satisfied and fulfilling. You will know that if you leave that thing, you are missing purpose. Let me say this to you. I am not preaching to you because you are paying me. Of course, some of you are not. I have been impacting lives for years. It is only few people that appreciate what I am doing. Some of them, the moment they get to the top, they forget about us pastors. I have experienced that countless numbers of times. The moment they have opened doors, we pray for them, we teach them, we train them. The moment they suddenly have opened doors, they forget about us. They forget about the work of God. Sometimes I do let them know that even if you cannot bless me or bless me with your material possessions, you can bless the work of God. If we didn't struggle to have some instruments, you won't be able to get the message. You won't be able to receive our messages. We won't be able to communicate it appropriately. We won't be able to record the message. So when God starts blessing you, you see, when God blesses you, bless the man of God and bless the work so that we will be able to reach others also. Are you getting me now? So one thing I find out is that in the preaching of the word, I feel satisfied. When I am teaching you and you are getting knowledge, when I am teaching you and you are knowing the truth, I feel satisfied even though there is no money. So I am not doing this work of the ministry because there is money. Even though we need money, no matter the currency, no matter the value, every little quantity you send, even though we need the money to propagate the gospel, to get good instruments and equipment, nevertheless, that is not my primary pursuit. So you may not pay me and yet I am still preaching. I have been preaching for the past 15 years. I have been preaching, I have been teaching for the past 15 years to tell you that there is passion in me to teach this gospel. So one thing about purpose is that you don't get discouraged about it because nobody is recognizing you. You don't get discouraged about it because nobody is applauding you. You don't get discouraged about it because nobody is paying you. No. You find satisfaction and fulfillment. That is why you can do it for long. Anything that is not your purpose, you will be looking for an award. And when there is no award, you will stop it and do other things. But if it is purpose, there is a passion pushing you to keep doing it. And that is what makes you to stay in it for so long. I can preach the gospel like this, even though, God forbid, even though there is no physical church for me to preach to, I will keep preaching the gospel till I die. Because that is where my purpose is discovered. That is where my purpose finds expression. So when you discover purpose, you will feel satisfied and you will be feeling fulfilling every time you do it. No. 4, Destiny Airpass. I believe you have gotten my message on Destiny Airpass. If you have not gotten my message on Destiny Airpass, at the end of this message, try to write to me. If you listen to the message on Destiny Airpass, you will be able to understand this No. 4 I want to talk about. We have it on our telegram channel. You go there, download messages and listen. These are free things. It is free doesn't mean that you should take them for granted. Destiny Airpass are found and they are located on the road, on the pathway that leads to your purpose. The pathway that leads to the fulfilling of your purpose, that is where God will stamp your Destiny Airpass. So in case you don't know the meaning of Destiny Airpass, go and listen to that message. There are people God has positioned along your way. They can come as His son in the Lord. For example, as I am in the ministry, some of the Destiny Airpass I have around me are even followers. They are not people I am following. They are people that are following me for the stage I am now. In future, God can bring higher level people to me. Some of my Destiny Airpass are people that call me their leader, they call me their pastor. But they are my Destiny Airpass because they support me, they sponsor the work of God. To make sure I fulfill destiny. And in return, I keep building them so that they can fulfill their own destinies. Because they can't just be assisting me to fulfill my destiny. And they themselves are not doing anything in life. So I struggle, I pray, I preach, I fast, I study to be able to bless them. To impact them. So that they can also fulfill their destiny. Their destinies. Are you with me? So Destiny Airpass are people that God positioned on your pathway to ease the work of destiny. My destiny is to end up well as a preacher. For you to be a Destiny Airpass to me is to assist me, to support me, to financially support me. To fulfill that which God has created me for. For me to be a Destiny Airpass to you is to impact you in the dimension that you are called to fulfill. So Destiny Airpass, go and listen to the message on Destiny Airpass. They are not found everywhere. If I leave this work of the ministry and I decided to be an engineer. I may struggle for years because my Destiny Airpass are not on the road. They are not on the pathway of engineering. They are on the pathway of ministry for me. Just like for example now, you are going through this road. And this road you are going through, this road is the road that leads to your destiny. And there are people God has put there. But you may not see them at the beginning. You may not discover these people at the beginning of purpose. It may be at the point where you are about to give up. There is a juncture of confusion. There is a juncture of confusion in the