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Personal Retreating for Consistency with God - Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Personal Retreating for Consistency with God - Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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The main ideas from this information are: - The speaker emphasizes the importance of faith and staying connected to God. - The speaker discusses the possibility of backsliding and losing one's fire for God. - The purpose of the workers retreat is to reconnect workers to God and address any spiritual decline. - The speaker warns about the dangers of losing contact with God and the need for consistent commitment. - The speaker highlights the importance of prayer, reading the Bible, and maintaining a strong connection with God. - The speaker criticizes those who hold positions in the church but lack genuine spirituality and rely on manipulation. Summary: The speaker discusses the importance of faith and staying connected to God, warning about the dangers of backsliding. The workers retreat aims to address spiritual decline and reestablish a strong connection with God. The speaker emphasizes the need for consistent commitment, prayer, and Bible reading. They criticize those who hold posi Faith of a father he will strive to will all the children to be and to that truth that comes from God my conscience be truly free Faith of a father truly faith we will be true just as we are today Faith of a father he will love both friend and foe in all that I have wished it to as love knows how my kindly words have precious power Faith of a father holy faith we will be true to thee till death I pray we stand truth even on the conviction of the scripture even unto death in Jesus name Shall we go to the Lord in prayers Our great Savior we have gathered together as Christian workers we have heard your voice our heart is longing for more of you You have given us the inspiration to converge together as workers who you are preparing, training, developing for the great work you see here for us Lord we are asking you Lord that by your spirit you will help us understand everything that is tonight in Jesus name And that the time coming to us as workers will empower us, will enable us, will encourage us and will teach us every art in the name of Jesus We pray Lord that you give us the spirit of understanding so that we will be able to understand every truth that will be communicated to us even this night Father we are asking Lord that you are looking for those to use, here we are Lord prepare us, wake us, make us, mood us and make us useful for divine purpose in Jesus name Give us grace to be able to assimilate the conversation, the teaching, the message that you will be speaking to our hearts directly even in the midst of the summer And bless our hearts, open our eyes even this night in the name of Jesus That your people as Christian workers will be able to bless us as they carry your presence everywhere they go in the name of Jesus Thank you Father because you are faithful, for in Jesus mighty name we pray We are coming now to our first stage in our workers retreat tonight And as workers retreat is the purpose, the intention behind the organization of the workers retreat is so that workers can find a linking, a reconnection back to God As many workers who have strayed away and those whose heart is getting cold, not connecting to God again Backsliding is a sin and no matter how far you have gone, no matter how high you have gone in positions in the church, anyone can backslide, anyone can fall Before the Bible encourages us and gives us a word of warning and as well of carefulness, it says let him that think and take heed lest he fall So the scripture has given us insight that it is very possible to fall as revealed in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 12 Let him that think and take heed lest he fall And Paul while speaking to the church in Galatians chapter 3, you will see where Paul was speaking to them He said, O foolish Galatians, who have bewitched you? Have ye begun in the spirit? Ye are not made perfect in the flesh This is revealing to all that you can be fire full today, but before the end of the year, before the end of the age, before 2 years, before 3 years, there is a possibility that you can lose fire There are people that have studied the Christian ways with me that are no longer in the Christian ways There are pastors that had convictions, who were ready to die for what they believed, the faith of our fathers But after so many years, the same thing they push against are the things they are not practicing, accepting, allowing in their congregations It is not enough to begin a conviction, it is will you have the strength, will you have the backbone, will you have the energy in the midst of fire Like what we read in our song, that some of them suffer, and even some of them died, faith of our fathers, living and holy faith As Christian workers, it is very good that we occasionally have a meeting like this, where we have to checkmate our life and ask ourselves a sincere question Are we still abiding in Christ? Yes, sometimes we made you a worker because you were abiding in Christ That was last year, that was some years ago, because we saw how you were abiding in Christ We called you and said come and be a worker, come and work for God You see, it is possible that we made you a worker because you were abiding in Christ But it is possible that you may not be abiding in Christ again But already the position has come to you, you are now a worker, you are now a minister, you are now a pastor, you are now a chorister, you