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The Holy Spirit Helps you know the personality of Christ Jesus

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Mary asked her friend about a question Jesus asked, "Who do men say I am?" The personality of Jesus defines how we relate to others. When two people come together, they become one by agreeing on the personality of Christ. In the workplace, we work together to achieve a common goal. In Christ, we have a personality and mindset given to us. Peter understood Jesus' personality and declared him as the Messiah. Jesus said those who exhibit his personality are blessed. We need the Holy Spirit to walk in the way of Christ. The personality of Christ should be exhibited in all aspects of life. Mary asked her friend, and she said to her friend, they said, Jesus asked them a simple question. He said this, who do men say I am? Your perspective about Jesus Christ, the personality of Jesus redefines how you relate with your neighbor, how you relate with your brother, your sister. The personality of Christ is the embodiment of who God is. So you might find yourself in a particular family, raise that to think in a way. You will leave your father's house to go meet another person raised in a particular way with different culture, different tradition, different beliefs, different career. And the Bible said when the two come together, they become one. Logically, it doesn't make sense. How did it become one? It's how can two work together unless they agree? They agree on the personality of Christ Jesus. How can you go to your workplace knowing that there is an unbeliever there and still be able to work with that person? You can only work with that person because the company has a vision, has a mission, and you are all working together to achieve that vision and that goal and that mission. So if you're in the department of human resource or customer service, the customer service has a policy. The customer service department has a vision, has a budget, has a strategy. And each staff, each employee within that department works together to contribute to the overall goal. That is the same way when you come into Christ. Christ has a personality, that personality that he gives to you. It is a mindset that he gives to you. So when Jesus was asking them that question, he wanted to find out whether they know who he is so that they can step into that personality that he is. And it only took one person. In a family, in a generation, in a community, in a workplace, it is not everyone that is shining. It is not everyone that is making head waves. It is not everyone that is doing extraordinary things. Those who do the extraordinary have the access to what is extra, have the access to the extra understanding. So when we sit together, we study something and we go to sit for an exam. Those who are able to get the extension are those who do extra. They don't only rely on what the lecturer or the teacher is teaching. However, they do extra by doing extra research, extra reading, extra asking of questions, to be able to have something beyond what they already have. That is the same way if you can do all things. The Bible says that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Hallelujah. Tonight Christ Jesus will strengthen you. So we are Christians. Yes. But in your workplace, for you to excel. In your family, for you to become that standard where people will come to you and ask for wisdom. In your neighborhood where there's a lot of moral decline. Where teenagers are messing up. Are you going to be the one they come to? Because Matthew chapter 5, when we read verse 13 downwards, it said you are the salt of the earth. You are the light of this world. You are a city set on a hill. These are attributes. These are the personality of Christ for you. Jesus came and within the three years that Jesus came, he affected life. Whenever you put salt in food, it changes the taste. When salt is not in a food, you can see the difference. When you add salt, you can see the difference. When you over add the salt, you can see the difference. So it means salt is a catalyst. It brings change. So when Jesus said that you are the salt, you can only be the salt when you now begin to have the mindset of Christ. This man, I think for the man, his strategic achievement. And there are certain key things that you and I, we need to achieve. You cannot be a Christian and you have not seen any strategic achievement in your life. You can do all things through Christ, not by your strength, not by your wisdom, but by the wisdom and the help of Christ. Hallelujah. I hope somebody is understanding what I'm talking about. So Peter was part of the apostles or at that time the disciples. They were called. Jesus can pick them. Like how you and me, you and I, we have been called. A lot of people have seen the poster link. A lot of people have seen, probably you posted on your status on your Facebook, but it's not all of them that have gathered here. That is to say that tonight God has a purpose for you. You could have done something, but you chose to join. That is why I know that the Holy Spirit will visit you and bring you to a place of intimacy with this personality of Jesus Christ. The last time I read my Bible, I got to understand that there were a group of people in acts and the Bible says that they went to cast out demons. They went to do, they carried out an action. Out of what they saw people do, the Bible says the son of Steve went to cast out a demon and they went out to cast the demon. The demon asked them a simple question. He said, Christ we know, Paul we know, but we don't know you. Who are you? It means your personality matters. Understanding who you are in Christ is what will make you be effective out there. Now, Jesus knowing this, prayed and beseeched the disciples when he came from the grave and before he went up. He said, don't rush out to do or tell people, but rather wait until the Holy Spirit comes. When the Holy Spirit comes, he will endow you with what you need. He will activate the power that makes you live and exhibit the personality that I am. That is why last two days, my mother said something. He said that it is the Holy Spirit that bets us into the kingdom. So scripture says that you and I can cry out Abba Father because of the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that touches you, moves you to understand and perceive Jesus not as a man, not as a religious leader, but as the Messiah, as the Savior and as your Lord. And it is the Holy Spirit that enables you and me to walk in the way which is Jesus. To walk in the way that is the mindset, the personality of Christ. So a man will leave his father's house probably from a background where there's constant abuse on women. He has seen it all his life. He has seen uncles slap their wives. He has seen his father speak ill, treat his mother bad. Now because he becomes a Christian, he now lets go of that mindset, the way he does things. And now he begins to move the way of Christ. The way that Jesus said, I am the way. I am the truth and I am the life. So it is the Holy Spirit now will begin to hold your hands. He will say, Dorothy, follow me. Yes, maybe you used to see people insult people when they insult them back. But now because I have now brought you and made you as a daughter of God, you cannot go by the way or the systems of the world. I want to now hold you by the hands and help you to walk in the way of Christ. Hallelujah. And that is what Jesus said. So when Peter was able to understand the personality of Jesus, he said, you are the Messiah. You are the son of God. Then Jesus says something very critical, which I want us all to understand. I want us to understand Matthew chapter 16, verse 13 to 19. I hope we've understood something. He said in the verse 16, Simon Peter answered, you are the living. You are the