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The Resurrected Christ - Easter Sunday - Apostle Peterson O. Abu

The Resurrected Christ - Easter Sunday - Apostle Peterson O. Abu

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The speaker discusses the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and its significance in Christianity. He explains that Easter is a day to remember and reflect on the impact of Jesus' resurrection. He emphasizes that Jesus' birth by a virgin and his dual nature as both human and God are foundational beliefs in Christianity. The speaker also highlights that Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection are more powerful and relevant than his birth, as they give believers power over Satan and death. He explains that Jesus' resurrection defeated demons and brought those in hell to heaven. The speaker encourages believers to understand the power of resurrection and use it to overcome challenges in their lives. He concludes by stating that Christianity is established on the resurrection of Jesus, and Easter is a time for believers to worship and study the finished work of Christ. Nyoko Jesu Nagbadra Halelujah We continue the meeting by looking at the word of God As you all know, today is our special program Our day of remembrance of the Lord's Resurrection Is also popularly known as Easter And it's a day we have to reconsider what the Lord did on the cross of Galilee And the possible effect of His Resurrection I pray that this moment the Lord will impact our hearts In Jesus' mighty name we pray I'll be discussing with you on the topic The Resurrected Christ We talk about Easter But Easter is all about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Easter is all about the passing of Jesus Christ It's not talking about you It's talking about Christ It's not talking about the birth of Christ It's talking about the Resurrection of Christ And for we to have understanding of the Resurrection of Christ We need to understand why He died first Why did Jesus Christ die And why did He Resurrect Across the Scripture There was a prophecy about the Messiah coming And that His name shall be called Emmanuel Meaning God in the midst of men And when Jesus Christ came in human flesh He lived for 33 years And when He was 30 years of age He began the work of the ministry He went around doing good Healing the sick And pushing the kingdom to the plain Telling them Repent For the kingdom of heaven is at hand And now Jesus Christ was crucified And He died on the cross of Calvary And it was like on Friday Some people call it Good Friday Are you with me now? And then it was awaited on Sunday morning Which was the third day Hallelujah And today is Sunday I want you to do something for me You are going to shout Jesus is Risen It's no more in the grave Are you ready to do that now? 1, 2, Go! Shout it again Shout it for the last time The difference between Jesus And other Messiahs of other religions If you go to other religions You will see their founder in the grave Their bones are still in the grave Jesus is not in the grave It defeated demons And it defeated even demons And Jesus resurrected the third day In Christianity There are four cardinals of the Christian faith In Christianity Anywhere they call church You don't find these four things If you don't see them talking about these four things You have to run away In Christianity There are four things we believe We call it foundation About Christianity Number one That Jesus was born by Virgin Mary Jesus was born by Virgin Without the Virgin sleeping with the man It's a belief you must have in your heart Jesus was born by who? By who? A Virgin So whenever you hear people talking about the birth of Jesus And they say well Jesus was born by one woman in Israel You say no that's not what my Bible says Jesus was not just born by a woman He was born by a Virgin And the birth of Jesus was by the Holy Ghost It means that Mary never slept with Joseph before having Jesus Number two Jesus Christ was partly human and partly God So Jesus was 100% human being and 100% God So if you hear anybody telling you that Jesus was one of the prophets It's like he's a human being Tell him that yes he was a human being but he was also God It was God that became human That's why they call him Immanuel Number three Jesus Christ was crucified He was nailed to the cross He was crucified And the last of it all Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day If Jesus had never resurrected Christianity would not have power The resurrection of Jesus Is more important More powerful More relevant Than the birth of Jesus The birth of Jesus never gave you anything The birth of Jesus never gave you salvation The birth of Jesus Even if you are the one taking it seriously Jesus does not take it seriously The birth of Jesus does not really do anything It is the death of Jesus that gave you power over Satan It is the resurrection of Jesus that gave birth to Christianity Assuming Jesus never resurrected Me and you would not be here carrying the Bible It was the resurrection That made Jesus to give the church power over demons and sickness When you say in Jesus' name And he must leave you It is because of his resurrection His spirit of death is coming