Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
as we pray father in jesus name lord this morning speak for us in the name of jesus send your word for us in the name of jesus holy spirit help us in the name of jesus all that we do now let it be by your spirit in the name of jesus thank you lord for answering our prayer take all the glory for in jesus mighty name we'll pray i want to say thanks to god for his mercy and a privilege to stand before every one of us to share the word of god and i'm saying a big thank you to my father in the lord uh it is a real privilege which i don't take for granted to stand here and i'll keep repeating it it's not easy to stand there when he's here hallelujah hallelujah you know it's easy to know when it's not here you can but when your daddy is here and you want to do some things amen uh the topic before us i want us to be attentive amen don't be distracted don't be distracted i want us to be very attentive and be intentional be intentional today i want to pick one or two things that will change my life amen don't see me yes see god speaking what speaking to you every time you see a man standing to speak is what is the lord i want to speak what to him the bible says when you get there and you want to say you are scared of what to say don't worry i won't seal your mouth hallelujah the topic we want to talk about this morning is the topic of concern and which is very urgent a message that is what urgent for what for now the message is what urgent for now because we as human and as believer we are start living our lives as thieves we are going to be here forever amen when when our uh our pastor is speaking this morning a lot of things starting from the workers meeting touched me so much amen yes the lord promised us long life but you don't know how we are not the one that determine how is what how it will flow amen we're not the one that what determine eyes what how it will flow but i know this kind of message is a message that as the pastor is preaching it i could feel somebody in his mind rebooking god forbid me i will not die young why are we preaching this kind of message now no this kind of message a message that is missing out of so many others in churches we now preach messages that make us feel good messages that make us shout thank god here we have a balanced message we have what a balanced message see sometimes i do talk to him and say why are people not why are people not coming what they are looking for outside is here the wisdom is what is here god is here come on the tattoo come sorry i said i come tonight sorry there's testimony when i get there's testimony what we've read about when i let me tell you something when i go to work and come back i'm always jealous of you people you know why because i feel like for some thank god is recording the message now that i listen today you people you see i'm very jealous of you people there's what god did when i get home there's a testimony i know you two you have testimony in jesus name this evening we'll share a lot of testimonies when it calls for program see that's why one thing i learned from the fellowship to when we are playing online even when there's no multitude there's what there have been testimonies hallelujah the topic before us this morning says the sign of end time the sign of say after me the sign of my father is a teacher so we're saying we are teaching now the sign of end time the message is becoming uncommon on many others christians are becoming unconscious there's a time in the book of matthew chapter 24 the disciple come to jesus because he was telling them this temple will be destroyed and the third day it shall be rebuked and i'm going back to the father he was telling them the days is what is at hand he was telling them so the disciples separate themselves and come to jesus and asking this thing you are saying they ask two questions two questions in matthew chapter 24 if you read from verse 1 to 10 to 14 before i start explaining they ask him two questions what is the first question when hallelujah they ask him what when and the second one is what is the sign they ask how many questions see this thing you are talking about this is your second coming when will it be and what is what what is the sign because as a believer we have so much opposed to we have lived in this earth and it has become as if we are going to be here forever is it last week or there was a day you were using a an illustration i can say fully of uh of a man going to a particular destination but because he i think he stopped before let me just use an illustration to a man going to maryland and he gets to a creek he must have a stopover but when he gets to that stopover this man starts building what building house starts doing things forgetting that where he's stopping it's not the destination believers i don't want to say let's say to the world even here in the church we have lost the consciousness of the end time when i was praying for this message i see that i was not asking myself that am i even also conscious of the end time am i what even conscious of the end time but we are so much time building on what on sand amen are we together we spend what so much time building on what on sand there's a message here that talks about building what on the solid rock we are spending so much time building what on sand on things that are not what are not real to be sincere if you think about it you will know that see let me use this illustration when i lost my father that's when i knew that this earth is nothing because that man is very hard working sometimes he will be so tired he will not