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There Comes A Praise (September 24, 2023)

There Comes A Praise (September 24, 2023)

PowerHouse Ministry



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This morning we are filled with great enthusiasm because we can declare with unwavering certainty that the kingdom of God is strong. Regardless of whether our favorite college football team won or lost yesterday, the state of the kingdom of God is strong. The word says, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. The people of God all over the world, the people of God who are on this call right now and for those who have an ear to hear and will hear. We have overcome the world, even our faith. We have and are achieving victory through our faith in Christ Jesus. The song still comes to mind. I talked about it last week. Victory is mine. Victory is mine. Victory today is mine. I told Satan to get thee behind victory, today is mine, hallelujah. So with enthusiasm, hallelujah, with entheos, I simply want to encourage you this morning that you have overcome the world, that you have overcome and conquered the gravity of this world, that you have overcome the gravity of this world system to do and to perform, to do and to perform, to do and to perform greater works because Christ is on the right hand side of the Father. And it's in the spirit of Christ Jesus that I encourage you as I encourage myself to have a mind that will overcome the doctrine of status quo. We want to move from all right to all better, from better to better, better, better, hallelujah. And to walk with him that can do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, all that we ask or think. So think life, speak life, live life, and live more abundantly. And I hope that you who are on this call this morning that you're bold enough to do that with me this morning and the days to come. Think life, speak life, live life, and live more abundantly. Christ said, I am come, that they, hallelujah. And I thought if I could just use it in the vernacular of football terms. When I heard that word this morning, they, they, they, they, they is the team, hallelujah, if you will. The team, the team, the team. So let me say it like this. I am come that the team, hallelujah, the team of the kingdom, they of the kingdom might have life and that the team, hallelujah, that don't exclude me and you from each other, but that the team might have it more abundantly. And this morning, just in case you forgot, we are on the winning team. I hope you believe this with me on today that we are on the winning team. I am come. Do you believe that? I am come that the team might have life. Do you believe in the I am? In my Christological mind, I am convinced that it is not a mistake, nor is it by happenstance that in John 10 and 10, it is recorded that the Lord Jesus said, I am come. I am come. I am come. I am come this morning should resonate so strongly and so fervently and so sweetly within us that when Yahweh Jehovah introduced himself to Moses, he identified himself by saying, I am that I am. I am that I am is an affirmation and confirmation for us that the Father exists independently of anyone and anything else that he created because he's got it all by himself. He is the creator and because he created this world out of nothing, I can't even wrap my little brain around it, how he created the entire world, including me and you out of nothing. I can't even wrap my brain around what is nothing, but out of nothing, hallelujah, a God, oh a God, hallelujah, with nothing, hallelujah, else could help, love, hallelujah, out of nothing. He created, hallelujah, love and out of nothing, hallelujah. He said his only begotten son who came to redeem us from our sins, amen, and because I am that I am, hallelujah, is who he is. He's self-reliant. Self-reliance ain't something new because God is self-reliant. He is existent and eternal one. He is God again all by himself and because he is self-reliant, he doesn't know self-constraint. Nobody can't tell God what to do. God is God and our God and our Father, he ain't walking around saying they won't let me do something. Have you heard that before? I heard it yesterday, hallelujah, I was in the hospital room and I heard someone say that they won't let y'all do this and they won't let y'all do that. I thank God this morning that as I mature in my walk and in my faith of knowing and growing and growing and knowing that the now God who lives in a not now generation, he is the I am that I am and he knows no self-constraint. His son Jesus Christ knew no self-constraint. He didn't place limitations on himself and he didn't place limitations on God. Our Father and our God does not have to rely on what I believe or what you believe or who I know or who you know. He doesn't have to wait on what we think or how he thinks. He says I am that I am. He is, hallelujah, God all by himself and that same I am that I am through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit should be quickening within us. A spirit of forward faith and never backwards. A forward faith and never a backward doubt. A forward faith and never a backward doubt. The Holy Spirit, if you haven't caught this, the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, the Comforter, whatever you want to describe him at the moment as being in your life, the Holy Spirit shows us things to come. Things to come. So the sons and daughters of the I am that I am are about