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Episode 7: English Under the Golden Arches

Episode 7: English Under the Golden Arches


Guest: Alondra (Guatemala) - Student at Salem High School Musical Artist: Ceshia Ubau (Managua, Nicaragua)

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We have no weapons. We only have pots and pans. We have no power. We only have pots and pans. Beat the pots, then the pans. This is our revolution. El recolector va por el campo. Va guardando uvas y naranjo. Con un canastito rojo a su lado. Con un canastito rojo a su lado. El recolector va desayunando. Welcome to the Pots, Pans, and Ritos podcast, a voice for the English learner. I'm your host, Nolan Shigley. In today's episode, we try something a little different. We welcome back Alan Betcher to co-host and translate in this week's interview. If you listened to last week's show, you know that Alan is an eloquent, highly educated student from Salem, Virginia with aspirations of becoming an EL teacher herself. Today, she will lead a discussion with developing English learner Alondra Orozco from Guatemala. Alondra is a young lady who understands much spoken English but continues to develop her speaking skills. In their discussion, Alondra leaps out of her comfort zone and speaks almost entirely in English. She shares her experiences of improving her language skills while working under the golden arches of McDonald's, and she gives insight into her Guatemalan culture. Along with today's interview, you will enjoy the delicate, soulful sounds of Sesia Ubal from Nicaragua. Her sound is both folkloric and modern. Sesia has described her music as a powerful tool for empowerment and healing. This statement is quite appropriate as Sesia is not only a songwriter but also a psychologist who works with victims of sexual abuse. She also shares in the experience of being an immigrant, but in the case of Sesia, she left Nicaragua for better opportunities in neighboring Costa Rica. As always, our mission is to create an archive of meaningful accounts while sharing artists with similar experiences and cultural backgrounds. And now, here are their stories. Your country, Guatemala, just celebrated the grand opening of its 100th McDonald's restaurant. I think in the United States, we have something like 15,000 McDonald's restaurants. I'm not sure how many people in the United States have ever been to a McDonald's restaurant. I'm not sure how many people in the United States have ever been to a McDonald's restaurant. I've been to the Dominican Republic and Cuba. They have zero McDonald's. Your country has 100. And every time McDonald's opens in a new country, they adapt to that new culture. For example, in Muslim nations, they don't serve pork for obvious reasons. In India, they don't serve beef. And in Japan, and this actually sounds delicious, they make green tea milkshakes. And so, Alondra, I have a challenge for you. I want you to design a menu for this 100th McDonald's restaurant in Guatemala. What would be included? What are some of your favorite Guatemalan foods and drinks? Okay, so I'm going to say my favorite food, that's pepian, tamales, chichitos, khaki, pepita gallote, and my dessert. Your dessert? Yeah. My favorite dessert was rellenitos. Rellenitos. What are rellenitos? Can you describe those? That's like platanos. Plantains. Yeah. They can add sugar if they want. And we have two types of rellenitos. They have cheese. And with meat? No. No? Just cheese. And we have, like, yeah, we have to fry. We have to do, like, it's like tortillas, but we have to add cheese in there, and we have to fry. And then when they have, like, a real color, we have to, like, take off and put it. Like, if you want sugar, you can put sugar in there. Okay. Well, what is the pepita gallote? That's a fresh drink. We have to, like, it looks like a pumpkin, but it's not a pumpkin. So we cut it, like, cut it in half and boil, and when it was, like, boiled already, we had to, like, take off and put it, like, in a big bowl. And we have to, like, we have to put, like, fresh water. If you want ice or sugar, you can put, like, more sugar. So it's a sweet drink. Yeah. Okay. So new on the menu, pepian, tamales, chuchitos, caquique, pepita de gallote, and rellenitos. Alondra, introduce yourself. Hi. My name is Alondra. I am from Guatemala. I am in 12th grade at Salem High School. I am 18 years old, almost 19. My pastime was I love to spend so much time I can, like, with my family. And that is always a thing with my guests. So your challenge for McDonald's was based off of your job. You recently told me that you worked at McDonald's for how long? Like almost two years. For almost two years. When I was 16, McDonald's was my first job. So I wonder if we have similar experiences. I know you told me you made a lot of money per hour at McDonald's. Yeah. Do you know how much I made at McDonald's in 1993? You're going to laugh. I made $4.25 an hour. Oh, my God. Yeah. That was rough. But you also told me it was McDonald's that helped you improve your English. Do you remember last year we read an article on Newsella about a famous baseball player. His name is Juan Soto. When he was a child, he decided he was going to quit learning English and just play baseball. But his mom said, no, if you do that, you can never become a superstar. And so after that conversation, he practiced and he practiced and he became very fluent, a phenomenal English speaker. And when he moved to the United States after signing his contract, he said the safest place where he felt comfortable to use his English was McDonald's. Alondra, how did McDonald's help you improve your English like Juan Soto? So when I was going to my first day at McDonald's, I was listening to a lot of people speak English. And I was looking like, so what they say, oh, I don't understand what they say. And I was with one person, they like bilingual, and she explained what they say, what I have to say like for maybe thank you or you're welcome or something like that. And I was watching how the people like improve their English because they have like a lot of people in the kitchen and they know like basic thing about English. And so I was have like one friend and they helped me. Her name was Madison, and she say I have to like improve my English. And she was like, and she say something in English and I have to like this word is that and that word is that, and they make like sense what they say. And I improve my English because I was want to be like in the window and take like