go to church but he will always send us to church because sunday is only time he happens to rest he works from from monday to friday to saturday on sunday he will come out once in a while he go to church but with all that pain he died so when i look at him at the mortuary when they asked us to come and identify him the only thing i just tell myself is that so that is all as in that is i'm not trying to scare those who i'm just saying my own personal experience i was like so this is all as in nothing again so since that time i'll be like we're running around sick that's why i don't think i think i think but i don't overthink so one day my wife asked me that you don't think me you don't get worried i get what you do but i know that all this my worry one day but where are we going we have lost the consciousness that there's a second coming there's a note at end time and the disciple asking when and what is the sign but we are building on what we are building on sand second corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 why we look not at the things second corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 you can open it says why we look not at things which are seen again why we look not at things which are seen but at things which are not seen for the things are seen are temporal but it is which are not seen are eternal we are spending our time on things we are seeing now we are spending our time on things that will waste away yes we send our children to school we do it's good i'm not saying it's not good though but doing all this thing building house having business having investment we have lost the consciousness that the end is coming i am you we have lost the consciousness we spend so many times chasing money we spend so many times looking for things to better our lives but it is of a temporal time hallelujah for your kitty it was it will surely end but as we pursue good life as we pursue good opportunity as we pursue the business do not forget where we are actually going everyone is a good everyone is what everyone is a good as our pastor said this morning the devil is so working over time that he has given us so many activity he has given me and you so many and you so many activity he has given so many men of god so many churches so we have so much activity that we don't talk about this kind of message but thank god for us we have a balanced message here we have what a balanced message here and so many churches because of the fear of their members that if we start preaching this message they will not come they will not come you know do you believe as he's saying now sorry that jesus will not come now because they want to get married believe us saying that jesus will not come because they are yet to build house believe us saying jesus will not come i'm here to have my millions jesus will not come let me tell you no matter the good life no matter how your life is good on this earth no matter the suffer no matter the poverty it what it will end and as our daddy the lord said this morning there are two locations heaven and what hell heaven and what hell so the disciple was so consigned and that they asked amen amen amen hallelujah the lord the disciple was so consigned and asking when and what and the sign we have so much forget our destination why did they ask for sign what is sign amen amen what is what what is sign and why did they ask for what sign and time definitely probably maybe one for information for them to know or two for them to what prepare what themselves probably for them to prepare themselves maybe for them to just have information that this thing about when is it going to happen even when they want to happen what are the signs that we are going to be we are going to see believe i don't think about coming the coming of the lord jesus christ we are like a person i've said i've talked about that the disciples of jesus asked him in 24 verse 3 you can open that 24 verse 3 when will it happen and what is the sign when will it what happen and what is what what is the sign let me tell you when a new light is coming into the earth there's a sign when a woman become pregnant you what you begin to watch see the sign it could be in the shape of her body it could be the way she's eating amen is it that if your mom will start coming in she'll get tired you start no you know our mothers know when a woman is pregnant how do they know because they see what the sign they what they see what the sign so sign is a very important thing remember we are talking about what the sign of what and time even when you are sick you see what the sign and the doctor call it symptoms what are the symptoms you're having in the layman language is what what are the words the sign you are seeing so when you start describing your symptoms you start describing what the the sign they'll know that okay even before they start asking to go and do blood test they can say acknowledge that based on this sign based on these symptoms you are having malaria you are having what typhoid you understand there's what there's a sign now we want to consider the end time what are the things we should look out for so that we know that ah we are at what at the perilous what perilous time so many members so many workers so many churches have lost time even pastors have lost sign of the end time they don't even look out for it amen what is sign sign is an object and an object whose presence or occurrence indicates a probability or occurrence this particular thing make us to see that okay with the way this thing is going that's the people that trade they follow signs they follow sorry they