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Prophet T. Caleb Brown Ministries offers life application studies through audio recordings. Being led by the Spirit of God is important, especially in the current season. The kingdom of heaven has been disrupted, so we should pray and be led by the Spirit. Emotions should not be confused with the Spirit of God. We need to understand God's plan for our lives and ensure that what we do is beneficial to the kingdom of God. Building a relationship with God is essential, as it positions us to hear His directions for our lives. Obedience to His word is crucial in maintaining this relationship. We should not be led by emotions, but by the Spirit of God. The foundation of our faith is the word of God, and humility is required to be led by God. God gives grace to the humble. Welcome to Prophet T. Caleb Brown Ministries. You are about to hear life application studies by audio recording. Prophet Brown is a visionary and overseer of the Experienced Church Unleashed. For more information please download Prophet's mobile app, ProphetTCalebBrown.MVT.FO. Again thank you for listening. Being led by the Spirit of God is certainly important, especially in the hour that we live in now. I don't know if you all feel the change in the atmosphere. I was sitting just idle the other day. I wasn't really doing much. And I felt the season change. Now oftentimes you all hear me say this. I can't explain it. All right? It's just one of those process things. But I felt the season change. But when that season changed, it changed as if it was, it's like it shifted. But when it shifted, it shifted to a place, I guess, where the season is out of order. And then I thought about the script that it talks about where we won't be able to know to determine what season it is. All right? And so when that shift happened, immediately I heard the Spirit of the Lord say that the kingdom of heaven has been disrupted. All right? And so certainly we want to be in prayer and we want to be led by the Spirit of God in everything that we do. All right? So being led by the Spirit of God is certainly important because this is not based upon feelings. All right? I don't want us to get emotions tied up with the Spirit of God. Sometimes you can go to church and you get this tingling feeling and, you know, you feeling good. That doesn't necessarily mean that that's the Spirit. All right? Because a lot of people are led by emotion. All right? But they're not led by the Spirit of God. Remember we talked about some months ago being led by discernment and how some people are superstitious and some people have discernment. And a lot of times we allow our curiosity in the Spirit to overrule what is actually the Spirit of God. Okay? So in order to be led by the Spirit of God, we have to first understand that all of us is included in God's master plan. And in order to know what that is for our lives, it gives us and it gives our lives that much more meaning. All right? It makes our life that much more meaningful, amen, to the kingdom of God. It also makes our life beneficial to the kingdom of God. One of the things about being a believer we have to understand is you have to stop and ask yourself, and this is how you can determine whether or not we're in the right place with God. Is what I'm doing in my life beneficial to the kingdom of God? All right? Not beneficial to me. All right? But is what I'm doing beneficial to the kingdom of God? And if your answer is I don't know, I'm not sure, or no, then we have work to do. All right? We have work to do. All right? So when we understand God's plan for our lives, again, it gives us meaning, and it makes our lives that much more meaningful. So watch this. God has a plan for each and every one of us, even in these end times. And you've got to believe that we're in the end times. But we need to know what it is, and we cannot afford to be confused about what God's plan is concerning our life. But then we must understand that God's plan for us is for our good, according to Jeremiah 29 and verse 11. And we know that I oftentimes say it. I know the thoughts I think toward this, and bring your future and an expected end. All right? The next thing is we need a relationship with God. All right? There goes that word again, relationship. Because relationship is important. Spending time with God positions us to hear his directions from him on what path in our life we need to take. I'm going to say that again. We need a relationship with God. Because spending time with God, it positions us to hear his directions from him on what path we need to take in our lives. All right? And that relationship is an open channel of communication. We could pray, but sometimes when you pray, sit there and meditate. Don't say a word. Say, Lord, I want to hear from you. Now, you heard my complaints. You heard my desire. You heard what I want you to do. All right? Now, God, you tell me what you want me to do. All right? That keeps an open line of communication. Second of all, relationship is, you know, you can't have a relationship with God and not give him praise, not give him adoration, not give him worship, not reverence who he is. All of this is a part of being a relationship. But most importantly, the most significant thing about having a relationship with the Lord is being obedient to his word. And how do we respond to the word of God? We respond to the word of God with our obedience to the word of God. This is how you respond to what God said in his word. You obey it. Okay? In order to have a relationship with God, we have to understand that we have to respond to what he said in his word with obedience to his word. There's no other way around that. Okay? So that's how you know that you have a relationship with God, because we obey what he says concerning our lives. All right? Now, many people say, and, you know, again, as I begin to start this, as I was teaching, I said many people are caught up in emotion. All right? Because