forward faith and never backward doubt. This morning I believe that the Holy Spirit is encouraging me, hallelujah, to encourage you with a renewed spirit and a renewed mind that the same I am that I am. Who talked to Moses is the same I am that I am who was talking to us in the last days through the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ. And the same gospel of Christ Jesus sweetly is saying in this hour and in this era of the Father's great revival that I am come. I am come. I am come. When there is no food on the table, he says I am come. I am, hallelujah, the bread of life. I am come. When there is no food in the pantry, he says unto us this day, man can't live on bread alone. But by every word, hallelujah, but by, but by, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, I am come. The Lord Jesus, help us, Holy Ghost, the Lord Jesus, in John chapter 10 verse 30, he reveals us to this. He says this. I and my Father are one. Let that resonate in your spirit what you got right now. I and my Father are one. I and my Father are one. And I pray, family, that during the days to come, as we close out the year, God be willing we shall live in the Lord's latest return and we go into 2024. I pray that we will gravitate to John chapter 10 verse 30. I and my Father are one. And I pray that the comforter will fill us with the glow and with the grit, the grit and the glow, the glow and the grit that I and my Father are one. And one, as used in the verse, is reflective of unity. Unity not in person. Not, not, not, we all the same person. We all look alike. We all got the same complexion and head texture, eye color, height, weight. No, no, no. I'm not talking about one in person, but one in the unity of the essence of who God is. The triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost are three distinct persons, but maintain a clarity of unity in the essence of who they are. And that essence is holiness. Oh, it's the beauty of holiness. It's the peace of holiness. It's the love of holiness. It's the relationship of holiness. It's the kind of holiness that reminds us that we need to wash ourselves because we're filthy. And that's okay. We ought to confess our faults to one another and pray for one another that we can be healed. Sometimes we make jacked up decisions, but thank God, hallelujah, for Jesus Christ. That hung on a cross for us so that his righteousness can be imputed and downloaded and deposited in our accounts. The essence is holiness. And that essence is to separate from unclean things, to separate from negative thoughts, to separate from destructive habits and declare once again that I and my Father are one. If the comforter, the spirit of truth is alongside and inside of us, alongside and inside, there is a new essence, a new essence, a new essence. The quality of who we are is changed on the inside. And when we speak of the essence of Christ Jesus being within us, it reflects in our character. The essence of who we are within is revealed by our outward character. The essence of who we are within is revealed by our outward character. The outer us will tell on the inner us. The outer of us will tell on the inner us. Essence is on the inside, but character is on the outside. And I heard Dr. King said that he wanted a day that we wouldn't be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character. But unfortunately, it's too often that our content of our character is just simply jacked up. Hallelujah! Because we're not walking with the true essence on the inside. So sometimes, it's not that we judge somebody because of their color. No ma'am and no sir. We're just simply evaluating them by the content of their character because they don't have the essence. They don't have the essence of holiness. And the essence of who they are are just exposed by their character. Exposed! Hallelujah! And how they walk and how they talk and they let thee glow in the great. Hallelujah! That God has moved us from bitter to better. And when you have the characters, you get my character and your character and everybody else's character. And when we get together, the characters form what we call a culture. A character is individual, but in the community, it's the culture. And so I have to ask us this morning, what is our identified culture? Who are we aligning ourselves with in terms of cultural things? In Christ Jesus. When the AI comes. When the anointed intelligence comes. When the alongside and inside comes. There is a new essence that affirms that I, as a father, am one. The quality of who is in us changes our character from bitter to better. Hallelujah! From they didn't let me do something to I can do all things. Through Christ who strengthens me. Or it changes you from the inside. Or that it would move you from it don't take all of that to no greater love is this. That we lay down our lives for our friends. When the Holy Ghost comes. The alongside and the inside comforter. A greater depth perception is obtained. Hallelujah! We've got depth perception this morning because the Holy Spirit is showing us things to come. And we can see further. And we can see farther. We can see at a greater distance. And into a greater time. Onward and upward to greater victory. Victory because we have essence. Our depth perception changes in a way that we can see it all at the same time. In a moment in time. And in real time. We can see right now. And now faith. We can see what's going on. But we also see now faith. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. By the power that works in us we have this essence that we can see right now. And now faith. We can see lack. But we still know love. What I don't have by sight. But I do have by faith. And he gave me this. Hallelujah! He said it ain't got there yet. But it's preordered. I don't see it yet. But it's preordered. The title ain't even been transferred. But it's preordered. I thank God for righteousness that's uprooted unto us. Because it was preordered. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. He preordered our victory. So when the truth comes. And he shows us things to come. Our depth perception changes. Such that we can see what is. And still what is to come. Don't get boggled in your mind with what is. Just quicken within your spirit by the inner person. The indwelling of the Holy Ghost of what is to come. He's moving us from what is. To what is to come. And check this out. Check it out, check it out. Even when we don't see what we need. In Entheos. In enthusiasm. We can see who we need. Man, woman can't live by bread alone. But we need the word. Hallelujah! We need the word. And sometimes when we're going through what is. Between what is. And what is to come. Sometimes we just say, thank you, hallelujah. When we're going between lack and love. We just say, hallelujah. The depth perception empowers us to see differently. When we're looking at what is. And waiting on what is to come. And there is this same depth perception that empowers us to speak differently. And then we just say, thank you. Thank you, father. Thank you, Jesus. When the seeds of bitterness and destruction have come. Like weeds in the yard. The new depth perception brings out of us this essence of the Holy Ghost. And we begin to probably say something like this. When we're going through what is. And what is to come. That we know. When you're between what is and what is to come. You can say, we know that all things are working together for the good. To them that love God. I'm talking about the team now. To them, hallelujah. To them that love God. Who are called according to his purpose. When life's destructive forces are coming at us. The essence of who we are. And whose we are. Not only who we are, but whose we are. We begin to see things differently. And we begin to speak differently. And we might say something like this. We might say, weeping may endure for a night. Hallelujah. When your house, hallelujah, is subjected to the wrath, the rain. To the flood. To the fire, hallelujah. You might say this, weeping may endure for a night. But joy comes in the morning. Unspeakable joy. Unquestionable joy. And in the midst of pain, there comes the praise. I believe that would be my subject for you this morning when I'm about closing here. In the midst of the pain, there comes a praise. That's my message for the hour. In the midst of the pain, there comes a praise. So when the fiery dots are coming, brothers and sisters. When they point it at your direction. They point it at your car. They point it at your house. They point it at your finances. They point it at your body. Your mind. Your family. There is an enthusiasm that will resonate in the essence of a transition from bitter to better. Hallelujah. And in the midst of the pain, there comes a praise. When the thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy, the I Am comes back at him to move us to the intersection of finally. The intersection of finally. Imagine you're driving in your car right now. Hallelujah. And you're coming up on the intersection of finally. The thief comes as an introduction. But how many of you know that Christ Jesus is the closer? Hallelujah. Christ is the closer. And Christ Jesus moves us from the ungodly introduction to godly conclusions. So I speak a word of finally. I have a personal testimony. Yeah, yeah. It's personal. It's personal. For me, it's personal. And I was on the road to destruction and grief. But I met the Lord Jesus. He was my math course, if you will. And I met him like Moses met God. On the back side of a mountain in the desert. And I met him and I came to know him for myself. Because it's personal. Hallelujah. And the I Am came in and he spoke to me. And he told me while I was on the road to destruction and grief. He said, now just make a right turn. Hallelujah. Somebody gets it. I hope you can catch it. Hallelujah. He said, make a right turn. Make a right turn on the highway of finally. Hallelujah. Help me, Holy Ghost. And so I made a right turn on finally. And since I made that right turn into my life, things have been different. Matter of fact, it's been better. And it's been better than just better. Because it became life more abundantly. And I can say like Brother Paul. Finally, brothers. Hallelujah. Finally, sisters. Whatsoever things are true. Whatsoever things are honest. Whatsoever things are just. Whatsoever things are pure. Whatsoever things are lovely. Whatsoever things are of good report. If there be any virtue. And if there be any praise. Think. Hallelujah. Think life. Think life. Think life. Think on these things. So this morning, in pain, there comes a praise. In heartache, there comes a praise. In the midnight hour, joy comes in the morning. There comes a praise. In sickness, hallelujah, there comes a praise. There comes a praise. In the sit backs, the sit ups, hallelujah, there comes a praise. There comes a praise. Amen.

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