follow signs to know that the market is going up now they follow sign the market is what is coming down but we believe we are just living the life that let us leave let us go nothing is happening everything is what fine let us go but jesus told them the sign oh he did what when you start seeing this why you start seeing that and that's what we want to consider this morning so that we will not be ignorant so that we will not be what ignorant like the people of the world why will you believe her anytime it's coming you can't even recognize it and you call yourself i'm a christian i'm a i'm a disciple of christ jesus how is that and you have been speaking since we cannot see hallelujah amen now let's open to first current first chronicle chapter 12 verse 32 stay with me stay with me first chronicle chapter 12 verse 32 the bible about some particular set of people he talked about what first chronicle chapter 12 verse 32 he talked about what some particular set of people he talked about the children of isaaca men that understand time hallelujah men that what understands time they know what israel ought to do these particular people the people the children of isaaca they what understand what time because of this ability to understand time they know what the particular thing to do so if israel want to do anything else at that time they'll go to the children of isaaca because they what they understand what time listen to this time and they know what what to do listen to this any man that understands time understand season amen i'll come again any man that understand what time understand what season any man that understand season knows the sign amen knows what knows the sign and any man that knows the signs knows what to do any man that understand what time understand what season any man that understands season knows what the sign and any man that knows the sign knows what to do so when you don't understand the sign you don't know the season you don't know what to do the children of isaaca know what what what to do because they understand what time they understand time they understand season they understand what the sign hallelujah the sign of end time so that we will not be living ignorantly and thinking in a man now if our believers have in their mind they have foreseen i would have died before jesus come so i would have how come how come you're so certain at least i would have achieved this we i would have achieved this my children would have gone to school i would have it's by the words by the grace of god now let's go let's consider the start the sign amen let's go out consider the sign we don't want to waste a lot of time let's start from matthew chapter 24 i'll paraphrase what jesus was telling them but i want us to focus if you're in verse six let's read from verses listen it is most for us as it is not for us to consider the sign why so that we can know what to do so that we can know what to do so that we can start preparing ourselves making our way right with jesus matthew chapter 24 verse 6 let's open a bible please get me a microphone i want a fast reader a fast it's very fast reader chapter 24 verse 6 okay let me start from here and ye shall hear of war no let me go from let me start from gospel just paraphrase and jesus answered i said unto them take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying i am christ i shall deceive many and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of war see that ye be not for all this thing must come to pass but the end is not yet verse eight all this at the beginning of sorrow all these are what at the beginning of sorrow what do we notice in our in our economy now in nigeria it's not even nigeria it's all over the world is what all over the world the economy is so bad it does have some government i'll find a little way to make their citizens feel a bit comfort not like nigeria so for you to be i thank god i'm in this church i'm in this ministry amen amen be consistent you will eat the fruit of the of the man of god alia god has so blessing with so wisdom that he i don't know how to express it this economy will not affect us though i'm very sure of you too amen hallelujah let's let's continue verse nine then shall they deliver you up to affliction i shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake this was for the disciple though even believers were still passing through it persecution in your place of work they will just hate you for no reason because you are what we are believer master now listen to you stay with me stay with me don't sleep and then shall many be offended and shall be straight and sorry again and then shall many be offended and shall be betray one another and shall hate one another and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many people there will be hatred now even in the body of church for no reason you just be hating this person is doing well you are not doing well you just it is the spirit of what and time if you find yourself here you look at somebody and you are not happy the way that person is living or the person is sharing testimony and your body is doing you somehow see that thing that is at work in you is what the spirit of what and time there will be so many false prophet jesus is telling the disciples because they asked amen there will be false prophets this kind of message now assuming we stand here as our pastor said and you start doing deliverance now people will be active giving prophecy people will be active this place will be full but come and preach this kind of preaching people will be sleeping in church hallelujah listen and many false prophets shall