Rev Rob is hosting a Friday night live refreshment session. He wants everyone to be refreshed in their mind, spirit, soul, body, and finances. He discusses the importance of choices and talks about choosing between worry or worship, praise or pouting, and prayer or pride. He encourages people to worship God and not worry, to praise God and not pout, and to pray and not be prideful. He emphasizes the power of choices in various aspects of life, such as relationships, health, and finances. He urges people to make better choices and reminds them that they are champions, not chumps. Hey, good evening, everybody. This is Rev Rob coming with our Friday night live refreshment. I want you to be refreshed tonight. I want you to be refreshed in your mind. I want you to be refreshed in your spirit. I want you to be refreshed in your soul. I want you to be refreshed in your body, in your finances, in every area of your life. You are at the right place at the right time for Friday night refreshments. Let's get it on tonight. We're going to have a real talk session. It's going to be about choices. We're going to talk about choices tonight. Hey, Sister Gwen, how are you doing? You guys hit the share button if you don't mind. I really want to get this message out tonight. It's just a real talk. There's not a sermon, I'm not going to be preaching, but I just want to have some real talk. Minister Serena, hey, good evening to you. We have choices in this life. We have choices. You have a choice to make. You can choose to do what you want to do. You can choose to be where you want to be. You can choose to think what you want to think. Choices. We want to talk about a few choices tonight. We're going to talk about whether you should worry or worship, whether you should praise or pout, whether you should pray or have a bunch of pride. I want to welcome you in tonight. Share your comments and what you think about these topics as well as we get ready to venture into real talk, Friday night refreshment. I want to pray and then we'll move forward. Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord, we thank you. Thank you for this time. Thank you for this day. For this is the day that you have made and we're going to rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you, Lord. You are our sponsor. It's time to hear a word from our sponsor. We thank you. It's in you that we live, we move, and that we exist. Can't nobody do us like you. We thank you for the love that you have for the entire world. Everybody that's listening and looking at me, God loves you. Amen. Well, listen, let's get right into it. You have a choice. You have a decision to make in every situation that come up in your life, good and bad. There is an opportunity. It is a privilege for you and I to make a decision, for you and I to have choices. You can choose or not, but even if you don't choose, you're making a choice not to do anything. You're making a choice not to say anything. If you hear somebody saying something wrong and if you love them, tell them the truth. If you see your loved one doing something that's not right, if you love them, tell them don't do it. Oh man, come on, you missed what I'm saying tonight. Listen, we have choices. We have choices and you have choices and I have choices. The first thing we want to talk about is whether we should worry, watch this, whether we should worry or worship. Worry or worship, which one? Worry or worship. I've made up in my mind, I've made up in my mind that I'm not going to worry about stuff anymore. You see, many of us, we worry about things that we have no control over. You can't control the weather. You can't control what somebody else is going to say. You can't control what somebody else is going to do. Why don't you try worshiping God? I found that the good books say they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. And so God is a spirit and when we worship him, we worship him in spirit and truth. And so I want to encourage you tonight, the Bible says, don't worry about anything, but by everything through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, make your request known unto God. And that's what I choose to worship him because when I worship him, I'm telling him all about how much I'm grateful for who he is. I'm worshiping him and I'm not asking him for anything. You're God and you've got all by yourself. I worship you for who you are. Who is he? He's a sovereign God. He got the whole world in his hand. Who is he? He's our provider, Jehovah, he provides for me. Who is he Pastor Rob? He's my peace. He's my Jehovah Shalom. God is our peace. If you have peace going on right now, welcome Mr. Rebecca. If there's peace in your home right now, thank God. Thank God, worship him, lift up holy hands and say, Lord, I thank you. I worship you for who you are. Don't ask him for anything, but worship him for everything. Worship him about everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Everybody sick, hallelujah, Lord, we worship you. Everybody doing well, hallelujah, Lord, we worship you. Money is funny, we worship him. Change is strange, we worship him. Money is flowing real good. We got enough money that we can loan other people. We can buy gifts for people. We can give away to worship him. In every situation that you find yourself in, find a way to worship God. Find something in that moment, something in that moment to worship God for. Listen, if you're breathing, you're achieving, and if you're going through something, and you made it on the other side, worship him. Thanking God is a form of worshiping him, because everybody's going to go through something. I don't care who you are. Thank you, Mr. Rebecca. It doesn't matter who you are, you're going to go through some problems. You're going to go through some ups and downs. You're going to go through some good times and bad times, but I found out that I don't complain. See, when you worry, it's a form of complaining, but why don't you just worship? Hey, Sister Betty, hit the share button. Thank you. Just worship God, don't worry. Number two, praise God or either pout. Let me say another thing. You can praise to God or you can pout to men and women. You can give praise to God or you can pout to people. The Bible says that he inhabits the praises of his people. He lives in your praise. What a mighty God we serve. My brothers