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The Set Apart Believer- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

The Set Apart Believer- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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The speaker begins the session with a prayer, thanking God for the opportunity to gather and study His word. They then ask the audience if they remember the topic from the previous week's study, which was about quiet time for daily renewal. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning and understanding the teachings so that they can be passed on to others. They also mention the availability of audio messages for further study. The topic for today's study is the set-apart believer, and the speaker reads from Psalm 4:3, which states that the Lord has set apart the godly for Himself. They explain that becoming a Christian means giving ownership of our lives to God, and that set-apart believers are specially cared for and preserved by Him. The speaker gives examples of special plates and cups used for special people, and encourages the audience to strive to be part of this category of believers. in Jesus name. Shall we bow our head and for prayers. Our gracious father we thank you for we have come again this wonderful moment. Thank you for always blessing us with your word. Thank you for this program. Thank you for your people, your children that always gather together, not allowing anything to hinder them of coming to your presence. Thank you for today being our word study, word encounter. Holy Spirit we ask that you open our eyes and bless us through your word in Jesus name. Our brethren on their way coming we pray you hasten their footsteps and bring us all together to enjoy your presence. To enjoy your presence in the name of Jesus. Thank you father because you are faithful. For in Jesus mighty name we pray. In the name of Jesus Christ God bless you. Before we go to today's topic, who can remind us of what we discussed last week Wednesday in our word study? Who can remind us of what we discussed last week Wednesday in our word study? Nobody? If you have the answer, raise up your hand. If you don't have the answer, don't murmur. If you can remember what we studied last week Wednesday in our Bible study, our word study, can you signify by the raise of hand? Is anybody that can recall the teaching? Okay my wife. Okay let me allow it by Emmanuel. You see what? By Emmanuel see what we discussed last week Wednesday. He said quiet time for our daily renewal. Is it correct? You think so? Huh? Who is responding now? Okay what is the topic? My wife wants to help us out. The cost of true discipleship. It reminds me that we don't go back to listening to the message. How many of you have downloaded the audio messages online? Do you know that I listen to my message three times? Like this one now. At least how many times? When I finish teaching you, I go back to download. I listen to my message how many times? At least three times. At most six to ten times before the next Wednesday. We are not just teaching you because we want to be coming here every Wednesday. We are teaching you so that tomorrow when the work becomes so great, I can allow you to come here to come and teach others. So that you can become teachers of what? Of others. But if you didn't learn anything, if you didn't learn anything, you cannot teach others. And the problem that Jesus had with the multitude that was very different from the disciples is that the multitude could not understand what Jesus was teaching. But the disciples would always come to meet Jesus behind and say, Master concerning this parable you give, what is the meaning of it? So they were seeking for knowledge praise the Lord. So whenever we come together for work study, we should have this mind to learn. And that is why we make it audio teachings. Some of the brethren you are seeing, the Bodalawo, the Borataiwo, they were not able to meet me one-on-one. It took them time. Praise the Lord. So what they do when I was there in Delta State, any message I push, I send them. It was my audio messages. You will see every one of them playing a tune. They played on reputation, most especially the brethren online. Bodalawo, Sister Ibe, Boratunde, Borataiwo, and many of them. Praise the Lord. So they kept listening before they saw me for the first time with their eyes. They kept listening to my messages. So it was when they met me one-on-one, they were like, ah, look at the man we are listening to his messages. And they were very happy, Sister, your messages have worked and blessed us. Whenever we finish a message like this, for you to be able to understand it, when we have audio messages, we have a WhatsApp platform, we have a website. Praise the Lord. You go back and listen to it again and again until you understand it. And until you can teach other people without you opening the Bible. That is when you have no need. I can teach you everything I have taught you without opening what? The Bible. Without saying, let me look at the topic again. Because when we finish this one, sometimes some of them, like Emmanuel, sometimes help me with my bag while I'm going home. You will see me playing my messages while what? Going. We just finished the message. The moment I enter into my office, I get the audio message. As I'm going, I'm listening to the message because I