Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker begins by expressing gratitude and excitement for being in the presence of God and expects the Holy Spirit to manifest in a special way. They lead a prayer asking for the Spirit to dominate the service and for the word to bring power and transformation. Then, they discuss the works of the Holy Spirit, stating that the Spirit is the Spirit of God and Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is a person and not just a wind or fire. They quote John 14:16, where Jesus promises to send another comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will abide with believers forever. The Holy Spirit gives birth to believers and places them in the Kingdom of God. The Spirit gives power and enables believers to live a holy life and do things they couldn't do on their own. The Holy Spirit also guides believers and glorifies Jesus Christ. When believers mention the name of Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit that answers and causes the name of Jesus to be glorified. of the time in his presence. Apostle, God bless you so much. I'm highly privileged to be in the midst of this beautiful gathering. Tonight, I'm very, very proud of this opportunity and I know the Holy Spirit is going to manifest himself in a very special way in our individual lives. And the presence of God will increase with the manifestation of his glory. God bless to everyone that is available and ready for his grace. Please kindly enter into worship in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Everlasting God, we are so grateful to you. Blessed be your holy name. You are the God of Gods. You are the King of Kings. You are the Lord of Lords. Tonight, we give you the glory, adoration, and praise. If there is nothing, there's anything above thanksgiving, there's anything above worship, there's anything above glory, we offer all unto you in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, I pray that your spirit dominate this service. Your spirit will serve this service and your presence take over. Let your word come with power and transformation. Let your word come with power of deliverance. Let your word come with the power of your spirit that your people will be filled with the power of your spirit and be blessed tonight in Jesus' name. I have built myself as a vessel. Use me that your people see your glory in every side by side of your destiny. Lord, I bless your holy name. Thank you for using me. And thank you for everyone on this platform. I pray that, oh God, you bless each and everyone and give us the spirit of understanding and let your word be inculcated into our spirit and we'll be hearers and doers of your word. Thank you Holy Spirit for taking over in Jesus' mighty name. Amen. Please can you hear me now? Yes, please. We can hear you, mommy. Yes. Tonight I want to discuss about the works of the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? I know for the past week we've learned a lot about the Holy Spirit. And I'll give an overview. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is God. He also is also a creator God. Because he is part of the creation. He was the part of the creation according to Genesis chapter 1. First, 2 Danvers Bible says that in the beginning, after God created the world and everything became formless, the Holy Spirit took over. And God said, let there be light. And the Holy Spirit caused light to come. The Holy Spirit is the one who has been performing everything that God does. He is the active force of the Trinity God. Holy Spirit is a person, not just a wind, not just fire, not just a dove. Holy Spirit can demonstrate himself in all those things, like wind, like fire. But Holy Spirit is a person that can hear, that can talk, is a person that thinks, that has wisdom, that does everything as a person. He is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. So, without much ado, I'll let us move to the Bible. John chapter 14 verse number 16 downwards. John 14 verse 16 downwards. John chapter 14 verse number 16. That's what the Bible is. And I will pray to the Father and shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever. Even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because he seeth him not, neither knoweth him. But ye know him, for he dwelleth in you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you. Yet a little while the world will see me no more. But ye see me, because I live, and I shall live, and ye shall live also. That's the book of John chapter 14 verse 15 to 19. The Bible says that Jesus promised the disciples that I will not leave you like that. I will give you another comforter, another helper. So the Holy Spirit is a spirit of comfort and is a spirit of health. He came purposely to help each and every one who has taken Jesus as his Lord and personal Savior. And Jesus said he is going and he will come back to us. His coming back to us is in a spirit form. He went to heaven and came back to us in a spirit form in order to dwell in us forever. So Jesus, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, they are three, they are one, and Jesus is the same Holy Spirit. So when we go to heaven, we will not see God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We will only see Jesus because the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus Christ. Tonight we are discussing about the works of the Holy Spirit. What does he do? The Holy Spirit is the one who gave birth to us. When we say we are born again, it is the spirit that gives birth to us according to the book of John. John chapter 3 verse number 5 downwards. John chapter 3 verse number 5 downwards. John 3 verse 5. Truly I tell you emphatically, unless a person is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the spirit is spirit. Don't be astonished that I told you, all of you must be born from God. And as the wind blows where it wants, you hear its sound, but you don't know where it comes from or where it's going. That's the way it is with anyone who is born of the spirit. First of all, the Holy Spirit is the one who gives birth to anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord and personal Savior. When He gives