Messiah, the son of the living God. And Jesus in the verse 17 replied, blessed are you Simon. So it means that you, Jesus deems it as anyone who has the personality blessed. So if you now begin to exhibit the personality of Jesus, you are blessed. So if you want to be blessed, if you want anything that you are doing to be blessed, now exhibit that personality of Jesus. Somebody said, the man of God, how do you exhibit that? You exhibit that by reading the word of God, whatever that Jesus taught, whatever the word of God is advocating. Now accept it and practice it. It will not come easily. Sometimes you have pushbacks, but it is better to what? He to the word of God than to he to men. So he said, blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood. We cannot live a Christian life based on our flesh and blood. In other words, being panel, in other words, being natural. Yes, you are in the natural where you have to meet people, interact with them in a natural world, but you need to go beyond the natural and act based on the spirit. So we are talking about the acts of the spirit, the activities of the Holy Spirit in your life. A lot of Christians now don't walk in the spirit. So they find it hard to exhibit the personality of Jesus. There are a lot of companies that are owned by Christians, but now they don't even employ Christians because Christians come into that company and their personality is contrary or opposite the principles or the personality of Christ. So you have somebody come work for you and you know that this person is a Christian. You are trying to help out a Christian brother or sister and that person comes in and you realize that that person doesn't report to work the time and they want to leave there and you realize that that person doesn't, I mean, do what they are supposed to do instead of them working. They are doing other things and you wonder, is it helping a Christian brother that is good? So helping a Christian brother that is good. So a lot of people are now tending to, I mean, those unbelievers and it is wrong. That is not the personality of Christ. That is not Christ teaching us. So it says flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my father in heaven. So it means that Peter was able to communicate with the father and he came by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So you need the Holy Spirit to walk in the what? The way and the consciousness of Christ. Look at the verse 18 and this is very key and I told you that you are Peter and on this day, on this rock, I will build my church and the gaze of Hades will not overcome it. Today, Christ is going to establish something in your life. Christ is going to establish something in your life and the gate of hell, the gates of Hades cannot prevail. I came to announce that Jesus has made you a rock. He has made your marriage a rock. He has made your family a rock. He has made your business a rock and nothing can move it. I want you to accept that reality that you are the rock of Christ, that he is building his church, that he is building his what? Kingdom and nothing can overcome what Christ has established. I prophesy that from today, you are unmovable. That from today, you are untouchable. The gate of hell cannot launch an attack and win because Christ has established you and he has already prophesied that the gates, when you see gates, it represents, I mean, satanic influence. It says the gate of Hades cannot prevail. I prophesy by the authority of God's word, every gate that has been opened from any plenum of darkness to launch a persistent attack against your house, against your family, against your marriage, against your children, against your spouse, against your ministry, against your faith and your hope in Christ, against your vision in life. I came to tell you that Jesus said it will not prevail. I want you to declare, I want you to type it, it will not prevail in the name of Jesus. I want you to type this, I am an overcomer. I am an overcomer. I am an overcomer. I am an overcomer. I don't know who is hearing me. I don't know who believes in what I'm saying but you are declaring it will not prevail. It will not prevail. It cannot prevail because I am an overcomer. You are established on the rock. Now to dive deeper, my God. He went down and said, after the revelation came, so it means the Holy Spirit told him to see Jesus in a different way. That is the same way when you are studying the word. Jesus is the word. When you read 1 John chapter 5, it said, in the heavens and on the earth, there are three witnesses. In heaven, we have the Father, the Word, and the Spirit. But when you come down on earth, in the natural, the water, the blood, and the Spirit, there's only one witness that is existing in both realms. That is why in the physical and the supernatural, in the natural and the supernatural, it is the spirit man that has the ability to exist both. That is why as a Christian, you are first a spirit being. Then your soul and your body. You need to exercise your spirit man. A lot of us have broken down our spirit. We have choked our spirit. We have made our spirit incapable of doing what it's supposed to do. And hence, we struggle to live by the principles of God. Today, I declare over your lives, let the spirit that the Lord has given to you be encouraged, be strengthened, and be empowered in the name of Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit quicken your mortal body. Let the Holy Spirit strengthen you. Let the Holy Spirit touch you. Let the Holy Spirit equip you. Let the Holy Spirit cause you to rise out of the ashes. You will rise. I declare that the glory of God has risen upon you. The glory of God has overshadowed you, and he will bring you out of every darkness, any spell, any covering. Every word that has limited you, the glory of God is taking you out. Glory to Jesus. Hallelujah. So, these are the truths that you need to understand. There are a lot of people, say many are called, but to be chosen and to be given the authority to do things, you need the Holy Spirit to uncover whatever that is hidden. Tonight, I declare, let the Holy Spirit help you to uncover whatever that is hidden. Scientists discover. They have to what? Discover. It means it has already been covered, and it has to be discovered. When we say somebody is having an advantage, it means that person has something that makes that person stand out. When we say something is disadvantaged, it means there's something that is preventing him to have the advantage, and that is this. So, people discover. It means they have to take their cover. What will help you to uncover the mysteries in your life is the Holy Spirit. Today, tonight, I decree anything that is covered will be uncovered by the Holy Spirit in your life. The Holy Spirit is going to lead you through prayer, through the word to uncover. You have been in a place in your life where you don't know what is going through, what is affecting you, what is taking your life back. But hear this, by the Spirit of God, you are going to come into the place of understanding. Like Peter had that understanding, you will have that understanding. As I am speaking, wherever you are, as you are hearing my voice, I see the spirit of insight, the spirit of revelation visiting people. I'm seeing the touch of the Holy Spirit come upon 16 people. Tonight, I am seeing eyes open. I am seeing coats of fire being released. I'm seeing people's eyes being touched with fire. I am seeing the spirit of utterance being given to people. I'm seeing people that are struggling to speak. I am seeing the Spirit of the Lord touch them. From today, you are being given the ability to speak. From today, you are being given the ability to declare. From today, you will not be fearful. I'm seeing the spirit of fear taken out. Some people have been afraid. I'm sure when Jesus asked the question, he