want to go to heaven too. So I shouldn't just preach to you. I should be able to listen to what God is saying to us. Because the preaching is not for you alone. It's for every one of us. And any time any pastor, any minister comes here to preach, is coming here to preach as God's representative, we must avoid distraction. We must avoid what? Distraction. So our phone should be on silent and to make sure that the angels of God, they are able to carry out their functions and God will give us grace in Jesus' name. So last week we talked about the cost of true discipleship. And last week I made note to you that for you to be a true Christian, there is a cost price. Jesus said, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, taking up his cross and what? And what? And follow me. So today we'll be talking about the topic, the set-apart believer. The set-apart believer. The set, S-A-T, apart, A-P-A-R-O-T, believer. The set-apart believer. This topic actually looks similar with the one we considered on Sunday, which was the consecrated Christian. So today we are talking about the set-apart believer. Psalm chapter 4 verse 3. Psalm chapter 4 verse 3. The set-apart believer. Psalm chapter 4 verse 3. I'm always happy whenever I see my mom call me for work study. Let us clap for my mom. Let us clap for my mom very well. Thank you so much mom. It is only few people that, most especially people of our age, that desire work study, Bible study. Most elderly people don't find it interesting. Are you getting me now? But my mom wants to know God. Not only people to tell her, she wants to know God for herself. And she will know God in Jesus' name. So Psalm chapter 4 verse 3. The Bible says in verse 3, But know that the Lord has set apart him that is what? That is godly for himself. We are not there. I'm waiting for you to open your Bible. If we have all opened our Bible, let us shout Amen. Okay. Verse 3. But know that the Lord has set apart him that is what? Godly for himself. The Lord will hear when I call unto him. The Lord has set apart him that is godly for himself. In our topic today, we are talking about the set apart believer. One of the reasons this teaching is coming to us is to give us the understanding that the moment you become Christian, somebody has taken ownership over our lives. The moment you become Christian, your life no longer belongs to you again. Your life no longer belongs to you again. Your life no longer belongs to your family again. Your life no longer belongs to your husband. Your life no longer belongs to your wife. Your life has become the life of what? Of God. That means God has taken ownership of your life. So there is a call for set apart. The Bible says, where we read in Psalm chapter 4 verse 3, where God was speaking, he said, I have set apart him that is godly for my what? For my what? For myself. So the moment you are a Christian, you are a godly Christian, the Lord has set you apart for himself. The Lord has set you. So that is why we are talking about the set apart believers. Believers that have been set apart by God for himself. God is saying that this people, this man, this brother, this sister now belongs to me. This sister belongs to me from today. This man belongs to me from today. I have separated him. I have set him apart. Many years ago, when we were still using ceramic plates, at those days we had ceramic plates. I don't know if one day it's like a ceramic plate, but it's also like an iron plate. Praise the Lord. And then we put it inside show glass. Those days. You put it inside show glass. You don't use those ones to serve your children. You keep those ones for what? For visitors. I remember those days. My father had the show glass. He would arrange them and arrange them. Beautiful. Some of them had dropped flowers on their body. And they would say, this one is for special purpose. Praise the Lord. If you mistakenly go and touch anyone, you will know your name that day. Praise the Lord. Yes, you will know, give you name that day. Because we have to deal with you. So those plates were kept specially. Those vessels. And there were other ones. You can even use them to drink Gary. You can use them to do any house. You can go and take them anytime. These are the regular ones we use. But the special ones, our parents kept them somewhere for special purposes. That is what we are talking about. That there are Christians that are so special to God. They are so special. So God keeps them in a very unique way. They are so valuable. These are the set apart believers. It's not everybody. It's not every Christian that goes to church that are in this category. And that is why God wants to make us part of what? This category. You will be part. I say you will be part. Yes, these are special Christians. God specially takes care of them. God specially preserves them. Even to today. Although we may not be using those ceramic plates again. But we are not using glass plates. We still have special plates. Special spoons that are being used for serving special people. In some families, some wives have special plates for holding their husbands. Ceramic plates. Special ones. Modern and special ones. They say this one is the one I do use to serve my husband. Praise the Lord. Some have special cups. Special cups. This is what I use to serve my husband water. Whenever my husband wants to eat. My husband is my king. They don't