journey of purpose. You are pursuing God, you are pursuing purpose. A time will come you will be tempted to give up. At that point you will collide with the Destiny Airpass. Now the reason God positioned Destiny Airpass on the route of purpose. Is because there is a tendency of you giving up. So God brings people that will help you. Remember that Destiny Airpass are not only helping you in money. They don't only help you by giving you money. They can help you by giving you information. They can help you by supporting you with their energy. They can help you by connecting you with the right person you need to rise. So they come in different levels and different operations. Some come to give you money and they sponsor you with their money. Others come, they don't have money to give to you. But they have time. They are always available for you. So Destiny Airpass are in different categories. But they are there to empower you to fulfill destiny. So if you have not discovered purpose. How would you find your Destiny Airpass? This is why it says take time to pray. Take time, spend time, ask God for your purpose. It will be easier for you to collide with Destiny Airpass when purpose is discovered. Number five. Life partner. Life partner. Choosing of life partner should be according to purpose. So you are getting married to a sister because you discover that she complements your purpose. You are getting married to a brother because you discover that he complements your purpose. So your purpose besides God, besides the scriptural qualification for marriage. Purpose should be one of the factors you should consider before accepting anybody for marriage. Or before marrying a sister. Discover your purpose and let he or she tell you their purpose too. Then can two work together except they agree? If both purposes are not complementing one another. Then marriage cannot survive. I can't marry someone that is against my purpose. Before I got married to my wife, I have to find out if my wife's purpose complements my purpose. If my wife's purpose complements my purpose, then we are good to go. If her purpose doesn't complement my purpose, forget about it. Even if it is an injury that appeared to me at home. To get married to her. And then our purpose are not aligned. And it can never be aligned. I can't marry. I can't marry. I can't marry. So you marry based on what purpose. Go and get my message on, I think I have put a message on right choice for marriage. Right choice for marriage. Go and listen to the message. You will know what I am talking about. Number seven. God is committed only to ways. Only to pathways that lead to the fulfillment of purpose. So God does not have business when you walk on your own way. No. When you walk on the way He has created for you to fulfill your purpose. God has created you, has made you to be this person in life. This is your purpose for living. You then decided to ignore what God is calling you for. You decide to follow your own path. God will not take responsibility of that. God only takes responsibility on the pathway of purpose. So the way that leads to your purpose, that is what God takes responsibility of. So God will be committed to make sure you fulfill it. So God won't be committed to make sure you fulfill your own purpose. Not His own purpose for you. So understand this so that you won't be blaming God for everything. When it is your way, it is your mistake, it is your fault. So now we come now to how to discover purpose. How to discover purpose. Now you must understand that purpose discovery is one of the hardest path to take. Because there are believers that till today that still asking the questions. How can I find my purpose? Some of you have not discovered your purpose, you are very very confused. So purpose discovery is one of the hardest path to take. To discover your purpose is something that many people have given up on. So they are doing what they are doing today because they are just blessed or the opportunity just came for that place. So when there is an opportunity they just take it. Irrespective of if that place, that job, that opportunity is towards their purpose or not. So most of us, we are living our life by just assumption. But how can you discover purpose? Because many believers can't it, most, they can't it not important to seriously plan and discover their purpose in life. Number one, if you want to discover purpose, number one, find God first. Find God. Remember I told you that in the introduction I said that God is the manufacturer. God is the creator, He is the one that created you. So if you want to discover purpose, first find the creator. First find the manufacturer. First find He that has created you, He that made you. So find God first. Find God first. That is number one. Number two, when you find God through Christ, you become born again, you become a Christian and you find God through Christ. Align to God through obedience. Become obedient to God because even if God wants to give you, reveal to you your purpose, it will come as an instruction. And if you are not an obedient side of God, you will, you will, see let me say this. I never want to be a pastor, to be a preacher. No, I never want to be a preacher. Because I love God. So when He called me to be an apostle, a preacher, I obeyed because it has been my life. It has been my practice to be, to what, to always obey His instruction. So make yourself, to be, to be, make yourself, let me use this word, let it be that God knows you as an obedient child. So the moment you find God through Christ, become obedient to the word of God. Number three, evaluate your personal talent