asked the question, who do men say I am? People were intimidated. I don't want to say it for people to laugh at me. God wants you to go out. God wants you to take that leadership position. But because you came from a family where you were looked down upon, because you were in a community where you were looked down upon, anytime you try to do something, they shut you up. They said, sit down. When parents see that children are trying to do something, they shut them down. Brothers will shut you down. And because of that, you have grown in that mindset. But Jesus said, now I want you to break that status quo. I want you to come out of your comfort zone, so that you can do. He said, but you can do that through me. That is why I am inviting you. Today, Jesus wants me to tell somebody. He wants me to tell somebody tonight, step out. Step out of your comfort zone, because he has given you the power by the Holy Ghost. He said, and ye shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes. Tonight, the Holy Ghost is evident in our midst. Tonight, the Holy Ghost is present in our midst. Do you believe the Holy Spirit is here? It took the Spirit inspiring, or giving inspiration to Peter, to know that this man that we have been moving, is not just a man. That this person that we are seeing with our eyes in the natural, is not just a man, but the son of this living God that we are all aspiring to go to, that we are all serving. And I don't think that he's just a mere man, but he's the one to come and deliver me. It is the Holy Spirit that will allow you to open the Bible, and you just read the scripture, the letter. And now, that letter that you have been reciting, reciting, now becomes a personality. So that when you are in a place where you are being tested, when people are tempting you, when you are being tested by the Word, when you are going through the trials of life, it is the Holy Spirit that will cause what you read 13 years ago to pop up in your heart, and you will encourage yourself. There are 50. It doesn't matter what comes my way. It doesn't matter the storms that come my way. I am established upon the rock, and after the storms, after the challenges, I will still stand. It doesn't matter what comes your way, Daniel. It says you shall bear fruit in season and out of season. So when people are losing their jobs, when people are being laid off, because of what you read, and because of their intimacy, because of their awareness and consciousness that you have the Holy Spirit, you can now stand in the mindset of Christ, in the personality of Christ, that Christ came to finish His assignment. So you also, whatever that you have been brought into this world to do, no one can prevent you from ending it. When they give you a resignation letter, that resign, you know that it is not man that is going to resign you from your purpose in life. When you go out to seek for a contract, and they deny you, you know that Christ has already approved you. He said it is finished. Don't worry about what they are saying. I don't know who I'm speaking to, but I came to encourage you. Step out of that place of mediocrity. Step out of the place where you are only undermining who God has made you. He said you are a royal priesthood. Don't think that you are the minority. Don't think because you are staying in that place, it is only a sect, a group of people that can do only that. It is believed that, I mean, Joseph was a what? A slave. But the Bible said that even though he was a slave, he did not look on himself. He went there to a foreign country, and because of his mindset, he worked hard. I want you to work hard. When you are in the midst of different people, they are saying all kinds of things. When you are in the midst of people that are not sharing your faith, don't worry. You have to prove them wrong. Show them that you are the salt, and you carry the salt. You carry the Holy Spirit in you, and by the Holy Spirit, you can do all things. Maybe you have gone into a particular work that you've never been to, but allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen you and lead you, and engage the Holy Spirit, and believe that you will prove them wrong, and work and do better. Don't just quit. Some people will go into a particular community, and you are the only minority there. You are the only person of your skin color, and you are intimidated. You go to a university that is in another country, and because as a particular race, you are having a complex. Christ says, just step out of that, and you can only step out when the Holy Spirit helps you. Peter stepped out of this complex, and was able to voice out, and he said, you are the Messiah, and when Jesus saw that, he said something. He said, flesh and blood, they're not revealed to you, and it's not because you were It is not because you were born in Choco, that you are a third-generation fisherman. It is not because that you were born in Miami, that you are close to the sea. That is why you can say this, but it's because that you are in tune with the Holy Spirit. You are always yearning. If you can yearn, it all starts with an intimacy. It starts with desire. When you wake up in the morning, do you desire to experience the Holy Spirit? Do you desire to have communication with the Holy Spirit? Then look at what happened. The first thing, a question was asked, who am I? And the Spirit of God gave inspiration to a man. When that inspiration came, the man declared, and there was a change of a status. Many are called, but few are chosen. To be part of the few that are chosen, you need to come to a point where you wait on God. He said, but those who wait on God in fasting, in the Word, in prayer, they shall mount up with wings. When you are mounting up with wings into the heavens, you mount up from a low place to a high place. And the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31, that you mount up with wings like eagle. Eagle wings don't fly down, they go up. So it means that when you wait, if you are Christian, you need to wait. You need to have patience. Don't rush things. Yes, I know you are eager to see a turnaround, but maybe God is building that testimony that you are believing God, we are believing for. Peter stayed, the disciples stayed with Jesus. For the past three years of their walk with Christ, they were not raising the dead. They were not healing the sick, but they were just with Him, following Him, watching Him. Are you consistently building up yourself with the Word? Are you consistently studying the Word? You are saying that, okay, your son, your daughter is sick. You've gone to the hospital, that is all right. But how much of the Word have you studied to understand God's principle for healing? You are saying that you have realized that there's poverty in your family. How much of the Word concerning prosperity have you studied for you to make a demand? See, this God is a just God. When we say a just God, do you understand a just God? Whatever that He says is final. He knows the truth. So if you can sit down, analyze your life, you realize that, actually, the state that I am in, I am the reason why I am here. See, there are three things that I always understand. The reason why you are where you are is because of three things that I can summarize in. First one, either you are under a spiritual opposition or under bondage. Opposition or under bondage. The next one, either you are disobedient, that you are not following the principles or you are not allowing the mind of Christ or the principles of Christ to lead you in whatever that you are doing. And the third thing is that you are negligent of the truth. You are ignorant. These three things. So if you sit down, ask yourself the question, why am I here? These three things can help you break out of where you are. Is it a spiritual attack? Is it an altar in a family? Is it an altar in a community