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Rev.Mary PalmerRev.Mary Palmer



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The Reverend Mary from Along The Way Ministries shares a new sermon and a poem called "Today." The poem encourages turning hate into love, injustice into justice, and treating others with respect. She also expresses her deep admiration for Jesus and how he has been there for her in every way. The poem was written in 1994. The Reverend expresses her gratitude, blesses the listeners, and reminds them that God loves them. Hello, people of God. This is Reverend Mary coming to you in the name, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, from Along The Way Ministries. This ministry was given to me by our Heavenly Father August 14, 2006, as a disciple of Christ. I am bound in the spirit of love and obedience to the will of God to go, ye four, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. And this scripture can be found in Matthew chapter 28, verse 19. Hey, my friends, I am going to present something a little bit different tonight. I have a new sermon to add to the other ones I presented on the podcast. And I hope and pray that something is said that will bless your soul, draw you closer to Christ, and make you want to reach out there in this mess and pull somebody in to save them, fear and trembling, from the pits of hell. I hope and pray. I want you to know I'm a poet, and I have been writing poetry for a very, very long time, and I don't write as often as I used to. But I want to share something with you. Anything that I write, that I present, that I preach, that I teach on this podcast will most definitely be to glorify my Lord, be to help somebody find their way, and to strengthen the church, to strengthen the brothers and sisters in Christ, and to make disciples, you know. That's what we're called to do. But on February 25, 2023, I wrote a poem. This is my latest one, too. This is the first one I've written in a long time. It's called Today. And this is spiritual food, food for thought, you know. It's called Today. And I want to read this. Only the word of God is powerful enough to remain the same. It is truth, and there is no law against the truth. Bad historical results need to be changed. Look at it. Do just the opposite. Turn hate into love, injustice into justice, anger into control, undiscipline into respect. Treat others like you want to be treated. Do not fear what you do not understand. Find a way to understand, and if you still do not understand, accept the things that are different. You only have the right to change yourself. With God's help, it is possible, because it is possible. Become colorblind. Call a man a man, a woman a woman. If you know their name, say it with respect. There are many ways to describe a person and not refer to them as a color. Human beings are much better than that. We are the Lord's handiwork. History is only worth repeating if victory is won. Praise the Lord. That's my recent point, you know. I couldn't go to the hospital, but this is what's important. This poem is about someone that I really, really adore. And you've got to keep an open mind about this, because if you don't, you will miss who this person is. There is a man that I have admired from afar, and yet he is as close to my heart more so than you or you or even you could ever imagine, because it's a sacred thing. It's a personal thing. I saw him in my newborn baby's eyes, and I heard him in my newborn baby's first cry. I went outside early one morning, and I looked up at the sky. I felt his warm breath against my face, and I knew then I had felt a tender kiss. And I would come in from outside on a cold winter day. When I would enter my home, I would feel peace that he brings. The love in this house embraces me. That's when I knew his arms were all around me. Forgive me, if you will. My memories are poor. I should have introduced him to you when I walked through the door. His name is Jesus, and I don't know if you two have met, but he is the man that I talk about each and every chance I get. I will tell you how we met, if you don't mind my boldness. I had searched and searched for a man to fulfill my needs, and all I had to do was just look to the heavens above. Now I didn't see him looking back at me, but I knew that he was there, because he has showed me in every way possible just how much he cared, and he always lets me know in some way that he is there. You see, I have a main line to his mansion, and he is never too busy to talk. You see, I needed him last night, and I just simply called his name. And before I knew it, nothing was the same. Well, I had a grandchild born this morning, and I wanted everything to be just right. So I got down on my knees, and I called him just once, not twice. He answered me in such a way that he truly calmed my soul, and I knew that when she came into the world, he would be there to take control. Well, I know that it's hard to find a good man, and so I think that I'll keep this one. You see, he awakens me every morning, and he's right by my side when I go to bed at night, and he is the first one that I think about at dawn's early light. Oh yes, it's a fatal attraction, and I wouldn't have it any other way. He died for me. I'll die for him. And the awesome thing is that we'll live together forever and a day. Amen. It was written April 27, 1994. Thank you for listening. God bless you, and I appreciate you, and God loves you more than words can express. Be blessed until we meet again.

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