and sisters, I want you to get an attitude that I'm going to praise God in the morning. I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus. I'm going to praise God in the afternoon. Just praise him. Say thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Say I love you, Lord. Do like minister Rebecca, sing a song to him and serenade him. I love you, I love you. This is you singing to God. I really love you, Lord. You have done so much for me, gave me the victory. I love you, I love you. I really love you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Can you just fathom how much God is rejoicing himself? How much he's thanking, he's patting himself and saying, that's my son, that's my daughter because we know that he loves us. We know that he loves you. I know he loves me. He allowed his son to die for me, but tell him. Don't just tell him, show him how much you love him and how you speak and how you treat other people. Show him every day. We're going to praise God and we're not going to pout to men. Number three, we're going to pray and not get into pride. Pray and not be prideful. Too many people feel like prayer don't matter, God's going to do what he wants to do anyway. Well, that's not what Hezekiah found out. When Isaiah told Hezekiah to get your house in order, you're going to die, Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and he prayed to God and God gave him 15 more years. Y'all ain't hearing me. I said, the prophet went to the king's house to tell him, the Lord told me to tell you to get your house in order. The king turned his face to the wall and reminded God in prayer, hallelujah, what he had done in prayer that he was his son. If you're going through something tonight, if you're going through something tomorrow, if you get up in all hell breaking loose in your house, you better learn how to worship God. You better learn how to praise God. You better learn how to pray. Don't walk around worrying. Don't walk around pouting and don't walk around in yourself. I'm proud. I'm a proud man. I'm a man. I don't cry. I cry in a minute because God feel my tears when I cry. It's the love of God that I have. It's the love of God for tear ducts. It releases stress. It releases pressure, choices on this Friday night. You have choices. I have choices and I just wanted to encourage you all for a few, for a few moments about the choices in your life. You can choose to think like a chump or you can choose to think like a champion. I'm a champion, Minister Rebecca. I'm a champion, Carolyn Cooper. I'm a champion, Serena, Gwen. You a champion. You're not a chump. Choices, choices, choices. Let's make better choices. Hey, Pastor Ruth, Nairobi, Kenya, God bless you. Hit the share button, everybody, if you haven't done so already. We want to make sure that, hey, Sister Regina, Gigi Williams, God bless you. We want to make sure that we get it right first. You have decisions to make. You have choices in your life. You have a choice. Some of y'all are getting beat down and degraded by men and women. I can do bad all by myself. God sent me a wonderful wife to be a helpmate to me, to stand beside me. But if the tables turn, I can do bad by myself. Choices. I'm grateful that I have her. She's a wonderful, God tailor-made her for me. You better know that you are special and God loves you. God loves you so much. God loves you. If you don't like how you look, do something about it. Choices. Stop eating so much. Go do some exercises. Call the dietician. Make a plan. Pray about it. Praise God about it. Worship God about it. Thank Him. Lord, I see myself 20 pounds lighter in the next month or two months from now. In the name of Jesus. Choices. You don't like the money you make or the money you have? Do something about it. You say, well, you know, I'm retired now and I just don't have enough money at the end of the month. Ask God to help you. Lord, give me an idea that I can be a blessing to other people. The greatest industry there is is service. The greatest industry, the most successful industry out there, sales and service. That's what it's all about. So that's all I really have for tonight. I just, tonight, Friday night, I wasn't doing nothing on TV and I just said, Lord, can I speak to the people tonight? Hey, Sister Sharon, can I speak to the people tonight? He said, yeah. Tell them that I give them choices. I have a great relationship with God. He's my daddy. He's my papa. He's my papa. When everybody else turned their back on me, my papa said, I'll never leave you, I'll never forsake you. When everybody else said, I can't do it, my papa said, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. When everybody else said, you ain't going to get this and you ain't going to get that, my papa said, but my God. Let me say it another way. But my papa. Hallelujah. But my papa shall supply all of my need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. So I don't care what you say, I'm only concerned about what he say. Choices. I can choose to listen to you or I can choose to listen to God. How do you listen to God? Read the word. 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament, 27, read the word. God will speak to you all day and all night. Meditate on his word. I can do all things through my papa which gives me strength. He strengthens me. He walks with me. He talks with me and tell me everything going to be all right. Choices. One more time. You get choices and decisions every day. You can choose to worship or you can choose to worry. You can choose to praise God or pout to men. You can choose to pray or you can choose to have pride. Pride going to mess you up. I don't want nobody to see me praying. I don't want nobody. I'm not weak. You are weak because you don't pray. No prayer, no power. Little prayer, little power. See I'm all about, I choose faith. I choose faith over facts. The facts is that one plus one equals two. But when I get through serving you, I can take that one plus one and it can be unlimited. I have you saying, wow, I can't believe that. Oh my God. See, first you don't want to believe in him, but by the time I get through with you, you're going to be saying, oh my God, that man served me. That man made me feel like I was special. That man made me feel like a queen. That man made me feel like a king. That man told me everything going to be all right. And he backed it