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Learn moreThe speaker discusses the importance of rising and shining in the Kingdom of God. They reference Isaiah 60:1-5 as a blueprint for this concept. They explain that in the Kingdom, there are provisions and benefits available to those who partner with God. They emphasize the need for sacrifice and spiritual growth in order to engage the glory of God. They also highlight the transformation and influence that comes from partnering with the gospel. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the heart's motive and encourages listeners to be mindful of their actions. In the early session, there were certain things that we talked about and I would love to highlight those things as we build upon it. There are certain things that we talked about and I believe it is very important to know. It is very important to know and it will help us to walk in there understanding when we come together to support the things of God. I believe Isaiah 60 verse 1 to 5 is the blueprint for this session. Without spending much time, I want us to look at that. Let's look at that which the Lord has given to us in his word. Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1. It says in the New Living Translation, Arise Jerusalem, let your light shine for all to see. I love that part. Arise and shine Jerusalem. Let your light, not a light of Egypt, let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. Look at that. For the glory of God rises to shine on you. So we get to see that there is a command for Jerusalem to rise. There is a command for the inhabitants of Jerusalem to rise. There is a command of the people of God to rise. To arise from a place and I said earlier that God wants us to rise from a state of mind, from a way of life and as he causes us to rise, he's causing us to rise to a better way of life. So what Jesus came to establish in our life is to give us the opportunity to experience the better life. Now in that kind of life, there are certain provisions that God has made available. In the kingdom, God is the king and the king has a domain or a territory where he rules. A place where his power and his authority stretches and is felt. If you are within that kingdom, the protection of that kingdom is your portion. The same way if you are also in the kingdom, you are enjoying of the armories of God or the arsenal of that kingdom you enjoy. The same way whatever that is grown within the kingdom, when economically that kingdom is strong, you enjoy of that economic prosperity. I came to just submit to you that when you say you are partnering with the kingdom of God, when you are partnering with the things of God, you are just trying to identify yourself in the majority things that the kingdom can do. There are a lot of things that the kingdom does. There's a lot of things that comes with the kingdom and as you partner, you are saying that you are a shareholder in seeing to it that everything that has to do with the perfection of the kingdom, you are part of it. You are a stakeholder. You are a stakeholder. So God, who is the king, will always make sure that anyone that is a shareholder, a partner of this kingdom, a worker in his vineyard, will never ever ever go unrewarded. That is why the Bible says, Arise Jerusalem, let your light shine for all to see. There's a place that we are that we have to arise. God wants us to rise. It says many are called but few are chosen. It is not everyone that is called into seven that they answer. Those that answer are chosen and they are mandated. So I made mention of the account of Solomon in an earlier version in 2nd Chronicles chapter 7. That talks about the dedication of the temple of God and I liken the physical temple to a physical temple that is us. That is us. That God dwells in you. God dwells in your marriage. So your marriage is a temple. Your career, your academics is a temple. Your relationship with your family is a temple that dwells is a place where God moves or drives his power to be what used to enforce his will. So if that is so, then it means that there are certain things that we got to do with this temple. In 2nd Chronicles chapter 7, we get to see that God came down in his glory and he came down in his glory because of an act that was done. The Bible says that Solomon sacrificed and as he sacrificed, there was a move in the realms of the spirit. So Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1, he said, Arise, Jerusalem, let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. So we get to know that there's a need for us to arise. When we arise, then we get to see our light shine. We get to see prominence. When light shines, it talks about insight. That is being what unveiled. What you know has the ability to bring change to you. So you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. Light represents progress. Light represents advancement. So for you to have an advancement in your life, it has to start with a change of your status. Where are you now? And do you have to be? So the first point of rising is when you get saved, you now come into the kingdom. Now, as you are in a kingdom, you need to also grow in your spiritual understanding. In your growing in your spiritual understanding, that is where you are able to assess certain deep things in a kingdom. And in growing in that side, the Bible says that for the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. So it means that your spiritual growth engages the glory of God to shine on you. It is not the glory of men that passes away. It is the glory of the Lord. And the glory of the Lord cannot pass away. So a man or a woman who knows how to engage the glory is a man and a woman who is very what? Powerful and unstoppable. And that is what we see in the life of Solomon. So he says this in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 1. I'm just going to pick out some key points. He says, When Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offerings and the sacrifices. And the glory of the Lord filled the temple. Look at this. Fire came to consume the sacrifice. There was a sacrifice