are now an usher Or you are into the prayer unit, and when we put you into that position, it was because of the fervency we saw at that time But it is so sad that after putting you, after 1 month, after 2 months, after 3 months, after 6 months, the fervency has not died again You are not able to continue in Christ If you continue in my word, then yea, I am at my disposal indeed That means the mark of it is not simply because it began, it is because it continues You can accept, even when the teaching was coming, that God you saved, you were happily receiving it The same teaching you happily received is that you could play all night, that your phone can be playing the messages And you are listening to our messages, listening to the teaching You will wake up from the deep sleep in the night, you will bow down and pray, and pray, and pray You are now familiar with God's calm, you are familiar with God's touch That the teachings that brought you, always bring you alignment with God You don't have the taste for those teachings again You don't have the hunger, the thirst for the teaching that once broke your heart That is what we are talking about, that as Christian workers, you can begin in the spirit and possibly end up in the flesh If such teaching is true, and if such experience can possibly happen to a pastor, a bishop, an overseer, a chorister, a woman leader, a man leader, a youth leader That when the youth department was created, there was a desire towards the youth department But after two months, three months, we are not even seeing you leading the youth again The fire has gone down Now why do people lose contact with God? Why is it that after they start, a few months later they forget their commitment? Because if we continue like that, our Christianity will not pass one year It will not pass two years In fact, after two years, nobody will believe you are a Christian again So what can make us to be committed, consistent? That a pastor that was made leader over others The pastor does not call for sister meeting, you are still calling for sister meeting The fire is still there, you are still gathering people They don't need to talk As long as you are alive, that position will keep working Why is it that when we put you in a position, after some time the position dies, the people, the plant, the bishop, everything dies? Why? It's because there is a possibility for a man, a Christian worker, to deal with sin But if this is not true, and founded on the rock, he will die You may think that this is not true, but it's true What is enabling us? That the fire you saw in me, ten years ago, more than the fire I'm carrying now I'm telling you, it's what I want to teach you If not Christianity, it's not your father's business Whether I connect to God, whether I'm committed to God, it will still work like that It will not work The fire will die, the zeal will die, the passion will die, the hunger will die If you don't quickly want to find God again You will not turn from God and focus on your faith It will not be pleasing, satisfaction, vision, everything will not turn to self-serve That means you have even left the radar of God Is it possible that a person can be a worker in the church? And why is he in the church? He is no longer in the radar of God You are no longer blinking in the radar of God What is the meaning of radar? Some of you that have seen where a man is traveling, all these airports You will discover that before the airport you will see a plane And you will see a blinky moving The blinky is the airplane And where it's moving to, showing green, is their destination So they are bearing from where they are to their destination And you will see them blinking, blinking, blinking When that blink is not done by a gate in the radar In the airport where the airplane left They will begin to sound an alarm That possibly that plane has crashed Because it's no longer blinking what? The radar Do you know that it's very sad That God has been giving us warning, giving us information, giving us signal That some of you are no longer in the radar Some of you are no longer blinking in the radar What is sad about all these things is that We have made you prayer warrior leader We have made you ushering departmental leader The funny thing is that you are not acquainted You don't know how to manage goodness with Christianity You don't know how to manage prayerlessness with Christianity You are not learning how to manage that value You have come with a kind of subtle intelligence Whereby though you have not been praying Though you have not been reading your Bible But you know how to manage You know why? Because the deathness has entered inside of you And you have lost the righteousness of eternity Hallelujah So people don't pray again Understand that some of us have no how to manage You may not even go to your Sunday school Like the way you used to go Where you have to sit down before one week later Before the particular service where you take Sunday school You sit down like you are praying Now you just speak it like this and go to it As after I know the story of Joseph And the next day you just come And heaven is looking at you You are missing the mark The main reason why God is training you The training is no longer there Because the training should be that before you preach You must spend hours of prayer Because that was the teaching and the training That should have prepared you for the words to say But now we come with manipulation You sit down, you shake, shake, shake I say this on the spot, I can teach it I know how to teach And the next time you come here We clap for you But the real training behind the closed door