Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a podcast introduction where the speaker expresses their love for God and their desire for the podcast to be about God. They mention that there will be other people joining the podcast, including two brothers who are Messianic Jews. They explain their belief in Jesus as the Messiah and emphasize the importance of having a relationship with God. They also warn against testing God. The speaker introduces their brothers, describing one as calm and knowledgeable, and the other as a gifted speaker. They express excitement about starting the podcast and their mission to spread God's word and make his name known. They clarify that they are not starting the podcast for personal gain, but rather to do God's work and donate to charities. hello hello god bless god bless god bless god bless god bless how are y'all doing today how is everyone doing today I don't know if it's one of you or two of you or three of you eight of you maybe who knows but whatever number of people that's probably listening to me right now I hope you guys are doing blessed I hope everyone listening right now is doing blessed I love God that's the reason why I'm starting this podcast I love God and I want this podcast to be about God so that's what you're in for all right so first order of business I just wanted to introduce this podcast I wanted to put it out there on how this is gonna go I have a few other people I wanted to introduce this episode is just a just a little prelude it's it's a point five you know episode if that's the best way to put it I don't think it is it's episode point five it's not one point five it's just halfway there I was gonna talk a little bit about God but mostly I wanted to introduce the rest of this podcast so first off first off first off not just gonna be me it's not just gonna be me preaching God I can't have this only being me I got I got a few brothers I got a few brothers that are that attend my show attend my synagogue oh my gosh people they are great people they're great people I attend a messianic congregation I'm a messianic Jew so I believe I believe Jesus is the Messiah Jesus is the Messiah prophesied and promised by God in Isaiah Isaiah 53 1 through 12 it says it right there and I don't know it all perfectly referenced I don't know the word for word look it up look it up it's there you're curious if you don't even know what that means you're gonna have to go and ask God about what to do about that because I feel if you don't even know what that means you don't really know God that much so you gotta I gotta tell y'all go talk to him go talk to him God wants a relationship with all of us he wants a relationship with all of us and we just have to put our faith in him we have to want to want him and he'll want us and here's a warning too before I go into introducing a couple of my friends are gonna be on this podcast I have to warn you when you go to God do not test him do not test the father don't do that don't say God if you're there I have a little problem with this can you answer me or God if you're there can you please give me a sign or God if you're there please do this for me mm-hmm mm-hmm not how that works not how that works not at all you got to put your heart into it God reads your heart you got to put your heart into it you got to reach out he'll reach back you just got to want it to so that's my that's my preach of the day I'm not gonna go into it too much not really too much at all actually those was very little amount very little amount of one of all the stuff I want to say I got so much I want to say but yeah let me introduce myself in fact because somewhere in the future there's gonna be people that don't know me that are gonna listen to this now I know it's gonna start out with just friends that are gonna see this and judge me for it who cares who cares I love God I love God uh-huh love Jesus too he's a Messiah I love that guy died for our sins you're ashamed to say my name I'll be ashamed to say yours to the father so I am unashamed of saying Jesus baby I love Jesus I love Jesus oh and his Hebrew name is Yeshua Hamashiach isn't that just an awesome Hebrew name awesome she's an awesome name now second order of business I wanted to give my two brothers that are gonna be coming on this podcast each their own individual introduction because they both deserve it these both are awesome guys I just want you all to know the guys a little bit personally by how I'm good or what I'm gonna talk about about them I don't know how to put that sentence I'm still struggling with how to talk in fact all right so who I start with I'm gonna start with Jonathan Jonathan now y'all are gonna love Jonathan he's a very mellow he's a very gentle guy very gentle very gentle guy yep um I don't know how to put it if there's anyone who had this Holy Spirit then it's Jonathan he's so calm he's so calm I don't think there's a chance he could ever get angry ever he has a lot of knowledge too he's got a lot of knowledge he has read the Torah he has read the Talmud he has read the mission I think was called not really one with the names on those but yeah man he is knowledgeable he's read the Torah back and forth he's better the Jew than me in fact way way better he wears ZZ that's it no I'm just kidding there's so many other things trust me way better but very