over you And you will rebuke that spirit out It is because of his resurrection Without resurrection we will be powerless You have power over death now You have power over death now Because of the resurrection Hallelujah So when death is coming to take you And you think that you are going to die You say oh death stop that play Stop that play You know what Jesus did to me Why are you trying to play with me? Should I remind you about the man? In the name of Jesus Spirit of death Get out And it will go Because of the resurrection Because when Jesus Christ died He went to hell The hell he is supposed to go to The hell he is supposed to spend his eternity He went to that hell And there he defecated And he said where is the key? He said bring the key Because at that time Abraham Moses All of them were in hell Paradise was in hell So those in hell could see those in paradise But Abraham was in paradise under hell Abraham was in hell Paradise Hell They were together under the hell But when Jesus died As he was resurrecting After his resurrection All the Abraham All the Moses All the Joseph Were left under the hell And they are now in heaven There is no more Abraham All of them are now in the person of Jesus That is what resurrection did It took them from hell to heaven The power of Jesus' resurrection So when Jesus went to hell He went to defeat the devil He went to conquer the demons And kill the demons Now I have power over you I have power over you And this power I am going to give to my church I will call it the power of Antony The power of Antony Antony is like somebody using your power on your behalf If I say I am giving my power of Antony to Pastor Allawo It means that even if I am not around Pastor Allawo has the right to exercise the same authority I have And that is why you have the same power like Jesus to capture demons I am still surprised that demons are still dealing with you And some of us start crying Why these demons And some of us Some of us are frustrated And we say I don't know what I did to devil Devil is just frustrating me I don't know what I did to devil I don't know what I did to devil Devil is just haunting me You don't understand the power of resurrection You say what we do every Easter Many of us we cook, we eat, we drink water And the next day sickness continue The next day crying continue Because what you understand to be Easter is eating and drinking Easter day is for you to open the Bible again What Jesus did that time And you get the authority And you tell the devil Your time has come to an end Now leave my home Now we are talking about the resurrection, the resurrected Christ Let us go to Matthew 28 Matthew 28 Every one of us open your Bible Matthew 28 I read from verse 1 In the end of the Sabbath As it began to dawn toward the first day of the week Came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher And behold There was a great earthquake For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven I see people talking any about angels If you have seen angels before raise up your hands If there is anybody here that have seen angels before raise up hands This one angel when he landed from heaven on earth There was great earthquake You don't know how powerful the angels of God are Only one angel The moment he landed There was a great earthquake If it were to be in our time CNN would have carried it And said there was a great earthquake In Israel We don't know the cause of it But we know that there was an earthquake Now this angel visited the sepulcher of Jesus Christ And his countenance was like lightning And his garments white as snow And for fear of him The keepers did shake And he came as dead man And the angel answered and said unto the women Fear not ye For I know That ye seek Jesus Which was crucified He is not here For he is within And he said Go see the place Where the Lord lives The first person That gave the information Of the resurrection of Jesus Christ Was angel Do you remember that when Jesus was born The angels were singing They were the ones that made the first announcement or song That the king is now what Was born Now the death of Jesus And the resurrection Angels came And this particular angel Told them That Jesus has risen And the ascension of Jesus When Jesus was going to heaven Angels came And told them That this same Jesus Is coming back again Why was God sending angels At every juncture of Jesus life It was because He is God When a king is coming The servants They are the forerunners They will say clear the way This angels always go ahead Because they understood That Jesus was God Christian is primarily established Christianity Is primarily established On the resurrection of Jesus Christ And it is the resurrection of Jesus Christ That reveals the divinity of Christ Hallelujah And you must understand What made Jesus to be different from other gods We have this God from this other religion We have the God of your tradition Many of them Many of them and many of these people You are worshipping The difference between Jesus and them Is that The difference between Jesus and them The difference between Jesus And all these founders of religion Is that Jesus has power over them But for them Faith has power over them Jesus is life and spirit But they were