That heaven is looking to reward you Nothing And then we have Why is it that we have so many departments And it's not functioning It's something like that Something like that When a person lost contact with God Because what we are talking about Is the thing that can recover us back to God But we are getting more lost We have gone far, far from God When a person has lost touch with God He begins to preach his own message His own message are the messages That make you feel alright That at the end of the message Everybody will be clapping and blowing whistles The heart is not broken The message doesn't come to shatter the heart It doesn't come to destroy your heart Not like in those days When you were listening to messages The messages are not yet finished Right there you are convicted of your sins Right there you know that you are doing what is wrong You learn Rather our messages is not making people to be more closer to God Where are those days? Why could somebody begin in the spirit And eventually end up in what? The flesh I will be discussing with you what I titled as Retreat Remaining Fervent And consistent In the work of God Retreat Remaining Fervent And consistent in what? In the work of God Consistent And fervent Hallelujah Not everyone remain consistent Not everyone remain fervent In the work of God So what will be the secret for you to remain consistent And fervent In the work of God Isaiah chapter 40 I've quoted Bible passages But let us read our text for this topic Isaiah chapter 40 I read from verse 29 Isaiah chapter 40 Retreating Remaining Fervent And consistent In the work of the Lord Isaiah chapter 40 I read from verse 29 Verse 29 The Bible speaks in verse 29 Of Isaiah chapter 40 He giveth power to defend And for them that have no mind In what? Increasing strength Even the youth shall faint And be wearied And the young men shall utterly fall But they that wait upon the Lord Shall renew their strength They shall mount up with wings They shall run and not be weary And they shall walk and not walk faint Now they that wait upon the Lord Shall have a renewing of strength Shall have a recovery of energy Shall have a restraint Those who would not be fervent Those who can be so conscious enough to know That they are losing strength for this work of God They are losing interest for spiritual things And they would not deceive themselves But rather they would deceive to wait upon the Lord The Bible says they shall what? Renew their strength In every work energy is expended In physics we say energy is the work done per time or per hour That is energy The work done by what? Hour Per time or by what? Hour So energy is the ability to do what? To do work That means anytime you are doing work Energy is expended Energy is released You are losing what? Energy And because there is a need for losing what? Energy There is a need for retreating Hallelujah Hallelujah Open your bodies There is a need for what? Retreat Every work that requires energy Spices and time Also demand time for refreshing And what? A renewal Hallelujah So any work that demands energy Strength And demands your time Also require that there should be a refreshing of you Refreshing what? Your strength Hallelujah Sometimes we work throughout the week And we are giving Saturday As resting days for the renewing of our strength If you are in the secular work When you work from Monday till Friday Most times they give you Saturday and Sunday Am I right? Yes Like teachers teaching in school As stressful work is For you to teach I have done the work of teaching before Teaching from morning till around 4 Is very very stressful But you don't need to ask for how to lose weight If you do that for one month you will lose weight Because it is really really what? Stressful work Now when you do that On Saturday and Sunday It is giving to you within Sure That strength should be what? Renewed for Monday again And that is why it is giving The moment that you start working back to back You are closer to your grave The moment you start working Saturday Saturday And start to give Sunday You will die Because every time you work like that Back to back The numbers of years You should have spent on earth Keep reducing So if you were to spend eight years Hundred years And you are working back to back Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday You are at the place of work You work from You close by six Come back home You rest And sometimes you can't even rest like that again All your body will be bending you Then six o'clock you wake up again You have taken your back You have gone to work Like that All those things you are doing Your life span on earth Will keep what? Reducing So there is a wisdom A psychology Of keeping you going What is that psychology? Saturday and Sunday Will be your resting day Some others It is only Sunday that is what? They are resting day So anything that demands you Energy You need a time for what? Refreshing But also spiritually While you are praying for God It is important that personal retreating Should be observed occasionally Now we are not talking about This is spiritual work If I was over here in church Totally we don't spend up to four hours Currently now we have changed our normal schedule On Sundays If you have Sunday to Wednesday How many hours are we spending now? That is about three hours Thirty minutes Am I right? That is about less than five hours That is not even half of a day If we are to do it To the service of what we are doing in church In a day We will not even reach half of what a day Hallelujah But nevertheless It is not the physical labouring now We are focused on Because if it is the physical labouring People will