rise and deceive many and because of iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wash good amen a lot of people will drop from church they will drop back and when the devil wants to help you he will give you the new reason to drop back i don't want us to look at this sign outside the church let's look at this sign inside the church the devil will give you the new reason this kind of times are you start finding things important than the peace of god you start what finding things what important is that the devil will give you see let me quickly i don't have much time i was in my place of prayer let me tell you the devil is fighting people you have to be rugged now i just thought it's a few days i'm i'm slowing down in prayer i have to go back lock myself put my phone in flight mood warn the children and everybody don't open this door until i do what open it the spirit of what of the end time is what fighting and i go back there and i spend time praying and in that prayer when i start the devil start coming giving me suggestions this i see i don't you know this you are doing there's no time for it that's what the devil is doing with so many people he was giving me i was telling you was telling me and there's something i was doing that will give me small money he was not telling me ah you do not attend to that thing you do not attend to that thing and i tell myself if that thing if that thing will be the price i will pay for me to get back to how i used to pray before let it be so after i prayed and i go out and i go back and check that thing it was even beyond my expectation i just uh the devil so he loved wasco you just noticed that you don't like praying anymore when they talk about going to the church of god you will refuse at that time you start saying the much is he every day we have let me tell you those things are temporary that's why i talk about it this is what really matters but the devil has occupied our mind the devil of us occupied our mind our businesses are now more important than the house of god and what we can do in our working place we do freely in the house of god why because of the spirit of what in time amen when you therefore shall see abomination of desolation spoken by daniel a lot of things let's go to fast 14 14 i'll stop i wasn't going to the message and the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world witness unto all nation and then shall the end come the gospel will go everywhere the gospel what go everywhere this is a sign of end time so many people are running to false prophets especially in agbede they'll run to where science and one dies that's where they are running to you see them in this playhouse tomorrow you see them in this playhouse tomorrow you see them in this playhouse preach this kind of thing for one they will not come amen they will know what they will not come i'm running up many will turn away from faith a lot will say thank god i'm still in faith because they come to church once in a while a lot will say thank god i'm not i'm in faith because i come to church once in a what once in a while no it's not about coming to church oh it's about about coming to church are you obedient are you coming to ask fellowship with god or you are coming religiously a lot will say thank god may i come to church i'm in faith no your attendance in church is not what is not the mark of what of your faith because a lot of people come to church and what they are funny way what from faith second Timothy verse chapter three verse one yeah please give somebody a mic second Timothy chapter three let's read from let's start from verse one quickly second Timothy amen let's listen to know second Timothy chapter three okay yes this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves wait man men shall be what lovers of their own self now let's ask ourselves how much more you've noticed you love yourself you just find some strange love you are so concerned and it will look like god as if you have reason to do that you are concerned about yourself you me and apostle we were discussing something and when i get home yesterday i i asked myself and i said is it that i'm selfish because one of my statements no we let her understand it make me understand but when i get home i was like even if all those things we are talking does not work and they want me to work in that part will i say no will i say you'll be lovers of what of self you will be willing to leave the church to go and attend to what self it is the spirit of what of end time right man conversions conversions boasters boasters proud proud blasphemers blasphemers disobedience to parents disobedience to parents unthankful unthankful unholy unholy without natural affection right now truth breakers false breakers false accusers false these are signs of end time incontinent despises of those that are good despises of those that are good i have this experience in my place of work i just noticed one particular person just hates me all the work i'm doing they'll say it's not good i understand what is going on i i was depressed at a point as i start finding out is he true i'm like this so sometimes you can't see yourself they're like no who is saying this then i don't know that i have to go to place of what prayer amen i have to go to what place of prayer because when the devil know that you are in a place and you're like you're like the person god is using to shake so many things he will start finding things to shake through for no reason before god start giving me wisdom on what to do they will send me god will tell me go and apologize i will grumble if you start working