human beings That were worshipped And when they died People continued to worship them And they said this person Is so so and so Christianity is established On the resurrection of Jesus Without the resurrection of Jesus There won't be Christianity Hallelujah And in commemorating The resurrection of Jesus That is popularly known as Easter Believers gather together To worship Believers gather together Not for the sake of partying Not for the sake of feasting But to have a critical studying Of the finished work of Christ And to partake in the spiritual purpose So whenever we talk about Easter It's not a time of buying shakes Or for the use of the shake All of those things are not bad But that is not the purpose of Easter I see people saying Why is it that Easter They don't always shoot knock out And your child has come to you And said what is that And if you ask your child Between Christmas and Easter What do you like I like Christmas You see The one you are celebrating At the birth of Jesus Was not even talked about In the Bible It was the resurrection That was talked more Do you know why The reason you are born again Is because he resurrected If not that Jesus resurrected Me and you Me and you Despite our profession Of Christianity We are not born again But the resurrection of Jesus Christ Is what gives us power To rebuke the spirit of faith Hallelujah Now there are three truths We must discuss this Easter Sunday Number one That Jesus died for our sins That Jesus died for our sins That is the truth Number two That Jesus died for our sins That is the truth Number three That Jesus died for our sins That is number one That Jesus died for our sins That Jesus died for our sins That Jesus died for our sins That Jesus died for our sins That Jesus died for our sins That Jesus died for our sins That Jesus died for our sins That Jesus died for our sins That is number one It means That we cannot talk about the resurrection If you have not yet repented from sin Before somebody resurrected That person has first died Before he resurrected he first died Why did he die? For my sins For your sins That is why he died So when he was resurrecting He was resurrecting To give us power Not to sin again So you have no right To celebrate Easter If you are not yet born again If Jesus has not saved you from sin If Jesus has not saved you from sin Because Easter celebration Is the resurrection of Jesus So put a confirmation That he died for you So number one Jesus Christ died for our sins In John 3.16 For God so loved the world That he gave his only begotten son That whosoever May any kind of sin May any kind of sin That whosoever A man A woman Old man Old woman A little boy A little girl Whosoever believed in him And say Jesus I am a sinner I know I am doing what is not good I know my life is full of bad things But Lord I am sorry I am sorry The Bible say Whosoever Believed in him Will not perish You know he went to the grave He went to hell To rescue us And when he came back When he resurrected He sat on the right hand of God And he said I have gone to hell And I have come back I have the key of death and hell In my hand now And he said If you don't believe in me I will shut you up in hell If you don't believe in me I have the key of death and hell I will send you there And you will suffer in hell Forever and ever And he said Whosoever believed in me Will not perish Will not die And go to hell He said We have everlasting life It doesn't matter Whether you have been going to church If you have not repented Of your sins You are considered for hell It doesn't matter Your title in the church If you have not repented From sins You have your place In hell No matter how good you are You can even be a financier Of this church And maybe you are the one Buying the speaker Buying the microphone Everything for the church But you are not born again You will go to hell It doesn't matter who you are Maybe you are a pastor's child Your father is a pastor Your mother is a pastor Or you were born inside the church Or maybe you have a Christian name But you are not born again You will go to hell Let me tell you how you will know You will go to hell Every time you sleep in the night Winch is pursuing you Lion is pursuing you Snake is pursuing you And you woke up Say Jesus They are pursuing me And you say let me sleep again And this time they came And pressed your neck You know the reason They are telling you That we are waiting for you in hell That in hell We will do more than that for you They are telling you That the reason we can touch you Is because you are not born again And we are waiting for you in hell And those demons That are pressing your neck Pursuing you in your dreams They are telling you That we are waiting for you in hell Pursuing you in your dreams They are the same demons That will torture you in hell God so loved the world That he gave his only begotten son Gave Jesus Christ On the cross of Calvary He gave his only son The only begotten son of God On the cross of Calvary And also heaven We say I am telling you I am telling you We say I am tired of the kind of life I am living I am tired of being a bad person I am tired of being a religious person And that person decided to look at Jesus The only son of God On the cross And that