that is fighting against children of God? Is it an altar in your workplace that is fighting against you? Is it a man who has sold himself to an altar of the devil and has set his eyes on you like Haman doing to Mordecai? It is not that that it is because of disobedience. That is why scripture says in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14, If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, trust, pray, repent from their wicked ways, I the Lord will heal their land. The people of Nineveh were living their life and God sent his prophet to go and tell them to repent from their wicked ways and they did. Whenever Israel would disobey God, God would allow their enemies to come and ransack them and take them out and they would violently hurt the Israelites. So the same thing applies to us now. If you are disobedient to the will of God, when God is telling you to do X, Y, Z in the word and you are saying that you will not do, a typical example is Psalm 1 verse 1 to 3. If you can be blessed, start from verse 1. He said blessed is the man or woman. Blessed is the man or the woman who does not work in the council of the ungodly. So if you want to do things, if you want to build a skyscraper, then you need to make sure that the council that you use to what? Live your life is not from ungodly people and it's not an ungodly council. So when somebody tells you that hey, you know what, why don't you sell your body and get this position by sleeping with your, I mean, line manager, by also understanding that you have to work, I mean, compromise by writing some zeros and take their money, it is an ungodly council. If you do that, you have disobeyed and you move from the place of being blessed. He says, if you want to be blessed, then don't take the council of the ungodly. The next one he said in the Psalm 1 verse 1 to 2, he said, blessed is the man that does not work in the ways of sinners. There's a way that leads to destruction. Sinners do what they do. Sin is basically undermining what God has said. Jesus was led by the Spirit of God to the wilderness. The Holy Spirit sent him there to fast and pray. But when Satan appeared, Satan said, turn this stone to bread. That wasn't what the Spirit told Jesus to do. So Jesus said, man shall not live by bread and by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. So if you are here and all of a sudden there's a desire to do something that you know God is not saying that. You know God does not prove all and you do it. It is not the Spirit of God that is telling you to do it. So you realize when you are done, now you feel hurt. You are convicted in your heart. You feel ashamed. You feel this regret. It is because the Holy Spirit is convicting you. He said, blessed is the man that does not work. You are actively working. You are engaging. You are doing it. You are indulging in those things. If you are like that, you cannot experience the blessings of God. And the last one said, you sit in the seat of this control. And that is very dangerous. People that mock God. You don't even believe that the Holy Spirit can work. I mean heal. You mock God in a lot of ways. When God does something for you and you don't attribute the glory to him, you are mocking God. When God is the one that has given you the breath that you are breathing and you wake up and you say, ah, it is because that I exercise. That is why I'm, it is a mockery to God. When you pray like how we are praying and God does something for you and all of a sudden you forget God and you are just doing anything on your own. You pray for a breakthrough in your marriage. God has settled everything. Now you are forgotten about the God that gave you that. See, anything you get through prayer, you maintain it by prayer. Whatever you did to get that, maintain it. So we mock God and the scripture says, do not be deceived for God is not a man. Whatever you sow, you shall reap. So a lot of us are having burdens, not because it is a spiritual attack, but because you sowed that. I said there are three things that can change your life forever. If you diagnose your life and you realize that you are under satanic attack, then you can deal with that satanic attack by the word. When you are done with that and still things are not changing. The second thing I said was that you should check yourself whether you are obeying what God says in his word. Are you exhibiting the personality of Christ? There's a way that looks right, but the end leads to distraction. And the last one I said is ignorance. Ignorance of the Lord does not exempt you. So imagine that they are saying that when you get to the red light, stop. And you cross and say, oh, I didn't know that that was the law. The police officer will get you, give you a ticket or probably process you to court by the help of what? The law. And that is what a lot of people are doing. A lot of us are doing certain things, not knowing that we are breaking the heads of protection that God has given to us. Oh, and you say, I don't know because of ignorance. So the Bible says for lack of knowledge, my people do what? Perish. There's a reason why it is stated in the word of God that bring offerings and tithes to the storehouse. There's a reason why God said that. So when you see that, do you take time to study why God said that? I hope somebody is following. I hope you are being blessed. Today, I want to teach us something so that it wouldn't be that after the 21 days after you say, oh, but I haven't seen any change. See, you are not waiting for anyone to come and help you. You already have the Holy Spirit. Whatever that you are believing to do is already within you. But you will have to what? Step out and do it. So I was talking about ignorance. You cannot say you did not know and you went to sleep with somebody. And now when you are seeing certain patterns in your life, you say, oh, I don't know. I don't know. See, it is written in the word. So if you are a Christian, you need to come to a place where you study, make it a personal commitment. And in the sadness, when we are having Bible studies, a lot of people miss it. And it's a common disease across the world. People will rather want to hear prophetic words. And it's a fulfillment of prophecies. And in the last days, people will have 80 years. If you have 80 years to hear only prophetic word, you will have it. And you also meet people that will be wolves with sheep caverns, and they will launch at you. They will come after you. But if you can be like the very church where after preaching, they will go back to the word, take the word, study the word, and see whether what was preached was right or not. A lot of believers now are baby believers. For 17 years, 10 years, 15 years, you don't even know who the Holy Spirit is. And you expect a mega breakthrough. It is not possible. If you want to prosper in this kingdom, you need the Holy Spirit. So if you are ignorant about who the Holy Spirit is, then my sister, my brother, my father, my mother, auntie, in-law, you have missed it. Because most in the world, the Gentiles know how to get it. And they know how to get it in their own way without getting anxious. Because for those in the world, the devil is their God. So when they come and they are saying they are sleeping with someone's husband to get a car, it will never be a problem to them because the devil approves it. However, if you being a child of God, you are saying you are going to live by the principles of this God, of this world, you go and do it. And now you come back and your soul, you realize that you are having issues in your soul. You will be having restlessness. Your conscience will be eating you. Now you have broken the covenant that God has covered you. And now the snake will come and bite you. You are in the kingdom of God, but now you are not living by the principles of God's kingdom. You are not allowing the Holy