or gifting. Sit down, write out your talent. When I say talent, those things you do with ease. If you are a singer, you sing in, you sing in ease. And you ask, you, you know when you are singing, people say that you have the talent. That you are a talented singer. And you do it with ease. When others are struggling, you don't struggle. You do it with ease. That is a talent. Talent, there is a difference between talent and purpose. Purpose is what God has made you to fulfill, like your reason of existence. Talent are the ingredients. The ingredients to beautify your purpose. They are not your purpose, they are the ingredients to beautify your purpose. Are you getting me now? So you discover that most people that God calls to be a pastor, that truly receive the calling of God. If you check their lives, some of them have a caring nature. Some of them have a teaching ability. The teaching ability is not their calling, even though they would have been teaching as lecturers in school. But God gave them that talent, that gift, so that they can be used to fulfill their purpose. What is their purpose? To be in ministry. So talent are pointers, but they are not the purpose itself. They are pointers. So sit down and write down your talent. What are you good at? What are you good at? Then write down your gifting. What are the gifting you have? Do you have the gift of communication, of speaking very fast? Do you have the gift? You know, there are giftings. Giftings, talents, giftings. Write them out. Not the one you assume. That talent that has passed for some of you that are above 20 years, above 30 years. That talent has been with you from birth, while you were still very young. Your parents talk about that talent. Now you are old. You are like 30 something years of age, an adult. That is the same talent. It's finding expression. Write it out. Not the one you just did yesterday for the first time. And you say, oh, I'm talented in this. The one that you have been using in different dimensions or categories. Write that one out. The one that has spanned more than 10 years. This is the talent I'm talking about. Are you talented in leading people? You discover that anywhere you go, they always want you to talk. They always want to hear you. People want to listen to you. Anywhere you go, they want you to give counseling. And you find yourself that most of the time you always find in the position of leadership. Write the talent down. What makes it to appoint you as leader? Number one, you speak wisely. And you are able to communicate properly. So you write the talent of those things that make you unique. The talent that makes you unique. Write them out. Number three. Okay, number four. Then look at the area of passion and concentration. What is your area of passion? What are you passionate about? The reason I'm using myself, I'm not a better standard. The Word of God is a better standard. But the reason I'm using myself is because some of you know me. Are you with me? If I use someone you don't know, it may be hard for you to easily relate. Okay, for example, before I was called into the ministry, I loved teaching. When I was in the campus, in my higher institution, I was teaching people. I loved teaching. Like, I could teach you mathematics. I was good in mathematics. And I could teach you mathematics for hours. I could teach you for eight hours. Just stand there and teach you straight. And I did those things for free. I never collected money from anyone I taught when I was in campus. I never collected money. And then, before I went to campus, I was teaching also. I was teaching also. So, all through my life, I loved teaching. And what is my motivation in teaching? When I'm teaching you, it comes with a persuasion within me that you should know what I'm talking about. I don't feel comfortable if I'm teaching you and you don't understand me. It pains me. So, if I am teaching, I always ask you, are you with me? Have you observed that statement? I always say, are you with me? Are you getting me? And I always go back to emphasize it again. Because, if I am teaching, within me, there is a strong desire to make sure that you know what I'm saying. I believe if you know it once, and you know it again, you are going to know it forever. So, every time I teach, I teach you whether I want you to know. If I spend three hours teaching you, and you said you don't understand what I taught you, I can repeat that teaching again for another three hours. And again, and again, and again, till you understand it. Now, that is my kind of person. I never knew I would end up as a pastor. I never knew I would end up in the ministry, but I knew I had passion in teaching for free. I was teaching people for Waheg, teaching people for Jam in Nigeria, teaching them to enter higher institutions. Are you with me? So, it was a passion in me. So, discover your passion. What is that thing you can be doing, even if nobody is giving you money, even if nobody is paying you, for that, you will still keep doing it. That is your passion. So, write at your passion. Number one, write down your talents. Number two, write down your passion. Write those things you can do for free. I love giving, but giving can just, but I'm talking about skill. What skill are you passionate about? I love teaching. I love teaching. Though I have the anointing, I have the, God has helped me, by the grace of God, I have the prophetic anointing. Some of you know, you have been with me for years. One of the things I started with some of you was to be a prophet. And some of the things that happened in Nigeria, I told you about those things. But you see, beyond