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David Kim 2-3-24 Are we Host's or Guest's

David Kim 2-3-24 Are we Host's or Guest's


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A pastor reflects on his time at a church and expresses gratitude for the love and acceptance he and his family received. He encourages the church to welcome the new pastor with the same kindness. The pastor then tells a story about Mahatma Gandhi's experience in Africa, highlighting the importance of being good hosts and making others feel comfortable. He discusses the characteristics of a good host, using examples from the Bible and the life of Jesus. He emphasizes the need to initiate, connect, provide, and direct in serving others. The pastor then poses the question of whether the church members are hosts or guests in life and encourages them to serve others. He concludes by giving practical tips on improving prayer life, including establishing a regular time and place for prayer. Good morning. Good to see you all. Happy Sabbath. I cannot believe today is our last Sabbath. I remember the first time I came to the Plainfield Church to have an interview. Kevin was actually outside waiting for the pastor to come. The first Sabbath of November was our five years since we moved to this district. It has been such a blessing to us. I believe these five years will be my happiest years that I was pastoring. By the way, I received another call from Canada to come, but I was telling them we are transitioning into a new district. Since I started my pastoral ministry in 2005, I met my wife and the Lord provided Julie. In 2018, Julie and I got Isaac. These five years have been my happiest moments in my pastoral ministry. Thank you for accepting me and our family just as we are. You have been very compassionate and generous and gracious to us. You will be in our hearts and prayers as we move on into new transition. Also, we will continue to pray for the new pastor. I hope that the church will accept him or her more than you accepted us. You give your heart and love to the pastor so that you can move on. You will be in our hearts and prayers. We love you. A student at a university in London accepted a job offer in Africa many years ago. He knew little about Africa, so he was eager to learn all he could about community, life, work, and their religious practices. He lived in Africa with a family, so he was hoping to be mentored into their culture. The family was unfortunately pathetic towards him. They showed no interest in helping him get settled down in Africa. They spoke next to nothing about their religious faith, nor about life in general. The student later said that he learned a lot from the family. It was what not to do, how not to treat others. It did not take this young man long to become disappointed with his Africa experience, so he eventually moved back to his home in India. This was where he led a revolution. You know this young man as Mahatma Gandhi. The family in Africa had no idea who was in their midst. The family missed a wonderful opportunity to influence Gandhi, one of the most influential men of the 20th century. They were negligent hosts. They never attempted to connect with him on any level. You know what a good host looks like, don't you? I think we all do. Abraham ran out to greet his guests as he saw them approaching his tent. He offered them a place to sit down, washed their feet, and gave them something to drink. He then killed the fatty cats and provided them with a wonderful meal. A good host is someone who takes initiatives and makes others feel comfortable. He or she above all connects with their guests. The house may need painting, the car may be old, the food may be different than what we are accustomed to. Guests don't think too much about these details. However, if the host connects with them. Have you ever been in a room full of people and felt completely out of place? Even in the church, with no one greeting you, showing you around, or offering you something to drink. It's at these awkward moments when we think about leaving, just like Gandhi did. Good hosts can make the difference between an uncomfortable gathering and a wonderful one. Parties aren't the only place you will find hosts and guests. Perhaps you have seen hosts and guests at church. Hosts are continually noticing other people and looking out for their needs. They smile at others, speak to them. They put others at ease. Guests, on the other hand, keep more to themselves. Many people view their lives being guests, being passive and seeking to live life in comfort, talking about themselves and to a large extent focusing on themselves. They wait for others to make a first move. One does not need to be an extrovert to be a good host, but they need to take their eyes off of themselves and to serve the needs of God's other children. Jesus was and is supreme host. So we can take our cues from him as to how to be God's host. Please open your Bibles, Matthew chapter 20 verse 28. Matthew chapter 20 verse 28. I'm going to read. Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many. Jesus came on the earth to serve, not to be served. There are many church members who come to church to receive serving, not to serve. Here are four characteristics we can learn from the life of Jesus. Number one. Initiate. Jesus took the initiative. He came to this earth even though the world did not recognize him. He reached out to others. Second. Connect. Jesus connected with others. He was always seeking to find common ground with others. He got involved into their world, not his world. Into their thinking, into their hopes and dreams. Third. Provide. Jesus provided for the needs of others. There are multiple instances where Jesus provided for the needs of others. He fed 5,000 hungry men plus women and children. On another occasion, he fed 4,000. He cooked breakfast for his disciples when they were discouraged. There are much more than food. However, when it comes to providing, Jesus provided. Friendship. How many of us have hunger for friendship? Companionship, love, healing, forgiveness, and so much more. The fourth one. Direct. Jesus spent countless hours teaching. Teaching individuals how to know God better. There are many ways you and I can share Jesus with others. Sometimes, it may be as simple as showing a visitor at church where the children's Sabbath school rooms are, or the restrooms. It may also be telling a newcomer what to expect at a Sabbath school Bible study hour, a worship service, or to even explain to them that a potluck is a fellowship meal. Jesus calls you and me to be his disciples. To be proactive in serving others. This may be at church, at work, at school, or around our neighborhood. Jesus extended many calls to his audiences. Sell all you have, give it to the poor, and follow me. To others it was, give up your jobs and follow me. He told others to go teach in a disguise or despise Samaria, and others to go to the rest of the world. I cannot think of a single occasion when Jesus called someone to stay in their comfort zone. It was always to leave one's comfort zone. To initiate, to connect, to provide, and to direct or instruct. So, my loving Plainfield Church, are we hosts or guests in life? In our community, when you come to church, are we hosts or guests? Do you want to serve, or do you want to be served? How can we make our churches a more friendly atmosphere? The secret is found in the life of Jesus. We can learn from the prayer life of Jesus. I want to share with you five steps that you can immediately incorporate into your prayer life that will make a significant difference. Let's turn our Bibles to Mark chapter 1 verse 35. Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, he went out and departed to a solitary place, and there he prayed. First, it was in the morning day before daylight. That does not mean that every one of us get up at 2, 3, or 4 o'clock in the morning. What it does mean is, Jesus had a time to pray at a regular time. Just as we have regular times to eat, regular times to go to work. If your prayer life is spasmodic, praying one day maybe at 7.30, and another day maybe at noon, maybe missing two or three days, you are not going to have a very meaningful relationship with God. So the first point is to establish a regular time to pray. For most of us, it could be every single morning. But maybe you are a housewife who has a couple of young kids that are crying, keeping you up at night. You got to get up and feed maybe a baby. Maybe your best time is not immediately when you get up, because you need to get those kids off to school. But once they get off to school, and the baby is sleeping, and you don't have to feed her or him. Maybe you have 9.30 in the morning. That's your prayer time. So the point is that every day you have a regular time to seek God in prayer. That you make that as a specific appointment before God. I'm going to share with you five practical tips on how to improve your prayer life. Number one, Jesus had a time to pray. Number two, Jesus had a place to pray when he had a solitary place that he prayed. I remember a story from a lady who had multi kids at home. She did not have a big house. She did not have a second room or third. So she did not have a place to pray, because kids are running around in the house, in the room all the time. She didn't have a spiritual moment to pray to God. And in time to pass, the thought came into her mind, saying, she could make a solemn moment like a prayer sanctuary in the midst of her living room when kids are running around. So she was telling her children, I'm holding my pillow here. When I'm holding my pillow and I put my face on it, that is my prayer time. That is my prayer time to Jesus. At the time when I'm praying to Jesus, you can stay quiet, because this is a very solemn moment. I need this time to pray to Jesus. I need this time to connect with my Lord and Savior. You must honor this moment. Just think about her desire that she wanted to be connected with Jesus. If she can pray while she is standing in the midst of her living room, when kids are running around, she wanted to keep some moments. She wanted to have some solemn moments with Jesus. I believe everyone of us, we can do that. If you have a special place, maybe extra room, you can make a prayer room in your house. You can decorate those closets or some place. When Julie and I, when we lived in Peace River in Canada, she decorated the closet as a prayer room. The point is, we got to set a place to pray. You can pray in your living room on your couch, special couch. You dedicate yourself to that couch to pray certain time with Jesus. Do you have a time to pray? Do you have a place to pray? Now Jesus' prayers were not necessary silent prayers. Don't misunderstand me. You can pray silently any time, any place you want. I often pray silently. But there is something special about praying out loud. Please turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 11 verse 1. Luke chapter 11 verse 1. As John also taught his disciples. How did the disciples know he ceased praying? Because Christ was praying aloud. And they had never heard anybody pray like that. And they wanted to be taught how to pray. In Hebrew chapter 5 verse 7, it says that Jesus' prayers in Gethsemane were vocal prayers. Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with vehement cries and tears to him. Who was able to save him from death and was heard because of his godly fear. Jesus offered up his prayers with vehement cries and tears. You may say, oh pastor, I don't want to pray aloud because the devil can't read my thoughts. But he's going to know what I am praying for. And he's going to intercede for me and he's going to intercede and to try to block my prayers. The prayer is not there when you pray. Testimony, the devil is not there when you pray. Testimony volume 1 says, at the sound of earnest prayer, Satan's whole host trembles and flees. So when you are praying, the devil is not going to be there. God shelters you with good holy angels. It's a wonderful testimony, our High Calling 130. Learn to pray aloud where only God can hear you. Amen? Learn to pray aloud where only God can hear you. When you pray silently, sometimes your mind wonders. Has your mind ever wondered in prayer? Many times. Has your mind ever not wondered when you are praying? But when you are praying out loud, your mouth has to formulate your words. Can we pray silently in our mind? Yes, certainly. And many times it's more appropriate to do that. But if you want the most meaningful relationship with God, then pray aloud. Let's review. First, set a time to pray. Second, have a place to pray. Number three, learn to pray aloud before God. Number four, use the Bible as the subject matter for prayer. Prayer is talking to God. When we use the Bible as the subject matter for prayer, it's God talking to us. One of the most meaningful times I've ever had in my prayer, life is praying through the Psalms. When I came to the United States, I brought my Korean Bible. In all the Psalms, I was kind of underlined and used. The Psalms have been so useful and powerful to me. The moment you want to walk with God is the Psalm. How does Jesus communicate with the Heavenly Father? Meditating on the Psalms when Jesus is on the earth. If you are struggling with your mind wandering during prayer, and not having the relationship with God you so long to have, simply bow your head, take your Bible, and say, God, speak to me through your words. I'm going to pray your word back to you. Let's turn in our Bibles to Psalm chapter 1 verse 1. Let's turn in our Bibles to Psalm chapter 1 verse 1. Blessed is the man who walks, not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers. An example would be, Lord, teach me never to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. Lord, as I mingle with people today, there are going to be some ungodly people that may give me some counsel. When I am fellowshipping with them, Lord, help me to be a positive influence, positive witness. Verse 2. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. Help me to make my delight in your law and your way, and meditate day and night. Lord, I do not want my mind to be filled with the waste of the world. Lord, teach me to meditate upon your word. Verse 3. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. Lord, you said my life would be like a tree planted by the waters, rivers of the waters, that what I want in my life. Prayer is not simply a tool to get what we want from God. Prayer is a channel by which we get to know God. Another example for your prayers could be in Psalm 37. Lord, I don't want the desires of my heart. I want the desires of your heart, O Lord. So I want to delight myself in you, O Lord, so that your desires become my desires. So here is the fourth thing to do if you want a meaningful prayer life. Use the Bible as subject matter for prayer. You can do that in Psalms. You can do it in the epistles of Paul, Philippians, Galatians, Ephesians, and Galatians. You can do it in the gospel, the life and death of Christ. There is one other thing that will help your prayer life, and then we will summarize it. The X model of prayer. The X. A represents adoration. C, confession. T, thanksgiving. F, supplication. A. In the X model, what we do is take a piece of paper. We write A. I want to think of all the things. I'm going to adore Jesus today. Can you do that? I'm going to adore you, Lord, because you are the Almighty God. I'm going to adore you because you are my Savior. I'm going to adore you because you are my coming King. Just write that down. Confession now. Nobody will see this paper except you. You can rip it up after you get through with it. Confession is something in my life I want to confess. Oh yeah. I was impatient here, or yet I told a half-truth here. I want to confess those today. And T, thanksgiving. Lord, this is what I'm thankful for today. I'm thankful for my spouse and my children. I'm thankful for my home. I'm thankful for this precious message. I'm thankful for Jesus Christ. There are many lists you can write down what you are thankful for. S, supplication. We write the things down that we supplicate God for when we pray. We take that paper that is written upon and we've written down our prayer request on it. We kneel before God. Holding that paper, at times opening our eyes to see. What's on the paper, and we pray for that. So let's review. Have a time to pray. Have a place to pray. Pray aloud where only God can hear you. Come to Jesus with