mellow guy has a lot of knowledge he's a very calm talker he's not as energetic or even stuttery as me he knows what he wants to say he knows how to say it it's not really difficult for him so yeah y'all are gonna love Jonathan he's a very cool guy very very cool guy now Elihu is the next one Elihu y'all are gonna love Elihu man y'all are gonna love Elihu knowledgeable he really knows how to talk he has how do I even put it the gift of speech there's two gifts I call one is called the gift of gab one is called the gift of speech the gift of gab is just being able to talk non-stop free associating thought to thought connecting something to what should not be connected to and keep go keep on going you don't even realize you've talked for a long time you just keep on going there is oxygen in your diaphragm that is needed to be used and then it keeps needing to be used and it never comes to a close it never comes to a finish you just keep going it's not even rambling either it's the ability to talk so much stop for a second hold on I got another thought and I'm gonna share it that's the gift of gab now the gift of speech is being able to put emphasis on certain words the ability to bring emotion to your words the ability to just to say it without a stutter without any kind of hindrance in the sentence and that's what Elihu's got he's a really profound talker and y'all are gonna love him he speaks very clearly speaks with emotion he speaks with passion he's just spectacular and he's also both of these guys are very humble both of these guys are and Elihu man he's as humble as they get man he's so cool so so cool so yeah I'm excited to get this podcast started I am excited I can't wait to see the things we talk about things we bring up but yeah I wanted to introduce this podcast so this podcast this is not just anything where we can talk about anything haha you know I have kind of meaningless discussions and what I've seen a lot of the time on these podcasts and everyone brings up why does everyone think they have opinion and why does everyone think their opinion matters so much they have to start a podcast you're right you're right you're so right but but but but we our mission in starting this podcast is we want to spread the word we want to bring God into this world God needs to be brought into this world you look around and you I don't even know just meet 26 people I bet you four of those 26 people say they put their faith in God and they actively practice and they actively talk to God and they actively have a relationship to God I bet you four out of those 26 will say they have a relationship with God confidently and I bet you ten of them will say they believe in God and then the rest of them will say they don't believe in God or there any other higher power or they'll say they believe in a higher power but not really our God it's that's the point of this podcast we want to bring God our creator Adonai Hashem Hashem in Hebrew meaning the name El Shaddai God Almighty into this world we need to make his name more known and I don't want his name to just be known from a Christian standpoint we are Messianic Jews which I put it this way if you don't know what a Messianic Jew a Messianic Jew is someone who believes a Jew born a Jew who believes that Jesus Christ Yeshua HaMashiach is the Messiah the deliverer of Israel and that's what he is what he is he did all of his work in Israel he did all of his miracles in Israel he died in Israel he died on the earth meaning he died on the cross in Israel everything was done in Israel so we believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah and then Jews rejected him that's why you don't really see a lot of Jews that believe in him nowadays Jews rejected him while the rest of the world the Gentiles of the world took him for their own in order to make the Jews jealous that says there in scripture it's there in scripture so we Messianic Jews I put it like this Messianic Jews born Jews who believe Jesus is the Messiah are also Christians Christian meaning follower of Christ Messianic Jews are Christians but not all Christians are Messianic Jews and most likely you won't meet a Christian that is a Messianic Jew you have to be born a Jew and then come to Christ you can't just be born a Christian in a Gentile family and come to be a Messianic Jew I don't think it works that way I don't think so unless you go through a conversion and baptism and all that but that's a long long long process to even get a mikveh that's a long process mikveh meaning the conversion into Judaism oh hold on now I'm breathless water bottle so yeah that's my little lesson that's what I wanted to bring that's what I want to do with this podcast I'm not just someone who thinks their opinion matters and it needs to be heard and it needs a whole audience and I'm not even trying to get money out of this man I'm gonna be honest with you I really don't want money out of this once I start this and get it up I'm gonna start putting up donations at certain foundations I don't even know what yet but I think it's best if I spread the word and also make the main or the secondary focus on donations and charities I just that's God's work right there that's what I want to do I want to bring God's Word while also doing his work I don't want to profit off of God there's something about that I find iffy