birth to you and you become born again, He also places you in the kingdom of God. Bible says that anyone that is born of the flesh is flesh, anyone that is born of the spirit is spirit. So when you are born from your mother's womb, you are flesh. But when you accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior, it's the Holy Spirit that gives birth to you to become a child of God. As He gives birth to you, He also places you in the kingdom of God. And He makes your life very unstoppable. He says that as the wind blows from east, you don't know where it is going, whether it's going to the west or south, the same way that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, your life cannot be defined by your enemies and they cannot also stop you. Please can someone hear me out? Yes, we can hear you. So the work of the Holy Spirit is to give birth to us. He gives birth to believers and places us in the kingdom, kingdom of God. Amen. The Holy Spirit gives us power. He gives us power. According to Acts chapter 1 verse 8, when we come upon you, you will be my witness in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth. When you don't have the Holy Spirit, you are powerless. Without the Holy Spirit, there are certain things you will not do. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot also live a holy life. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot also abide in Christ. Because without the Holy Spirit, you are like a body without life. And the Bible says that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we shall receive power. Power to be children of God. Power to walk in the Word of God. Power to walk in holiness. Power to pray. Power to evangelize. Power to do things for ourselves. There are so many things in life without the Holy Spirit. You can have a certificate, you can have a physical picture, but the Holy Spirit as a helper, it is not with you. There are so many things you can do. So Jesus said, when the Spirit comes upon you, He will give you power. Tonight, may you receive power in Jesus' name. Power in the name of Jesus. Power to obey God. What to offer your life. Power to do things that your physical flesh cannot do. Jesus Christ. The Spirit also comes to us to guide us. And He also glorifies Jesus Christ. When you receive the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit does not speak for Himself, but He speaks for Jesus Christ. It is His responsibility to glorify the name of Jesus we mention every day. According to John chapter 6, verse 13 and verse 14, the Bible says that, yes, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. Without the Holy Spirit, you will live your life a mess. Because you cannot lead yourself. The Bible says that anyone who does not have God in his life, according to Deuteronomy chapter 28, the person is like a blind person. Someone who does not obey God. So when Jesus Christ is not in your life, and the Holy Spirit is not in your life, you live like a blind person. You have eyes, but you will not be able to lead your life into direction that will help your destiny. So the Holy Spirit comes to guide our life. He will guide you into truth. The responsibility of the Holy Spirit in your life is to guide you to take right decisions for yourself. When you are about to do something, whether it's marriage, sex, you are trying to take job, everything that you want to do, you must pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, guide you, and also show you the way. Because God sends the Spirit to lead us. When we go ahead of the Holy Spirit, we are going to the failure direction. But when we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us, He will lead us into truth. You will not fail. In everything we do, let's involve Him, let's ask Him to lead us. Let's pray for spiritual leadership concerning the decisions we take in our life. As we allow Him, the Bible says that He will lead us into truth, and He will guide us. I read, He won't speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears, and He will declare to you the things that are to come. Amen. The Holy Spirit does not speak for Himself. He speaks for Jesus Christ. Anytime you mention Jesus' name, it's the Holy Spirit that takes the action. When you ask Him to flee from you, it's the Holy Spirit that drives out the demons. When you pray for the blood of Jesus to sanctify you, it's the Holy Spirit that uses the blood to sanctify you. In the Old Testament, the Father's dispensation. Jesus came and it was His dispensation. In our era, we are in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. And whatever that we mention the name of Jesus Christ to do, whether we pray, whether we do declarations, whether we ask something, whether we curse demons, whatever, whenever we mention the name of Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit that answers, that causes the name of Jesus to be glorified. I'm reading now verse 14 of John chapter 16, verse 14. John 16, verse 14. He said, You glorify Me because You will take what is Mine and declare it to you. The Holy Spirit is in your life to glorify Jesus Christ. Because we see it from the creation and every aspect that whatever God does, He will speak and the Holy Spirit will take the action. So it is very vital to have Holy Spirit in your life. If you don't have Holy Spirit in your life, tonight I pray that you receive the Holy Spirit. Because everything that God does, He uses His Word, that is Jesus Christ. And the Holy Spirit makes it come through. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit was leading the Israelites from Egypt. He is the one who led them. By day, He was a pillar of crowd. And by night, He was a pillar of fire. Amen. Hear me out. If you can hear me out, I want to hear Amen. Amen. Amen. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. I can hear the voice of the people. Amen. Amen. If you have the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit protects us. He is the one who protects us. In the night, He is a pillar of fire. He is guiding your life with fire. By day, He is a cloud that your enemies cannot identify you. You see, without the Holy Spirit, you walk like a sheep without owner. And the enemies, you become vulnerable to your enemies. And when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you are hidden somewhere. Because He protects you and makes sure that the name of Jesus that you mention becomes profitable to you. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot mention the name of Jesus and have results. Bible says that some people, sons of Askew, have tried to cast out demons with the name of Jesus. But when they tried to cast out demons with the name of Jesus, the demon possessed person told them, I know Paul. I know Jesus. But who are you? And the enemies, demonic spirits were able to beat one, six people. One person was able to beat six people. Without Holy Spirit, you cannot use the name of Jesus to perform miracles or anything. When the Holy Spirit is in you, whatever you mention the name of Jesus to do, the Holy Spirit takes the action so that the name of Jesus will be glorified. Amen. Amen. Another work of the Holy Spirit is to also put our flesh to death and give us power over sin. Amen. Amen. Sons, we want to stop sinning. We want to stop gambling. We want to stop drinking alcohol. We want to stop fornicating. We want to stop this. But the more you try, the more the sin comes. The problem is that you are not filled with the Holy Spirit. Tonight I pray that you be filled with the Spirit so that we conquer our flesh in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Verse 3, verse 18, Bible says that for Christ has also once offered for sins, unjust for unjust, that he might bring us to God, be put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. Amen. Amen. So Jesus conquered sin and gave us His righteousness. But when we are living in the Spirit, the Spirit of God is cooking our spirit to overcome the power of the flesh. There is something that goes on day by day in our life. The more we open the door for the enemy to win, then the more failure changes after us. When we allow the spirit to win, there is nothing on earth that can conquer you. Not sickness, not curses, not demonic activities. When the Spirit of God is taking His full possession of you and you are filled with the strength of God, demons cannot operate in you. They cannot oppress you. Because the Bible says that our God is light. Jesus is the light of the world. The Holy Spirit is light. And darkness cannot conquer light. When we dive deep into the Holy Spirit, we will conquer the power of sin and all the powers of the enemy. The Bible says that in 2 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 6, the Bible says that when our obedience is complete, we shall avenge the disobedience. The Holy Spirit helps us to obey God. He helps us to overcome the devil. So if there are many demonic activities in your life you want to conquer, first of all you have to conquer the power of sin. If you don't conquer the power of sin and you want to cast out demons, you want the Satan to leave your life, he will not leave. Because you have something at your possession. As you leave, you move everything that belongs to the devil out of your life. That is where the Holy Spirit takes absolute control and then brings us victory in everything we do. Because anyone that, the Bible says that whoever you obey is your master. So if you obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, the Lord is over you and he becomes your master. But in order to be able to abide in Christ and obey God and walk in holiness, to have access to all our spiritual blessings, we have to dive deep and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us so that we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Whenever we walk in flesh and we don't walk in the Holy Spirit, we are suppressing God and we are also causing the Holy Spirit to be grieved. According to Romans chapter 8 verse 5 to 9, it says that for they that are after the flesh do mind pains of the flesh. But they that are after the spirit are after the pains of the spirit. For to be carnally minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God. For it is not subject to the law of God. Neither indeed can it be verse 8. So then, they that are in flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but ye are in the spirit. For so, be that the spirit of God would dwell in you. Now if any man have the spirit of Christ, he is. Now if any man does not have the spirit of Christ, he is none of us. I repeat this one. But ye are not in the flesh, but ye are in the spirit. If ye be that the spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of us. Amen. What the Bible is saying is that anyone that does not have Christ, the spirit of Christ, is carnally minded. He will think about only the things that are of the flesh that are carnal. And he will be doing the carnal things. And according to the book of Colossians chapter 5, verse 19, the Bible says that the work of the flesh is revealed. And the works of the flesh are manifested. They are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, prostitution, adultery, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, strife, sedition and heresies, envying, murdering, drunkenness, rebelling and such of which I tell you before. I have also told you in this time path that they that do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. So when we decide to abide in the things of the flesh, the Bible says that we become enmity to the spirit. But in order to join the spirit, we should also try our best to allow the fruit of the spirit to germinate and grow. Because according to the same chapter of Galatians chapter 5, the Bible says that the fruit of the spirit is love, peace, joy, warm suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Against such there is no law. So as we obey and we want to join in the spirit, you have to allow the spirit to bear fruit in you. Because Bible says that any tree that does not bear fruit shall be cut off. So if you want to join the spirit, you have to bear the fruit of the spirit, which is love, which is peace, which is warmth, which is gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. And as we bear fruit in the spirit, we cause our light to shine. We live our life as an overcomer. And