Spirit to prepare you. You rather want to go out, do whatever the God of this world wants, but rather want to enjoy the blessings that God gives. That is why you cannot serve two masters. So I was talking about ignorance. If you are ignorant of God's word, no man of God can help you. No amount of prophecy can help you because prophecy is not above the word of God. He said everything will pass away, but my word has been exalted. God's word has been exalted above every other thing. So I don't care what prophecy you have received. If the word of God says otherwise, drop that prophecy. Take the word of God. I do prophesy, but I prophesy based on the word. Every prophetic word that will come that does not have the basis in the word of God, drop it. Because it is only the word. It is only the word. It is only the word. Somebody declare and type this. Let the word of God lead me from today. You are declaring the word of God will lead me from today. You have a dream. You wake up. You need the word to address it. In the living word, the Bible says that Jesus is the word. John chapter 1 verse 1 downwards. Yes, the word of God will lead you. He said in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. When you come down, he said this same word, all right? It's the light. And he lights anyone that comes into this world. So it means that when you were in your mother's womb, and you came out, you were touched by the word. There's this light, illumination that was given to you. And when you are born by the spirit, there's the light. So when you read Colossians chapter 1 verse 12 downwards or 11 downwards, he said that you have been redeemed. You have been redeemed from the kingdom of darkness. Can somebody find that scripture? From the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom presents light. Very precise. From darkness to light. So Jesus is the one that has brought you into his light. And if this Jesus is the word, and the Bible says that the word became flesh. John chapter 1, well I think there's verse 12 downwards. This word became flesh. It means it was a spiritual being. Now this spirit took on flesh like you and me, and dwelt amongst men. So in the natural, the word is Jesus. In the supernatural is the word. So you are a child of God. For you to do everything, you need to meet Jesus. Now you have to pick the mind of Christ. You need to do how Christ did it. Christ did it. So you read your word, you see Christ did it this way. When he meets anyone who is sick, he releases a word. God bless you. Colossians chapter 1 verse 13 to 14. Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of a dear son. So the kingdom is about Jesus. Everything about the kingdom is Jesus. So when you are in Jesus, now you are in the kingdom. And the king is God. That is why he said you cannot see God unless you come through me. He said I am the way. So no one can get saved. You cannot go through any route. So if you are following through Allah, Buddha, Krishna, you have missed it. As a Christian, we have a way. If you want your marriage to be established on a rock, you have to go through the way of Christ. And when you go through the way of Christ, there are a lot of things that you will let go. When Jesus came to talk and teach, there was a lot of things that he established. It is a high moral relationship. So you cannot say you are a Christian, whilst you don't have that personality of Christ. And the only person that allows you to move in that personality is the Holy Spirit. So as our mother came to talk about it, she said, the Holy Spirit helps you to live right. I don't know who I am speaking to, but as I am speaking, I hear the Holy Spirit saying, the Holy Spirit saying, that anyone who is struggling with any kind of secret sin, as the word is being preached, power from above is being given. You have power over every sin. You have power over every talent. Probably maybe you have anger issues. The power of God is made available to help you to overcome it. Probably maybe you have this issue of gossiping, of jealousy, of envy, of strife. You don't know when you see people, you just are envious. The Holy Spirit is going to free you right now. You are here. You are connected. You are hearing me wherever you are connected. You've been having consistency in certain things. You realize that you have been seeing a pattern, that you have been procrastinating. The power of the Holy Ghost is going to free you from that. In the mighty name of Jesus, there's a spirit of infirmity that is in your body. There's a spirit of infirmity that is in your loved one's body, causing them to be in pain. I came to decree and declare, that by the power of the Holy Ghost, that spirit is taken out. There is a spirit of destruction operating in your family, operating in your marriage, operating in your community, affecting kids, making kids vagabonds, making kids drop out, making kids drug addicts, and making them prostitutes. But I came with the Word of God, minus your children, because the Spirit of God is visiting you, like how the Spirit of God in Genesis chapter 1, brewed over the waters. And the Bible says, and God declared, let there be light. I decree light into your room. I decree light into your body. I decree light into your marriage. I decree light into your business. I decree light into your community. I decree light as you hear me. Let the Spirit of God move in the name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. Let there be light. Let there be light. Let there be light. Every darkness is giving way. Let there be light. Every darkness trying to bring depression. Let that darkness take out. Anyone that is depressed, you are free in the name of Jesus. Anyone that is having anxiety, anxiety is taken out. Anyone that the doctors have said, you cannot get better. The darkness of that word is taken out. Any report that you have received, that has good fear in you, I tell you to release the Word of God, than the instincts. The report of God is what you accept. For we will not live by reports. We will not live by what we see, but we will live by faith. And faith comes by the Word. So the Bible said, He said, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, Simon Peter. Matthew chapter 6, verse 17. But he said in the verse 18, And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church. Are you in a place where God can build? Are you in a place where God can build something with you? It is a question. It is a question. In your current state, can God build something with you? Your life that you are living, do you think God can do something beneficial with? The kind of Bible studies prayer, are you living a life that you think God can commit nations to you? You have been praying for a spouse, for a man, for a woman. Your lifestyle, do you think God can entrust someone's son, someone's daughter to you? You are believing to become a kingdom financier, do you believe that God can entrust his blessings of financial abundance to you? Even the little that you have, are you able to help those around you? You are saying that, oh, when I get $10,000, I will build and open it. But even with $1,000, have you been able to take out $10 to help somebody out? You are saying, oh God, I need money to build a house. But in your house, in the church, in your community, have you ever said, I am going to be a covenant partner with the church to help them clear their debt? You are saying, oh God, I don't know why I don't have people in my work. They come, they go. But you yourself, are you serving in the house of God? Jesus came, he said, the greatest in the kingdom is those who serve. It is the personality. Jesus was trying to teach that personality. And he said, if you want to be great, serve. Because of your educational background, because of your status, because you are married, because you have kids, because you are a professor, because