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There's no place for a human You are born of I of God From the rising of the sun To the setting of the sun Your name is to be hallowed Hallowed Lord From the rising of the sun To the setting of the sun Your name is to be hallowed Hallowed Lord Hallowed Lord Praise the name of the Lord We have left our comfort zone this morning to come and worship God Why don't you lift up your voice and begin to adore this God? Why don't you begin to worship Him? Because of the reason you are standing Why did you leave your house to come today? Because you want to worship the mighty God You want to worship a God who is highly exalted You want to worship a God who is awesome You want to worship a God who is glorious You want to worship a God that is mighty I want to hear you loud and clear Worship this God, exalt Him, magnify His name He is great, He is mighty There is no one like unto Him He is the only God that can unify you He is the only God that can heal you He is the only God that can give you salvation Why don't you lift up your voice loud and clear And begin to exalt His name Exalt Him, adore Him, worship Him You are standing here, you are not in the hospital You are not in the mortuary You are not being carried, nobody carries you You walk by yourself Your hands are complete, your eyes are complete You can talk, you can breathe You have water to drink You have a shelter over your head Why don't you lift up your voice And begin to adore this God Why don't you worship Him Why don't you exalt Him He is full of glory, He is full of adoration Why don't you lift up your voice, I can't hear you I need you to worship this God Because you woke up this morning not by your strength You are not standing because you are too righteous You are not standing because you worship Him so much It is by His mercy and grace that you are standing I need you to worship this God I need you to exalt this God I need you to adore this God I need you to give Him all the glory due to His name In the mighty name of Jesus In Jesus' mighty name we'll worship In Jesus' mighty name we'll worship I'm going to quickly read this Bible, it's Chronicles 16, 29 And it says, Give unto the Lord glory due unto His name Bring an offering and come before Him Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness I really do not know what has brought you to church this morning Today is the worship service Why have you decided to come and worship God Because you know that God can heal you Because you know that God can give you salvation Because you know that God can cut everything that is in your life You know that God can deliver you I'd like you to lift up your voice now Begin to say, Lord, I have come to worship you Because I know you are the only true God You are one and the only true God All power belongs to you The power of wealth is in your hands The power of healing is in your hands The power of strength is in your hands Everything I need is in your hands And I've come to worship you Say, Lord, I've come to worship you Say, Lord, I exalt your name Because there is none like unto you We have searched you eternally And we have not found anyone like you We have gone to places We have not found a God like you I have come here to worship you today I have come to give you all the glory In Jesus' mighty name we'll pray In the mighty name of Jesus we'll pray We're still going to thank God Because I do not know the places you've gone to I don't know how you woke up this morning But you're not here by your strength You're here by the mercy of God And I want you to lift up your voice And say, thank you, Lord Thank you that I am standing Thank you that I'm not being carried on a wheelchair Thank you that I'm not being crushed right now Thank you that I'm not in a mortuary Thank you that I'm standing in your sanctuary Ready to receive from you this morning I want you to say, thank you, Lord Say, thank you, Lord Say, thank you, Jesus Say, thank you, Jesus Say, thank you, Jesus Say, thank you, Jesus Say, thank you, Jesus In Jesus' mighty name we'll pray In Jesus' mighty name we'll pray Another thing that can stand in the way of our blessing this morning Another thing that can stop our worship from reaching God Is sin And if we say we have no sin We deceive ourselves And the truth is not in us Everyone standing here All of us standing here Have sinned against God We have broken His commandments We have gone contrary to His words Why don't you say, Father, I am sorry I have come before you and I am deeply sorry I am a sinner and I have come with repentance I say, Lord, have mercy on me Let my sins not bring me condemnation Let my sin not be a hindrance to my worship this morning Say, Lord, I have sinned against you And I am truly sorry Father, forgive me Wash me from all my sins In the mighty name of Jesus In Jesus' mighty name we're giving thanks In Jesus' mighty name we've asked for mercy While I was praying for this thing One thing that kept dropping in my spirit was A lot of times we come to church We're trusting God for one thing or the other But we end up not getting it And why is that? Because of distraction When you are in church today It's a worship service Anything that will hinder Anything that will be a distraction Maybe because you're looking at the ceiling Maybe because you're looking at who is standing here Maybe because you're looking at how somebody is singing Or wanting And that's a distraction And then you go back feeling empty But I want you to pray this morning I say, Lord, anything that will be a distraction to me Because I know I'm going back on my blessing this morning Let it take it away from me In the name of Jesus I want you to pray That everything that will be a distraction Anything that will stop my blessing Everything that will stand in my way of virtue today Father, take it away Put your mind to heaven Say, Lord, I will not be distracted Anything that will stop me Father, take it away from me In Jesus' mighty name we're praying We're going to commit this service into the hands of God We're going to pray that God will come down mightily Even as we worship Him That God will receive all of our worship this morning Lift up your voice and begin to say, Father Come and reign supreme in our midst today Come and reign mighty in our midst today Come and do what you alone can do in our midst today In the name of Jesus Say, I will not go back the same way I have come Today will be a different Doesn't matter how long you've been coming But today will be different in my life In the name of Jesus I also like us to commit the servants of God into His hands Let's pray that as His daughter comes forth That she will speak from the unction of grace That God will speak through her mightily in the name of Jesus That a word that will come from her today will heal In the name of Jesus Is to bring salvation in the name of Jesus For the Bible says that the word of God is like two-edged sword He's going to come down He's going to bring salvation He's going to bring breakthrough He's going to bring healing He's going to bring everything that we've been trusting God for today Say, Father, as she comes up, O Lord Speak through her, O Lord Let your word speak to somebody Let there be healing Let there be deliverance Let there be breakthrough Let there be abundance of blessings Upon everyone that has come into your presence today In the mighty name of Jesus In Jesus' mighty name we pray We all came here for different reasons I do not know what has brought you Maybe you have come for healing Maybe you have come to make wealth Maybe you have come for God's grace To continue to do His work Maybe you have come for marriage breakthroughs Maybe you have come, I do not know Maybe you have come for Nigeria Begin to pour out your heart And say, Lord, because I'm in your presence You are going to do a new thing in my life Pray to God I don't know what has brought you to church You left your comfort zone You should have been in the house because it's raining But you chose to be in the presence of God And that reason must be fulfilled That reason must come to pass That reason must come You must have a testimony You are not going to go back the same way you have come You are going to go back celebrating You are going to go back rejoicing Because there is fullness in the presence of God There is joy in the presence of God There is healing in the presence of God There is fullness of blessing in the presence of God You are not going to go back the same way Begin to speak to God He can hear you The Spirit of God is right here with us He can hear you Open your mouth and pray to Him In the mighty name of Jesus In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed In the mighty name of Jesus we have prayed How about Father, we just want to thank you We thank you for another privilege to be in your presence We thank you for the grace of standing up today We thank you for the rain We thank you for all you have done for us Thank you for making it possible for us to be standing here today That singular reason that you have brought us into your presence Will be fulfilled in our life today In the name of Jesus This service will be an extraordinary one in the name of Jesus As we worship you Lord You receive all of our worship in the name of Jesus We shall go back rejoicing We will go back testifying We will go back laughing We will go back dancing Because you are going to send down rain today You are going to send down blessings You are going to send down healing You are going to send down deliverance You are going to send down everything we have been trusting you for Let your name alone be highly exalted In the mighty name of Jesus In Jesus' much blessed name we have prayed Somebody shout Hallelujah Let's have a prayer

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