all the strength and the power of the Lord that is operating in us becomes very activated. So when you are dwelling in the Holy Spirit, you allow Him to bear fruit in you. Not fulfilling the desires of the flesh. If we start to continue fulfilling the desires of the flesh, we will subject the Holy Spirit into pain and then we will strive Him to leave us. If you don't want the Holy Spirit to leave you, you bear His fruit, then we continue to operate and live with you. Amen. He is the one who gives us peace. When we come to the procession, when we are processing, it is the Holy Spirit's responsibility to open our spirit, our spirit to see the invisible. The Holy Spirit helps us to see the future from the present. All the revelations from the Old Testament, New Testament and our era, it is the Holy Spirit that gives revelation. According to 2 Peter 1 verse 21, for the prophecy came not in the old time by the will of man, but only men of God think as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Amen. He also helps us and is the intercede for us. The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness and He intercedes for us. Romans 8 verse 27. So when you don't have the Holy Spirit in your weakness and in anything, you will not have help. When you have the Holy Spirit, He knows everything that you need, that you will need in your future. He knows what your spirit desires and what you crave. So when the Holy Spirit is filled in you, according to Romans 8 verse 26-27, likewise the Spirit also helps us, helps our infirmities. For we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself makes it intercession for us. The Spirit intercedes for us. He prays for us. He works for us when we are filled with the Spirit. According to verse 27, no one in which cannot be altered and he that searches the heart knows what is the mind of the Spirit because he make it intercession for the saint according to the way of God. Amen. The Holy Spirit is the one doing everything. He is the seal God has used to seal every believer. When you accept Jesus from the very day, He takes possession of you. He takes your spirit into the kingdom of God. He seals you. It is the Holy Spirit that will carry us on the day of rapture to meet Jesus in the air. It is the same Spirit that is also doing everything in our midst. It is the Spirit that resurrected Jesus from death. Romans 8 verse 11, Bible says that it is the same Spirit that resurrected Jesus from death is in you. It is the same Spirit who quickens our mortal bodies. The Holy Spirit is omnipotent. He is powerful over all powers. He is omnipresent. He is present in every way. According to Psalm 139, Psalm 139 verse 7, the Holy Spirit is everywhere. So wherever you are that you hear my voice, the Holy Spirit is right beside you. Whether you are baptized with the Holy Spirit or you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit, still He is there with you. You just have to admit His presence and then as we are coming to pray, whatever we say, He will give us physical manifestation and physical results and we will attest to His glory. I am reading my last quotation, Psalm 139 verse 7 to 12. It says, Where may I go from your Spirit? Where may I go from your Spirit? How may I go in flesh from you? If I go up to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in underworld, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning and go to the furthest part of the earth, even there will I be guided by your hand and your right hand will keep me. If I say, only let me be covered by dark and dark and light about me by night, even the dark is not dark to you. The night is not as bright as the day. The night is as bright as the day. The dark is light. Dark and light are the same to you. He is talking about the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit is the Spirit that is omnipresent. He knows everything and He is all powerful. If you know that He is the one, the Spirit that calls the Word of God to come through. We know from the beginning that in the beginning God just speak His Word and the Holy Spirit will take the action. So all the world, the visible and invisible were created by the Holy Spirit because He is the one who performs the Word of God, who activates the Word of God. That's why Jesus said in the book of John chapter 6, verse 63, the Word that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. So the Holy Spirit is all powerful. He knows everything. He is the most powerful Spirit. He is the Spirit of the Spirit. When He speaks for you right now and when He is speaking Himself right now for you, all your enemies will be scattered because He is God. And there is no other darkness that can triumph over His light. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. We are coming to the end. Amen. The Holy Spirit is the one doing everything from Genesis to Revelation. Whatever God says is the Word of God, which is Jesus Christ. And whatever God does is the Holy Spirit. That is the Spirit of God. I would say that our flesh, God is nothing. It is our Spirit that gives life. So if Jesus is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, and the Spirit is with us, then everything that is in the possession of God is also ours. Whatever has is hidden in the Spirit. So if you have the Holy Spirit, you have whatever God has. I would like us to pray and pray that the Holy Spirit takes over. Whatever that wants to drive the Holy Spirit away, we are praying that the Spirit of God forgive us, purify us with the blood, and take us, possess us once again. Sometimes we will do carnal things. We will do fleshy things, and then we will drive the Holy Spirit to run away and hide somewhere. He is trying to come back. As we come to our senses, and we come to the realization that He cannot do us in sultanate. When we live in the same place but when we are ready to let the same God to come and empower us to live in righteousness, to live in holiness. I would like us to open our mouth and pray and tell the Holy Spirit that He should increase His presence in us. Anything we have done to drive Him, He should forgive us and fill us back with His faith. In the name of Jesus, let's pray.