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something please media text somewhere chapter four verse six look at what happened in that scripture look at what happened in that scripture text somewhere chapter four verse six okay now it was a battle between the philistines and it was the israeli at first they fought they did what the philistines won the battle secondly then the israeli said how are we going to solve this issue then they said let us bring in the ark of god let us bring in what the ark of god into this place and by the time they brought in the ark of god into the place what happened the philistines noticed that there is something going on there are a lot of us that your glory is shining and people are noticing that your glory is shining and after that they are jealous in you that was what happened and when the philistines noticed that something had happened one of them shouted and said ah because they have brought in this thing that means we are done we are we are dead that is what has happened in the scripture is it and when the philistines have the noise of the south they say what mimicked the noise of this great south in the camp of what of the hebrews and they understood that the ark of the lord was what now who told them that the ark of god was brought into that place that is to tell you that i'm a boy is there there is somebody that has notified them that the ark of god has been brought then verse 7 verse 7 verse 7 then someone has said ah we are done we are done today well because it is this same god that destroyed the egyptians he said ah that means we will be able to face the world we can't face the israelite anymore but what happened the second effect and the philistines were what they were what like the way your enemies are going to be afraid of you he said for they said god is come into us into the camp and they said whoa unto us that means we are gone we are finished for today please quickly rush to verse 8 rush to verse 8 rush to verse 8 now he said go unto us who shall do us who shall deliver us this is the philistines i was still talking please verse 9 verse 9 because i'm ahead because i want us to pray he said be strong another philistine i said be strong and what he said like what like men oh yeah philistines so these people they believe so much in themselves that by the time they approach the israelites they are going to do us they are going to kill them so these are some of the persons or some persons in our life that even as shiny as your glory by the time i approach that glory i will destroy that glory but i am trusting god that today anyone in charge by the power in the name of jesus god will take them out of your way in the mighty name of jesus i said god will take them out of your way in the mighty name of jesus please rush to verse 20 rush to verse 20 verse 20 when you go to verse 20 now they had all these fights ahead is it and about the time of our now they have had this fight they have fought the philistines attacked the israelites and they have fought they have won they killed all of them and they say now we are going to take the ark the philistines took the ark out of the israelites that is here this woman here this is the wife of sinners look at what she said look at what she said is that and about the time her death is that the woman that stood by her said unto her fear not for thou has not born a son that means a you are giving birth to a son he said but she answered not neither did she regard it why because the the sorrow was already there the bitterness was already there the sweet one is it and she named the word the child is that many words saying that glory is departed from israel and i pray for somebody here every of your glory that has been taken away from you by the power in the name of jesus the lord will restore it back in the mighty name of jesus i said the lord will restore them back in the mighty name of jesus so there are glories that have been taken away that have been manifesting in the life of people you may not know it might just be happening some people are struggling with jobs some people are struggling with marriages what because your glory is not shining because there is no opportunity for you you a lady came to me and said i have submitted cds for two years and there is not coming for an interview i said it's an arrow it is what an arrow and she's a graduate i said it's an arrow so i don't know who is here every youth that is seated here you are passing through one thing or the other by the power in the name of jesus the lord is going to take care of that situation in the mighty name of jesus i said the lord take care of that situation in the mighty name of jesus please answer your feet because we are going to pray i don't know how ready you are to grab that glory back in genesis chapter 32 genesis chapter 32 from verse 22 to 32 now jacob was a determined person jacob looked at himself and said it is enough why because where i am i am no longer comfortable in that place he said i must bring back everything that has been lost and the bible says jacob wrestled all through the night he wrestled he began to pray he began to seek the face of god and behold the lord appeared or the angel came to him and changed his name so this morning i prophesy into somebody's life that this god will change your name in the mighty name of jesus i said god will change your situation in the mighty name of jesus there is another person in the scripture garbage garbage cry go to god and look at his name he said because my mother bore me sorrow he said i am going to pray a prayer that will change my situation i am going to pray a prayer that will change my life so baby i don't know why you came to church this morning the reason why this program was organized is for us to pray for our glory and i am trusting god that your glory will be restored in the mighty name of jesus your glory will be restored in the mighty name of jesus then lift up your voice and begin to appreciate him just tell him father thank you thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord please media i don't know if you can help me media i don't know if you can help me i want to call some scriptures i'm going to call some scriptures they will use it to pray in the mighty name of jesus in jesus mighty name we pray in jesus mighty name we pray amen please for this few minutes for this few minutes please anyhow you are going to do it anyhow you are going to pray the prayer please pray anyhow you are going to pray just pray please and i am trusting god for a miracle in your life in the mighty name of jesus i said i'm trusting god for a miracle in your life in the mighty name of jesus chapter 60 verse 1 chapter 60 verse 1 okay now Isaiah 60 verse 1 the bible says arise shine for what for the light see see see when i call scriptures i want you to read that scripture with an understanding why because you are going to pray that same prayer with what with an understanding Isaiah 60 verse 1 he said arise that means your glory is going to arise in the mighty name of jesus he said arise number one shine number two so your glory is going to shine in the mighty name of jesus he said for the life and the glory of the lord is what risen upon now you are going to scream this way are you going to start my father my father my father my father my father my father better put more mouth strain put more strain we are used my father my father my father my father as i begin to cry unto you let my glory shine in the mighty name of jesus let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine in the mighty name of jesus as i cry unto you let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine in the mighty name of jesus let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine let my glory shine in jesus mighty name we pray in jesus mighty name we pray now we are going to take this song my glory my glory my glory you must shine by fire i don't know how you are going to call your glory because the bible already make us to understand Isaiah chapter 16 verse i said arise for the light is come every of your glory that have been hidden by the power in the name of they will shine by fire my glory you must you must now you're going to say my father my father my father my father you my glory by the power in the name of jesus right in jesus mighty name we pray in jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray in Jesus mighty name we pray and like never before every of your glory there have been in captivity by the power in the name of jesus release them now no that's not how i want it now you are going to clap this hand i don't know see okay we are going to thank god as i begin to clap my hands every of my glory that is in captivity by the power in the name of jesus let them drop out in the mighty name of jesus as i begin to clap my hands as i begin to clap my hands my glory drop out my glory drop out my glory drop out my glory drop out my glory drop out my glory drop out my glory drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out drop out

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