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Sunday School- Sister Temitope Alao 05052024

Sunday School- Sister Temitope Alao 05052024

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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A person is talking about someone they know who constantly posts on social media about every aspect of their life, including going to clubs with their husband. The speaker questions the person's claim of being a Christian and warns about the consequences of sin and the existence of hell. They emphasize the need to reflect on one's actions and strive to glorify God. The speaker mentions that hell is a place of torment, eternal fire, shame, and everlasting contempt. They urge listeners to choose the path to heaven and live obediently to God. I have somebody, I don't want to use their end in this chapter with the words I am about to say. I have someone, when she posts on her status, you know, if you are not even conscious, you will be very envious and jealous of this woman. A lot of things, you know, when her husband bought her a new car she posts. When anything she is doing, she will post. If she is driving to her children's school, she will post. If she is doing this, she will post. Anything she is doing, she will post. You see, at the end, she will post, I have seen this, I know, we always, in fact she is my church member in my formal church. You see, she will still post, she and her husband going to club together. And when you talk to this woman, in fact she will even post Bible verses on her status. She believes that she is a Christian. Are you getting me? She believes that she is a Christian. So there is nothing you want to tell her. In fact, if you tell her anything, the next thing you will see on her status is that she will just put a quote that shows that you are righteous. You are preaching something that, you know, you understand what I am saying? You are trying to tell her that you cannot tell me you are a Christian and you are going to a club with your husband. She is not going with anybody. But for what purpose? I don't understand. For what purpose? So you know, look at what just happened to this man. Even this man did a lot of bad things to this poor man. And when they both died, they got their reward. So the one that is being fed well on earth was starved on that day. So the one that had nothing to eat had the whole thing there in heaven. So this is something we need to think about that this thing I am doing, is it the right thing to do? This thing I am doing, where will I end when the judgment comes? So this brings us to this topic today that we need to be heavily conscious. Hell is the abode of the unredeemed dead or the spirit of the damned usually beneath the heads. Hell is not for someone who is righteous. It is for the unrighteous and the unredeemed. So hell is not made there just for a camouflage. It is there for people to go. Who are these people who will be the host there? Who will be the guest? The thing is, whatever we do every day, it should reflect that. You should always think that this thing I am doing, am I doing it to end in heaven or am I doing it to end in hell? So for some time now we have been hearing this preaching, we have been hearing the words from our apostle, he has been saying it every now and then and I am very sure he will keep saying it every time. That whatever we do that does not glorify God, we need to stop it. Whatever we are doing that is not glorifying God, we need to stop it. Whatever we do and is not for the reward, for the great reward, we need to check ourselves. So this made us to understand that hell is the abode of the unredeemed dead or the spirit of the damned Usually beneath the head is a compartment of torment, pain, regret, sorrow and shame. It is the final destination of the unrighteous after death. So what this is trying to tell us is after death there is another place we will go. After death children listen, after death there is somewhere, somewhere everlasting place for us to go. Now it is left to us when we are still alive to choose which one do we want to go to. Which one do you think worth keeping ourselves only unto God? What we are doing today, the obedience we are giving unto God, the reward is worth it. You see when we think about this hell of a thing, we will know that all these things that we are doing does not worth it. All this wickedness we are doing does not worth it. And I pray that as we listen and as we think deep today, the Lord will give us the grace and a heart to truly repent of all our sins to God in the name of Jesus. And in the gospel Jesus Christ preached about hell. Hell is otherwise known as outer darkness as called by Jesus Christ. If we check in the book of Matthew 25.30 and cast he the unprofitable servant into outer darkness. Jesus said this, cast he the unprofitable servant into outer darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Jesus Christ said it. This thing is not just a formulated truth and is not a formulated lie. Even if it is formulated, follow it. That is to say, it is to say something that there are some things that they say is a sin. And it is better you abide with it and get to heaven and they say this thing that they say is a sin on earth is actually not a sin. But thank God you abide with it. It is better than you not getting there and they tell you truly it is a sin and you never abide. You believed it was a lie. It is not true. So as God always tell us, even though it is not true that it is a sin, let me just do it first. So when we get there, let the angels say