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See God in Everything (March 10, 2024)

See God in Everything (March 10, 2024)

PowerHouse Ministry



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The main ideas of this information are: - The gospel message is one of faith and not failure. - Love never fails and God's love endures forever. - Life can be tough, but we should give thanks in everything. - We can change our perspective and attitude by seeing God in everything. - The pure in heart can see God and love beyond their feelings. - The Holy Spirit helps us to see God in difficult situations and love others. This is the victory that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. This morning we are so thankful to have an opportunity one more time, one more time, just to be in fellowship together one more time and to hear the good news of Christ Jesus. The message that we have this morning, and it has already been echoed and everything that has been shared, especially from Elder Bobby and Sister Annette, is a reminder that this gospel message, this good news that we have in Christ Jesus, is one of faith and not failure. We walk by faith, and not by failure, because with God nothing shall be impossible. Many are walking in defeat this morning because they have yet to surrender. They have yet to surrender their hearts and their minds unto a loving Father who sent a loving Son to save a dying world that didn't even love Him. And we love Him because He first loved us. Hallelujah. And I'm so glad this morning that the good news of Jesus Christ is a powerful, a powerful reminder that love never fails. That's this good news, that love never fails. God is love, and His love never fails. Family, life is tough, but love never fails. His mercy endures forever. Elder Bobby reminded me before service began that His mercy endures to the point that His mercy outlives the violence, that no one can outlive the fact that His mercy endures forever. Every day, every day, we are facing the ups and the downs that are accompanied with the circumstances of life. And for some, the burden of living, if you will, is even further complicated by an illness or by a sickness that they've inherited and they have no control over. Some are facing an unkind and ungodly system of injustice and unrighteousness born out of a love for money. Whether, hallelujah, whether the obstacles against us are internal or external, the burden still remains the same. The burden is a living reality of what we face, and I'm not trying to undermine or diminish the capacity of ourselves to know that we're going through at times. Yet, regardless of what we are going through or what we are coming out of, we ought to be reminded in this hour of God's great revival that in everything gives thanks. One more time, one more time, let's just come together just to give Him thanks in everything. In every up, in every down, in every good day, and in every bad day, we should just give thanks. In everything gives thanks, and not for it or because of it, but in it, in it, in everything, we give thanks. Life is tough. No doubt life is tough. And I recall reading a powerful wisdom tip that in life, when you can't change the wind, you can only change the sails. And this morning, there are things that we are facing that we simply have no control over, but by the grace of God, by the grace of God and the measure of His everlasting love to us, we can change the sails. By grace and through faith, we can change the sails right now in the face of whatever we think ain't 100. Hallelujah. We can change the sails. We can change the sails and move from bitter to better. Hallelujah. We can change the sails with an attitude of gratitude, and we can declare, hallelujah. I will bless the Lord at all times, and His praise shall continue to be in my mouth. Today, I want to encourage you, and I encourage myself to see God in everything. Thank you, Sister Annette, for your powerful reminder to see God in everything. Hallelujah. When the pollen has covered your car and then He brings the rain, we still can see Him there, God in everything, and bless Him at all times because His mercy endures forever. What should be proceeding from our lips and resonating within our hearts as now sails is the indication of His praise, His sweet praise. His sweet praise shall continually be in our mouths. Our Heavenly Father is good, and He is worthy to be praised this morning. He's worthy to be praised. The Father sent His only begotten Son to save a dying world, so He's worthy to be praised. The Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross. He gave up the ghost, but died up early on the Resurrection Sunday that we're going to celebrate on the fifth Sunday of this month by the power of God, and so we can proclaim right now He's worthy to be praised. This morning, this morning, we can consider the manner of love that He has bestowed upon us. I felt that love this morning as y'all were calling in and y'all greeted each other. Hallelujah. And just in your hello, you could just tell that there was sweet praise coming out of your heart and through your mouth. Hallelujah. And it's so powerful to me because it reflects that the Father has saved us, and He has saved us from sin and shame. I don't know if y'all remember that. That's what we used to say back in the day. We talked about sin and shame. People sin now, and they don't even have no shame about it. We've lost so much as a nation and as a country because we don't respect God, I see here, like we used to. But through it all, He has still healed us. He has rescued us. He has delivered us. He has redeemed us. And because He has, because He has been better to us than we have been to ourselves, His praise shall continually be in our mouths. Continually. Continually. That needs to resonate