the emotional part of our believer's walk is what gets people a whole lot of confused, because they have a whole lot of emotions in it. But then after the good feeling is gone, you know, when you leave church, and that kingly feeling that you be feeling when the service is high and the spirit of God is moving and you feel that little kingly feeling, don't get that confused. All right? Because sometimes it's emotionally tight. Now, how would I know, prophet, it's emotionally tight? What you do after you feel good will let you know whether or not it was the spirit or it was emotionally tight, because when you leave there, how we live our life will determine if we're just caught up in emotion or if we're being led by the spirit of God. Being led by emotion deals 100% with our carnal being, because your carnal mind, all right, our fleshly mind, only wants the desires that are beneficial to our flesh. Uh-oh. So our flesh only wants what's beneficial to it. It has no concern about what the will of God is concerning our lives or what the will of God is. The only thing our flesh wants is to be pleased. And however that whatever pleases the flesh, because we ain't going to start naming stuff, because sometimes when you start naming stuff and you leave out stuff, the ones that's doing stuff feel like they're okay. So I don't name stuff. The only thing I say is anything that's not like God is connected to your carnal. And so if there's anything that's not like God, that covers everything in its totality. So the flesh only wants to please itself. It has no desire of pleasing God. So if we're going to be led by the spirit of God, we have to learn how to be attentive and be sensitive to God and what he's saying in his words. All right? A lot of folk want to go by prophecies, okay, and a lot of prophets want to prophesy. They want to tell you what God is saying, but they don't know what he said in his word. How you know a prophecy is true and how a prophecy is accurate is accurate because it's going to always fall back on the word of the Lord. All right? If a prophet never prophesies, he always has the word of God as his foundation that he can speak the oracles of God through what God has already said in his word. So anytime somebody's giving you a word, if you want to know if it's true, if it ain't based on the Bible, if the Bible's not the foundation, if you can't go in that book and find it, it ain't true. All right? Because everything that God does, the foundation's going to come back from the word of God. All right? We have to understand as believers that our foundation is the word of God. And let me tell you something. If you don't study the word of God, you don't spend time in the word of God, you have nothing to rely on. All right? This is a part of our relationship. Since I'm talking about relationship, we have to be in a position where we can learn of God. How can you serve a God that you don't even know? You can't serve a God that you have not learned of. So the word of God teaches us what God is about. The spirit of God helps us to understand God. So the word of God teaches you about God. The spirit of God teaches you about God. The spirit of God helps us to understand him. And then the spirit of God helps us to obey his word. Let me get back to my notes. So note number three, being led by God requires humility on our part. And humility is simply, sometimes being humble sometimes just simply means, God, I know what my desire is, I know what my flesh is, I know what I want to do, but God, I want to be simply led by your spirit. Let's look at humility with Jesus when he went to Gethsemane when he prayed that prayer, Lord, if it be your will, let this cup pass from me. Now, he could have ended everything right there. He said, listen, because I ain't going to die for these folks. I don't like when I'm feeling no way, but I ain't going to go up here and die for these people. He could have said that because we've got to understand he was 100% God, but he was also 100% man. So everything that we feel, he felt. He had emotions, he had pain, he had everything that was connected to us. Jesus endured it. But let me show you humility when he said, now, nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done. The first key of humility is being able to operate in the will of God, and that is what God desires for our life. That's what the will of God is, all right? Let's look at this verse where it says, in James 4, verse 6, it says, but he had given more grace. Wherefore, he said, God resisted the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. All right? So now God has given us more grace, but he resisted the proud, but he giveth grace to those that are humble. All right? So we got to understand that we got to remain humble, amen, to the Lord at all times. All right? So that he's given us more grace, that means that, you know, that simply means that God just desires for us to be, amen, humble, so that we can receive what he has concerning our life. Now watch this. The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly. And you find that in Proverbs 20 and 27. Now we are spirits, we are spiritual beings, possessing souls and living in physical bodies. All right? So we are a spiritual being. We possess a soul and we live in a physical body. So now we understand that the very first thing when God said, let us create man in our image and after our likeness, that that was when he created the spirit, because before God even gave us a body, we were created as a spirit. Okay? Then came, amen, the physical body. When God breathed the Ruach into man, he gave him a soul at that point. All right? So our souls are where our intellect and our thinking minds reside. All of that is inside of our mind. Oftentimes you hear the word of God talks about the heart, and we hear people talk about your heart has to be right. It's talking about what's in your soul. Because what's in your soul determines everything that you do physically, and