HT3_3 - My thirstfor living water
HT3_3 - My thirstfor living water
The main idea of this transcription is that God is always searching for us and waiting for us to come to Him. It emphasizes the importance of personal reflection and divesting oneself of self-love and self-interest in order to make progress in spiritual matters. It encourages us to approach encounters with Jesus with courage and openness, allowing ourselves to be surprised by His love and accepting ourselves as we truly are. It also highlights the transformative power of listening to God's word and the importance of finding deep wells and springs that truly quench our thirst. The transcription concludes by urging us to share the good news of our encounters with Jesus with others. My thirst for living water. Before we go looking for God, God has already gone out looking for us. Jesus is by the well, waiting for us to come. It is important for each of us to make his or her personal exodus, as Saint Ignatius says, everyone ought to reflect that in all spiritual matters, the more one divests oneself of self-love, self-will, and self-interest, the more progress one will make. Spiritual Exercises, 189. Presence of God. I assume a comfortable posture and let myself become silent. I remember that I am in the presence of God who is with me at all times and places. Petition. That I may find the source of life that is waiting for me. Composition of Place. I imagine the water well, the Samaritan woman, the Lord by the well. Text. Going out and waiting for somebody go out toward Jesus, like the Samaritan woman, without haste, knowing that he is waiting for you. As you go, ask yourself, how am I as I come to this encounter with Jesus? Where have I been looking for water? What kind of thirst have I had and how has it been quenched? What empty jars do I bring? What kind of emptiness do I have? What are my needs? The surprise and the truth like the Samaritan woman. Let yourself be surprised by Jesus request. Please give me a drink. God is the God of surprises. Do not come to God with ready-made plans or carefully crafted questions. Come instead with great courage and generosity, open to discover how God shows up. God's love always surprises us. God always has something new to tell us. The Samaritan woman was a woman with her masks who could not face herself, but Jesus love freed her to do what she alone could not. God knows you better than you know yourself and accepts you just as you are. Ask God to touch you deeply and to help you to do what you alone cannot, to accept and to love yourself as you truly are right now, just as God does. The listening that transforms we have a God who speaks. When God speaks and we listen, God's word reaches into the depths of our heart. Sometimes the Lord speaks decisive words about our lives, as when he told the Samaritan woman, go call your husband. Because she was ready to listen, Jesus' word touched her deeply and transformed her. Listening will transform you as it did her. Jesus will give you a new heart, a heart of flesh. Trust him to do it at his pace. The thirst for living water when we discover the wells in the springs that truly quench our thirst, we return to them again and again because we really need to. What deep wells have you discovered to refresh yourself when you are weary? Where have you found the living water that makes you truly happy? If you haven't found them yet, ask Jesus to help you. The contagious encounter this woman was transformed by an encounter with Jesus that touched her heart. Grateful for the new life and freedom welling up in her, she announces this good news, inviting others to their own saving encounter with Jesus. What have your encounters with Jesus changed in you? What is being changed in you now? What more does Jesus hope to do for you? If you're not sure, let him show you. Then ask for the grace to share this good news with you. Then ask for the grace to share this good news. Colloquy Other texts Luke 15 verses 8 to 10, the woman who lost a coin and swept her entire house until she found it. John 20 verses 11 to 18, Mary Magdalene searches among the dead for the one who is alive and, therefore, she walks among the graves, crying sadly over Jesus' absence. Discovering you I imagine you and my solitude is filled with you, and it is not easy to say what I feel. Long have I been looking for you in my soul and my flesh, long have I been dreaming of you, I don't want to lose you. You are as fragile as the light, you light up my dawn. If you do not shine on me, I will never light up. My heart is poured out and beats with less and less life. Long have I been looking for you. Carry my soul in your flesh, I will carry your soul in my flesh. Rosanna