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cover of pathogenesis of dermatophytoses
pathogenesis of dermatophytoses

pathogenesis of dermatophytoses

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Dermatophytes are organisms that cause disease. They are found in soil or on infected animals or humans. When they come into contact with the body, they can cause infections on the skin, hair, or nails. The pathogenesis of dermatophytes on the skin involves the infection spreading outwards in a ring-like pattern, with a clear center and raised edges. This infection can be itchy and cause skin issues. Pathogenesis. Pathogenesis is the process by which organism cause disease. Pathogenesis include the origination and development of diseases. Spores of dermatophytes are present in soil on infected animal or on infected human. When the body part came in contact with these dermatophyte habitats with spore, these spore adhere to the contacted site. Contacted site with spore can be said inoculated site. On scratching the inoculated site, these spore may spread to different un-inoculated sites. Inoculated site may be skin, hairs or nails. Inoculated site may include skin. The pathogenesis of dermatophytes varies depending upon the inoculated site. Let's see its pathogenesis on skin. On skin, dermatophytes grow in centrifugal pattern. That is that the infection spread radially outwards from central point, which gives appearance of ring-like structure. The ring-like structure of infection shows central clear zone with raised edges. The infection is pruritic and has skin issues. Pruritic means having or causing itching. It makes you want to scratch it or rub it.

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