money and so they can pay like more for me. Oh, so you get paid more if you help customers versus if you're cooking? Yeah. So what position did you have at McDonald's? Okay, so I have like real position but I am doing cashier, window, and when they not have people like to do a kitchen, I was doing kitchen. Oh, my goodness. I never cooked. I only worked cashier and I always worked the window. And I was in Nebraska where it's really, really cold. So if you're working the window, you had to wear a winter jacket. Yeah, I know. Do you have burn marks on your arms from the French fries like I do? Yeah, I have a lot. But when I was like quick at McDonald's, I would have like two burn marks on my arms. Okay, Alondra. So education systems in the United States and Guatemala vary so much from every aspect to the length of the day, the costs that you pay, and even the clothing that you are allowed to wear. Tell me a bit about the length of a day. So they have like two things. Like we have to go to high school. So when I was going to elementary school, I was going to 730 to 1230. And when I go to middle school, about the same time. But when I went to high school, I am going to like in the afternoon, like 130 to 530. And when I go to my career, I was going to start again in the morning. So your average school day was around four or five hours, and here it's more like seven or eight. How do you feel about that? Which do you prefer? I can say Guatemala because the less time I have, I will spend with my cousin. And we go to the river or we play like another thing. Yeah. I think in the United States, we lose so much time with friends and family just because we work and go to school for so long. What about the costs? How much did your uniforms cost? They cost like $25. $25? Yeah, just for the uniform. But the PCR, you have to pay extra. So what happens to the students who can't afford that? I don't know. But I was thinking they not go to school because they don't have like money to pay like books or other stuff. So in the United States, we can wear whatever we want, and our books are paid for. So that's not really a challenge. In Guatemala, the students who can't afford these things just can't go? No. Is there ever any government aid or help from the government? We have like gifts. They give like bracelets, but it is like the same thing here. But they like they don't pay like uniform or other stuff because when I go to elementary school, I remember my mom buy a book. Like we have to like to start like to learn. But it's too expensive. Too expensive. Yeah. So what happened? My grandma helped me and pay for my studies and the things that I need for school. Would you ever want to return to Guatemala? Yes. Yeah. What would you want to do? Like now? Okay. So we finished the school on May 3. So I was going to save money like to buy my house and my space. And speaking more about the money, what are the economic opportunities like in Guatemala? What is paid like? Do they pay you more or less? In Guatemala, they pay less. We have to like do more jobs and they pay less. In here, we have to do like the same, but they pay more. How long is a workday in Guatemala, just an average workday? I remember my dad worked like 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. And how many days a week? So he worked like... He worked in a furniture store? Yeah. He worked like I can remember like six or almost a week. Yeah. So six days a week for 12 hours each time. Yeah. It depends how much job he have. Like he make like tables or other stuff. And that is such a long week to work for. So it definitely is the opposite of your schooling. You go to school for a much shorter time than we do, but you work for a much longer time. What is the cost of living like in Guatemala? Are things generally cheaper or more expensive? My parents have their own house and they don't pay rent. And we have like... They call it pozo. Like we can use for water or other stuff like to wash hands or other things. So we don't pay water. And electricity, that's the thing we have to pay. Yeah. So for food, I can say like this like expensive, but now it is too expensive more. Yeah. So inflation is going up. Yeah. That's never a good thing. Since you've come to America, what have been your favorite experiences? Obviously, there are a significant amount of cultural differences. What about tutoring students? I have heard that you have been helping to tutor some students. Yeah. I was helped. But I was listening how they speak Spanish. And it is like the same because they say like something is not like the same Spanish. But I was thinking I do the same. Yeah. So those students definitely learn different forms of Spanish. Like I remember way back in Spanish 1, they taught us vosotros. That does not exist outside of Spain. In Latin America, vosotros is entirely replaced by ustedes, which is what I have come to use. Speaking of people from different Hispanic countries, we have a large Hispanic community here in the Salem Red Sox. So you have had some time watching their games or maybe interacting with the players. What of that stands out to you? What have you liked or disliked? I was like when Mr. Siegley showed the videos that they like interview themselves and how they serve the food and the other stuff they have. I was like the first game I was when. I do not understand how like they play. Yeah. You do not know the rules. Yeah. I do not know anything, but they play so well. It is okay. I do not really understand the rules either. Of course, moving into the United States, we do have such a great cultural diversity, which we have already touched on, and we have great economic opportunities. Is there anything else about the United States that you have liked? Like before season? Because in Vermont, they must know. In here, it is. Yeah. So what was your first time seeing snow like? That made me so happy because when I grabbed the snow, like I was playing with my cousins, and we have like a trampoline, and they have like a lot of snow, and we go like up to the trampoline, and we play. In our English class, there are obviously a lot of cultures represented. We have students from Honduras, Venezuela, La República Dominicana. Basically, we have a lot of different cultures represented. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. 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We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic. We have students from the Dominican Republic.

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