everything that you do physically affects your soul spiritually. Okay? So when it affects your soul spiritually, that means on judgment day, everything that has affected, infected, let's say infected, because not affected, but everything that has infected, because infection is dangerous. Infection is deadly. So everything that has infected your soul will cause us, amen, to be lost. But everything that has affected our soul will help us to, amen, reach that place in God where we can live, amen, eternally. So there's a difference between affecting, and there's a difference between infection. All right? So now after being born again, because we've got to understand that in order, amen, to be led by the spirit of God, we have to be born again. So after being born again, the most important thing we as believers have to do, we have to learn how to renew our minds. Romans 12, verse 2, and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Now when it talks about be not conformed to this world, that means the era of the times of the world. Look at the times now, how, amen, they're passing laws that make things that the word of God say is wrong. They're making these things right. The word of God, there's total disregard in the world now for the word of God. And so Paul is saying that I don't want you to be like them, but I want you to renew your mind so that you could prove that which is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God. Okay? And the only way that we're going to do that, renewing our minds allow us to learn God's will for our lives. All right? So it's important, amen, that we know God's will for our life. Watch this. The value of renewing our minds is that it enables us to think differently. See, we won't think like the world because God said that he called us out to be different. That's what it means to be sanctified, to be set apart, to be different from the world. Now it's a sad thing that to say that we are believers and there's no difference between us and the world. We still cussing like sailors and still doing this and doing that. And everything that we do kingdom wise, there's no effect because the sinner say, well, if I'm coming to church just to keep doing the same thing I'm doing, if I could still cuss and do this and that, then I might as well stay out here in the world. All right? Because there's nothing that's going to change according to what they see in the lives of the believer. This is why it's important that everywhere we go, our character has always resembled the character of Jesus Christ. All right? Sometimes it's just best I have to learn the hard way because I used to cuss like a sailor for real. I had to learn the hard way. Sometimes just don't say nothing. If you feel yourself getting that urge where you're going to say ugly things, just don't say nothing. Because if you don't say nothing, you know what I'm saying? Nobody but God knows what you're thinking. So if you don't say nothing, you can impact the person or you can cause the person or become a stumbling block to the person that you are around. Watch this. So now as believers in Christ, we have to be very careful not to become a stumbling block to those that we interact with because I'm telling you, God is going to require their blood at our hands. All right? Because believers should know better. I don't, you know, believers should have we've been talking about the maturing believer. We should have that sense of maturity about us. All right? So everything that we do, all of our character should exemplify the exact same character that Jesus Christ had because the same spirit that was in Jesus Christ, the same spirit that Jesus Christ is, is the same spirit that lives inside of us. Amen. So watch this. Um, renewing our minds helps us to think different. That's why we have faith and we think according to our faith. That's why, uh, the world may look at a situation and say, there's no hope. We look at it and say, Oh, it's all the hope in the world. Ain't nothing lost. Amen. Because we see things differently as believers in Christ Jesus. We see things differently through the spirit of God. All right? Now I'm not saying that we ignore, amen, uh, the, the things that are, that, that are tangible, but we just see it different and we think different because even though it may be this situation, but we know our God to be a God that can do anything. All right? We know our God to be a God that can move every mountain. Amen. Out of our way. But watch this. He said that if we speak to the mountain, amen, and tell the mountain to be cast into the sea, guess what's going to happen? It got to move. All right. Some things, you know, and thank you Holy Ghost for that revelation. Some things that we pray for God. Y'all want to know why stuff don't move in our lives? We pray for God to do things that he's already given us the power to do it. That's why stuff ain't moving. So we looking for God to move mountains. And Jesus said, you speak to the mountain and you tell the mountain to be moved. It'd be moving. It'd be cast into the sea. Sometimes situations don't happen the way God wants it to happen because we rely on God to do it. And God say, the power is in your hand. I'm giving you the power. This is why we have the Holy Ghost. Amen. But we rely on God for all of our source of strength and all the source of our power. All right. So everything moves by the power of God. So God has given us, has allowed us to be candles. And so candles provide guidance in dark places. God lights our spirit and he guides us through our spirits. So in order for us to be led by the spirit of God, in order for us to hear and then direction from God, there are certain things that must take place. We have to make certain adjustments. And the first adjustment is to be born again. This makes us covenant children of God. And it allows us to be led by him. I'm going to say it again. The first adjustment is that we must be born again. This makes us covenant children of God. And