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Dr. Sadella Grand promotes her telemedicine practice called MyMD2Me, where patients can receive medical care and advice through their devices. She emphasizes that their practice is meant to fill the gap in primary care and provide assistance when needed. Dr. Grand also discusses the importance of understanding the connection between the mind, soul, and body, and how mental health concerns can be influenced by spiritual factors. She explains the concept of a sound mind and the need to guard our thoughts and be mindful of what enters our mind through our senses, particularly what we see. She highlights the impact of visual media on our thinking and urges listeners to be discerning in their choices. Hey there, this is Dr. Sadella Grand. I am coming to you on my favorite radio station, SN106.3. This is Ask Me Anything For Health's Sake. I, first of all, just want to remind you that I have a company called MyMD2Me. If you're watching this by video, you just saw the ad for it. MyMD2Me is a telemedicine practice where we take care of you via your device, your phone, your laptop, your computer, wherever you have a device. All you have to do is use your device to simply click on www.mymd2me.com. And there you will get me and one of my nurse practitioners. We have the extreme pleasure of taking care of you, not as a primary care patient, not for you to come to on a regular basis, but to come to us when you need to sort of fill in that gap where you can't get to your primary care or you don't have a primary care doc, when you need some advice, when you need a second opinion, you name it, we're here to help you, to serve you in helping you get the medical care that you need. 85% of the time, I can just hear you and see you and know what's going on. That's just the way it is. Very rarely do I actually have to touch you, but there are times when we do need to examine you. And of course, we'll let you know that this would not be appropriate. But most of the time, we can take care of you just by clicking on to MyMD2Me. Well, here we are back. We are back. We are back. I'm so happy, so happy to continue our discussion on need counseling. You know, and, you know, I told you when I started asking that question, I heard people say so many times that, no, doc, I'm good. So I titled this entire series, Need Counseling? No, I'm good. And so I say that because it's so important for me to remind you that that is not the response that we want to hear when my patients are troubled, when things are going on physically in their body, which I fully am aware that is directly recalled because of soulish issues. What do I mean by soulish issues? If you've been listening over the last several weeks, you know that I am talking about our soul, our very soul, the very essence of who we are. But that part of us is where our mind is, which means our thoughts, our thought processes, our intellect, our intelligence, our emotions, things that that happen to us that we respond to emotionally. All of that is a part of our mind. Our mind and our brain is not the same thing. Our mind tells our brain what to do. Our mind is higher than our brain. Our brain is an organ. But our mind is part of our eternal being of what God has created. We are spirit, soul and body. Our spirit man is always connected to God if we choose to be. That's how he created us, is to be connected to him via our spirit man. Our soul, though, is a part of our eternal being as well. It always will be. It always has been. And our soul is a part of our mind, our thought process, our intellect, our intelligence, our emotions. And then our body, of course, is just our flesh and blood. That part of us that God created from the dust. But then he blew his breath in us and we became a living soul. Let me tell you, it's so important to understand this process and understand important to understand that how we are created, created in the image and likeness of God. You know, in Genesis one, twenty six, the word of God says, let us create man in our image. You ever wonder who the us and I was? Well, he is God, the father. He is God, the son. And he is God, the Holy Spirit. And so we are three in one. Also, we are spirit, we are soul and we are body. We're not three different people. We're one person, one human being, one spirit, one soul, one body, creating the human being that God created from the dust and blew his breath in. That is how we became a living soul. Other than that, we would just have been a pile of dirt. So thank God for the pneuma, the breath of God. His spirit is in us. He blew his breath in us and we became a living soul. So what we've been talking about is mental health concerns that we see in ourselves and our family members and strangers. We see mental health problems. We see extreme anxiety. We see extreme violence. We see people killing each other and killing family members and murdering entire families, shooting up schools or trying to kill an ex-president. All these things that we see on a daily basis. And you have to ask yourself the question, who's behind this? How is this happening? You know, how can a person who you have looked at from day to day all of a sudden become a cold blood murderer? How does this happen? So I'm here to help sort of bring some clarity to this subject. I'm here to bring some understanding to what what we have seen in ourselves, in others, in the news, and sort of give us some sort of realization as to what and who is behind this. Just because we know that there is a real and living God, we also have to know that there's a real and living devil. He is not on the same goal, on the same platform, on the same anything as God. He is not. He is a created being. He is a spirit being. He was an angel. He's a fallen angel. And he was considered not an archangel like Michael, but he was considered a cherub. He had amazing capabilities. He's not no dummy. Don't don't. Oh, don't get it twisted. He's not no dummy. He is a brilliant being. He is a spiritual being. He does not have a body. But can he take on a body? Yes, he can. Just like the word