The audio titled "Freaking in English" opens with the sound of a lively comedy show. The audience's laughter echoes in the background, hinting at the fun and entertaining environment. Suddenly, the distinct low pitched honking of a clown's nose fills the air, followed by the rustling of oversized, colorful clothes. The audio then shifts to the sound of a Boeing airplane soaring through the sky, its engines roaring. Amid the engine's roar, a bouncing sound can be heard, suggesting a cartoonish exaggeration of the turbulence inside the plane. The bouncing sound continues to a comedic rhythm, setting a funny and light-hearted tone. The audio then returns to the comedy show, where the clowns are now the center of attention. The exaggerated, squeaky sounds of clown shoes bouncing on the stage can be heard, intermixed with their high-pitched, infectious laughter. The sound of a cartoonish, playful horn honking punctuates the humor, eliciting more laughter from the