that was made. So it means that for the glory to be engaged, there has to be a sacrifice. Something has to be placed on the altar. Something has to be sacrificed. Whether it is your time, your relationship, your resource, it has to be sacrificed. There's a place of sacrifice. When the sacrifice came, the Bible says it was consumed. Meaning the sacrifice is used. It's made to no effect. So when it's a cow that was placed on the altar, the person that brought the cow cannot take back the cow because now it is set on fire. And the Bible says that at the moment the fire came, the glory of the Lord filled the temple. Look at that. It filled. The priests were unable to enter the house of the Lord because the glory of the Lord had filled it. And when the Israelites saw the fire coming down and the glory of the Lord above the temple, they bowed down on the pavement with their faces to the ground and they worshipped and they gave thanks to God. And they said for his good and his devotions and Dios forever. Now you realize there are two things that happens. When the fire came, the glory filled the temple, number one. And number two, the glory came upon the temple. So sometimes when we partner with the things of the gospel, when we move with God, when we sacrifice unto the things of the kingdom, the first point of change is within. Where there is transformation, it starts within. So if you diligently go through that with understanding that you cannot partner with God, you cannot move with the gospel and be the same, you will experience it. Anyone who partnered with the gospel, who partnered with the things of God was never the same. You cannot encounter the glory and be the same. You cannot embrace the glory and be the same. How do I know this? Obey the Lord. The Bible says that he welcomed the act of the covenant into his household. There was a change. The people that their status was nothing. The Bible says that they became people of influence. When you read 2 Samuel chapter 16 verse 11, it says the act of the Lord remained there in Obed. The Lord remained there in Obed, Edom's house for three months. And the Lord blessed Obed, Edom and his entire household. Verse 12, then David was told the Lord has blessed Obed, Edom's household and everything he has because of the act of God. So David went there and brought the act of God from the house of Obed, Edom to the city of David with great celebration. So the act went there. It came into the temple. It came into the house. They welcomed it and the act started creating an atmosphere. The glory will create an atmosphere. It will check out certain lifestyles. It will start to fight certain things within. As you start doing that, you start growing. You realize that your mindset about things changes. You no longer see things the way you used to see things. You are conscious about everything. You know that you are a kingdom partner. You know that your marriage is a kingdom partner. You know that your academics, your career is a kingdom partner. You are mindful of how you live, your lifestyle, your desires, the things that you used to do. Now you begin to be careful because you know it is a temple. Once you understand that, then the glory fills because God now finds a place to settle. And it came upon the temple. Now it comes to a place where now the glory has to be reviewed. So if it's a business, if it's academics, if it is a ministry, whatever it is, people have to see the tangibility of what God has already done within. So it is something in the secret. When you make the decision, it is in the secret and God rewards you openly. And he's the one that does it. So I said, David was in the wilderness. He had no family. He had sacrificed everything. He didn't have anyone. All that he was dependent on was God. And the Bible says, and God called him out of the wilderness, anointed him and called him king. In the midst of his what? Family. The question is, what was he doing in the wilderness that attracted God to know that he is the one? It is the state of the heart. So every single thing that you do, check the motive of your heart. There are people that when it comes to the things of God, they are not moved to help. I've always been saying this. If we can wake up early in the morning and still have the desire to eat, be disciplined to stay on a three-course meal because doctors recommend it. If we are disciplined to go to our work because we know that that is the source that is giving us our daily wages for us to take care of ourselves. How much more is the one that makes available whatever we are doing? The ground that we stand upon to work. If God says that I am destroying the earth, where would we be? But we don't have the heart for the things of God. We need to come to a place where we are begging. What can I do? What can I do? What can I do to help the gospel to be pushed? What can I do to better whatever that is existing? As a kin or partner, your heart is always after the things of God. I quite remember there was a time where I had a burden for the church and there was a need. I said, God, I believe that the church has to come to this level. Bless me, Lord, so that I can support in that. That was in the early stages of this ministry. And for some reason, one of our sisters commented, exactly the time that I had made that decision in my heart that if I get something, I will use it to help purchase certain gadgets for the church. The moment I made that thing, the Lord saw my heart. That is why when you read Psalm 19 verse 11, he said, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, be accepted by you, O God. So what are you perceiving in your heart? God looks in there inward. Man looks at it outward. What are you perceiving? I was there. This lady sent a seed. I was like, wow, you just connected. You heard the word and you were moved by the Holy Spirit because God saw my heart. He also stirred the heart of someone to provide. And when it came, I also directed it and I did that. And from that day, when it comes to finances, I have never lacked because true kingdom prosperity goes into the kingdom. Those who God will bless