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Rebecca's podcast episode is about determination and how it is key to success. She emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes and not letting them hold you back. Rebecca encourages taking control of your life and believing that your decisions can make a difference. She advises against complaining and instead taking action to solve problems. It is important to remind yourself of your goals and visualize success to stay motivated. Keeping emotions under control is crucial to avoid giving up. Rebecca reminds listeners that achieving goals takes time and effort, but with determination and a positive mindset, success is possible. Hello listeners and welcome back if you're not new here. Thank you for tuning in to Rebecca's podcast of motivation. I'm your host Rebecca as they say it was not obvious but today we are going to be talking about determination. This is my second part of a three series which is titled persistence is key to success. If you have not already go watch or listen sorry to my first podcast where we talk about working through challenges where I talk about the like bumps and everything that you will face on your journey to success. One might say Rebecca this is a pretty broad statement and you can interpret it in many ways but it's important to never give up in your life that's what I'm trying to bring to you guys. This is how you will become successful. Today we will be discussing the determination aspect of never giving up in life and how to acquire this mindset and feeling. So first of all it's important to learn from the mistakes you make. Leave your mistakes in the past and do not let them weigh you down. It will literally destroy your self-confidence to let your past mistakes control you from trying new things because you're afraid. You must be intent on learning from your mistakes and make sure to not make the same one twice. Your past can never define you as the person you are presently or restrict what you are capable of right now. Having the mindset that you can control your life and the outcome of your life will lead to success. Believing that your decision will make a change in your life can be crucial to the determination mindset. Overall your success should never be viewed as luck or failure as luck. It's best to always take credit for your actions. Don't just give luck credit for your actions. When you do come across issues that make you feel weak or undetermined, never sink down to complaining or whining. If you are determined to fix the issues in your life, your actions speak way louder than words. For example, say you have an empty ketchup bottle. You won't get it refilled by complaining all day that you don't have any ketchup. So what do you do? You must go out and buy a new one. You can only make changes with physical improvement. I cannot stress this enough. But if you're feeling undetermined to make these changes or feel like giving up, remind yourself why you are trying to achieve a goal to keep you determined. Reminding yourself can make you feel way more excited and strive for the success. Sometimes during the day I'm hungry on the couch watching my favorite TV series and I don't want to get up to get food. Even though I've been sitting on the couch for a couple of hours and I've been hungry for a while, I remind myself how good the food will taste and how much better I will feel after I eat and how much my stomach will thank me. It helps me by visualizing my success and seeing what I will achieve to keep myself motivated. Sometimes when we face problems, we let our emotions control most of our actions, like what we say or what we do. To ensure you don't self-set yourself back on your success journey, you must discipline yourself to keep your emotions under control. The ability to control your emotions and actions can help you be way less likely to quit because you are mentally stronger than the little voices in your head that are telling you it's easier to give up. Achieving your goals may take way longer than you anticipated. You have to keep reminding yourself that it takes time and lots and lots of effort. Success is not going to come with a snap of your fingers. Remind yourself you have to work a while and maybe harder than others that you see. Overall, determination and a positive mindset will create success. With these tips and mindful strategies, you will go places. And after listening to this podcast, I hope it changed your view on success and persistence. I appreciate every single one of you and thank you for tuning in again to Rebecca's Podcast on Motivation.