use the regular ones. The regular ones are for the children. And for any other person. But when it comes to their husband, they say this one is special. When it comes to their parents, this one is special. When it comes to the governor, this one is special. Do you know that any time that we vote in a new president, they always change the office of the president. Am I right? Yes. They will take away the world shares of that previous president. They will bring wonderful, treasurable, valuable vessels, furnitures, into the office of the president. They will make it and garnish it well. There is a presidential lodge. It's not made for citizens, ordinary citizens. It's not made for commoners. It's made for the president. We call it presidential lodge. It is only the president and his family that stay there. These are special houses. Even among our commoner houses, if you go to the island, there are very, very important ones. People, they call them VVIP. We have the VIP, but we have the VV what? IP. The VIP are important, but they are very, very important personalities. These are special rooms. These are special hotels. Nobody can just go there and say, I want to lodge there. For you to lodge there, you must be valuable. If human beings can do those things, is it God that gives man wisdom, that gives man mentality? Is it God that doesn't have this? They are special Christians. They are special people in the sight of God. They are people that God loves and God values. God was talking about the person of David. He said, David is a man after what? My heart. David, he was speaking about Moses. He said, I have never found a meek man in the whole world like my servant Moses. He was speaking to Abraham. He said, have you considered my servant Abraham, my friend? He said, I can do nothing without informing my friend Abraham. Even God has to call Abraham what? Friend. Imagine Jesus coming to visit Abraham with two other angels. They came to visit. God visited Abraham with two other angels physically. And God ate with Abraham. For God to leave heaven to visit a man, that man must be special. So there are categories of Christians. Because we all come to church, does not mean we are the same. Tell your neighbor, say because we all come to church. Does not mean that we are all the same. No, we are not all the same. They are special Christians. They are special believers. And these believers are the ones we are talking about. The set apart believers. And it is not a closed circuit. No. You and I can enter into that corridor. You and I can become part of those categories. You and I can become members of that category. And that is why God has allowed me to come at you. That you can become a set apart world believer. You can become what? A set apart world believer. Hallelujah. So who is a set apart believer? Who is a set apart believer? It is good you have this understanding. It is good you know what I'm trying to tell you. That you can be what? A set apart believer. Everybody come to church. Everybody carry Bible. Does not mean they are all the same. They are people that God has set in danger to watch night and watch. And there was a young lady. Praise the Lord. This young lady, she always go for morning cry. By 4 o'clock, 4.30, she will carry her megaphone. She will go and preach somewhere. She was preaching in the morning. People don't know her much in the church. Probably she may not be even a pastor. Maybe she is not even a chorister. Maybe she is not even a worker. But she was serving the Lord. So one day, she went to preach somewhere. There was a narcotic man who has a building upstairs. So, on note to this lady. If this lady is preaching, she will carry a megaphone. Those old megaphone you will carry like this. She will face it up and say, repent. And the man, it will be disturbing the man in his sleep. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. One day, she came to preach. And the man came and met her and told her. Young lady, I don't want to see you here again. You are disturbing me. You are disturbing the environment. Why don't you come by 4.30 in the morning? Isn't it too early for you to preach? And the man was angry. But you think the girl will stop. The next day, the lady came again. And carry megaphone and say what? Repent. She never knew that the man she was dealing with was a narcotic man. And when she came the fourth day, the man turned into a pussy cat. And said, I'm going to monitor where she is staying. And that was how the man monitored her. Because when she finished preaching, she was going home. The man followed her in the spirit. And monitored her and said, okay, this is where she is staying. And made sure I killed her the next day before 4.30. Because every 4.30, she will wake up with a megaphone and come and preach. So the next day, I will appear to her and kill her before that time. So that she will not come and disturb me again. So the next day, the next night, that was how this man praised the Lord. Turned into a pussy cat. When the man turned into a pussy cat, eventually, that was how the man went to this lady's house. In those days, we don't use all this. There is a kind of key you use. You put the key inside and turn the key so you can look somewhere from inside. From outside to inside. You know those old keys. Praise the Lord. And that was how this pussy cat, this man that turned into a pussy cat, was at the