so if I can even figure that out I'm gonna be putting donations and YouTube and everything stuff like that I don't even want to make money off of this I just want to bring God into the world man I just want to bring God I want to bring Jesus into the world Yeshua HaMashiach I just love saying in Hebrew so good in Hebrew Yeshua HaMashiach I love saying that name can't be ashamed to say it either if anyone listening this is a Christian don't be ashamed to say Jesus Christ's name don't be ashamed now it says somewhere I don't know then I don't know where I don't know my Bible verses yet but I know where the sentence is it says if you are ashamed to say my name again amongst men I will be ashamed to say your name to the Father I want my name said but also Yeshua HaMashiach Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus Christ got to be known in this world he's got to be known and I just I want to bring God into this world man God is needed we need God so that's that's the main focus of this whole podcast God El Shaddai Adonai Hashem wanted about him and his son so yeah that's everything we're gonna go over in this podcast once get Elihu want to get Jonathan in this it's gonna be awesome gonna be so fun and then we got a little another guy his name's Ethan he goes to my shul as well but he goes to Liberty University so he won't really be on this podcast until I don't even know November October whatever that fall break is so oh my gosh I'm just so excited to get this started I'm so excited but yeah that's what this podcast is see if I can edit this see if I can do whatever with this but God will be brought into this world and I want God to be known I want people to know my love for God I want people to know my love for his son and I want people to feel this love that I've been feeling that's my main goal everyone thinks I'm crazy for just being more religious and being more into religion and Elijah why are you talking so much about religion it's not just religion it's about having a relationship with God it's a whole spirituality with God it's not a spirituality with some higher power no no no no no no no no no it is spirituality in the name of God through his son that's what I want to bring and that's what I want to express to the world man the love of God is beautiful and I want others to see so there you go there it is there was and there it will be drink my water now I'm gonna end this podcast this 60-minute one oh just to let y'all know just to let you know actually before I do that I recorded one just to practice and I was going into a whole sermon and everything I went on for about 45-50 minutes rambling on the mic about God about I brought up Job book of Job I'll bring that up later on but Job just talking about Moses a little bit Jesus God I went on 50 minutes when I just meant to make it 16 minutes like it is here so yeah man I have a lot to say but I think that's for more future endeavors that's for more future endeavors so yeah I wanted to end this podcast and I wanted to end this podcast with one of my favorite pairs as well I say this prayer when I wake up I say this prayer before I go to sleep sometimes I'll say it quickly in front of my food but it goes like this Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad Baruch Shem Kavod Mehu Solei L'amva'ed in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach Amen now what did I say what did I just say I'll translate it Shema Yisrael Heru Ezra the Lord our God the Lord is one blessed to be the name of his glorious kingdom forever and ever amen that's it it's just blessing God blessing God with your soul is how it is is how it kind of goes but that's for that's for bringing your attention to God that's for blessing him that's for being aware of his holiness being aware of his authority that's what the prayer is for and it's that's the Shema very popular among the Jewish community I think everyone knows what the Shema is I think mine is a little bit different than what I've heard and learned but that was memorized through my dad my dad basically forced me to memorize that I'm so glad he did so glad he did I'm very glad there are some things that I didn't really enjoy as a kid I came to Hebrew and Judaism and religion and Jesus all God whenever I came to God I didn't want to hear it at the time but I'm so glad I did I'm so glad I did a lot of people say don't force your opinions on me please I don't want to hear it a lot of it is really interesting and I'm glad while it may have felt forced on me at the time man I am thankful thankful thankful thankful to have learned what I learned because there's a time when my dad wanted me to learn Hebrew and I just didn't want to and now I'm regretting not knowing Hebrew so I'm gonna be learning that soon but yeah ended it with my prayer God bless God bless the king of heaven God bless Yeshua HaMashiach and yeah Holy Spirit we'll get into that about the Holy Spirit of Messianic Judaism too but Holy Spirit I I hope you send this to whoever needs to hear it whoever should hear it and please bless them please bless their families and keep them in good health in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach in the name of Jesus Christ amen have a blessed day everybody by the way I never even introduced myself and my name but my name is Elijah B. Gabb and you all have a blessed night