The audio titled "Continuous White Noise" begins with an unbroken, monotonous hissing sound, akin to static or a television left on an unused channel. It's a soothing, consistent, and unchanging noise that envelops the listener, creating a sense of calm and tranquility. Suddenly, a woman's voice pierces the white noise. She speaks in English with a startled tone, her voice laced with fear and surprise. She seems to have been caught off guard, as if she has just jumped in fright. Her voice is high-pitched and shaky, indicating that she is scared. The woman continues to talk, her voice trembling amidst the white noise. Her words are hard to decipher but her tone is clear - she is experiencing a scare. The woman's voice fades in and out, popping up unexpectedly throughout the audio. Her startled exclamations are the only breaks in the otherwise constant white noise, adding a sense of suspense and unease to the calm backdrop.