of God says, we can entertain angels unaware, which means that that fallen angel also can look like a human being, that fallen angel and his fallen angelic beings, which we now know is demonic spirit can take on the form of a human being, can enter into a human being, can oppress a human soul and can possess an entire human being. When the spirit of God is in you, when God is in your spirit, you cannot be possessed, but you can be oppressed by the devil. What does that mean? You are saved. You are filled with the Holy Spirit. You love God, but you still can be oppressed by the enemy. How does that work? It works because one of the things God says very clearly in Second Timothy one, he says, I've not given you the spirit of fear, which is timidity, which is, you know, not being courageous, just being afraid. I'm not giving you that spirit. But I've given you power, dunamis power. I've given you love, agape love, and I've given you a sound mind. What does sound mind mean? That word sound is in Greek and it basically means self-control, to be able to control. Why is it important to control? What is the point of having control of your mind? What is the point of having a sound mind? A sound mind is God's gift to us. He wants us to understand that if we have a sound mind and allow our mind to be sound, and the only way it can stay sound is if we guard our mind. We have to guard our heart because out of it flows the issues of life. And when he says heart, he is not talking about your beating heart that's pumping blood to the rest of your body. That is an organ. Your part of your heart is your mind. Your mind is part of your heart. The heart that he's talking about, the kind of heart that he's discussing, out of the issues of your mind flow, out of the issues of your mind, that is what has to be guarded. Guard your mind with diligence because out of it flows the issues of life. So we make decisions in our life based on what is operating and going on in our mind. The things that we think are the longest will become strongest in our life. So if we're thinking on the negative of everything, everything is bad that could happen, everything, the possible things that could happen wrong, all of the things that sometimes we get ourselves into wrong thinking, that is not a sound mind and we're not guarding our mind. It's important to mind and guard the gates to our mind. What are the gates? How does things get into our mind? What are the ways that the enemy is allowed into our mind? There's three of them in particular, but I'm going to add a fourth one at the end, which I think is very, very important. Let's first of all talk about, and if you are watching this video, you'll be able to see the slides that I have on the screen. If you're listening by radio, I encourage you to either go to my channel or go to the website of SM106 and perhaps they will have it on there. But if not, I'll make sure I'll let you know how to get to all of my recordings, because Ask Me Anything for Health's Sake does have a YouTube channel that I will be uploading all of these recordings and videos when video because I always do video when I do an audio. So you will be able to hear and see this conversation. All right. So if you are listening now and you can't see what I'm looking, just listen, listen, listen, listen. You'll be able to get it without seeing it. But seeing it, of course, always makes it better. So this sound mind in First Timothy 1 7, God said he's not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. In order to have a sound mind, we have to have control over what comes in our mind and there are gates to our mind. One of the gates to our mind, basically, which we're talking about, our soul is our eye gate. You know, what is it that you're looking at? What are you watching? What are the things that you allow to get into your eye gate? Are you watching horror movies? Are you watching pornography? Are you watching shows that basically are allowing you to think that having relationships outside of a marriage is perfectly normal and acceptable? That men have a relationship with men, that that's normal and acceptable. That all of the things that you know is contrary to what the word of God says, things that is contrary to what you understand as the standard of the law of God. But when you see it over and over again, it becomes stronger in your life. And then you start compromising and thinking, well, you know, if all these people are doing it, well, maybe it's probably OK if I do it, too. And that is wrong thinking. So what you allow in your eye gate becomes a part of your mind. What you look at, what you concentrate on the longest will be strongest in your life. So watch what you are watching. Pay attention to what you're looking at, because if you are constantly watching things that's encouraging the negative, that's encouraging fear, that's encouraging violence, that's encouraging anything that is contrary to what you know it needs to be, needs to be happening in your life, then you have to guard your life by guarding what's going in your eye gate. The other gate, of course, is guess what? The ear gate. You've got to pay attention to what you are listening to. What's going in your ear gate? What kind of music are you listening to? Are you listening to hip hop with lyrics of profanity, with lyrics of self-hatred, with demonic witchcraft type of lyrics, devil worshipping? I mean, all kinds of things are, as you well know, are in the lyrics of a lot of our music. And, of course, hip hop being one of them. Now, is all hip hop like that? Of course not. The genre itself is not the problem. The culture, however, is a problem because the hip hop culture, the mindset generally is completely contrary to the things that you know is right. So you've got to guard what goes into your ears because it is going directly into your mind. It is a gate to your mind. So if you are listening to things that are negative, are you listening to gossip? Are you listening to lies that people are saying to you and the enemy is speaking to them and he's speaking to you through them? Are you listening to