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Understanding the Fear of the Lord

Understanding the Fear of the Lord

Pitana MutanaPitana Mutana



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The speaker discusses the importance of fearing God and how it is the foundation of wisdom. He emphasizes that without the fear of God, people cannot truly listen or understand. He explains that wisdom cannot be obtained through money or possessions, but rather through spending time with God and seeking His knowledge. The speaker encourages listeners to prioritize studying the fear of God and to depart from evil, as this is true understanding. Welcome to the Sound of Wisdom broadcast with Pitana Mutana. Please stay tuned to the end of the broadcast for more contact information. This program is sponsored by Pitana Mutana. And now your host, Brother Pitana. The things that I'm bringing on life is probably the message that is contrary to most of what's given out there. Because what's given out there is psychology or whichever. It's not scripture. And so no wonder why things don't work in our life. We have set aside obedience. Don't tell me what to do. I will do whatever I want. And so that person sets themselves for a life of trouble. You say you need to fear God. No. That's Old Testament. We will see how even in the New Testament, the Bible says that work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Now it's even double fear. It's fear and trembling. That's how you work out your salvation. But it's just we have this idea of fear as if God is out to get us. No. And we will see what the fear of the Lord is. It's the beginning of knowledge. Let's go into the book of Proverbs, but not Proverbs, but actually the book of Job. And it's going to define us how the fear of the Lord is wisdom. And then also in the book of Proverbs again it says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So the fear of the Lord is foundation for any type of information that you receive. If you don't have the fear of the Lord, so settle it in your heart. You will not listen to anybody. I know I'm taking time to let that sink in. Without the fear of God. The fear of God is the mark of a Christian. It's the mark of God's people throughout history, throughout the scriptures. That's the gauge. You want to gauge if a person is probably towards God. If they fear Him. If you see that they don't fear Him, and usually the way you tell that people don't fear God is by the way they speak. If people use Jesus' name as a curse word, there's no fear there. Yeah. And that's the place where you just have to check out and move on. And so we're going to Proverbs 28. Talking about the fame of wisdom. And in the end it says that God tells man the fear of the Lord. That is wisdom. That's really, I love this scripture. It's a bit of a long... So we're going to read quite a bit, but I'm sure this is going to become probably one of your favorite scriptures. Proverbs 28, starting from verse 12. We could start from verse 1, but we will start from verse 12. But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man knows not the price thereof. Neither is he found in the land of the living. The depth says it's not in me. And the sea says it's not in me. What they're trying to say here is that you will go all over. People will tell you, say that I have knowledge of the sea. I'm such a fine technician around this and that. They know things by the wisdom of the world, by the wisdom of God. Even the depth says that it's not in me. The person who is maybe deep into all kinds of studies. But if it's humanistic studies, the wisdom of God is not there. He says that where shall wisdom be found? And he continues. Verse 15. It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. So wisdom has a price. You have to pay a price to receive wisdom. And that price is what? It's time. It's time with God. That's all there is. Time is your currency if I may put it that way. You stay before God. You seek. In the book of Proverbs, I don't want to quote so many scriptures constantly. I will just quote them as we go. But in the book of Proverbs, it says that if you will seek and cry after, it's for silver and for gold. If you start to seek for wisdom for two hours, three hours, the same amount of time you will give to your workplace. Do you ever thought of that? What if I gave a full day of work to God? What will happen to me? You can never be the same. If you say that I'm going to sit after eight hours. Try that on a Saturday. I know Saturday is my day off. But I'm going to take eight hours. The same eight hours I give to my employer. I'm going to give it to God. I'm going to sit before Him. I'm going to be reading the scriptures. I'm going to be crying out saying, God, your knowledge, your wisdom. I want your fear. I want to be an obedient child. I want crying out and reading. You think God can tell you to leave Him? When you say, I've got eight hours and I'm not leaving you until you do something for me. That's what is that surprise. He said that if you will seek wisdom that way, surely you will find it. Now, it continues. Verse 16. It cannot be valued with the gold of warfare, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. They're talking about precious stones. Verse 17. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it. And the exchange of it shall not be for jewels or fine gold. You see, sometimes we say, just give me money. Just give me money. Just give me money. But if you talk to billionaires, they will tell you that what's more precious to them is not money that they have. Because what keeps money is the knowledge they have. That's why you find that they will always be investing in books. They are constantly reading. So, I have to continue to read. And soon, I will be entrusted with riches. One. Once I have the right information that can keep those riches in my hand. It's the information. For me, I can tell you I've already set myself to be a student. I'm not focused whether I have money right now or so much or this or that. No. It's a matter of time. As long as I continue to study. Let's continue. No mansion shall be made of coral or of pearls. For the price of wisdom is above rubies. The toppers of Ethiopia shall not equal it. Neither shall it be valued with pure gold. Once then comes wisdom. And where is the place of understanding? The question is asked again. Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living. And kept close from the fowls of the earth. Destruction and death same. We have heard of fame thereof with our ears. Even death and destruction, they are testifying. We have heard of the fame of wisdom. God understands the way thereof. And He knows the place thereof. For He looks to the ends of the earth. And sees under the whole heaven. To make the weight of the wind. And to weigh the waters by measure. Look what God does by His wisdom. When He made a decree for the rain. And a way for the lightning of thunder. That's all God's wisdom and knowledge. The things He can do with rain and thunder. Then did He see it and declare it. He prepared it and searched it out. Look at that. And unto man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord. That is wisdom. And to depart from evil is understanding. So when I say the fear of the Lord. You see that's wisdom. It's wisdom to know that God who made all the galaxies. Billions. We still can't even find. God who the Bible says even the heavens of heaven cannot contain Him. Start to imagine Him. The more you think about it. The more He is magnified in your eyes. Such God. He wants a relationship with you. He wants to talk to you. He wants to... That should get you to be like, What? You're going to say, What? That's the fear of God. It's overwhelming. It's like, Why would you do that? So then why wouldn't I respect and reverence such a person? Who chooses to humble himself? To talk to me. We fear people. Our employers. And we won't fear God. That He may be well with them. With us. That's what God said. He said, Oh, how I will that there was a heart in them. That they will fear me. That it might be well with them and their children forever. This is in the books of Moses. God was saying, I wish I could get it through you. It's the same thing I'm saying. I wish I could get it through you. That you will see. And hopefully as I give you more scriptures and we go on through this subject of the fear of the law. Which is the beginning of knowledge. Which is the beginning of wisdom. Which is wisdom itself. The way I put it, I say that the fear of the law is not only the beginning of wisdom. But it's the totality of wisdom. It's the full sum of wisdom. It's not just where wisdom starts. It's where wisdom ends. If you claim to have wisdom and you don't fear God. Solomon was given wisdom. And he came to a place and he let go of the fear of God. And everything crashed down. And it went down in history. Yes. Somebody who loved the law so much. And then at the end of his life, he had built all kinds of shrines and altars to all the gods. That's what happens when we let go of the fear of God. So may I entreat you, may I beg you, may I say, start to study about the fear of God. It's not what you think it is. I just showed you how the fear of God is wisdom. And I'm going to, as we continue, time is almost up for this program so we continue in our next program. Then how do we gain the fear of the law? Is it an impartation? Sure, it can be an impartation. But everyone who is born again, if you give your heart to Jesus, the fear of God comes in your heart. But you can lose that fear. So Christians can be without the fear of God. But you can be sure that that is leading them places. I'm always saying, God, please, help me to fear you. It's very easy to start not fearing God. We start to disobey Him more and more and more and more. The fear of God. Behold the fear of the Lord. That is wisdom. And to depart from evil, that is understanding. It's amazing how when you study the scriptures you find that to fear evil, to fear God, I mean, is to hate evil, arrogance, pride. That's what the Bible talks about in the book of Proverbs. But we will continue this subject to the fear of the Lord because once the fear, the same way we established obedience, then without the fear of the Lord we will not obey. So this is building one upon another. The Bible says that precept upon precept. A little here, a little there, a line upon a line, precept upon precept. If you start to look at it, it will become like a ladder where you start to say, okay, so I've established in my mind that I have to be an obedient person. But now what shall I obey? Then you need to know what to obey. And that's where the scriptures come in. This is the manual for life. We're talking about a life commentary. Without you reading the scriptures, you don't know what's right and what's wrong. This is the thinking filter. This is the filter that you have to... There's so many things you hear. You hear things from school, if you go to school. You hear things from so many different places, from media, from YouTube, from this, from books you've read. But you have to come back and go deep into the scriptures so that the scriptures can filter out anything that is not of God. You can read a business book and a lot of things they're saying is biblical. They may not be mentioning God, but still, because it's a man... a book written by a man, you still need to come and study the scriptures so that the scriptures can filter out anything that you received that was not quite the same as the scriptures. That does not agree with the scriptures. So now, time has come to an end and you may be here saying, I heard you. Well, what shall I do to be saved? Because I want to have Jesus in my heart. I want to be saved. You are saying, Jesus, save my soul. You want to be obedient, but you realize you don't know how to obey. There is no foundation for obedience. All that you've known is disobedience. I know exactly where you come from. But it's very simple. From your heart, just pray with me. Repeat after me. Say, Lord Jesus, forgive my sins. Save my soul. Cleanse me with your blood. Make me new. I come to ask you to come into my heart. I receive you as Lord and Savior of my life. Save me, I pray. In Jesus' name. Thank you for listening in today to the Sound of Wisdom broadcast with Pitana Mutana. You may send letters and prayerful and financial support to 124 Arvely York Circle, Lookout Mountain, Georgia. Zip 30750. If you are in need of prayer, or would like to contact the ministry, email us at secureinjesus at pm.me Be sure to tune in next week for another broadcast from the Sound of Wisdom. This program is sponsored by Pitana Mutana.

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