not be losing their fire Am I right? Yes But we are talking about the spiritual responsibility The spiritual labouring So spiritually While labouring for God It is important that Personal retreating Should be observed occasionally While you are labouring for God You know what? Retreat to God Observed occasionally For God It is very important for pastors It is very important for ministers Those that teach the world It should be more important for you Than any other person Teachers from the school As long as you are standing As fellowship teachers It is very paramount Because if you don't go occasionally For personal retreating You will get stuck in the work You will get stuck in the work The work Personal retreat is very important In the life of a Christian It is so important That people don't do it Some of you that have been with me for a long time These were the teachings I gave to some of you You are not doing it again You are too available You are too available to the people Available to everyone To families That you don't have to sit down To have a time with God For the renewing of your spiritual life People are too available By the grace of God We don't spend much time Because I understand these things You can be very religious without it While your spiritual life is what? Is dying Is dying So personal retreat Personal retreat Of you remaining fervent And fervent And consistent with God I repeat Personal retreat Is the secret For any believer Any Christian walker Any Christian that loves God To remain fervent Committed and consistent In the work of the Lord It is the secret Remember the word retreat The word retreat Military word We borrow it from the military word Military terms Military soldiers The soldiers, the military officers They are the ones that own this word retreat We borrow it from them Just like the agricultural have their own terms If you go to the medical There are terms used for only medical If you go to engineer There are terms used for engineers So we borrow it from where? The military So when we talk about the word retreat What does the military word retreat For we to be able to understand it We must stand on the perspective By which the military Are what this word Now the word military Is a military word Which is used In battle field The word is used in battle field When a soldier sustained injury During war He will retreat back In order to be attended by The medical team Now when they go out for war In the midst of the war When a bullet touched a soldier Or possibly there was a bomb blast And affected a soldier In the midst of that war There are some soldiers Who will not work with guns Though they have guns with them But their purpose in that war Is to kill soldiers So the moment they get any of them down You will see that some people will be dragging them down Taking them back to the camp Where they needed to work So the moment a soldier Sustained an injury It is expected that the soldier Should not continue that what That fight What you need is what Retreat Going back So that is the first perspective about what Retreat You are in the Christian race You are in the Christian journey You are seen a lot as a Christian worker And some people Whether physically or spiritually you cannot tell But you just discover that you are having A bad Evil desire For a particular sister Are you with me now? You just discover that any sister that comes across your way Whether the one that is even dog initial Comes across your way It is feeling in your heart Attracted towards what That you have been gotten A bullet as what has taught you It is expected that you Meet your pastor and say this is what is happening Immediately And retreat Because if you manage it Before you sleep with somebody's wife You will think it is a dream Hallelujah And that is why When you call your pastor I want to tell you something Intentionally tell yourself That I will not be familiar with what My pastor Because the moment you become too familiar With your pastor The instruction from God that you should be obeying To keep yourself fire full You will be taking it for granted But you will forget that before you met the man Or possibly before some of you become a worker You always leave The instruction and that was what kept you On track But gradually you have lost it So in the battlefield There are chief officers Are you with me now That tell the soldier to either go or come I was watching a clip of our Nigeria Wonderful soldiers In Sabisa They went to fight Against the Boko Haram What happened They were coming With bikes They never knew That the Boko Haram Because one of them carried a phone The Boko Haram Use glasses to watch So while they were still coming They were streaming And the guy that was streaming Was talking Before he looked The Boko Haram They began to shoot Many of them died So the guy that carried the gun Recorded But he was just only shaking He was running And I kept hearing the voice Of the leader Retreat back Retreat back Go back They have set an ambush Go back If they didn't listen to the leader They would die But we know Christianity When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a leader When a 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The word of God You can't read the Bible, you can't study the Bible It can happen to even pastor Pastor, look up here It can happen to what? When you start reading the Bible for the sake of message Not because you want to know God, it's a problem Number three, when you are losing faith and patience Towards God's work and God's promises You discover that you have been waiting upon God for something, maybe you need a child You need a job You don't have