up because the word of God tells us that there's nothing too hard for God. Oh good Lord Almighty. I said I wasn't going to preach y'all and I'm trying to contain myself, but when I think about the goodness of the Lord and all that he does for me, my soul cries out hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for your goodness toward me. Thank you for your goodness toward us. Thank you for your mercy towards me. Thank you for your mercy toward my brothers and sisters that's listening to me. Thank you for your grace, more grace daddy, more grace papa. Thank you for your grace for minister Serena. Thank you for your grace for Janice Johnson. Thank you for your grace for Rebecca Cypress. Thank you for your grace from Africa to America, your grace from Canada, hallelujah, to Japan. Thank you for your grace in Ukraine. Thank you for your grace all over the world. More grace, choices tonight. We get to make choices. Make sure you choose wisely. Make sure you choose wisely. Thank you Lord. He's so good. He's real good. He's just real good. God is good, thank you. So listen, I love you guys. Thank you for hanging out. God is good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you, thank you, thank you, hallelujah. That's right, that's my scripture right there, Deuteronomy 30. He says, choose life so you and your children may live. Hallelujah. We thank God tonight for each and every one of you. Be blessed. Don't forget tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. we're coming back. We got a message for you tomorrow at 10 a.m. and tomorrow at 8 p.m. It's all about God, y'all. I'm going to say it again, it's all about God. It's all about God. It ain't about me, it ain't about you. It's about this great God that we love and this great God that loves us. Thank you, Papa. Father, in the name of Jesus, right here, right now, Lord, we come as a group of people, Lord, trusted and believing in your holy word. You said one can chase 1,000 and two can put 10,000 aflight. So we come right now to release our faith for healing over all of our bodies. So if there may be any sick among us tonight or any time in the future, we release our faith right now for our family and our friends and those that may be sick, those that are in the hospital, those that have heart conditions, head conditions, cancer, whatever the situation is, there's nothing too hard for you, Daddy. Nothing too hard for you, Papa. And so we trust the word. We release our faith on the word. You were wounded for our transgressions. You was bruised for our iniquities. And a chastisement of our peace is upon you. And by your stripes, we are healed right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, they told us we couldn't get the loan. We couldn't get the car. We couldn't get the home. We couldn't get this and we couldn't get the clothes. We couldn't get the food. Can't pay the cable. Can't pay this. Listen, you said, but my God, Philippians 419 shall supply all of our need according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. And so we thank you right now as we release our faith for our finances, release our faith for financial restoration. We're not going to be poor, busted, and disgusted anymore. We're not going to be broke anymore, Lord. We're going to be lenders and not borrowers. In the name of Jesus, we're going to give knowing it shall be given unto us. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall men give unto our bosom. And that's a measure of our giving, Lord. When we give, you give back to us. Thank you, Lord. Thank you in the name of Jesus. And finally, Lord, we pray for restored relationships, Lord. First with you, let us get our vertical relationship right with you, Lord. We want to be right. We want to be saved. We want to be whole. Now forgive us of any sin that we committed, any sin that we have spoken, any sin that we have thought with our mind. Forgive us right now in the name of Jesus. We release our faith for your cleansing right now. You said confess your sin and you are faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So we clean now. We got a clean slate. We got a clean slate. Now the first thing we're going to do is honor your great commandment, love God with all our heart, our mind, our soul, and love our neighbor as ourselves. Thank you, Jesus. Then we're going to trust the great commission. In the name of Jesus, go ye therefore and teach and make disciples. Hallelujah. You will say you will never leave us, you will never forsake us, even at the end of the world. So thank you for being with us. Thank you for loving us. In Jesus' name we pray. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Thank God. Amen, amen, amen, amen. Well, God bless you all. Thank you for joining in tonight. Hey, share this message. Encourage somebody that they have choices. Tell your children you can worship God or you can worry. You can praise God or you can pout to men and women that can't do nothing about your problems. Or you can pray. Or even you can have pride. People that don't open up their mouth and pray to God, they have pride. And pride will hurt you. Too much pride will kill you. I want you to live. I want you to live. I want you to let go and let God. Let go and let God. That's what it's all about. Amen, amen. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus. Don't forget my song. I want you to learn that. Sing it yourself. You can flip it around like I did. I wanted to make it personal between me and God. I have to let him know how much I love him on a daily basis. Every opportunity. When you wake up in the morning. Before you go to bed at night. Just tell him thank you. Thank you so much, daddy. You're so good to me, daddy. That's what you have to do. That's what you have to do. Amen, amen. God bless everyone. Love you much. This is my brother, Gerald Albright. I like his jazz. I want you to just meditate for a moment on the goodness of the Lord. Y'all don't know nothing about that. Be blessed. This is Pastor Rob. It's my pleasure to come before you on this Friday night. Refreshments is what we call it. I want you to be refreshed. Like some freshly squozing lemonade. Just refresh. The Bible says, oh, taste and see. That the Lord is good. And his mercy endures forever. Be blessed, everyone. Love you much. Take care. Take care. Amen. Praise God. Take care, everybody. God bless.