door. And the man began to peep. The moment the man peeped through the key, because he wanted to enter to kill that person. But the moment he peeped through the what? Through the key, where they are putting the key. He peeped through it. Suddenly, he saw hefty angels. Say hefty angels. Four hefty what? Angels. They were guiding the lady. Through here, through here. The moment, the man was not confessing in worry. He said the moment he saw the hefty angels, he decreased and ran to his house back. That lady is a set apart what? Deliver. You can't touch her. She doesn't need to put against you. You can't just touch her. Anytime you say you want to visit her to kill her, you will meet hefty angels. So there are Christians that have what? Hefty angels. And there are other Christians, the enemies will just visit them like that and kill them. Eat them. Eat their bone. You can't just be ordinary Christian. You must be a set apart what? Christian. So that when they want to attack you, the moment they call your name in that coven, what will answer? Fire. Say fire. It is fire. The moment they call your name, the moment they shout your name, fire will just what? Answer. Because you are a set apart what? Believer. Not every Christian can die any other death. There are Christians you cannot touch. There are Christians that even the enemies know that this one, you cannot touch this one. Because they have tried several and they see that anytime they mention your name, the God that answer by fire is the one that always what? Answer. That was the story of that young lady. So they saw hefty what? Angels. It was this apothecary man that was confessing in death as it. I heard this from his mouth. And he said, believers, you don't know what you carry. Believers that are set apart. It was this same man that said that when a Christian pass through a street, they always know that a Christian has what? Has passed. He said, so they were asking him, the church that were interviewing was asking him, they said, how do you know? He said, when a Christian pass through a street, there are footprints on the ground. It's like fire. You will see fire burning there. They will know that a Christian has what? Has passed. The Christians that carry God in them. The Christians that carry the fire of God. The presence of God. The set apart believer. Not every other believer. Not everyone that come to church that is like that. Not everyone that carry Bible on Sunday and go to church that are what? Like that. It is only the believers that are what? Set apart. The Christians that are set apart. The ones that have decided to carry the fire of God. You shouldn't just be ordinary Christian. You should be a set apart what? Christian. This world is too dark for you to be ordinary Christian. This world is too wicked for you to be what? Ordinary Christian. You should carry the presence of God every time. You should carry God's presence. Anywhere you are going you are carrying the presence of God. You enter inside a car. A car that the enemy has mapped for accident. Because you enter there will be no what? Accident. These are the Christians. So we talk about the set apart what? Believers. Believers carrying the presence of God. That is why God said in our text. Psalm chapter 4 verse 3. He said I have set apart him that is godly. A believer that is godly. Carrying the presence of God. Carrying the fire of God in his life. Carrying the power of God in his life. You don't know what you are carrying. You don't know what you are serving. Many Christians don't know the privilege they are worth benefiting. Go and meet people from other kingdoms. They will tell you that you don't know what you are carrying. You don't know the power that is in the name of what? Of Jesus. We are many cold Christians. Many Christians that are just ordinary, cold, no power, no presence and they are deceiving themselves. No, you will be a set apart Christian. I said you will be a set apart Christian. A set apart believer is a believer that has separated himself from the world. Has separated himself from what? From the world. From the fleshly activities and from sin. Such a believer has separated himself unto God. Also, it is a believer that God has set apart for his use and his glory. Yes, a believer that God has set apart for what? His use and for what? For his glory. God has set the believers apart. God has said that in this family, I am going to raise you up. In this community, I am going to set this family apart. You see, everyone of us that are living today, some people's destinies are connected to you. You don't know. Yes, there are people that their destinies are what? Connected to you. If you don't rise, they will not rise. If you don't make it, they will not what? Make it. Some of these celebrities who are celebrating today, when they become great in life, you see that either their father, their mother, their friend, their brother, people start benefiting from what? From me. You don't know that your greatness will affect many people. You don't know that when you become great, so many people around you will enjoy it. And that is why you must take your life serious. Because it is not only you that will become great. As you are becoming great, everybody around you is becoming great with you. Your family name will become great. Your father will benefit. Your mother will benefit. Even your friends will what? Benefit. The