patience for it again You have been praying, gradually If somebody comes close to you, you are complaining Why is it that? Why is it not working? When you discover that you are losing patience When you discover that you are losing faith When you discover that you are losing hope You are losing faith and patience Towards God's work and promises Go for what? Personal work Somebody you can say, why is it that the church This is two years now, why is that we are not growing? I want to go and join the religion When you go there, the time you fail to pastor You will miss it there Hallelujah So, there will be seasons that those things will come When your faith will be threatened What should you do? I tell you, two days fasting can solve it But you see, the devil will not want you to make that two days It will recalibrate you and put you back to position number four When you are becoming depressed frustrated and confused in life and in the work of the ministry You are becoming what? Depressed, frustrated and what? Confused I discover that anytime I seek the face of God Whether it is one person that comes to church Sometimes I don't remember that it is one person But I discover that when it has been long Or maybe the spirit of God is beckoning me to be on a certain program And I am not going to that particular program If it is even twenty people that come I will be depressed When you discover that you are becoming what? Depressed Things are not affecting you People are not, ok, rain fell Different things are disturbing you You have lost the fire The position you have in Christ That the peace of God passes all Understand? The meaning of the peace of God passes all Is that the things you cannot understand Doesn't worry you You cannot understand why things are just like this Yet you are not what? Worried Hallelujah Number five, when the work of God is looking boring And uninteresting to you And you can't sacrifice your time You cannot sacrifice your time for it again The work of God is looking what? Boring And you are not finding interest in the work of God again And you cannot sacrifice your time for it again But you have You have time for mobile phones You can be on your phones Television, shopping, visiting and partying But when it comes to Let us come to church Mommy, mommy, I don't think I can go with you Daddy, I don't think I can go with you When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to church When it comes to 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know You don't want pastor to know, you don't want members to know You are hiding, committing sin You need personal retreating Hallelujah Number 9, when you can conveniently Miss church services And not feel bad about it You need personal retreating So you can miss church services You still feel okay You still feel comfortable What do you need? What do you need? Personal retreating And when you are not in the house of God But when you feel normal Go back to God When you are financially Towards God and towards what? Men Hallelujah Towards God and towards what? Men, financially you are finished You cannot give tight Even tight, they have to talk and talk Jesus has to come and send the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost can't talk to this person And Holy Ghost will have to sit you down You see this thing Before you not give tight Or before you not give offering Or before you not give to the needy Hallelujah Some of us are receiving income We are workers I know that not every worker is here The one that is not here Didn't take permission from me So that one is a leader over himself He is a leader over what? Himself And I will be quelling him when he comes We don't do that here Hallelujah We don't do that here Yesterday when he missed evangelism Or before the evangelism If not that I caused his discomfort He wouldn't have taken permission to So we will tell him that we don't miss like that Hallelujah So Sometimes financial stinginess Is a sign of lack of what? Personal retreat One of the signs when you are connected to God You give liberally You give to the needy, you give to the poor, you give to people And when you give You see God start blessing you, Hallelujah Then number 11 When your testimonies among people are When your testimonies among people are That you are You are dishonest When people start complaining that you are what? Dishonest People in your community, people in your place of work People are complaining that you are not truthful That you Maybe they bought something from you And you told them that this thing is like this After you brought that into them it is like that Or maybe they gave you a job Or you told them to work for you After they finish working for you You didn't pay them Or you ran away with their money When your testimony is getting bad What do you need? Personal retreating Hallelujah So God is challenging us On how we can return back to what? Personal retreat And as Christians I have made known to you That without personal retreating You can do any dangerous thing So let us close with this one How to engage in personal what? Retreat I can't tell you about personal retreating without telling you how to do it Number one Acknowledge your sin before God Before you go for personal retreating You must know that you are You are losing the Christ-likeness of God You are not becoming Christ-less Are you with me now? So you should note if it is lying You should observe that you are not telling lies casually Number two If it is anger If it is lust Identify your sin Acknowledge your sin before God Number two Cut off the connection to sin And forsake the ways of what? And forsake what? The ways of sin Cut off