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Inta quod sic uti est sic erit in perpetuum scietur et videvitur et audietur et per carra usque in siculum uti in absentia militiae honoris pro historiae domus viri semper in ordine systemicoceos. Tumultus, tumultus, et anarcae resultant, proctere ai deboribus discriminibus quae aliter non surgunt prosedibus auxoris et matrum et mulierum et infantum resurgent nos pro suo deodato. Ritus ut libere vivant super terram cum aquamunda cibum mundum in ambitu perpetuo ambulante liberorum minorum generum betae familie quae vigent et depraedant nisquicum metu usuris. In surmentalitatibus debiti paupertatis et belli. Ita quod sic... Therefore in times of crisis those that would not otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mothers and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. Upon the land with clean water clean food traveling in a perpetual environment free of the lesser breeds of the beta clan that thrive and prey upon those with instermatalities of fear usury debt. Poverty and war. And as it will be so, as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. Will always lead to systemic chaos, disorder, disorder and anarchy. Therefore in times of crisis those that would not otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mother and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. Upon the land with clean water clean food traveling in a perpetual environment free of the lesser breeds of the beta clan that thrive and prey upon those with instermatalities of fear usury debt. Poverty and war. And as it will be so, as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. Will always lead to systemic chaos, disorder, disorder and anarchy. Therefore in times of crisis those that would not otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mother and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. Upon the land with clean water clean food traveling in a perpetual environment free of the lesser breeds of the beta clan that thrive and prey upon those with instermatalities of fear usury debt. Poverty and war. And as it will be so, as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. Will always lead to systemic chaos, disorder, disorder and anarchy. Therefore in times of crisis those that would not otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mother and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. Upon the land with clean water clean food traveling in a perpetual environment free of the lesser breeds of the beta clan that thrive and prey upon those with instermatalities of fear usury debt. Poverty and war. And as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. Will always lead to systemic chaos, disorder, disorder and anarchy. Therefore in times of crisis those that would otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mother and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. Upon the land with clean water clean food traveling in a perpetual environment free of the lesser breeds of the beta clan that thrive and prey upon those with instermatalities of fear usury debt. Poverty and war. And as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. Will always lead to systemic chaos, disorder, disorder and anarchy. Therefore in times of crisis those that would otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mother and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. Upon the land with clean water clean food traveling in a perpetual environment free of the lesser breeds of the beta clan that thrive and prey upon those with instermatalities of fear usury debt. Poverty and war. And as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. Will always lead to systemic chaos, disorder, disorder and anarchy. Therefore in times of crisis those that would otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mother and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. Upon the land with clean water clean food traveling in a perpetual environment free of the lesser breeds of the beta clan that thrive and prey upon those with instermatalities of fear usury debt. And as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. Will always lead to systemic chaos, disorder, disorder and anarchy. Therefore in times of crisis those that would otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mother and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. Upon the land with clean water clean food traveling in a perpetual environment free of the lesser breeds of the beta clan that thrive and prey upon those with instermatalities of fear usury debt. And as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. Will always lead to systemic chaos, disorder, disorder and anarchy. Therefore in times of crisis those that would otherwise shall rise in defense of the homes of the wife and mother and woman and child rise we shall in defense of fear God given right to live free. And as it will be, as it was, so forever will be known and seen and heard over the centuries that in the absence of a military line acting with honor in defense of the history of the human home. 事實將如此,過去的情況也將如此,它將永遠被人們所了解,看到,聽到並傳遍整個時代。 在沒有軍事防線的情況下,以榮譽的方式捍衛人類歷史的總是會導致混亂,動亂,無序和無政府狀態的系統性秩序。 因此在危機時刻那些原本不會奮起保衛妻子母親婦女和兒童家園的人們將奮起保衛他們的上帝。 在土地上自由生活的儀式,有乾淨的水,有乾淨的食物,在永久的環境中旅行,沒有被迫失足的低等品種,這些品種繁衍生息,捕食那些因恐懼,高利貸,貧窮和戰爭而陷入困境的人。 Così come sarà così come è stato così sarà per sempre conosciuto. Visto e ascoltato attraverso i secoli che in assenza di una linea militare che agisca con onore in difesa della storia della casa dell'uomo sarà si traducono sempre in ordini sistemici di caos, tumulto, disordine e anarchia. Quindi in tempi di crisi coloro che altrimenti non si alzerebbero in difesa delle case della moglie e delle madri e la donna e il bambino si alzeranno in difesa del loro Dio datorito per vivere. Liberi sulla terra con acqua pulita, cibo pulito, viaggiare in un ambiente perpetuo libero dalle razze minori del clan beta che prosperano e predano coloro che soffrono di instermedalità legate alla paura, all'usura, al debito, alla povertà e alla guerra. So wie es sein wird, so wie es war, so wird es für immer bekannt sein und gesehen und gehört werden, und zwar im Laufe der Jahrhunderte, dass es in Abwesenheit einer militärischen Linie, die ehrenhaft zur Verteidigung der Geschichte des Hauses der Menschheit agiert, so sein wird führen immer zu systemischen Ordnungen des Chaos, des Aufrufs, der Unordnung und der Anarchie. Deshalb werden sich in Zeiten der Krise diejenigen erheben, die sich sonst nicht zur Verteidigung der Häuser der Ehefrau und Mütter erheben würden. Und wir werden uns zur Verteidigung ihres gegebenen Gottes erheben, Ritus, frei auf dem Land zu leben, mit sauberem Wasser, sauberer Nahrung, reisen in einer immerwährenden Umgebung, frei von den niederen Rassen des beta clans, die gedeihen und diejenigen ausbeuten, die aus Furcht, Wucher, Schulden, Armut und Krieg bestehen. Und wir werden uns zur Verteidigung ihres gegebenen Gottes erheben, Ritus, frei auf dem Land zu leben, mit sauberem Wasser, sauberer Nahrung, reisen in einer immerwährenden Umgebung, frei von den niederen Rassen des beta clans, die gedeihen und diejenigen aus Furcht, Wucher, Schulden, Armut und Krieg bestehen. Được nhìn thấy và được nghe thấy trong mọi thời đại rằng nếu không có một đường lối quân sự hành động với danh dự để bảo vệ lịch sử của môi nhà con người sẽ luôn dẫn đến các chất tự hốn loạn, dối loạn và vô chính phủ ban tính hệ thống. Do đó, trong thời kỳ khủng hoảng, những thứ không thể tránh khỏi sẽ nổi lên để bảo vệ môi nhà của người vợ, người mẹ cũng như phụ nữ và trẻ em. Chúng ta sẽ chối sạch để bảo vệ vị thần mà họ đã ban cho nghi thức sống tự do trên đất liền với nước sạch. Thực phẩm sạch di chuyển trong một môi trường vĩnh viễn không có các dòng chó nhỏ hơn của tộc beta phát triển mạnh và săn lùng những kẻ mắc chứng sợ hãi cho vây nặng lãi, nghèo đói và chiến tranh. Vapaaehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone, joka on vapaa-ehtoinen liittokone Kiitos kun katsoit videon!