the prophetic, beyond the miracle that God is using me to do, some of you that are in Nigeria here, you know the countless miracles that God has been doing over here. That none of the testimonies I have posted online, of the recent miracles. But you see, let me tell you something. Beyond the healing anointing upon my life, and beyond the prophetic anointing, I so much love the teaching anointing. I can teach for 365 days, without prophesying. But I can be prophesying and be comfortable. If I do prophetic meetings, and I keep prophesying, at the end of it, I feel sad that I didn't teach. So my motivation is not the prophetic and the healing. My motivation is the healing of your mind through teaching. So that is passion. What are you passionate about? It is what you are passionate about that you will be ready to die for. So write it down. What can you die for? That even if people offence you, if people betray you and disappoint you, it will not stop you from doing those things. Their offences, their betraying cannot stop you from doing those things. Hunger, no food, no water, they are not able to pay your house rent, these things cannot stop you from doing those things. Everybody will start asking you, what is the secret? And you are not even discouraged, because there is passion. You are passionate about that thing. What are you passionate about? Are you the type that you don't like seeing children not going to school? And every time you see them, you love gathering them together to teach them something. And you can do this all through your life. There is a strong affection for children. There is a strong desire for children. This one is not the one that we are not even seeing. And because I am saying this and you say, maybe it is in me. No. We would have been seeing it before we see it. There would have been times you demonstrated that somebody was like, why are you wasting your time? You have not ever gathered children once. It is because I am saying this and you are not saying that. Maybe the man of God is talking about me. I am not talking about you. I am talking about that one that even though, before you even met me in life, you have been doing that. Even though you started it initially and it closed down, you failed, you went back to start it again. What are you passionate about? What is your passion? Are you passionate about acting, drama, acting dramas? And maybe your calling, your purpose is to showcase the power of God in dramas, in movies, not these worldly movies, not ungodly movies, but movies where you glorify God. And you see yourself, you love acting movies. Are you passionate about writing? You can be writing without any distraction. You can just be writing. You have written a lot of things that are even useless and useful. So you find the area of your passion. Remember, your passion is not your purpose. But these are pointers. Your talent is not your purpose, but these are pointers. They are pointing towards something. Then number five, conviction of the indwelling spirit. Conviction of the indwelling spirit. When you look at the life of Apostle Paul, he was a lawyer, number one. Then this man, Apostle Paul, had the ability to teach. And he can argue. Are you with me? Paul knew how to argue with the world. That was why he was contending against Christ. Christ said, Paul, Paul, so-so. Why did I decide to kick against the bricks? He was a man of contention. He could contend with anybody and argue with anybody to win the case. He was a lawyer. But that was not his calling. That was a pointer. That talent, that gift in him was a pointer. The moment he became a follower of Christ. Because you see, Paul discovered his purpose when he was already an adult. But he had this gift with him. That is why he said that number five is the conviction of the indwelling spirit. When you get born again, you will receive accurate revelation of what God has created you for. That is when you will be able to relate that the talents that have been in you were all really pointed towards his purpose. Because your calling and your purpose is not far from your talent and your passion. Your calling and your purpose is not that too far from your talent and your passion. Just that you only need God to identify it. You need God to identify it. But your talent and your passion, they are pointers and they are very close to your purpose. But you only need God. You need God to define your purpose for you. You need God to define your purpose for you. So, I want to ask you this question. Can you take two days, even if it is dry fasting? If you know you can't go on two days dry fasting, then make it 12am to 6pm. Two days, with two days vigil, pray in one prayer point. Lord, reveal my purpose to me. You will see, when you seek God, he will tell you. He will show you clearly. And when God shows you your purpose, there will be a strength of boldness towards it. Because you know that this is what I am called for. You will be willing to die in pursuing it because that is what heaven will reward you for. In fact, let me say this. Die, die pursuing your purpose. It is better you die pursuing your purpose than you living long not inside purpose. Because when you die pursuing your purpose and you get to eternity, heaven will reward you by that. They will reward you by that. They will say this one is a martyr, even though you were not killed by any man. But because you were pursuing purpose, and while you were pursuing purpose you were killed. Heaven will, heaven will, not killing in sin, you were killed as a Christian, holy Christian, and at the same time you were pursuing your purpose. You will be accepted