you have about a million or a quarter million in your bank account, you feel too big to serve in the house of God. But before you got there, you used to sweep. Before you got there, you used to sing. You used to go to church early. But now when God blessed you, now you come and close the service, like you are the pastor. You see, whatever we sow, we reap. It is a spiritual principle. So some people will come, man of God, I don't know, things are delaying. See, go and check what you have been doing. You are sowing that, and that is what you reap. If you sow lies, expect people to lie to you. If you are dishonest with people, expect people to be dishonest with you. It is a spiritual principle. And if the Holy Spirit can help you to walk in that way, then you will not be dishonest. So that the enemy cannot use that as a key to open the doors of your life, and bring dishonest people into your life. That is why we have leaders that are so dishonest, steal all kinds of money. I mean, force people to go through pain. The Bible says that, and pain killed his brother, and God appeared to him. Do you know that the blood of your brother is crying out from the ground? Guess what? Because he was spiritually dead, he couldn't hear it. So it means that some of us in the background that we are coming from, there are certain sacrifices that are speaking against us. But it will only take the Holy Spirit to uncover, to discover, to reveal the hidden. Maybe any time that you conceive, you have miscarriage. Maybe any time that you enter into any good relationship that is supposed to materialize into a marriage. All of a sudden, something funny happens, and the person goes. But you are not so close with the Holy Spirit to know that there's a voice crying from an altar in your father's house. There's a voice crying out from your maternal line. You don't even know that maybe you had a relationship, and there was a covenant between the two of you, that that Spirit is fighting it. And it takes your ability in the Spirit to hear that voice. But when you are ignorant of who the Holy Spirit is to you, you will stay in that. When you are ignorant of what God's Word is saying concerning you, you will be ignorant of what to do to address that. I don't know who I'm speaking to, but tonight we are going to step into the dimension that Peter stepped into. Wherever you are, I want you to declare and tell this. Spirit of God, change my status from being ignorant in the Word to being informed with the Word. You are typing it, you are declaring it. Change my status from being ignorant of the Word to being informed in the Word. And guess what? As I was saying in the verse 1, he said, blessed is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, or stands in the way of the sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scoundrel. See, you are mocking God. You are mocking the things that God does. So when you come to the New Testament, the Bible says that the Apostles, God has taught them. Like, teaching you. And after this, how many of us take time to go back to go and listen to the preaching? He said, they followed the Apostles doctrine. You need a teacher to teach you. He said, I have given pastors to feed you. So why is it that you don't want to listen to it? Why is that you don't want to go back to listen to the message? He said, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the what? By the Word of God. So there is a place of consistency. You just don't jump into breakthrough. You are consistent with the Word and you step into it. The church, or the disciples that gathered on the day of Pentecost, they did not just step into the place where they started speaking in tongues, doing miracles. There was a consistency. So if you want to do or achieve something great, or achieve something great, be consistent. Be consistent. So you want to get first class, be consistent in studying. If you want to generate power, be consistent in praying and in the Word. If you want to, I mean, increase your business, be consistent in what? Marketing. In studying in your business. If you are a baker, be consistent. Be up to date. Know your market. Things are changing. Your clients, your customers are changing their needs. Maybe you used the words, bake them, put it at the place, now they have to come and buy. But because of how the world is growing, people don't have time to go to their shops. So what do you do? Now technology is making things stink. They are now sitting in the comfort of their house and ordering. What do you do as a child of God? Are you saying that because those who are creating their apps are unbelievers, so you will not use what they are bringing? Then it means that you cannot have, you cannot reach those who are in your homes. So you update yourself. Come out of your comfort zone. Some people say, oh, I am, I'm a hairdresser. I'm only used to this. Um, well, my sister, my brother, you need to step out. So I said, one, you need to deal with that spiritual battle. Any opposition, deal with it. When you deal with that and you are not seeing things, now ask yourself, am I living in disobedience? Am I living contrary to the word of God? If you are, repent and come back. And if you repent and still things are not changing, then it means that you are lacking knowledge. He said, my people lack knowledge and they perish. So you will perish when you lack knowledge. Knowledge, what kind of knowledge? A knowledge of God. He said in his word that the children of God knew the works of God, but Moses knew the ways. You know the way of God through the word. When you meet the personality of Jesus. So when you read the word of God that says, blessed is the man, that does not walk in the council of the ungodly, sits in the seat of the scornful or stands in the way of the scornless of the sinners. Now you have the knowledge. Now you are free and you allow the Holy Spirit to help you to live it in your every day-to-day life. And that is how you walk by the Spirit. You are conscious of what the Holy Spirit is teaching you to do. It will not come easy. You'll be slapped, you'll be stabbed, you'll be, you'll be, I mean, you'll be ridiculed, but you are walking. And the Holy Spirit now gives you the understanding. And by that understanding, you will be like a killer who suffered and died. I cannot be broke. He says that whatever a man sows, he shall reap. He says, press down, shaking together, running over. So when Jesus was talking about the parable, he says that there was a man that was living and the man, the Bible says that the master gave, he gave talent. He gave talent. One got one, one got two, the other got what, five. We all have talents. And the Bible says that the one that got five did great, he multiplied. The next one did great, he multiplied. But the last one was very, very, very, very shaky. Another shaky. He said, I will not do anything. I don't think I can do much with this. I'll put it in the ground. And that is how a lot of us, you have received salvation, but you are still sitting there. Jesus has given you a church to go into the world and to preach the gospel. How many of us have been able to speak the word of God to somebody? You are here believing God for a miracle, but have you also reached out to somebody with the testimony that you have, that you are seeing? So we have become selfish. We have become selfish. We have become selfish. You want God to only visit you. You are self-centeredness. You are only thinking about your marriage, your life. If it's not you, oh, the others can die. You are in a community, people are dying. As a child of God, what are you doing? Are you praying? There's somebody in your workplace, that person's marriage is going down. You are only thinking about a breakthrough in your job, but God is telling you to be the light in their life. Matthew chapter 5 verse 13, that when he said, you are the salt of the world. If salt loses its value, it is good for nothing. So the reason why your life may be as good, you are not seeing any good. It's like you are not being the salt in people's life. Oh, the early church, the apostles sacrificed. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. So if you want to be able to do great things, come to a place where you will serve. Come to a place where you will serve. You will dish out. So when we wait, we wait on God. And when we wait on God, God gives us power. And when he gives us power, that power is not supposed to be what? Stagnated with us. We need to go out into the world. So he says that you are the salt of the earth. If you lose your what? Ability to be a salt, you are good for nothing. People tread upon you. So could it be that because that you are not being the salt, that is why you are experiencing the life that you are experiencing? It says that you are the light of the world. A city set on a hill. You cannot miss a city on a hill. So are you pretending to be a Christian? A day and a night, you are child of the devil. You are doing what those in the world would do. You are only a Christian on Sundays or whenever you go to church. But after church, you belong to the street or you are shei de lege. Somebody say, God help me. You are saying, God help me. Oh, you are declaring, you are typing God help me. Today's message is not the way he wanted. But I tell you, it is bringing deliverance to you. May God help you to live righteous. May God help you to come out of every spiritual dryness. May God help you to let go of any life. May God help you by his spirit to not be selfish. You see, it is easy for us to be very selfish because we live on earth. When you realize that you are always thinking about me, me, my family, my children, then you need to come to a place that you repent. Because the devil thought about himself. He said, if I can ascend beyond the throne of God, I, I, I. That is why Jesus said, you need to die. So the aspect that is dying is the I, myself and me. So when you die, it is no longer you, Bernard. It's no longer you, Anne. It is no longer Constance, but Christ. And that is how the personality of Christ comes. And that is the place where you can assess breakthroughs, authority over demons. But when you want to, if you're ministering, you hear this, if you want to go and preach for people to know that you can preach, if you want to go out and prophesy, because here I am the one, you can't. Because if God does not give, you cannot do anything. So it's more of self-centeredness. That is why he said, at the end, many will say, oh, I did this in your name. I, I, I. So until you come to the place where you die to selfishness, die to self-centeredness, you cannot rise up by the wings of the ego. So when we fast, by 21 days we are fasting, it means that you are bringing to subjection your body and your soul. Maybe you could afford maybe a luxurious life, but you're saying, God, I want to put aself that thing. And I want to come to a place where your spirit in me will become the one that drives me. So fasting humbles the body and the flesh. It kills the desires of the flesh. So the reason why we are constantly in the battle of the spirit and the flesh is because of one thing that the first man or the first men did. Eve saw and she realized that it was desirable to eat. It was desirable in the eyes. She was selfish. She was thinking about herself, not what God wants. When Adam saw her wife brought the wonderful fruit with, I don't know how it became an apple, but people have been saying it's an apple. I don't know why they said it's an apple, but maybe it might have been the cocoyam, or probably maybe some big watermelon, like some of you like watermelon here. When we're doing the spiritual direction, um, poking of fruit, some people connected with watermelon. My God, my God, watermelon. May God bless you and have a farm of watermelons in the mighty name of Jesus. So as I conclude, the Bible says that when Eve brought it to Adam, Adam just ate it. He was so calm now. He did not think about what God said. You have been fortunate for God to give you a place to stay with everything to eat. And he said, don't touch that. You can eat everything. My man said, ah, oh, forget it. I'm going to eat it because I met a woman after my time. And that is how a lot of people you do. You miss somebody, you love that person. You are so burning for that person. Oh, forget it. I will not listen to what God is saying. I will sleep with that person. And after I went, ask for forgiveness. At that point, you have been selfish. You get money. You pray. God blesses you. Um, you spend everything. And now when everything goes, you're not giving God peanuts. You have been selfish. You give the best to yourself and you take the best. And you give God the worst. God doesn't need your money, but it is a reference. They said, God, you have blessed me. This is what I honor you. That is what God said, a tenth of whatever you get. That is to say that your life has to be a tenth. So in a new Testament, tithe goes beyond what you are doing. You see tithe in everything. In your day, you need to tithe. You have 24 hours. Are you giving God two and two hours, 40 minutes or two hours, 45 minutes of your day to God? Your phone can now take eight hours on TikTok, Facebook. You can speak to your children, your spouse for almost four hours. But ask yourself, have you been able to communicate with your father to ask him, God, how are we fulfilling your purpose on earth? When Jesus was teaching, he said, our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy will be done on earth. Do you know that a will that God every day, he wants us to achieve. You were not saved to be married. If salvation was that, oh, when I come to Christ, I'll be healed. I'll get a man. I'll be free from the devil. I will have a job. Then we don't need salvation. There's more to that. There's more to that. Jesus said, you shall do greater works. So ask yourself a big question tonight. I have gotten married. I have gotten my dream job. I have bought a new car, bought a house. What next? Ask yourself that question. What next? What am I doing next? You need to come to a place where you exhibit the power of God. The kingdom of God is not in words, but in a demonstration. You need to demonstrate it in your workplace. Somebody is sick. They need to understand that you are the salt and you are the light. You need to come to the place where you stand and declare. If it's, um, brother Shukonda or sister Kulele-Lelis. And sister Kulele-Lelis is sick. And sister Kulele-Lelis or brother Shukonda knows that you are a Christian. You need to come to a place and say, Oh, how are you doing? I'm doing great. I said, I'm not feeling well. And you say, you know what? I know a man that can save you. He can help you. Really? His name is Jesus. You know him? No. Okay. Do you want, do you mind knowing him? Yes. Can I pray with you? Yes. I'm not feeling well. I need to be made well. And he said, in the name of Jesus, such as I have, do I give to you. And the Bible says that the man at the gate came up. The reason is this. We are so selfish to a point that we haven't even come to the place that God wants us to be. So maybe the reason why you have been stuck in that place of depression is because there are a lot of people that are depressed that you already have the power. Jesus told God, let this cup pass. And he knew that he has to drink the cup so that he can be worthy to what? Save those who are what? Going through bitterness, shame, pain. Your cross means it is a ministry. Why you go through what you are going through is because that you can encourage people. It is a ground where you can build up from. Have you not heard people that have made it, all these billionaires? They said, I did not come up like that. I was homeless. When