oh, it is not a sin. It is not better than you going there and standing before judgment and they tell you it is a sin. Praise the Lord the Almighty in Jesus name. It is interesting that a much higher percentage of people believe in the existence of heaven than believe in the existence of hell. I have said this before. People only believe that there is heaven for real. But some people do not believe that there is hell. As we have heaven, so we have hell. I pray the Lord will help us and he will help us start well and finish well in Jesus name. I pray the Lord will help us not to make mistakes and when we make mistakes, he will help us to realize and correct them immediately in Jesus name. Hell is not something that should be joked with. If we hear testimonies of people that have died before and have gone to hell, if you hear them, you will be grieved, you will be afraid, you will be very scared of that place. That place is not a place for us to go. It is not even a good place for anybody to be in. According to the Bible, though hell is just as real as heaven, the Bible clearly and explicitly teaches that hell is a real place to which the wicked or the unbelieving are sent after death. We have all sinned against God. If you read the book of Romans 3.23, it says for all have sinned and we have come short of the glory of the Lord. The just punishment for that is death. Since all of us, all of our sins is untimely against God. So it is us against God. And since God is an infinite and eternal being, the punishment for sin is death. Our God is infinite God. What do we understand by infinite? Infinite is a limitless and endless being. So God is endless. That is why in Yoruba we call Him Oba-aye-raye, Oba-tipi-lay-lay. God forever is infinite, is untimely, is endless. God is endless, is limitless. So when you see something that is endless, Now imagine receiving a punishment that has no end. God, you are the one that sinned against God. And you should be very sure that the reward, the punishment for that sin is also limitless, is endless. So the punishment to anybody that sinned against God and died with that sin, the punishment is endless. Now imagine a punishment that has no end. Can you just picture it? Something that has no end. There is no particular time that this punishment will stop. No. The punishment is forever. So even thinking about this alone is enough for us to always checkmate ourselves. Are we doing the right thing? Is God okay with what I am doing? Have you tried to say to God consciously, I want to see today, I don't want to make a mistake. I don't want to sin against God. So hell is this infinite and eternal death which we have earned because of our sin. Eternal death is an eternal separation from God unto hell. A place of everlasting burning. So the punishment is being specified is hell. Eternal burning. Everlasting burning. So there is no other punishment apart from this. Why not just see for yourself that being obedient to God's will is what the price is worth it. I pray the Lord will help us in Jesus name. Let us quickly check the nature of hell. We have plenty of scriptures that describe hell. But let us just read one or two. Hell in scriptures is described as a place of eternal fire. Let us check the book of Matthew 25.41. Matthew 25.41. It says, Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me ye caught into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Jesus said this. Jesus made it very clear. Very very clear and straight. Then shall he say unto them. He said on that day he will tell you that, he will tell those that have sinned on judgment day. Go, this is your place. Straight to where? Eternal fire. He also described in Matthew 3, unquenchable fire. Let us quickly see that place. Matthew 3.12. It is there in the word of God. It is there in our Bible. If you are not satisfied, go there, go to Daniel 12.2. It is a place of shame and everlasting contempt. These are the natures of hell. If you want to describe hell, how does hell look like? Once you tell somebody that it is a place of unquenchable fire, That person, that word alone, a place of unquenchable fire. A place of eternal fire. Do you know what that means? A place where the fire is not quenched. A place, that is in Mark 9.44-49. Then a place of torment and fire in Luke 16.23-24. In 2 Thessalonians 1.9, everlasting destruction. All these words, even telling anybody that it is a place of everlasting destruction. Even a person that has not heard anything about hell. If that person sits down and thinks of a place of everlasting destruction. Then that person will know, will even be able to imagine little about hell. Little about hell. Even for us, for us that have not been there before. For those that have not died before. Those that have not gone there before. Even this word alone, that the Bible describes hell as. If you sit down and think about it, you will know what it means. A place where the smoke of torment rises forever and ever. That is Revelation 14.10-11. Also, a place, a lake of burning sulfur. Where the wicked are tormented day and night forever and ever. Revelation 20.10. This is why we said, God is limitless. And the punishment which whoever sinned against Him is also limitless. So the punishment is forever and ever. I pray the Lord help us in Jesus name. Let us check the inmates in hell. Who are the inmates? Who are the inmates? People that stay, that live somewhere. The permanent residential people. So, it is left for us to choose. Are we sure we want to go to this place called hell? Somewhere that is permanent, there is no going back. Who are the inmates of hell? Let us check 1 Corinthians 6.9-10. 