person Decided to look at Jesus The only lamb of God That came to take away the sins of all men And you decide to give your life to Jesus You shall be saved Whosoever Believes in him Shall not perish Are you not seeing that you are perishing? Some of you have not died physically But you are perishing gradually Are you not seeing that you are not living a happy life? You are always frustrated You are always confused You have been crying night and day You cry on Monday You cry on Tuesday In the night you will wake up and start crying In the afternoon you will wake up and start crying You are frustrated You are thinking and destroyed And you say what can I do? You went to meet one native doctor And he said do this, do this and do that And he said do this, do this and do that After you finished doing that It didn't work And you are confused Do you know why you are confused? You are not born again Your name is not in the book of life God does not know you You are on your way to hell You have not accepted the finished work of Jesus But God so loved the world That he gave his only begotten blood He gave his only begotten son That whosoever Believed on his son No matter who you are When a drunkard comes to Jesus When a thief comes to Jesus When a liar comes to Jesus When an idol worshipper comes to Jesus There will be transformation It will change you When I was in the world I was telling them how I was living I was very dirty My lip was very black And then we call it ratty I put my ratty on my head And I wear my dirty jeans And I put something on my ears like this And we don't smile When you see me You will see a thief Even though I have not stolen from you You will know that this guy can steal But when I came to Jesus You know before I came to Jesus All my friends were telling me Don't be a Jew Why are you going to lower yourself To pastor work You want to become a church boy And all my friends I was smoking there And all my friends I had gay friends there And those of them Were planning how to sleep with a gay That particular time And then all those friends When they start seeing me I was going to church That will suffer the good I say you go to church I say yes I am going to church They will laugh and laugh When they laugh They will hit one another I say you go to church You know there are some people That will tell you If you can go to heaven That means I am the first class there And they will tell me Jesus will never accept you But that day I came to church And then I remember My pastor preached a powerful message And then my heart was broken But I was feeling like a big boy People were coming to the altar I didn't come to the altar How will a big boy pull the scepter But I never knew that that word Was in my heart And I went back home And I switched on the television The preacher I met there Talking about this same Jesus But there was no big boy And I said But there was no body No friend to look at And I knelt down And I cried I was crying It was nobody that beat me I understood that Jesus died for me And I asked who is this Jesus They said he was an innocent man Did he steal? No he didn't steal Why did they beat him? And I remember one of my friends He put a video called Passion for Christ And I saw the way they were Beating the Jesus And they were whipping him And blood was gushing out From his skin Nobody beat me But I was crying over there I said why did he die? They said the way you see him now The blood is coming out From his body If I don't repent I will go to hell And my own blood will gush out From my body And I saw them whip his eyes And I began to cry I knelt down before the cross Before the old door gate cross And I said oh Jesus Have mercy upon me When I cried to him A smoker cried to him A drunker cried to him A womanizer cried to him He never threw me away I was a jujube man I always go to the bush to do medicine But when I cried to him He never threw me away I saw him He forgave my sins I couldn't stop crying My sins have been forgiven But every time I remember What he did on the cross of Calvary I cried to him And I told him I am promising you With my life I will serve you When I get to eternity It is more than 15 years now I have been coming to church I have never missed church For the past 15 years I have been serving him In difficult times In difficult times Because I promise him I will serve him to death He died for me He saved me When I became born again That was when I knew That I could go to school Then my age was going And the Lord was speaking to me You need to go to school So I went to pray And he showed me the particular school I have no body to train me So my father was almost disowning me He was tired of me Every time problem, problem From this one Are you the only child I gave birth to So he was tired of me Until we trained me in school I tell you the truth That was how Jesus Used somebody to train me in school Many of my friends Who laugh at me When I was coming to the cross They are dead today Some died as a thief Some slept and never woke up I went to the cross They were laughing They thought they don't have time for God That died The few of them that are still alive Their life is useless Sometimes they will call me My life has no meaning I put it in money And they