his word and pray his word to him. Use the act model. These five steps will revolutionize your life. If you follow these practical principles, you will have a meaningful prayer life that it will change your life forever. S, incorporate these five principles on prayer. Our spiritual life will change. Our marriage will change. Our parenting will change. Our friendship will change. Our workplace will change. And our churches will change. I appreciate our church leaders, elders. And we try to have prayer meeting on Sabbath morning. And it's been a while. And I come here twice a month. I come here twice a month, but I see we need more participants. Without prayer, we don't change. Without prayer, there's no hope. Bible study is very important, I know that. But think about when the night Jesus spent with his disciples, he did not have Bible study with them. He prayed. If we do not have practical and effective prayer life without Jesus, we cannot survive. The church will not survive. This church can be just a club. A pastor can be club manager. So without prayer, we cannot expect we will change. So I understand when church comes, prayer group 9.20, 9.30, sometimes after 9.30. And we have Sabbath school class around 10 o'clock. And sometimes when we are having study on prayer, we get rushed into prayer. And we don't have really much time to pray. And not many church members will come on Sabbath morning. Then our future is very uncertain. Because without communication with Jesus, where shall we go? As church, how do we know all the prayer requests? How do we know we share the prayer request Sabbath morning? But just think about if we are connected during the week. We will feel much more blessings to get to know each other. We know what to pray for. And my burden that I am transitioning into new church, I would like to really emphasize prayer life. Not only personally, but incorporately. Incorporate prayer. Sabbath morning is not working, then change another prayer day. We have Wednesday recovery seminar. Yes, I sent out an email that Randolph Church would like to have prayer meeting. They decided on Wednesday. And I sent out an email to join Wednesday night 7 o'clock. We have recovery seminar and many times it ends 7.30. If Wednesday night doesn't work, then choose another day or night. Make the church put together. I believe prayer is so important many times, but we are easy to overlook. Without prayer, there is no hope. And I would like to... When we start praying for our church family with a prayer list. And Isaac, he wanted to have his own prayer list. And he wrote down some church members' names. And what really changed Isaac's life, prayer. After praying, Julie and I and Isaac, we start spending time on prayers. His attitude has changed. He starts saying, Daddy, Mommy, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me? This is not something that I told him, you should. He voluntarily asking for forgiveness. And he wants to change his life, his heart. I believe that attitude I want to keep for myself and for our family in our church. Prayer can change me and can change us. Through prayer, we can be connected to one another. So, Saturday morning it doesn't work. Then find another time to pray as a church. Bring church together. Because prayer is the engine of the church. Without prayer, I mean, our love can be so easily dried up toward him and toward others. God can move us through prayers. Bring us more empathetic and compassionate. So, I highly suggest, encourage our church and leaders to set a time to pray as a church. They will help church get together. Before we close with prayer, my family is going to sing one of Isaac's favorite songs. This song was written in 1886 by Franklin E. Belden. The song is entitled, Look for the Way Marks. I don't play guitar very well. But I thought I wanted to give a special song to God and to the church. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. Look for the way. May we all be mindful of the way. March and may we meet again in heaven. We know we are moving, but not too far away. However, for some, our paths may not cross again on this earth again. And if that be so, we want to be united in heaven for eternity. I praise God for my family being able to serve this church district and Plainfield Church. And when I shared to Isaac, now we have to move to another church, he was very upset because he was saying that, I love Red Church. We love you. We are so honored and privileged to serve you. You can see lots of my weaknesses, but you accept us just as we are. Now, you move forward. Forget David Kim and us, but give your heart to Jesus, and you give your heart and love to new pastor. I hope that the church will grow, and one day, when we see again, we can share the love of God, how God has changed us. We will be united in Christ Jesus. Isaac, you want to say something? Okay, shall we pray? Dear Heavenly Father, please give us courage, your strength to get out of our comfort zones so that we can better be hosts for you in this dying and dysfunctional world. We want to follow your footsteps in our prayer life. Help us to be intentional to set a time to pray and set a place to pray. Lift our voice as we pray to our Lord and Savior. Not only we pray, have individual prayer life, but as a church, also we may grow and be connected to each other in Christ Jesus. So Lord, help us as we move on. Thank you for your loving kindness and your grace upon us. In your name I pray, amen.

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