in heaven and you will be rewarded for fulfilling purpose. And let me say this to you also. That most purpose will hit land humanity. Whether you are a pastor, humanity. Whether you are a doctor, humanity. An engineer, humanity. So if you are receiving salary, if you are working, and that place you are working, you claim to be your purpose or you are making money, and your work does not help, your money does not help the work of God, it does not help to promote the kingdom of God, it does not help to promote the kingdom of God, and it does not help humanity, you are not fulfilling purpose. Because all purpose, you know, they revolve around about humanity. Some of you, for you to pay your tithe, you have to battle, even though you claim that, you see, payment of tithe is not necessarily because pastors want to eat your money. As I am preaching now, you are listening to the messages, are you not enjoying it? But we need money to be able to push these messages so that they can go far. We need website. We need good environment for the ministry so that when we are pushing, people will be able to attend service. So, your purpose, share towards number one, humanity, number two, expand the kingdom. Your purpose, share towards humanity, number one, number two, expand the kingdom of God. Because the kingdom of God is in the heart of man. So, when you use it to spread the kingdom, you are expanding the kingdom. So, everyone that accepts Jesus Christ has become a fraction of expansion of the kingdom. Let me share these four points with you before we close also. I am sorry I am taking much time. Number one, every purpose has a specific location of fulfillment. That is true. If you have discovered your purpose, the next thing you should ask God, where should I fulfill my purpose? When you discover your purpose, there is a place to fulfill it. You can't discover your purpose and fulfill it in your own place. No. There can be obstacles. The Bible says that even Jesus was not accepted, was not welcomed, was not appreciated in his own country. He had to go to other countries to fulfill purpose. So, there is a place of fulfillment. Every purpose has a specific location of fulfillment. When you discover your purpose, start asking God, Lord, where should I go to to fulfill this my purpose? Are you a pastor? Lord, where should I go to to start my ministry? Are you an engineer? Lord, where should I go to to work? Should I work in Nigeria? Should I work in Europe? Should I work... Okay, what part of Nigeria should I work in? You start... You must understand that every step you take should be ordered by God. Number two, every purpose begins as vision. You have a vision about it. You have a vision about the purpose. Your purpose is your vision. When they ask what is your vision, it should be your purpose. Then number two, what is your mission statement or your mission? Your mission should be how to fulfill the vision. So, how can you... What will you do or how do you go about to fulfill the vision? That is your mission. Every vision begins small. When you start pursuing your purpose, you will be seeing it as a small thing. But sometimes those purposes can impact nations. That is why you should never despise the days of little beginning. Never you despise the days of little beginning because what you started as a plain... Now, what you started as a small vision now can become what nations will begin to seek you for. But you must be consistent, diligent, and disciplined to fulfill that. So, every vision begins small. So, don't be ashamed to start small. If God asks you to run a school, God wants you to be running a school, then start running the school. It may be a very small school for just the crutch and the naughty students. You may not even have those in primary school. That is still okay. Continue like that. You may not be able to open 10 children institutions. You may just have a very little... Maybe two room and parlor apartments to run your school. Don't despise days of little beginning if that is your vision. If you are consistent in it and overcome every challenge and trial and discouragement... I tell you the truth, as a man of God, there are a lot of discouragement in the ministry. There are times everybody will turn you down. Everybody will cut you off. There are seasons like that. There are seasons where you yourself will know that everybody is discouraged. When everybody is discouraged, they stop coming to church. But you, the man of God, when you are discouraged, you always come to church. Remember that the crowd only follow a man that has become successful. So those that are giving you excuses, they are only giving you excuses because of the nature of the ministry. Don't give up. If you can continue and be consistent, very soon those same people will come to you. And they will start calling you our father in the Lord. They will come to you and start calling you our pastor. So when God has given you a purpose, you must be strong. To fulfill a purpose is not an easy thing. There are a lot of discouragement. There are a lot of discouragement attached to that. To fulfill a purpose is not an easy thing. The government may fight. People may fight. The devil will fight. Your health may fight. Your family members, even your spouse may fight. You must be strong. Let me say this. To discover a purpose is good. To fulfill a purpose is the hardest of things. It was not easy for Jesus to get to Calvary with the cross. It was not easy for Him. He knew that His purpose was to die to save the world. But on the journey to Jerusalem to die on the cross, it was not an easy thing. It was not an easy thing. But