will look at me They will call me by my hood name Say you are lucky I wish we know Would I follow you I said no Have I called you before that time I told you to come That I have funded the way But some of you say you had no time You say you were too busy Look at your life Some of them that are young But they are fully famished Some of them asked you there For more than one woman That was not the life The plan of Jesus I was going to leave But on the gate cross of Caesarea Where I met Jesus That was what transformed my life It's more than 15 years now I have never put alcohol in my mouth It's more than 15 years now I have never even put cigar stick in my lips It's more than 15 years now I have never bowed down to any other God It's more than 15 years now I was a thief Then we don't go to steal I have not stolen anybody's anything It's more than 15 years now Since I founded Jesus Since I accepted Jesus Look at me now I am a pusher Look at me I am on the pulpit pushing I am laboring for eternity where we get healed Because I founded Jesus I don't know what you are still waiting for I don't know whether you think you still have more time If heaven can show you when you will die Some of you you will die very soon You know we pray against death But death is everybody's calling You don't have much time to live again Why can't you give your life to Jesus You don't have so much time to live again Why can't you totally surrender For God so loved the world That he gave his only begotten son That whosoever That is an open invitation That whosoever believed in him Will not perish But have eternal life You have wasted so many time in the world Jesus Christ has gone to the book of people That have expanded his kingdom He has checked for your name And he discovered that Andrew is not among the people That expanded my kingdom And he has discovered that old Louis is not among the people That expanded my kingdom Because every time you wake up You are pursuing your own dream You are pursuing your own interest You don't think about what Jesus said If you want to know whether Jesus is real Sit down I will tell you for my life For God so loved the world And that he gave his only begotten son That whosoever believed in him Will not perish No matter how bad you are Come to Jesus No matter how wicked you are Come to Jesus No matter how stupid you are Come to Jesus You know at that time Every time my mother was alive then Either police is looking for somebody Or either some boys are going to fight them That came and beat my mother My mother was just having blood pressure My father came and slapped me down Young man I think we need to take you to the village And everybody anywhere I go Nobody likes me But when I accepted Jesus Everybody began to like me You see let me tell you the truth Jesus died for your sins He died for you not to destroy your soul You cannot find a well life A good vision life Yes You are confused You don't know your purpose in life Jesus is not there Let Jesus come into your life He will tell you that this is the reason I created you He will say I created you for this purpose And for this purpose you shall live And some of us will discover That he has created us to take care of orphanage homes You will discover That he has created you to be an engineer Not a conductor The reason you are doing conductor Is because you are far from him When you come to Jesus He will tell you the original plan he created you For God so loved the world That his game is only begotten son That whosoever comes to him Is only begotten son That whosoever believes in him Will not perish But shall have everlasting life So Jesus died for our sins The penalty of sin is death And Christ has died for our sins That we may receive eternal life Number two Jesus was buried But number three Jesus resurrected He resurrected For your justification Son of man Jesus is calling you Son of man Think of your life Where shall you spend eternity Son of man Think of your life Where shall you spend eternity I was on Facebook Where I saw the vegetarian Hollywood celebrities Those that have died From early 2000 And then they began to put their picture one after the other I became emotional When I saw some of these comic actors I met many years ago Then I decided to go to the comments And somebody put there Said Let us all know That one day Our pictures shall be remembered But we shall not be in this part of this world To see the faces of men as they are missing us Let me tell you the truth After some time It might be 20 years It might be 30 years It might even be 50 years After some time Many of us here Will no more be honest You may say God forbid But it is the truth After some time It may be 20 years It may be 10 years It may be 30 years After some time You will not be honest again They will look for you They will not see you again Everything you are pursuing Another person will hear with you All your labor All your sweat Another person will hear with you Remember It is appointed for a man To die once And after death Is judgment Think of your life I saw a video yesterday Of a family About six families The father The mother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The brother The sister The 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