devil assumes that it will weaken you as a Christian. It will make sure that you don't make it. It will make sure that you don't what? Make it. I remember when I was about to move, I was coming to Lagos that time. That was 2019. A church invited me here in Lagos. I was not here, I was there in the southern part. So a church invited me to come and preach here. So I picked my bag, I dressed up, just for me to go to that program. The moment I reached the park, I was about to pay the money in full. And I was speaking with the person. So I left the place to go and speak with the person. The moment I finished speaking, I had a strong feeling saying to me, Do not enter that car. Praise the Lord. Ha! I think I've already paid. Yes, I've already made a transfer. I had a strong voice. Do not go on this journey. Do not enter the car. Because the car was almost filled up. So we were waiting for a few people. It was after 6 in the morning. So they told me that before 6.30 to 7, the car would have filled up, would have entered my journey to Lagos. Because I wanted to enter Lagos by 4 in the evening. I don't want to enter late in the night. These people were waiting for me in Lagos. This church, they were waiting for me in Lagos. I was at the park. Hallelujah. And this boarding became so much. Do not enter this car. And suddenly, I said, I'm not entering. I met the woman. I met the security officer. I said, please, I want to speak to them. I paid money, but I'm not going again. They said, what is the problem? I said, my body is not fine. They said, eh. So they gave me my money. And the moment they gave me my money, I've already told people at home, I'm not traveling. I bought a vehicle. The moment I was going home, I was like, why am I even going home? What about those people, the church? What about if they called me? What would I tell them? Because they were the ones that sent transport fare to me. Hopefully, they won't say that I'm trying to hit their money. So I reached home. People saw me and said, are you back? Are you not going again? I said, no. My father asked me, what happened? I said, I don't think my body is doing me fine. I'm not traveling again. Because at that time, anywhere I am, if I want to take a journey, I must inform my father. Even though I'm in the north, if I'm to take another journey to the south, if my father is in Kampucha, I would say, hello. I would just greet him that morning. I'm about to travel. Where are you traveling to? I'm traveling somewhere. A place of incasity. Praise the Lord. And I went back home. When I went back home, eventually, I called the people, the church. I said, I'm very sorry. I think it's a four-day program. They said, yes, four-day camping program. They were in their campground. I said, okay. Please, I'm so sorry. I said, the Lord doesn't want me to come today. I'll be coming tomorrow. They said, yes. I said, I'm very sorry that I've scattered the schedule of the minister that will minister. Put my own tomorrow. I said, okay. So, it affected them. I said, I'm so sorry. That next day, early morning, I am back on the journey again. It was raining. But I entered into the rain. When I reached the same park, I bought a vehicle. We started going. And the driver began to discuss with us. He said, do you know that we had a serious accident yesterday? That there was a vehicle that left at that time. He mentioned the vehicle I entered. That it was a two-seater bus. Everybody was died. Everybody was died. At Ore. That nobody survived. Over there, my body began to, what? Shake. You can't just die anywhere dead. The moment you consecrate yourself to God, God will set his eyes over you. He will be watching you like this night and day. The moment you become a set-apart believer, the Lord will be watching you. You are going to the toilet, he's watching you. You are coming out, he's watching you. To make sure nothing touches you. That is why you shouldn't just be a church Christian. Coming to church is good. But that is not everything. Going to church is a very good thing. But that is not what everything. You must be a set-apart believer. You must be a serious believer. You must take God very serious. Not just coming to church, but becoming a serious work believer. Hallelujah. And that was how I was delivered. I believe that in that vehicle, we had Christians in that vehicle that died. I believe in that vehicle, we had church people in that vehicle. Probably out of the more than 20 passengers, including the driver that died, I believe that among those 20 people, one person there must be a worker in the church. So the moment you become a set-apart believer, you become a unique believer. You shouldn't just be an ordinary Christian. You must be a set-apart believer. A consecrated believer. The believers that are set-apart, they are called sanctified or they are called consecrated believers. You can call them sanctified believers. You can call them consecrated what? Believers. Meaning that such believers understand that they are unique in the sight of God. They are important to God. They are important in the sight of God. Hallelujah. So now we come to the dimensions for setting-apart. The dimensions for setting-apart. But before we go, let us go to 2 Corinthians 6. 2 Corinthians 6 verse 14 to verse 18. 2 Corinthians chapter what? Chapter what? Chapter 6 verse 14 to what? Verse 14 to verse 18. 