the things that are contrary to what you know God has already told you? What is the imagination that's coming up in your mind because of what you hear? God clearly tells us that we need to cast down all of those types of imaginations, things that you're hearing, things that you're seeing, and now you're imagining are contrary to what God is explaining and has told us through his word. Jesus is the word. You know that. So in our relationship with him, we get an understanding of the standard of what is right and what is wrong. There is no in-between, guys. There ain't no middle ground here. It's either right or it's wrong. Right or wrong. So when you are listening or seeing things that's contrary to what you know is right, then it's wrong. And sometimes it's necessary to shut it down, shut it off and move on. So what's the other gate, which I personally think is most likely I would consider the most powerful of all the gates. So the mouth gate is like, seriously, you've got a double whammy there because, you know, oftentimes something comes in our air gate that is negative. Right. And it plays in our mind. It's a negative thought. Someone says that you're no good. Someone says that you'll never be anything. Someone says that you're ugly. Someone says that you're evil. Someone says things that you know is wrong. But sometimes when you hear things over and over again, not only do you hear it, but now you start speaking it and believing what you have heard. I'm no good. I'm not attractive enough. I'm not smart enough. And those come out of your mouth. And when that comes out of your mouth, you have that now created two edged sword and you're bringing destruction to yourself. The first mouth was given spoken to you. The second mouth is what gives it power. When you say it, the mouth gate is powerful. It is important that even if you do have a negative thought, then this is what you do what you see on this picture. Zip it up. Zip it up. You do not want to repeat to yourself or to others what you have heard that, you know, is a lie. The devil is a liar. He's a father of lies. And so he's going to lie to you. He's going to lie to you in ways and through people who you ordinarily would respect their authority. You would respect them as a parent or a family member. You respect them as a boss. You respect them as a friend and you but but, you know, it's not true. But if you hear it enough and then do the mistake of speaking it, that is where that power has been given. And that power is now being misused and causing destruction in your life. So how do we fix it? How do we fix it when it comes to understanding that our eye gate is important and that we choose not to let the negative in and shut it down? Turn off the TV. Turn the channel. Stop looking at things that, you know, it's going to take you to a place, you know, you don't want to go. Shut your ears. Don't listen to the music that that excites you in the wrong way that causes you to feel a certain way that, you know, you don't want to feel. And shut your mouth when it comes to things that are negative, especially negative things that float around your mind that has gotten in there because of your ear gate. Your eye gate, your ear gate, your mouth gate. So very important. But now I'm going to tell you something that you I promise you most likely have never been told in regards to a fourth gate. The fourth gate that I recognize is a major problem and a major way that the enemy get into our mind. Because when he gets it, I know you've heard this, that an idle mind is a devil's playground. Well, your mind don't have to be idle for the devil to come in. He likes to get in through this gateway. It's called our emotion. It's called our emotions. There is a particular part of our brain called the amygdala that is very, very, very keen to our emotions in our brain, in our brain. Our brain responds to emotional events when we are very frightened, when we're very angry, when we're very excited. All of those those impulses go directly to a portion of our brain called the amygdala. And then that amygdala brain sends a message to the rest of our body, to the different parts of our body that goes along with whatever that emotion is. So if there is something traumatic that happens to us, something that causes us extreme fear or extreme anxiety in some way, the amygdala is sent a message of you're in trouble. This is a problem. You've got to run. And it will send it to your adrenal glands, which are glands over your kidneys. The adrenal glands secrete something called cortisol. Cortisol gets into your system and it runs your blood pressure up. It runs your your heart rate up. It gives you what you need. It sends. It causes the muscle to contract. It sends what you need to be able to get out of that situation, whether it's to run, whether it's to be strong enough to lift a heavy car off a child that is under that car, which we have documentation that, you know, 120 pound soaking wet mother was able to do, not because she could not have done that. And any other reason that that her amygdala sent that message to her to her adrenal glands and the cortisol rushed into her system and she was able to have supernatural strength to get that that car off of her, her toddler. This is well documented. These kinds of things happen. How are you able to jump over a six foot six and you're only four feet tall and you get. But if you've got a rock water running behind you, somehow you find the power to do that. God put that in us. That is the perfect understanding of that. So we we respond to emotional events. When I talk about how stress affects the physical body, I'll go back to that description in regards to why our body responds to stress in the way that does. When we're stressed out chronically, it affects us physically because it ain't good for your blood pressure to always be going up. And it ain't good for your heart rate to always be going up. And your whole body don't need to be tensed up because you're not always in danger. But your your brain don't always know that if you're still stressing over things like you can't pay your