with the holy spirit i will grumble and i'll go i'm sorry ma'am i'm very sorry what i did not do i'm very sorry the way i reacted i'm sorry it's okay no problem yeah and i think i offended you amen these are what signs of what in time signs of end time we don't need to look elsewhere for all the signs but ask ourselves and look around us as a church the signs are all around but we have we as a christian don't know the sign and we don't prepare amen we don't know the sign and we don't prepare the devil has given us so many activities the devil is working overtime because the time is short the devil is doing what is working overtime because the time is what the time is short but we we as a christian we don't even see the sign we don't even care we are just living we are cruising in life and the devil is seriously working and it's recruiting people the devil is what recruiting so many people it's when you're on your tv his representative is there in your place of work his representative is there even in the church his representative is there in your family is what his representative is there and we are believer we are the lord will help us in jesus name as we round up at some point what do we need to do now that we know the sign what do we want need to do me and you as a body as a church what do we need to what to do number one as we know the sign let me tell you jesus did not tell them the time if you know what tell them the time if you read that match chapter 24 to the latter end he said the time no man knoweth not even angels did not know even the son did not know only what god the father that knows what the time when i talk about two questions the time and what and the sign but jesus only spent time focusing on what on the sign because the time no man knows so we cannot predict it we cannot have some people online on youtube that because god give them wisdom they start working on the bible and said from this time to this time definitely before this time it's possible to happen but it's just a prediction nobody what knows the time so what is the action point one prepare for the coming of our lord jesus christ it has been preached on this other preparing for the end time we must lead a conscious life to prepare how do we prepare we must live our daily life we must live what our daily life as if the end will come today that is the challenge for every one of us we must leave our daily life as if the end will be what today don't have a long go for your for for the end for the coming of our lord jesus christ think that when you wake up now the end may be today it may be today the next one action point make your way right with god repent and turn away from sin make your way right with god as we preach during the sunday before christmas he has been born to save his people from what from sin that is the reason he has come so make your way right to repent and turn away from what from sin that is our responsibility three i have daily prayer and bible reading time be conscious of it let me let me give you my findings sorry let me give you my findings over this fasting sir i noticed that when you fast and you don't pray you'll be weak amen i don't know who this to help if you notice you fast and you notice you're always tired it's because you do not pray or you not spend longer time in place of what prayer that is not for everybody i'm just sharing what i discover you understand god bless you man since you have discovered the first day i spend so much time i pray to the extent that i notice when we pray our spirit is as if our spirit is eating i lose hunger for food it's not as if it will not get to a time i will we go but there was the desire was not was not there so for us to live a christian life a believer's life we can't do away with what prayer and reading the bible in fact if you are a believer you don't pray that means you you are in the journey of path sliding amen i'll just talk about four number four is evangelism is what evangelism the devil is recruiting so many the devil is doing so much the devil is doing what so much and we as believer we are not doing much this is concerning me and every one of us the devil is recruiting or do you think jesus will come and start he has done that in his own time he was preaching everywhere he has what healing the sick he has done that it is not our time he has given us that that order preach to the world baptize them so it is our duty to evangelize in this end time that we me and you have no we've known this time it's not for us to now spend time to evangelize talk to people one-on-one talk to people you don't have to say much jesus love you repent for your sin he can give you power to deliver you from sin repent for the kingdom of god is what is at hand we have to go back to the day of morning cry we have to go back to the day of online evangelism we have to go back me and you don't just say i want to pray i want them to pray for me i want deliverance what are you doing for jesus as our pastor said before what i what am i doing that is the question what am i doing for jesus can we be on our feet and say father this morning i cry to you first whatever i'm doing that will lead me to hell have mercy upon me can we all repent this morning father in the name of jesus whatever i'm doing that will send me to hell father i repent today i repent in the name of jesus can you open your mouth and pray father i repent in the name of jesus whatever i'm doing right now or what i've done that will lead me to hell i repent oh lord i repent oh lord i repent oh lord i repent oh lord i repent in the name of jesus repent now as we ask for him to