2 Corinthians chapter 6. The Bible says from verse 14. If you are there say Amen. From verse 14. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Be what? Together with what? Unbelievers. For what fellowship at righteousness with what? Unrighteousness. And what communion at light with darkness. And what concord at Christ with Belial. Or what path at he that believeth with what? An infidel. And what agreement at the temple of God with what? Idols. For ye are the temple of the living God. As God has said, I will dwell in them and walk in them. And I will be their God. And they shall be what? My people. Verse 17. Wherefore, come out. You see that word come out? That is a set apart. Wherefore, come out from among them. And be ye what? Be ye separate, saith the Lord. And touch not the unclean thing. And I will what? Receive you. I will be a father unto you. And ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord. For you to become a set apart believer, you must come out. You must come out from your friends. Those your friends that make you to do what is not right in the sight of God. The Bible says, do not unequally yoke together with what? Unbelievers. People that don't believe in Jesus. People that don't believe in your God. People that don't serve your God. The Bible says, in order for you to be a set apart believer, do not unequally yoke together with them. You have no business with them again. Praise the Lord. You have no business with them again. Many years ago when I gave my life to Christ, there is this thanks meeting we had there in the city of Worry. This what? Thanks meeting. People from my village, of my age made at that time, they come together. So my father met me. My father was chairman over the head as well. Praise the Lord. And he said that he learned that I'm trying to separate myself from them. Don't I know that these are my tribal people? Don't I know that Worry is not our hometown? Don't I know that we are only staying here? And why will I be separating myself from them? This and that. And continue. And I told my dad, I can't do that. You know why? Because any time we gather like this for a meeting, they will buy cigar and Gouda. Everybody will be drinking. And they will carry, what is it called? Cola. They will put cola there. Everybody will be eating. And they will be discussing. They will contribute money. And I said, the Bible says, do not unequally yoke together with what? I'm not a believer. These people, they are not going to make me to serve God well. If I start making them my friend, how am I going to serve God? Because any time we come together, it's either to drink, it's either to smoke, it's either to do this thing, or to break cola and to eat cola, or this and that. What are we discussing about? Money. After money that we announce and say, these are our members. So, so, and so, yeah. Why put to bed? We have to go there as a meeting to go and represent our village there. And then this and that. And whenever there is a big festivity like this, we come, let us hire the village masquerade clothes from the village. And you, you are going to wear it. You can dance the dance. Imagine a Christian there. Imagine a preacher there. And if I'm there, they are not going to like me. Because if I'm there, I will keep wishing righteousness and holiness. The Bible says, for you to be a set-apart believer, do not unequally yoke together with what? You say, what has righteousness has to do with what? Unrighteousness. This is what God is saying. That you are a righteous believer. What do you have to do with unrighteousness? That you are a holy believer. What do you have to do with unholiness? That you are for the kingdom of God. What business do you have to do with the kingdom of darkness? The Bible has given us instruction. It says, come out from among what? Them. And be a what? Separate. Verse 17. It says, come out from among them. And be separate. If you are for God, be for God. If you are not for God, don't be for God. Don't be neither here nor there. Stand for God. If you want God to make you important. If you want to be a set-apart believer. Someone that God will take serious. You have to stand. You have to stand. You have to stand. You have to stand for God. You have people need to know you. That this person is for God and is for God. That is how it becomes set-apart believer. The moment you are equally yokey with unbelievers, forget about it. Forget what? About it. The moment you start yokey with an unbeliever, you are no longer set-apart. You are no longer an important person to God again. Because God has given us a command. It says, come out from among them. And be a what? Separate. That Mama is in the city here. And whenever they call Mama and say, Mama, we are these people from the village. And they say, what happened? Mama, according to the tradition, you have to send money. We know you are a church person now. But Mama, you have to send money. We want to do festival. Mama says, okay, what kind of festival? He says, we know that you are a Christian now. But we are not saying you should come. We don't come. Just only send money. We want to do this thing. We want to do this sacrifice. We want to do that. Mama will say, forget about it. I'm a set-apart what? Believer. Even me myself, I'm a sacrifice. I say, Mama, you are a sacrifice. Mama says, yes. I'm a sacrifice to who? To God. I have consecrated myself to God. I'm already