In this episode, titled "SodaStream Episode 002", we delve into the exciting world of home carbonation. The audio opens with the distinct hiss of gas being released, immediately setting the tone for an engaging exploration of all things fizzy. The listeners are taken on a journey through the process of transforming ordinary tap water into sparkling water. The narrator provides a step-by-step walkthrough, from filling a bottle with water to the magic moment when the SodaStream device infuses it with carbon dioxide under pressure. Throughout the episode, the focus remains on the relationship between air, water, and pressure, demonstrating how these elements come together to create a refreshing, bubbly beverage. The soundscape is filled with the bubbling of carbonated water and the gentle fizzing of gas, immersing the listener in the soda-making experience. The narrator also delves into the science behind carbonation, explaining how carbon dioxide, under pressure, dissolves into water