the connection of sin And forsake what? The ways of sin There was a particular sister She said Are you into a relationship? She said yes I said okay Are you cool? Are you making love? She said would not lie to me Although she is not comfortable with it She does tell the guy that it is a sin But the guy cannot just do without it I said okay And you want to really return back to God? She said yes She wanted to return back to God She was praying for the Lord She carried this fire, this prophetic fire I said okay I said I will put you on program But one of the first thing I will tell you to do Is to disconnect from that guy You may want to still marry him Or he wants to marry you But you going to visit him Or him coming to visit you Or passing night together at one place Or being together should not be allowed She said yes Hallelujah I said both of you are not cohabiting Because as me both of you are cohabiting I would have said Since you don't have anywhere to go The only thing don't allow him to trust you If you know that he cannot stay with you in one home Without trusting you Then you go back to your mother's place But this one you have your apartment He has what? After all the talk She now said okay She now went to meet the guy A mentor called But the guy said He cannot stop that So she now came back She now said My fiancé said it is not possible You are telling me that your fiancé said Okay Your fiancé said what do you want to do And that's why she stopped talking to me She wants Retreating But she doesn't want to disconnect from what That means she herself also loves it Who entered that Hallelujah Praise the Lord That is how it works So she doesn't want to cut Off the connection to what And forsake the ways Number three For you to engage in Now retreating Genuinely repent before the Lord Genuinely what? Before the Lord Number four Choose three to seven days of fasting and praying Of what? Choose three to seven days of fasting And praying Number five Pray two to three times daily During the fasting Let me tell you how it works Now I am discovering that I am becoming weak I am becoming cold Now I have said I want to fast for two days or three days Or seven days Hallelujah Amen So what I will do I will put my first prayer time 12am in the night Second prayer time 9am in the morning If it is three prayer time Third one is 3am You know what I will do Because the reason I am doing that personal retreat Is to pray like before You know what I will now do That 12 o'clock I will pray Try to make sure I pray at least 45 minutes When I repeat it again by 9am And I repeat it again by 3am Or maybe four times or repeat it by 9 in the evening Between two to three Or four times or more than that For you to pray like that for that day And you want to do it for three days Before the end of the three days In fact the way you pray that first day The way you pray the next day will be more fire full than what That day The spirit of prayer will come back To come back Where our problem is We say we want to do personal retreating Which I put here Your phone will be there So while you are doing retreating Hello, where are you You just say Job day God I will come back next week And you don't know that after you go for that Maybe as a sister that interview That job, that this thing You will know to you that the temptation that devil is preparing for you For the next week Is bigger than what you can do So you will not fall into a dangerous mistake in life Only for you to sit down and say Yah I will fast too So the devil Can allow you to do any other thing But he will not allow you to do personal work He will come and distract you Because that is where Your recovering is So you choose You pray two to three times or more During the fasting Read five to ten chapters of the bible daily During the fasting Ten chapters of what Of what Of the bible During the fasting Do your restitution if there be any You can't be going for personal retreating And I collected your property Are you with me And you never knew that You will be asked who collected it And I knew I was the one that was collecting Now I want to do personal retreating Before I even start the phase of the fasting What should I go and do I don't know how to tell you That I am the one that collected Now if you decide to fast Without restitution It is called hunger It is hunger strike Are we together Those at the back are we together So the first thing to do To do restitution You have quarrel with somebody I am not talking to you I want to fast I need personal retreating Go and settle with who you have what Quarrel what with So restitution should be done Don't seek God If not the presence of God will not come During that retreat You will go dry and come back dry Because you are not truthful You are not sincere to yourself Hallelujah So you do restitution You do what You go back and follow peace People you collected their money POS POS And you collected debts And I will call you To shut up my friend On their money On top of their money And then And then next you Bump them And say my one nigger will never enter Pampe again Because this boy is ready to collect it Christians I don't know what I did to Pampe I think you were the one that bailed me out I wanted to borrow Collect her time to recharge And at this point there was no money in my Pampe Then I said I should use what That I can collect I just felt like This boy is very nice Better than Ope After I collected it I forgot Because the money has entered my Ope account Not my Pampe If you see call and threats If you don't send this money now How much? 500 nigger 500 nigger 500 nigger I told the lady This money We are not laughing with you