1 Corinthians 6. I am sure the unrighteous will be one of them. Who are the unrighteous? 1 Corinthians 6.9-10. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. If someone is not inheriting the kingdom of God, he should be inheriting something else. So, it is either you inherit the kingdom of God or you inherit hell. So it says, Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Be not deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminates, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covertures, nor drunkards, nor revelers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. If you go further to the book of Ephesians. Ephesians 5. Quickly. Ephesians 5.3-7. Is somebody there? Ephesians 5.3-7. But fornicators, and all uncleanness, all conventiousness, let it not be one's name among you, as the common saint. Neither fitness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient, but rather giving of thanks. This ye know that no one moggeth, nor unclean person, nor conventious man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words, for because of these things cometh the word of God upon the children of disobedience. Pray not ye therefore partakers of them. Praise the Lord. The Word of God has shown it, has said it all. Why are people still being deceived? The Word says, do not be deceived. All these things that have been mentioned, none of them shall see the kingdom of God. None. None of them. So which means that the hell inmates are the souls of humans who never repented of their sins. If anyone die unrighteous, if anybody die without repenting of his sins, none of them will inherit the kingdom of God. But rather they will be an occupant of hell. The unbelievers, the carnal Christians and the hypocrites will be cast into the outer darkness, a place of everlasting burning and pain. So what is it that we get? Anything we do, let us always remember that there is hell and there is heaven. So it is a call to every one of us to always checkmate ourselves every day, every minute, every hour that this thing I just said now, is it to the glory of God? Have I not disobeyed God in any way? Praise the name of the Lord. So hell and lake of fire, there is a difference between hell and lake of fire. Let us see what hell and lake of fire means. Hell is akin to a cell. So hell is just a temporary place. It is just a temporal place of torment. It is like when police arrest someone now, they take the person first to the cell before he or she goes to the court for judgment. You see that cell, that place where criminals are kept at first, anybody arrested. Then you see the torturing a police gives such person. Before he now goes to the court and the judge now declares the person guilty or not guilty. It is either the two. It is either you are guilty or you are not guilty. There is no any other language being pronounced in the court. So it will be on the judgment day. Anybody that dies before judgment now and he dies unrighteously. He died without repenting his or her sin. He is going to hell first and waits there. And do you know when the judgment is coming? And do you even know if that person... So anybody going to hell, it is very sure that, so that person better be thrown into the lake of fire. Not going back. Praise the name of the Lord. So hell is a temporal place of torment awaiting the judgment of God. The lake of fire is likely to be to prison. Where after judgment, the guilty will be taken from hell to the lake of fire. So from hell to lake of fire. So the two is even different. So hell is just like a waiting room of torment. Full of torment and a lot of punishment. Before the person is now thrown into the lake of fire. So those who died without Jesus Christ in their lives will be thrown into hell. Awaiting the great white throne judgment of God. Where all sinners will be judged to the lake of fire. Hell is real. This is a word for everybody. Hell is real. So when anybody comes to you and tell you that sin will not take you to hell. We have heard here now. That anyone that died unrighteous. Anyone that have sinned against God. And that person died. That person is going to hell. So hell is real. And every human must avoid going there. I beg of you, do everything. Including myself. We should try as much as possible to do everything. That we can do. Not to go to hell. It is not a good place to be. It is not a good place to be. And this is possible through faith. In the finished work of Christ. And separation from sin. Separation from sin and disobedience. So we need to be separated from sin. When every traders are doing the same thing. You do a different thing. When traders are lying that no. All these small small small small lies. That we always lie. It is a sin no. I pray the Lord forgive us in Jesus name. I know everybody is guilty of these things. You want your customers to buy things from you. And you say truth to God I bought this thing for 29 Naira. Meanwhile you bought it for 10 Naira. Sin is sin. There is no small sin. There is no big sin. I pray the Lord will help us in Jesus name. So we need to separate ourselves from sin and disobedience. Then we need to obey God. I pray the Lord help us in Jesus name. In everything we do. Let us ask ourselves. This thing I just do. Did I obey God? Have I disobeyed God? Let us bow our head. And pray to God. That God almighty. Please God in any way I have been disobedient to your word. Please have mercy upon me. Please have mercy upon me. I truly repent.

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