within us. Continually be in our mouths. Continually means right now and right later. It means when things are going well and not going so well at all. It means when we are happy and when we are sad. It means when we're in joy and in pain. It means when we're in sickness and in hell. And how do we do that? How do we do that? How can we bless the Lord at all times and allow His praise to be continually in our mouths? Well, family, I submit this morning we can do that when we see God in everything. When we see God in everything. When we see Him when the day is gloomy. Like it was yesterday also in Tallahassee. When we see Him also on a Sunday morning. When it's in the fifties and the sun is shining. That's when we can allow His praise to be in our mouths. When we see God in everything. We're so programmed. And we're so programmed to be negative. And often we see only what we want to see. Just like we hear what we want to hear. Often we see what we see through the lens of it makes me feel good or it makes me feel bad. But when we are influenced by the Holy Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit that allows us to step back for a moment. Regardless of how we want to label or describe what we are going through. The Holy Spirit comes to influence us. And the Holy Ghost will have us just to take a pause and take a moment. Hallelujah. And even as Brother Bobby was talking about. Even when we're going through our obstacles. Hallelujah. That it gives us the moment and the time to just seek God. Hallelujah. For intervention. And it's in the obstacles and in the circumstances. That we need to see Him. In Matthew chapter 5 and verse 8. I was reminded that the Lord Jesus said, Blessed are the pure. The pure. The pure. Blessed are the pure in heart. For they shall see God. Family, do we see God this morning? Do we see God this morning? The Lord Jesus said, The pure in heart shall see Him. Well, who are the pure in heart? Family, I submit this morning that the pure in heart are those with a sincere, pure, and clean heart. That just love the Father. The pure in heart are those that worship Him in spirit and in truth. The pure in heart are not just those who are religious minded. They are spiritually inclined to love as God has loved them. The pure in heart are those not corrupted by personal ambition or selfish desires. They're not motivated by filthy lucre and fame and fortune. The pure in heart points to those who can follow the commandment of Christ. Who told His disciples to love one another. As I have loved you. By this, men will know that you're my disciples because of the love that you have one for the other. Hallelujah. The pure in heart are those that have been transformed by renewing of their minds. From living bitter to loving better. From living bitter to loving better. And they're not seeking what benefits them only, but they are presenting their body as a living sacrifice. Holy and acceptable unto God, which is their reasonable service. They can see God in everything. The pure in heart are those who are low-manners. But they have a high destiny. And they have a high destiny because they can love beyond what they feel. They can love beyond how they feel. And they can love beyond who they feel. And they can do so because they see God. They see God in everything. Who has filled them with the precious Holy Spirit. And there are two words here at play. Feel, F-I-L-L. And feel, F-E-E-L. F-I-L-L versus F-E-E-L. I submit that the now sayers and the now praisers. They can see God. Those who are pure in heart can see God in everything. Even when people. I'm just talking about people in your family. I'm talking about the people in the church. Hallelujah. Even when them kind of people. When they not treating us right. Hallelujah. That's when the feeling. The F-I-L-L-I-N-G. Will change our feeling. F-E-E-L-I-N-G. It takes family. It takes the indwelling Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. The spirit of truth. Who brings us this truth. And part of that truth is love. And it takes that love. Hallelujah. To move us beyond what we feel. And how we feel. And who we feel. It takes love to move us beyond the tragressions. That have been inflicted upon us. The feeling of the Holy Ghost. On the inside tempers the feelings seen on the outside. We need the Holy Ghost. And I pray that the Holy Ghost is coming even now. Moving in our hearts and in our minds. In truth and also inside. Jesus taught us to see God in everything. When he said and reminded us that we often have to deal with difficult people. And Jesus said that look here. I know you've heard it said that it's been like this. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. They did this to you and you need to do that to them. That's not the Christ that we celebrate. So even when we are dealing with difficult people. Jesus will tell us love your enemies. And bless them that curse you. And pray for them that despitefully use you. That's when we know family. That's when we know that we see God in everything and in everyone. When we love, bless, and pray. When they come to slay. Hallelujah. By the power of the Holy Ghost. We can love, bless, and pray. The Lord Jesus shared on one occasion that. The Father's grace is so unmerited. And his love is so unconditional. That he reigns. They go that gloomy day sister. He reigns. Hallelujah he reigns. He reigns. R-A-I-N-S. And he reigns. R-E-I-G-N-S. He reigns and he reigns. He reigns and he reigns. On the just. Hallelujah. And the unjust. We should think about that this morning. And consider that even when it's raining. Hallelujah. R-A-I-N-I-N-G. Even when it's raining. God is pouring out his love upon us. We need the rain. You didn't know I was going to go get some of that. But we need the rain. We can't live without the rain. We need the sun. Sister Ursula. We can't live without the sun. Reverend Glenda. We have been so programmed into describing weather. According to what fits our temperament. We complain that it's too cold or it's too hot. It's too humid. It's too muggy. It's too this. It's too that. But can we praise him in it? Hallelujah. Can we praise him in it? In everything give thanks. Can we praise him when the sun is shining ever so brightly on an unclouded day? Can we praise him when the rains come and when the winds blow? Where are the now sayers and the now praisers when the weather is not so fair? We talk about a bad hair day. But can we give him praise? Because we got some hair. Maybe we don't have to complain about a bad hair day because we ain't got no hair. But we still can give him praise. But when we see God in everything, that's the moment we move into the now faith. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. When we see God in everything, we can move into this now faith. And we can shift. That word again. We can shift. A paradigm shift, if you will. From complaining to praising. From complaining to thanking. From complaining to giving God the glory. And that's the moment we can step back and slip those hands up and say, Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Holy Ghost. Thank you for the sunshine and thank you for the rain. Thank you for the good and thank you for the not so good. We can thank Him because the scripture says, and we know. Hallelujah. And we know that all things are working together for the good to them that love God, who are because according to His purpose. We can thank Him because we know that He's working out everything and all things for our good and for His glory. In the rain, He's working it out for our good and for His glory. In the sunshine, He's working things out for our good and for His glory. And it's amazing to think about what the rain does. What the sunshine does. We need the rain to water the dead seed. We need the sun to nurture the dead seed that's in the ground and buried. I hope you can see Christ in all of this. Hallelujah. We'll say this. Before, at least we used to say grace. We would say God is great and God is good. Let us thank Him for our food. That's why we need the rain and we need the sun to nurture the dead seed. It's amazing to me how God has always been moving through death to bring life. Like He did from the cross through the tomb to a resurrection Sunday. And it's through the rain and the sun that new life is brought out of a dead seed. Thank God that we are the seed of Christ. Hallelujah. And new life is being brought out of us as we eat of the bread. Hallelujah. And drink of the water which feeds our lives so we can serve Him more. Can we see Him now? Can we see Him now? Can we see that the Father is omniscient? Can we see that the Father is omnipresent? Can we see that the Father is omnipotent? Can we see Him in nature? Can we see Him in the sky and in the trees and in the rain and in the ants and in the birds and in the butterflies and in the wind and in the rivers and in the oceans and everything? Can we see Him? Can we see that He's got all by Himself? But yet, He's in everything that we experience. The Father, He's too wise to make a mistake and He's too big to fail. And His praise shall continue to be in our minds. So I want to encourage you, as I encourage myself, to see Him in everything. Don't see the problem. Don't see the issue. Don't see the obstacle, but see Him. Jesus said, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Him. Focus on Him. Let your faith be in Him. Let your constellation be in Him. Let your jaw be in Him. As I close, the attention of Moses, the focus of Moses, was drawn to hear from the invisible God, from a burning bush. And God spoke to an unredeemed fugitive. And God spoke to an unredeemed murderer through a burning bush. And in that burning bush, I don't know what it is for you, but whatever it is for you, it could be not just a bush, it could be a bird, it could be the butterfly, it could be the ant, it could be the rain, it could be the sunshine, but whatever that burning bush, just like Moses, I want you, just like Him, to behold the glory of the invisible God. And I pray that you're able, hallelujah, to hear the voice of I Am That I Am. He's standing, for God has been Christ reconciling man back unto himself. He is also standing right now through His Son Christ Jesus. I stand at the door and I'm not. And He's seeking to suck with us and to be in fellowship with us. And so as Moses stood there before the burning bush, and He hears from an invisible God, I Am That I Am. Let us see Him now, and let us see Him now. Hebrews chapter 11, in verse 27 declares that by faith, y'all know I like that part, hallelujah, by faith. Moses forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king, for he endured, seeing Him who is invisible. Endure. That's another word I want you to focus on. Endure. Endure. Don't give up. Don't give in. Don't give out. Don't give out, but endure. For Moses endured at seeing Him who is invisible. The time is at hand. In this, not now generation, the time is at hand for the children of God by faith to see Him who is invisible. In this hour. God is reminding us, yes, that pure in heart shall see Him. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. I know that our minds would be bombarded with and twisted with the elections that are coming up, but let's not focus on who's in office or focus who is running for office. We don't worry about the wrath of the king or the wrath of the president or the wrath of the governor or the wrath of the mayor. We are seeking Him who is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. So seek Him and see Him who is invisible. See God in everything. Amen. Amen.

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