a sacrifice to God. So, the moment you take the decision to separate yourself from ungodliness, that a Christian that wants to get married, you want to marry a non-believer, you want to marry someone that doesn't believe in your God. Look at Solomon. What killed Solomon? There are schools of thought that say that Solomon is in hell today. How could David's son, Solomon, one of the wisest men on earth, how could that man go to hell? Solomon started well. He was the wisest man on earth. He was very wise. Because he was very wise and wealthy and a king, Solomon began to get married to wise and worship idols. Go and read the book of 1 Kings. Read the book of 2 Kings. Read the book of 2 Kings. Read the book of Solomon. Go to the books of the sons of Solomon. Read the book of Ecclesiastics and Proverbs. You'll hear the wisdom of Solomon was speaking. He was a rich man. He had money. The moment he became rich and wealthy, he went to marry the daughter of Pharaoh. Who was the daughter of Pharaoh? An idol worshiper. He went to marry the daughter of other nations that worshipped idols. If you read the later part of Solomon, when Solomon became old, the Bible says, Solomon became an idol worshiper. Someone that started serving the Lord. How come Solomon ended as a what? I'm not sure. That was why when Solomon was about to die, that was why he wrote the book of Ecclesiastics. It says, Vanity upon vanity. All is what? Vanity. That's what he said. He said, Because I have tested everything. I have tested women. If Solomon looked at this woman, he said, I need this woman to bring her. If you look at this woman, he needs everything. He has power to get anything. After he ruined his life, he said, Vanity upon what? Vanity. All is vanity. He never set himself apart like his father David. David was a committed person. David was a fervent person. David served the Lord. He set himself apart. But Solomon allowed his flesh to deceive him. And he lost everything. He lost his kingdom. Even the kingdom was divided. It was Solomon's servant, Jeroboam, that God not carry his kingdom and gifts to. Imagine your servant became a king because your father failed to set himself apart. The moment you become a Christian, you have no relationship with idol worshipers. You have no relationship with people that don't serve God. You have no relationship with people that their lives are not like Christ. Jesus should become your pattern and your standard. This would make you a true Christian. You look at the life of Jesus. Because, you see, when you don't set yourself apart, there will be many problems. Praise the Lord. There will be many problems. A lady was crying that the husband doesn't allow her to pray in the night. That the moment she starts praying like this, the husband will start complaining that you are disturbing everybody. You are disturbing the room. And we asked her, Where did you see your husband? She said, well, he came. Was he a Christian? He loves going to church, wants a wife, but he is not a serious Christian. Why did you marry her? He said, he cares for me. He has the money. He has the money. And this is what the money is doing now. When you are a Christian, the Bible says, do not unequally yoke together with what? Non-believers. No matter how beautiful the lady is, do not unequally yoke together with what? A non-believer. If you say you want to disobey the Bible, you are going to repeat, receive the consequences. A set apart believer is a believer that will follow the instructions of the Bible. A believer. Isaiah chapter 52, verse 11. Let us begin to think of winding off now. Isaiah 52, verse what? Verse 11. Isaiah chapter 52, I read verse 11. The Bible says in verse 11, if you are there, say amen. Are you sure you are there? Verse 11. Depart ye, depart ye. Go out from things. Touch no works. Touch no works. Unclean things. Go ye out of the midst of air. Be ye clean. That be as the vessels of the Lord. Is it not sad for you to hear that there are pastors that will offend those sisters? There are pastors like that. In the name of prayer, they are touching the breasts of women. In the name of prayer, they are booking private prayer. They will say, when they see a beautiful sister that comes to the church, say, for this sister, we are going to, your case is a very special case. They will give them appointments in a time that nobody will be in the church. The Bible says when a Christian, a pastor, that is a consecrated, a set apart pastor, will touch no works, unclean things. Touching the breasts of the opposite sex that is not your wife is an unclean thing. Touching someone that is not your husband is a what? Unclean thing. Touching someone that is not your wife is what? Unclean thing. And we have many unclean people both on the altar and the work and the pew. They are opening churches everywhere. Unclean people. Touching and touching. All in the name of prayer and deliverance. They begin to touch parts of the bodies of the opposite sex. Unclean thing. When you become a Christian, to become a set apart Christian, you flee from those things. If she is not your wife, why would you be alone with her in the closet? If she is not your husband, why would both of you be inside one room and touching all in the name of deliverance? All in the name of what? Deliverance. Am I right? A brother from the middle bed.

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