bills or you got a somebody that's beating you up for breakfast and for lunch and for dinner. So these kinds of stressors can indeed lead to chronic stress and can lead to all kinds of physical ailment. So that's a subject for another station, another day on this station for another show. But for right now, let me just get you back to a sound mind. So our mind is higher than our brain. Our mind is where one of the major open doors is our emotions. Because as soon as our mind recognizes that we are in trouble, for instance, if the emotion is fear, it's going to send that message to the brain. If our emotions are sad, very sad, and we're thinking of things that are sad, that will send a message to our brain that we're depressed. And so therefore, the hormones that we know as our happy hormones, endorphins, they will be diminished because our brain is getting a message that we are sad and we're depressed. So understand how all this works, spirit, soul and body. So God wants us to have a sound mind. And what he means by that is that he wants us to have God self-control. Sound means self-control, to have a sound mind, a controlled mind, which means you have your guard up. You have your gates up, gates over your eyes, gates over your ears, and importantly, zipping it up, gates over your mouth, and then in control of your emotions, that fourth gate. Understanding that our emotions is a gateway to our mind. It's a gateway to our soul. So the enemy will use our emotions to get to our soul, will get to our mind and cause the oppression that I'm talking about. How does that happen? When somebody hurts you so badly that your emotions are in such an uproar, then that is an opportunity, and remember the devil is an opportunist, and he will come in through that opportunity of an emotional event, through the gateway into your soul, into your mind, and there you go with whatever it is he's bringing to you, whether it's fear, whether it's anger, whether it's rejection, whatever that spirit is that's in the circumstances of what you're going through, that demonic spirit can come in through your emotions. It's important to know that because it's not necessarily something you can stop in the middle of. You're not going to be thinking what I'm saying to you right now in the middle of a major emotional event. Nobody expects you to, but what I do want you to know, now that you're understanding that that is a gateway to your mind and to your soul, when something traumatic happens, and it happens to any of us and all of us, when something traumatic happens and we recognize what has just happened to us, that is when it's time to say, oh, no, devil, you are not going to do this to me. You got the wrong one. Not today. Not today. I know what I feel. I know I'm hurt, but I am not going to let you continue to oppress me for the rest of my life. And we pray through that circumstance and we release the one who has hurt us. And we ask God to give us the power of God to let it go. Then you can be totally free of the snarl, the snare that the enemy has set for you. It's a trap. It's a trap that we don't have to fall in. That doesn't mean we're not going to go through things. Of course, traumatic things can happen to any of us at any time, but it does not have to be a lifetime of trauma. It does not have to be a lifetime of being tormented by the enemy. So we're quick to forgive, quick to release and move on with our destiny in life. And that is how we do it. We keep a sound mind. Listen, if you don't remember anything else I say today, listen to this. God is not giving you the spirit of fear, anxiety, anger. He didn't give you any of those fears. He didn't give you any of those demonic strongholds. He did not give you. That comes from the devil himself. But God has given you power and that is dunamis power through the power of the Holy Spirit. He's given you unconditional love and the ability to give that love. And he has given you a sound mind, which is up to you to continue to guard. Keep it sound. And if it's not found now, it can be through the power of a living God. I'm praying for you. I'm believing God for you. And Polk County, I'm reaching out to you. I want to remind you also that I will be in your town. This note, not this Sunday, but Sunday, the 25th, Sunday, the 25th. I'm going to be in Pastor Bobby Green's church. It's called the Lord's House of Prayer for all people. It's located at. 6575 Pope City Road, Hanes City, Florida. So I want you to join me there. I love to see your face. Tell me that you are a listener. I want to hug your neck and I want to pray for you. I'm going to be talking about like what what we've been talking about for the last three weeks. I want to be talking about that because I believe in God for his healing virtue to flow. I believe in God for deliverance, salvation. I believe in God that those of you who come. Well, if you don't know the Lord, you're going to know him. And if you do know him, but know that you're bound and want to be set free. God is going to meet you in that place. So once again, on Saturday, the 25th at 330, it's a friends and family program, a friends and family program at the Independent Lord's House of Prayer for all people. This is Pastor Bobby Green. And it's again located at 6575 Pope City Road, Haines City, Florida. God bless you guys. I love you. I'm looking forward to ministering with you until you on the 25th of this month in Haines City. If you can make it, I would love to be able to, as I say, talk to you, hug you, pray with you, believe God with you and for you. And I know that God is going to do great, great things on that evening. So I look forward to seeing you. And if I don't, I will see you next week anyway. Right here at FM 106.3, the voice of Polk County. I look forward to you sending me any kind of email that you have to ask me anything. Ask Dr. LeGrand at gmail.com. You can ask me anything that you want to ask me and I will try to answer your questions. That is Ask Dr. LeGrand at Ask Dr. LeGrand, L-E-G-R-A-N-D-E at gmail.com. God bless you. See you soon.

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