you look at this KFC man, General Sanders, tried all things and it didn't work. And then he created what? KFC. And it started working. Tonight, you can do all things. You can do all things. You can do all things. You can do all things. You can do all things. Don't let anyone like you. You can't do all things, but you can only do it when you are not selfish. So this is how selfishness starts. When you are selfish, you are carnal. When you are selfish, you are breaking by your body. Your body and your soul is leading you. And the reason why you need the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit will cause your spirit to have control over your body and your soul. So you are in perfect alignment with God. When God came and he asked Adam and Eve, he said, Adam, why have you done this? He said, the woman you gave me. What a shaggily good reply. The woman you gave me, he did not take responsibility. So selfish. And that is how a lot of us, your marriage is at its place and you are always pushing the blame on your spouse. But have you asked yourself, what have I also done for that person to react? I am a wonderful scientist. And as this wonderful Newton law, to every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. So when you throw a ball against a wall, it comes back. When you keep speaking evil to your wife, when you keep looking down on her, how do you expect her to have that confidence? When you keep, I mean, shouting on your kids, how do they have the confidence? The woman also said, it is the snake. But you were standing somewhere, the snake was speaking, but why did you choose? He said, I don't know what came over me. I just went there and the guy slept with him. I don't know what came over me. I saw the money and I took it. See, the word of God says, let no one say that God tempts, because you were drawn by your own selfish desires. The desire is in the body. The flesh is a fallen flesh. But if you live by the spirit, the spirit has the ability to break the hood or the power of sin over your life. When you constantly feed your soul, you feed your mind, your heart with the word of God, you can live above what the thing that is causing you to live in that. That is why he said, how can a young man or a woman keep their ways pure? By hiding the word in their heart. So anything that you are having, if you wait, find more of the word of God, pray more of the word of God, create more of his presence around you and you will come above it. So he said, wait on God and you shall renew your strength. You renew your strength by the word that you constantly hear. When you are constantly in a place where they are burning things or there's smoke, guess what? You will experience what? Yourself smelling like that. It's somebody getting blessed. So if you are in a place where people are constantly lying, it means that the possibility of you lying is high. You cannot escape that reality. If you are coming from a place where people are smoking, the chances of you smoking is high. That is why you are also supposed to be in a place where people are praying. The chances of you getting free from that stronghold is high. You believe that when you go to the hospital, you do what? You experience a change because the doctor will give you a medicine. That is the same way when you come into the presence of God, the word being preached can bring a change to your life. Never be selfish. So sometimes God has blessed us with wisdom, giving us wonderful doctors to make sure we don't die in our sickness so that we can have a second chance. But also the word of God talks about divine help. It talks about healing. Jesus came and he healed people. Were not doctors there? There were doctors there. So it means that there's a reality of God's kingdom of God's kingdom that people walk in the divine health, where people are healed. So the Bible says that there was a woman, a gentile, came to Jesus. She said my child is sick and Jesus stood there. Why would I give the food to dogs? Jesus was a hard man. He was referring to her as a dog. Sometimes your pastor might not preach the way you want to preach. You say, oh, I want to go to a place where they encourage seeing. Go for the word. But a woman rebutted him. The woman said, even dogs, when their children eat, the pieces that fall to the ground, they eat it. Look at that. What the woman was trying to tell Jesus is this. That when healing is the daily bread of the children. Now the children are the ones in the kingdom. Those who are born by the spirit. So if you allow the Holy Spirit to lead your life, this is what he means. That healing is your daily bread. He said he was beaten, he was pressed, he was stamped by his stripes. It is written in the constitution. The Bible that you carry is the constitution of God. God is like that. So when you realize that you are sick, that is what you do. You take this law. You go to your lawyer that says Jesus. The Bible says he is seated at the right hand side of God. He is a high priest who mediated for us. So Jesus is your lawyer. So you go to Jesus by his word. He said, Jesus, you said, by your stripes I am healed. I am sick and I know that is not what you are giving to me. So go to God and give me my deliverance. Because it is your heretic sin. But he said, even the Gentiles, the woman was a Gentile, an unbeliever. He said, even those in the ground stepped foot up to the symbol, he said, that thing. He said to me, there are many people who are, he said, no, even don't again come to that place. Do you know why? Prophecy actually is a thing that is supposed to be given to Christians. It is meant for unbelievers to attract them. You have the spirit of God so you only can prophesy. You are like God. The Bible says that I am God, the Christian, and God said it is right. So when we come into the consciousness of Christ, when you have the mind of Christ, mind of Christ, when you begin to study the Word and you begin to live it, you now embrace the personality of Jesus. And now you do whatever Jesus did. So you can go to a place and people are saying, no one can start a business and try to sell. Watch me do it. I carry the spirit of God in me. It is in me that is in the world. Whatever I will start, I will finish. Because Jesus started and he finished. And I was born after his finish and his likeness. He said, whoever the source of my faith will tread upon, he has given it to me. So if there is any territorial power here, I came to turn that power. But I am not your subject. I am a child of life. And where life starts, darkness must fall down. You stand with that authority and you speak. But some of us go to a place saying, do you know that this person has a lung for me? You stand up and knock on my door. Do you know what will happen? The hospital will tell you. It is not everyone that comes here to give me the time. I don't sell the key. I don't take it. My name is the flesh. My name is the colour. Today I came to release the Word. You need the Word. You need the Word. I want it declared. I need the Word. And the Word is in me. See it is bright. It is in me. I want it from you to hear it declared. I carry the Word of God in me. Christ lives in the inside of me. You are not hearing somebody. Where are you? Where are you, somebody? I carry the Word of God in me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! I saw people being killed. Set their spirits disappearing from your house. Amen! Whatever you could not do, I have seen angels had you to do it. Any part of your body that they were spitting, it is disappearing. I have seen lamps disappearing from people. If you have experienced a lamp in any part of your body, it is disappearing right now. I have seen body parts being touched. Hallelujah! Is that and he released his choir. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

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