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3 Tips for Tomorrow's Leaders

3 Tips for Tomorrow's Leaders

Rasikananda Swami



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Swami talks about his journey as a monk and his spiritual path. He emphasizes the importance of setting goals, finding a mentor, and keeping the magic alive in one's spiritual practice. He shares his inspiration from his teacher who lives a life of service and devotion. Swami also discusses the concept of karma yoga and bhakti yoga, highlighting the importance of a spiritual practice that is both fulfilling and romantic. First off, I want to know a little bit about you. Everybody's like wondering, why is Swami here? What does this have to do with Brush Booming? Where did you get there? Is this a costume? Or how did you get started in this path? Tell me. Because people were saying, do you wear this every day? And I'm like, oh, I think that's what Grant did. OK. Malini doesn't wear that every day. So tell us, how did you get started in your path? Good evening, everyone. Thank you for giving a little bit of time to us this evening. I met my guru when I was nine years old, and it changed my life. I grew up in this Bhakti path, and he actually saw it in me and requested me to be a monk since my childhood, growing up. So I adopted that path and moved to India and lived there in the monastery for 15 years, continuously. So that place that you saw the video of, I actually just recently came back. Two years ago, we started an ashram in New York, and so I'm serving there, developing that ashram, as well as traveling now. But I lived in that place that we saw the video of since 2005 to 2020. And then actually, in the middle of COVID, we came back to New York. So people said, why did you do that? So it's a similar question. Why are you a monk? Why do you dress like this? You know, walk the path less tread, as they say. So that's a little background. Okay, okay. And in terms of somebody in the audience around the world here, I'd like to kind of dabble. I want to dabble in this. What are three things if I want to experience this? What are three things you could kind of touch us on, and how we could dabble in this? We could dabble in it, or what? Yeah, you don't have to be a monk to follow our path. Spiritual life is for everyone. We're all spiritual beings. And there are a lot of demands to our time. We have to provide for ourselves and our families, but we should also provide for our spiritual development. I would give three things. Just like in life, we think about career and what we want to do, and we focus time on it. So I would say, in spiritual life, it's the same thing. You should identify your goal. When you're growing up, people say, what do you want to be when you grow up? So in spiritual life, you should identify a goal. I like to say, go for the gold. What does that mean? Determine an objective and shoot for the stars. A second piece of advice would be, well, if you want to do that, then you have to train with the best. If you want to go for the gold, you've got to train with the best. What is that? For everyone to be different. I thought you said, go for the gold. Go for the gold. I did say it. You didn't say, goal or gold. Same thing. Identify your spiritual goal. But I said, go for the gold. Shoot for the stars. Determine your objective in spiritual life, just like you would in your career. Career is important. Your spiritual life is also important. If you want to achieve something great, you need great training, great mentorship. I was very lucky to mentor my teacher in India, my guru and his successor, one of his successors. And I would say for each person it will be different. There's different mentors. When you're looking for a mentor, you should find someone who is more advanced than you on your path, depending on whatever spiritual path you're interested in. They should also be helpful, actually have your best interest at heart, be affectionate. And for me, I was very lucky, I feel very fortunate and blessed to have found someone like that, who we've heard a little bit about, but I call him like the guru of gurus. There's so many gurus in the world, so many teachers, so many pundits. But to have someone who is so wise that they instruct teachers of many traditions, a teacher of teachers, that's first-class mentorship. So I said, train with the best, if you can, to get to your goal. And what I find very helpful for me in my path as a monk is to try to keep the magic alive. And so for me that's about finding your passion, your dharma, you could say. Has everyone heard of dharma? It means your way, your path. And try to keep the magic alive. What does that mean? Your time is always going to be pulled in many directions. So time management doesn't mean doing more, it means often doing less and focusing on creating value in what you do. And that means focused effort. I tell people it's not about doing work, it's getting work done. And there's a big difference. I helped run our mission. We have ashrams around the world. And there's lots of people who can do work. But to get work done, that's something that people like Charles and all of you would understand, I believe, being here. So that's gold. I like it. So gold. Gold. Go for the gold. Go for the gold. Find good friends, actually, really, because your mentors... I mean, I'm over here once a week, twice a week over here in San Francisco and everywhere else. I'm always seeking good mentors, friends. And I find, actually, here, many of you in different ways. If it's Lisa or Frank or Bobby or Keith, my partners over here, they also guide me, right? So guidance and then find your way. And I thought about that. I was like, I thought about, like, samurai. Like, find your way. So in terms of... Well, those are Charles's kind of mentors. But what about you? I want to go specific to you. Where... Who do you find your inspiration from? And