there was a deathly helper there to help Him. Who was the deathly helper? Simon the Syrian. It was the deathly helper that was positioned on the pathway to assist Jesus in carrying the cross. So that Jesus would not die before getting to Calvary. It's not an easy thing. Discovering a purpose is good. Fulfilling a purpose. I tell you the truth. Before I continue this message, let me tell you the truth. It's not an easy thing. I tell you, a man of God, are you a young man of God? You are sensing the calling of God for your life. You have discovered the purpose that God wants to be a pastor, a preacher, a minister. It's not an easy thing. You have to be strong. Endure hardness. There is a lot of hardness in the ministry. There is a lot of discouragement in the ministry. There are many times you will cry. See, in this work I am doing, I have cried many times. People I love so much have broken my heart many times. People I love so much have abandoned me, run away, and they never even look back. Some of them since they left, they have never picked their phone to call to check up on me. Either I am the one checking up on them, or they don't check up on me at all. And they left. And these are people I sacrificed time and energy to train. But you see, that shouldn't be a discouragement for me to give up. I keep pushing. I keep pressing. Because that is my purpose. I am speaking to someone here right now. And I am talking to you. If you want to fulfill purpose, you have to be strong. Small vision should never be despised. And every purpose is achieved through number one knowledge. If you want to achieve your purpose, when you have discovered your purpose, and you want to fulfill your purpose, there are about six things you need to do. Number one, knowledge. Find knowledge about that. Number two, you need training. You need to be trained for it. Number three, you need mentorship. Don't just stand up. You need people to talk to you. Because sometimes you need to cry to somebody. You may not be bold enough to cry to your member, to cry to your people, to cry to your boss. You need somebody to mentor you, who you can open up to. Number four, you need prayer. You need to be consistent in your prayer life. Prayer gives you the energy to keep pushing. And it clears the road for you. You need to be diligent. It's not for lazy work. It's not for lazy people. If you want to fulfill your destiny, you must not be lazy. You must be diligent. Don't miss your place of work. Don't close down that business. Not the kind of person that God has called you into the business world, Today you go to your place of work. Tomorrow you don't go. You say you are tired to go the third day. You must be consistent. You must be diligent and competent towards that. Always available for it. Number six, you must have faith. And there are qualities that help in fulfilling your purpose. I have said a few of them, but let me say three things. The qualities that help you to fulfill your purpose. The qualities. Number one is knowledge of your purpose. Having a deeper knowledge of what God has called you for. Before I came into the ministry, I spent time. I spent more than five years studying and preparing for ministry. Five years. I was in the ministry serving in churches before I received the calling. So when I knew God has called me and I have to spend another extra five years. Sorry, about six years. I am not saying you should be like me. I spent about six years to train and prepare for the ministry. Studying books and materials concerning my ministry, my area of ministry. I didn't just jump into the ministry. So knowledge of your purpose. Have deeper knowledge about that business before you go into it. Have knowledge about that career before you venture into it. You have discovered your purpose. That is very good. Have you gathered knowledge about that purpose? Number two is understanding of your purpose. You must understand your purpose. There are some activities I can't do in my ministry that other ministries are doing it. I don't find grace to do those things. I may do it in future. Like since I started the ministry and since I have been doing ministry, I have never organized crusade for once. I may later organize crusade in the future. But you see, that crusade kind of thing is not in me. I am not that kind of crusade person whereby I will go to the field, go to villages and organize crusade. Everybody come and preach. It is good. But I don't find grace in that. It doesn't even come to my mind. I can gather people in a hall to teach them. Or to conduct deliverance service for them. But you see, to be going to be organizing crusade, I don't know. In future, I can do that. But I understand my purpose of calling. I understand my calling. I understand my purpose. You should understand your purpose. What are you sent for? You are not sent to do what everybody are doing. You are sent to do your own in a unique way. You have discovered your purpose which is knowledge. Have you understand your purpose? Number three, you need wisdom in implementing your purpose. How do you go about fulfilling the purpose? You need wisdom. So you need knowledge, you need understanding and wisdom. The Bible says true knowledge is he has built. And by understanding, it is established. Shall we bow our head and ask for prayers? The Lord has spoken to us this morning. Ask the Lord and say, Father, my purpose I must discover. I want to believe you are praying. One thing is for us to teach you the word. Another thing is for you to engage the word in prayers. Lord, help me to discover my purpose.

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