it allows us to be led by him. If we live on the natural level, we cannot discern God's guidance on the spiritual level. All right. Because the corner of mind is going to only understand what's on the corner level. But the Bible says the spirit of God, talking about the Holy Ghost, searches the deep things of God. And in order for us to understand God, we have to understand God through his spirit. Otherwise it'd be a mystery to us. Now, nothing is hidden in God, but we can't understand God without knowing him and without having his spirit that dwells inside of us. That helps us. Amen. To understand the deepness of God. All right. Jesus asked him to sit under them. Well, I said to thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. That's John chapter three, verse three. Well, as many are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God. They go to their word. Romans chapter eight, verse 14. But the natural man received it. Not this, what I was talking about, the things of the spirit. Okay. The natural man can't understand the spirit for they are foolishness unto him. Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discern. Now that that goes, you proof right there for what I just said. First Corinthians chapter two, verse 14. The reason God knows the future is because he planned it. All right. That's how come God knows what's in your future. Cause he planned it. So certainly he knows what you're expecting in is because he gave it to you. All right. And he planned it. And then he turned around and he accomplished it. All right. Everything that's in our lives, God planned it. He planned it. He gave it to her. Then he turns around and he accomplishes what he planned concerning your life. Excuse me. Excuse me. The second adjustment is that we have to live a life of meekness. Amen. So we have to live a life of meekness. Moses was meek enough for God to be able to lead him. Despite of his imperfections. All right. Now I understand more, a lot went on with Moses that you know, you have to read the backstory that went on with Moses. Cause we look at the fact that Moses had a speech impairment. He can, you know, they, you know, he stuttered. So he had a speech impairment. Maybe you couldn't understand whatever it was. He had a speech impairment, but why is this? The backstory of this was that Moses, his mother, a man took him because they were kept. Pharaoh was killing all of the firstborns. All right. In Egypt that were born to the Israelites. So Moses, his mother took him, put him in a basket, sail him down the river. Pharaoh's daughter went to bathe and here come a baby floating down the river in the basket. So she took him and she adopted him and, uh, uh, raised him in Pharaoh's home, but she wasn't a nursing mother. Watch how God orchestrated the plan. So she had to go and find a Israelite that was able to birth, uh, you know, was able to provide milk for the baby breast milk for the baby. And the Lord put Moses's mother in the plane so that now she had this baby. She put this baby down the river in order to try to save him from being killed by Pharaoh. But then she still end up nursing him and nourishing him from her own milk. But now how felt how Moses was able to go to Pharaoh was that he was raised in the house with Pharaoh. So that's how he obtained a man through the grace and through the mercy of God, he was able to obtain a favor with Pharaoh because he grew up in his house. So he knew a man, how Pharaoh was because he grew up in Pharaoh's house. All right. So that's how Moses was able to remain meek before God. Now watch this. He made known his ways unto Moses, his accent to the children of Israel. Psalms 103 and seven bless all the meat for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew chapter five, verse five, the meek person has self control. Oh, and it's slow to take offense. He is humble in spirit. He's lowly in mind. Now he come one that most, they're not most believers at the box. The last thing is a meek person is teachable. All right. Anytime you have a spirit and your spirit is unteachable, you in a bad place. Forget what none of us is beyond learning. All right. And in this believers walk in life period, there's going to be somebody that's going to always be able to impart something into you. You're going to, you're going to be able to learn something every day in your life, something that you did not know. But there are folk that I know, and I'm just giving example, go back to my notes that, that these folks don't have teachable spirits. They always want to teach somebody, but they don't have a teachable spirit. Some folks know everything. There's no possible way we can know everything. Now watch this. I don't know everything, but I know what I know. And so what I know, you can't change what I know, but still, I don't know everything. All right. So you in order, the meek person always will have a teachable spirit. All right. He's lowly in mind, which means he's humble. All right. These things will happen to us, but it is our choice whether or not to be, what things will happen to us, but it's our choice whether or not to be offended. All right. In the world, we will have tribulation. John 16 and 33, they who live godly will have trouble. All right. Second Timothy three and 12, you know, so let's, let's kill out the fact that when you become a believer in Christ, you selling on milk and honey, and you just, you just living this lavish life and you just, oh, everything is just, you, everything is just, you don't have no problem in the world. The reality is that we are persecuted for Christ's sake. Now, some stuff, as I said a few weeks, a few weeks ago, prosecution, prosecution is being done right for the wrong that you've done. All right. Persecution is being done wrong for the right that we've done in Jesus Christ, because everything ain't a process of persecution. All right. How do you know you've been persecuted is when you've been ridiculed a man and you've been threatened