what are the qualities of that person or those people? So going back to the idea of training with the best, having spiritual mentorship, you can find teachers in any tradition. I was very lucky, again, I feel, our teacher, he's someone whose life is his teaching. And I think that's quite rare. They say, don't meet your heroes. You've heard that? Don't meet your heroes. I was fortunate to serve and live with my heroes for 15 years and to see them living every day the values that we teach. I think that's so essential. And what I find in those personalities is that they're always engaged in caring service to others, not just giving a lofty teaching. It's very easy to give an idealistic teaching. We should realize our souls, we should realize God, realize ourself, whatever it may be. But if you're not living those values yourself, then you're just a cheater, not a teacher. It's an anagram for self. And so to see that life of dedication, like I said, my teacher is like a guru of gurus. But himself, every day he's cooking. This video you saw, all that food is being prepared by my teacher, who's the guru of gurus. And yet he himself is every day cooking with his own hands for the last 40 years. And so people think, oh, is he a cook? No. He's also giving classes twice a day. He wakes up. Someone asked me recently his schedule. They were a guru in another organization. A big guru in an organization said, tell me about this teacher. I heard about him. What's his schedule? I said, well, he goes to bed about 11, wakes up about 2, starts his mantras, chanting, meditation for two, three hours, does a sacred pilgrimage. Then he comes back, gives a lecture. Then he does a sacred chant. Then he's cooking for thousands of people. Then he's meeting and speaking with people because people want to meet him from all over. So he gives a few hours of his day just to talking with people. Then does more meditation, sleeps half an hour sometime in the noon, afternoon. And then again, it's busy. Cooking in the evening time and then giving a talk. And it's every day for the last 45 years of his life. So that's why I say his life is his teaching. And it's very... For us here, it's very interesting because he has no bank account, no money. None of this is going to him even. But it's managed by his students who have learned to live a life of service because of his example. You know, there's many gurus in the world who give you a teaching and then you go and give the teaching. But to have someone who's living the example of service to everyone, that's one of the highest forms of service. Now, living an example, though, how do you find then inspiration and how it manifests like if it's an art, creativity, innovation, inspiration from that? To live an example, like cooking, that's a lot of... That's hard work. Okay? Speaking and studying like a mendicant, like a monk, that's hard work. It seems a little dry. So how do you find inspiration and creativity from those... that engagement? Those are the qualities. Have you heard of karma yoga? There's different kinds of yoga. One is called karma yoga. It means the work in action. But that's dry, like you said. So bhakti yoga means the path of devotion and love. That's why I mentioned early morning, evening, midday, he's practicing a devotional path which is naturally full of sweetness. It's beautiful. It's very... For us, even romantic in a sense of our devotion to God is a beautiful path. Romantic in the sense of the enlightenment, the poets, that form. And so it's very nourishing and we also have that. So I would say a spiritual practice is very important. Karma yoga is great, but for yourself, having some time for a spiritual practice... So that's something that we've learned from him. To actually... I would say there's no one I've ever met who has as steady of a practice. And some people do a practice out of like a forceful, kind of like an exercise. You go to the gym, you have your practice. But for him, it's more of a... It's a path of attraction. You're doing it because you want to do it. To not do it would be almost painful. So we've learned that from him. I like romantic. I love romantic, right? For me it's interesting because that's monk. People say, oh, you're a monk. No, I know. That's not what I'm thinking. I'm looking at this image behind you and I'm like, that's pretty exotic and romantic. And then here you are, celibate monk your whole life. You've completely committed your life to this. And then the teacher, your teacher, who happens to be my teacher too, he's committed his whole life but it's romantic, so it's not dry. So in terms of the quality, what are the core qualities then? Because I got goals, I got teacher, find my way, then I execute, I find my teacher, I got the teacher who has the good qualities, but what are those qualities in him that's inspiring and driving, that's colorful really? I would say also reflecting back on us in this room because we all have different qualities, but we all, in the Gita, Krishna says, do your duty or your dharma. So we all have different qualifications in work. So we should do them, but also do them as an offering of love and service. So that's the idea of charity, it's a certain amount of our, whatever is coming to us through our karma, through our destiny, we should give something back. And so one of the qualities of my teacher that I really admire is, they say a great teacher is like the sun. He gives power to everyone. He's not selfish. When you think of the sun, he's giving us energy. He's empowering us. So a great teacher empowers. So for me, I draw a lot of inspiration from that idea. He's training, he's inspiring, and he's empowering. And we see that in our mission where it's a lot of youth engaged because they're being empowered and encouraged constantly. So the sun is empowering. The other thing the sun does is that the sun takes charity, how? He collects the water. But any charity that's given, it's purified, so our work is purified. We're all engaged in different kinds of work in business. Sometimes they say you can't, what? Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. So the idea is, business, sometimes you get your hands dirty. But the sun purifies that action and then it gives it back. So this is a quality of a real teacher is that they don't take it for themselves, they're giving it back. So the sun takes the water and gives it back. So that's something I've seen. And for me, sacrifice, dedication, responsibility, monk doesn't mean you're leaving the world. Monk means you're leaving any attachment to a little circle and you're serving the big circle, the big family, the world family. And that's really the path of a monk. So, interesting that on the service side I've been thinking, because you're talking about the sun and everything, we have many business leaders here. I'm a business leader, not a titan yet, but I am looking to be one. And as fellow business titans that are sitting here, what, in your opinion, are the challenges then that are facing us as business leaders? Because business leaders today are like traditionally kings. So what are the challenges facing us today? There are so many ways we can engage our energy. I think one of the biggest challenges today is distraction. And we limit ourselves. We are limited and I think that's a gift. For me, I understand the limitation of time and energy as a gift because it allows us to focus. And if we focus our activities, we have so many responsibilities, right? Everyone here has responsibilities? I think so. I know I do. Like right now, I'm like waiting. After this, I got 10 messages to answer and 20 calls. I'm full of responsibilities. But we have to focus our energy and that's why we need mentorship. So the idea of kings, there's also, in our tradition, stages who are selflessly oriented towards helping the world. And so the idea of having mentorship that can guide us how to engage our energy with focused effort for our own success and for others. Because life is very demanding and it seems like the world is speeding up. Why? Because we're bombarded on all sides with information. And I know myself personally, most of the information that comes to me is demanding my energy. Right? You get a message, you get a phone call, it's demanding your energy. But what I'm trying to do is turn the phone off. I have a phone. No, I don't have a phone. My assistant has a phone. You want to talk to me? Talk to my assistant. Because time is valuable. Time is very valuable. Very valuable. You can't get a moment back. So you think that, let's say, the Gates and the Buffets, as an example, give back. They're giving back. But, and this is a question, a bit provocative, just the action of giving back is incomplete if the king is not getting mentorship, which means mentorship is not just static. Right? Mentorship is dynamic. Right? So then, it's not like I'm in my 80s and I'm going to give everything I have, my billions, back to the world and I'm going to assign some asset managers and some good treasurers and stuff and a chief giving back officer and they'll take care of it and I'm going to chill out. Doing it yourself. That's why you saw Jeff and Charles out there in India directly actually doing the service. We're going to an event near the Kings Canyon National Park and they're going to be there directly doing the service. So it's not so much just giving, it's actually being involved in it as part of the way that you get the most benefit. The most enrichment to yourself. Well, I find that's inspiration. The only reason why I'm doing that because our teacher who's in his 60s turning 70s, I mean, he's fit and he's cooking it himself. He's doing it 17 hours a day. So it's by example. That's what's happening. So then Jeff's like, I'm not a weak boy. Jeff's not going to just sit back and like chill out. He's going to get up and he's a strong person, right? So in terms of then the, you mentioned the sun. I was going to say, well, who's the sun, right? Where's the, where's the, in terms of, because we have two corporate sponsors here, feminine, female-led CEOs. Where's the feminine energy come in play when you have many monastics and monks? Sure, people saw a video of Radha and then they see the dance, the Malini. But is that, is the feminine energy limited to just the entertainment and the pitch? First of all, talking about the sun, actually, the robes. That was a curveball. We didn't know that was coming. The robes represent divine love. This is called saffron and it actually represents the love of the goddess who you see, Radha. And so that's ultimately who we aspire to serve God with or under. And so the idea of the feminine is, it's called shakti. Has anyone heard this term shakti? Shakti is Sanskrit for the divine feminine. And actually when we talk about the sun, the sun's power is from shakti or the divine feminine. So really any kind of wealth, fortune or power is, according to our Sanskrit Vedic texts, feminine by nature. And so there's the divine feminine and the divine masculine. And I personally feel, felt, and I see from my guru, that the world gets out of balance when we're only focusing on the masculine in terms of business or any field. But when it's in balance, then there's harmony and there's not just stifling, but not order, but harmony. There's a difference. And then there's room for creativity and growth and dynamic energy. And some of our greatest teachers are, I don't know, I wouldn't really think of them as male, female, but we have a guru in Miami who's a very senior lady, disciple of one of our gurus. She's a guru now. And so it's actually, it's not limited to a gender. That's kind of an old-fashioned way of thinking. And everything has its time and place, but that's not the time and place now. And you said you're saffron. That represents what again? Saffron, in our faith, it