If you don't pay this We are going to I said I am going to pay you And that is when I told myself I will never not even enter the game again They are the one giving you You see you don't have anything You can collect and pay back You think it is a trap of this grace But as a Christian When they told me I felt what I should have been getting the money But I never knew that This is so serious Because in MTA we borrow and pay back At MTA they are very nice people Hallelujah And that was how I transferred their money to them I think we are in full love Just transferring to my account That I collected Hallelujah So when you want to go for personal events Make sure you follow peace with God Don't owe anybody's money Don't owe anybody's debt People's property you collected without their permission Return those things Hallelujah Number 6 Cut off irrelevant things Taking your time away from God You cut off what? Irrelevant things If it is your mobile phone Taking your time away from God There is one of She was my daughter in the Lord I discovered that she was Be cladded with this I am not saying it is bad Are you with me now? But don't be induced with it To the point whereby if you Let me not talk about that Hallelujah When you give them program to do You will discover that from the Mounties that are still posting tapping You will be like If it is not on Mounties again If it is not on Mounties again I bet tapping is going on on the Mounties too So now That is Are you with me for the end of life? Because I don't know if you will see that You will be shocked This one deceived me And when she let you call that already on the Mounties You will not be thinking again like Is this thing Are you getting me? So some people That are like that God They are dying spiritually But they don't want to Admit for their recovery God will help us in Jesus name I say God will help us in Jesus name So what number are we? Number 9 On that goal Engage in personal retreating by willingly To sacrifice time and energy To meet up your daily Commitment with God Return back to your quiet time So when you are in your place of personal retreating The 2 days fasting, 3 days fasting These are things to talk about How has been my quiet time? There are 5 questions I should ask myself that I want everyone of you If you want to do a personal retreating Ask yourself also If I want to go on fasting or go on personal retreating 5 Things Only ask myself How is my prayer life? Because when you are in the place Maybe you lock your room or you are at home You should have gone to school You want to do your personal retreating from morning till 4 When you come back from school And you want to do it 2 days and nobody is at home to distract you Are you with me now? That morning As you have started the fast that morning Right? How has been my prayer? Tell yourself there is nobody there to scold you Tell yourself it is bad Bad and poor Are you with me? The number 2 How has been my relationship with the Bible? The number 3 How has been my commitment to the body of Christ? Which is the church The number 4 How has been my evangelical life? The last of it all How has been my love towards people? Towards what? Do I really love everybody? Are there some people that I cannot really love? Are there some people that I am angry with? Am I being hate in my heart towards? So you ask yourself that question If it is not Once you are 40 That is 39 years Till waiting your what? Your personal retreating Praise the Lord Hallelujah You choose this And for you that are working You can make your personal retreating to be Friday till Sunday Since you are going to work Weekend you are not what? Working Friday till what? Sunday For those that are going to work That you will spend 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks at work Always make sure that when you come back home It should be your season of what? To keep you burning there When you come back home When you know that you can Because when I was working My best period of personal retreating I don't know why it is always sweet like that Because if I am at work that time I pray every 12 Every 12 I will leave where I was I will go to one free room And lay down and pray for 12 Because my break time was 12 till 1 Are you with me? So I will pray from 12 till what? 15 Like 12.45 But if I am fasting Are you with me? If I am fasting I will just pray If I finish prayer I will sit down and be meditating I will play music I always go Even when I was teaching I always go to my place I was teaching If I show you my picture you will see You cannot see my pictures of when I was teaching those days When I was working You will not see what Because I only listen to spiritual songs To keep myself burning Hallelujah So you can do that But never the less Make sure that it should be a time You should stay away from social media You can't be on the mountain Seeking the face of God Inside your bedroom And we are seeing you on Facebook YouTube WhatsApp TikTok They are not serious When you are in the prayer room You see you are seeking the face of God This is what I told you The person that is seeking God You know what he is watching He is watching Sardinus He is watching comedy The secret place I thought this person is seeking the face of God I thought this person is seeking the face of God You will not laugh I can't take it You will not be surprised Whether he is seeking God or not So when you are seeking God Let go the appetite Of the flesh Shall we stand up on our feet Talk to the Lord and say Father Help me To take my personal retreat in life Open your mouth and begin to talk to the Lord

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