and, and some, some type of home has come upon you for believing in Jesus Christ. So spiritually we're persecuted by the enemy. All right. But then there's also physical stuff that people say that they doing it for Christ, but it's not for Christ. We're just being prosecuted for the wrong that we've done. It's sort of like reaping what you sow. And a lot of times it take a long time to reap what you sow. But when you sow the seed, it takes time to grow. So they see time and then there's harvest. All right. So we think because we did it 20 years ago, that this thing is gone is forgot about. It has not taken no root. It has not grown. And we ain't reaping from it cause ain't nothing happening 20 years. But a lot of stuff we're reaping in our life and stuff that we've sown years and years and years back in our life is just catching up to us. And so we easy to say that we're suffering for Christ. Say no sugar. You are reaping what you've sown. All right. And so, in order to know the difference, we have to have the spirit of God. But even in our reaping, what we've sown, God is still there and he's still able to help us through it. Now, what kind of God? You just have to understand the heart of God. This is the same God that when we transgress, when Adam transgressed against him in the garden and he cursed every man that was born after Adam, this is the same God that created himself a body, made himself a son, came down and built on the earth, died on the cross, rose again from the dead, went back to heaven as a son, came back as the Holy Spirit. Now, I don't know, you know, you just, the depth of love that God has for us is just, you just can't even, you can't, I mean, your mind, you can't even, there's no words for it. Because what kind of God that even though he cursed us and we were doomed, he still loved us enough. Because when we talk about love, that is love within itself. He still loved us enough to die on the cross himself. And then after we still rejected Jesus Christ, then God came back as the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of us so that we can still have a chance at what he promised concerning our lives. Now, oftentimes we talked about once saved always saved. I believe that to be true because I don't believe that God is an Indian giver. I don't believe that God will give you something and take it away from you. All right. Because that'll make everything that Jesus did on the cross, knowing Lord, that'll make everything that we just celebrated this past Easter. It means nothing. But what I do know is that if we fall short, it ain't God's fault. All right. If we fall short, it's on us. And I oftentimes say, you probably hear me say that I don't believe that God sends us to hell. I believe we send ourselves. So I'm not saying that they're not here. I didn't say that. I said, I don't believe God sends us there. I believe we send ourselves there when we fall short of his glory, because God never changes what he said concerning our lives and whatever he promised us is that okay. He don't change that. See, you know, the charismatic church would have you to think that when you fall short, God takes his salvation back and you got to get back on all the things you got. Oh, thank you. You got to stay on there all of my hours to get it back. That's nonsense. When God gives it to you, he does not take it from you. But now if we don't measure up to his plan for our lives, that's not all. That's not God's fault. That's our fault. Just know that if we die and we're lost, who fault is it? It's our fault. If I die right now and I'm lost, it ain't nobody's fault on this line. It's not God's fault. I can't blame anybody for my short term. It's my fault. Just know if you die and you lost is your fault because God has given us ample opportunity to come to him. He keeps reaching for us. God keeps reaching. He keeps reaching. He keeps reaching. He gives us the word. He gives us his love. He gives us life. He gives us strength. He gives us understanding. He gave us his spirit. He gives. He gives. He gives. He gives. And the more he gives, it seems like the more we pull away from what God has given to us. We've got to come back, people, to God. We look at the church. When we talk about the seven candlesticks in the word of God, that was the church of Ephesus. The church, he was like, you know, they were talking about all the accomplishments they've made. You know, they built the church. The church grows. And, you know, they were good in the community. And they had a name for themselves. And Jesus told them, say, I see your works and how they're good works, too. Y'all did a good job bringing souls to the kingdom. He said, but I got something against you. You left your first love. Isn't it something to do all of that work and do it in vain? Jesus said, many will come to me on that day and say, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name? Didn't we cast out a whole lot of demons in your name? And Jesus said, yeah, you did, and I appreciate you. You added a whole lot of souls to the kingdom. But depart from me because you did it. Iniquity. Isn't it something to build a ministry and go out there and win souls and people get delivered? You laying hands, and I'm talking about you going in. You just doing it, and you just doing it big. And people are coming to Christ, and you just know that everything is right. But wouldn't it be something to do all of that and stand before the Lord? And he said, depart from me. Wouldn't it be something? That's why having a relationship with God is important. All right. Let me go back to my notes. I'm sorry. For the next adjustment. Now, let me say this. Oh, I got off. Help me, God. All right. All right. So trusting God allows him to lead us. We also need a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Let me tell you something. Faith in God is what catches God's attention. Not how good you've been. Not how well you've seen.

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