In the audio titled "Branch Descending", the core essence revolves around the distinct sounds that are produced as a branch falls from a tree. The setting is a university campus, specifically, UPF-CS12, rendering an academic, peaceful backdrop to the event. As the audio begins, the tranquil ambiance of the campus can be subtly discerned. The faint chirping of birds, rustling of leaves, and distant murmur of students engrossed in their activities create a serene soundscape. Suddenly, the calm is punctuated by the distinct creaking sound of a tree branch. The strain in the timber as it struggles to hold on, followed by the snapping sound, is distinctly discernible. The branch then starts its descent towards the ground. As it descends, the whooshing noise of the branch cutting through the air, its interaction with other branches and leaves, creates an ensemble of chaotic sounds. The collision of the branch with smaller branches on its way down, the rustling