The audio titled "Additional Input Required" begins with the unmistakable roar of a motorcycle engine, the throaty growl reverberating through the air, conjuring images of a powerful vehicle tearing down an open road. The sound is choppy, pulsing in and out like a heartbeat, adding an element of suspense to the atmosphere. Suddenly, the roar of the motorcycle is replaced by an entirely different sound - a metallic clanging, reminiscent of a large, hollow tank. It echoes, each clank bouncing off unseen walls before fading into the background, replaced by the next. Then, without warning, a series of electronic pulses comes through, sharp and fast-paced. The pulses are reminiscent of something out of a sci-fi movie, their futuristic tone contrasting starkly with the more grounded sounds of the motorcycle and tank. Finally, the audio ends with a feedback loop. The sound is shrill and continuous, like a high-pitched whine that grows louder and more insistent until it