In this audio piece titled "Zombie Growl", the listener is immediately enveloped in the eerie world of the undead. The audio begins with an unsettling silence, only to be shattered by the guttural growl of a zombie. The growl, reminiscent of the fictional creature called Ido, is deep and raspy, chilling to the bone. It echoes with a monstrous quality, resonating with the terror that such an entity instills. The noise is drawn out, similar to the sound of the character Gru when he is in a state of displeasure or agitation. The audio paints a vivid picture of a fearsome monster, lurking in the shadows, its growl echoing in the quiet night, a clear warning of the lurking danger. The "Zombie Growl" audio is a spine-tingling experience, plunging listeners straight into the heart of a horror scene.