comes from a mineral, but when this, it's interesting we're talking about the sun, I wasn't really thinking about that before, but when the sun rises in the morning, you get this kind of color on the horizon. That's called the morning sunlight. It's called arun, or saffron, and it represents divine love in action, in service. So that's what that represents. And the sun represents what? The Gayatri mantra, which we chant morning, noon, and evening, the Brahma Gayatri, is a mantra that praises the sun, venerates the sun, but as the energy of God. And when we say the energy of God, what is that? So when we say the energy of God, that specifically refers to Shakti, or the Divine Feminine. That's for us, it's like, it sounds very simple right now, but in the deepest mystical aspects of our faith, we aspire to actually serve under that shelter of the Divine Feminine. I'm into mysticism, so I'm going to dig a little deeper here. So therefore, the service that's being done, let's say in Braj Bhoomi, or the service that may be done in Karma Yoga, if it's Dana with her business, Lauren with her business, their expression of healing, or healthcare, tech, or whatever it may be, that's an expression, that's passion, that's inspiration, and those qualities then, that's Shakti, that's the energy. That's power. For example, we call it money in the West, in Indian culture we call it Lakshmi, and that's actually the name of a goddess. And so we say we should serve Lakshmi. And I think that works in terms of banking and investing as well, right? They say, one thing about Lakshmi which is very interesting, they say money that sits isn't happy. It should be engaged. And so Lakshmi actually likes to be active, because she likes to be engaged in service. So wealth is not engaged in service, whether it's providing a service to consumers, or customers, or performing a service to the world. If it's static, people think, oh, right, if you're wealthy, then what are you doing? You're just sitting on your money, it's on your bank, it's on your bed? And that is what causes inflation, it's just static. So we say we don't want to be static, we want to be ecstatic. Ecstatic, that's why it's very interesting, they say, our Guru says this, because the moment he receives something, he spends it. He doesn't have a bank balance. His bank balance is the work he does, the service he does. That's the balance. That's why we call it punya, which means pious merit. And it helps you become more affluent. The more you give, that's the idea of the sun. You're giving power to others, you're receiving power. Some of the core values of our mission, we say, empower people, serve people, care for people. I think a lot of organizations and institutions get it backwards. You think of people as the means to the end. A lot of businesses, a lot of employers think, people should get these results from our company. But in our mission, we think of it completely the opposite. If you care for the people, they'll care for the mission. If you don't care for the people, it's just a transaction. There's no love. Without love, what results are you going to get? They're just cold and dry. So I say, we put people before projects, individuals before institutions. And if you do that, we call it servant leadership, you can get 10x, 20x, 1,000x, because there's no limit. Because you're giving people the opportunity to engage their genius. And if they care about it, then they'll do it. And that's how you build value. You get out of inflation, which is the problem in the economy. And if it's San Francisco, it's creating... We have a person over here, owns a club down the street, and he wants to create vibrancy back in the city. And the problem with the city is a reflection of the problem with companies, the economy, it's a little bit stagnant. And it creates real value. That's movement. You know, value isn't just money. I would say value is... Ultimately for us, the highest value is love. That's why we say Lakshmi means the goddess of fortune, but really she's the goddess of love. And how do you create love? Money doesn't... The Beatles, right? Money doesn't buy you love. So where is real value? Value is in your relationship. Value is in your practice. Value is in your life you should have, you should be able to provide for yourself and those you love. But really, if you want the highest value, you have to realize it. It's something you realize through a practice. But it's something intangible. Intangible. Our consciousness, our spirit, it's not material. So you could grab some gold coins, but that's a material substance. Who you are as a person isn't material, although you have a material form. So how can you find spiritual value? That's with your people, but with your practice, with your daily life. And if you can give a little bit of time for that, if anyone practices yoga, anyone practices meditation, or any spiritual faith or path, you know, we're not getting involved in each other's business, but if you have that, you can find value in it. And then, whatever value you have, whatever asset you have, can be engaged in a purpose that is valuable. Otherwise, it's just living human life as a glorified animal, in a way. It's hard to say. All right. Glorified animal. There you go. So, questions open. Sorry, it's a little real. Anyway, any questions over here? Oh, I've got two of them right here. Right there. It's on, man. It's on. It's on. I lost half my hair. I know. Thanks for your service. I mean, Mike over here, he's a real estate mogul in San Francisco. Hush. But he's done a lot of service to the United States. Special forces. I was privileged to do that. I spend a lot of time in India. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I was privileged to do that. I spend a lot of time in India. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. I've been to a lot of places. 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