financially, those that God will grant them the advantage is those who have a heart for the gospel. If God realizes that if he gives you something and you are diligent with a little, someone will say, man of God, I don't have millions. No, God is not interested in that. He's just interested in the heart that you are in a place to push his will. So when you look at what Jesus was teaching in the last prayer, he said, our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy will be done on earth. That will will come through men. He has already established it in the realms of the spirit. Now he's looking for men that will pioneer it. So Jesus at the age of 12 says something, it is right for me to be up and doing my father's business. So the priest, the men, the fivefold ministries, the apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, prophets, all of them, God has chosen and has set them aside to feed his flock, feed his flock, to stand in a gap, to be able to direct. And for that, they can't do it alone. So when you look at the church in the wilderness, when Israel left Egypt and they started possessing the lands of all the tribes, it was only the Levites that said, you, you are for me. And you will have no possession, but you stand in the gap for all the tribes. Number one, you will be amongst them. Number two, and you will be ministering to me. And because of your ministry, let your other brothers who you are standing in a gap in the realms of the spirit, and you are pushing them and you are engaging the glory over their lives, let them support you because you have nothing. So all they will do is to go in the morning, go stand there, minister. So it flows like that. There's a balance because God knows that one, if you're a farmer, you have to be on a farm. If there's a banker, he has to be in a bank. A priest will also have to stand in the presence of God and hear what God is saying for the season and communicate it to the people. The priest is also supposed to stand in and carry the heart of the people to God. These are the God. These are the petition. That is what Moses was doing every single day. So when you are partnering, you are feeding into the will of God. It balances. You all do the same thing. So when you look at the scriptures, the Bible says that, and when David realized that the house of obedience was blessed, he rushed to get the ark because the ark, when it comes, it is the symbol of the glory of God. The glory of the Lord has the ability to transform your life and you can engage the glory through sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. David Solomon sacrificed and as a result of that sacrifice, he engaged the glory of God. Scripture says that when the glory came in the best three of 2 Chronicles chapter seven, they all bowed. I decree and I declare that because you are partnering with this ministry, with the kingdom of God, wherever you go, every power that is, that fights progress will bow in the name of Jesus. Let your covenant be that which that causes others to bow before you. You will not be stopped in the name of Jesus. You will not be limited in the name of Jesus. You will rise above in the mighty name of Jesus. So, when you go down, there's sacrifice opening opportunities. You see, you can engage certain opportunities only through partnership. There are certain people that engage the glory that is stepped into the supernatural. When that sacrifice was made, the Bible says, when you read verse 11, God appeared to Solomon and asked him. He spoke to him. So, if you want to engage your heavens, one of the ways is through sacrifice and partnership. If you want God to visit you, that's one of the ways. There's going to be a turnaround. I decree and I declare, let the Lord visit you in the name of Jesus. Let there be a visitation in the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. Glory to Jesus. In Isaiah chapter 60 verse 3, it says, darkness as black as night covers the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord arises and appears over you. Darkness is distractions. Darkness is evil. Darkness is lack of inspiration and that lack of light. But because the glory comes upon you, look at what happens. Verse 3, all nations will come to your light. Mighty kings will come to see your radiance. Verse 4, look and see for everyone is coming home. Your sons are coming from the distant lands. Your little daughters will be carried home. And look at the verse 5, your eyes will shine and your heart will be thrilled with joy for merchants from all around the world will come to you and they shall bring you wealth of many lands. This is to say that as a kingdom partner, you need to have the understanding that whenever I support the kingdom, I am engaging the spirit of God, the glory of God over my destiny. And when there's a dark cloud that is covering the continent, covering the nations, it doesn't affect me. How? Because I have come to a place where I know God will make a provision for me. God will make me stand out. That people will come to me for inspiration. That when every hope is lost, I will not have my hope lost because I know that I am partnering with the glory of God and the glory of God will make a way. So automatically, if the darkness is bringing luck, minus you, because the glory of God makes available. In the glory realm, you have manna. The food of angels is made available. Anyone who is working in the glory realm or a woman who is working in the glory realm, God divinely provides. You need to come to that realm. You need to come to that realm. The Bible says that the Shunammite woman provided, stepped into the place of supporting the kingdom and the glory of God was activated to help activate the womb to have a child. Today, I decree and I declare, anything that you have to beg for that has delayed, let it come forth in the name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. Receive it in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The glory opens door for greatness. Once you partner, you are open to greatness. There was a woman who sacrificed an expensive perfume and her Starbucks was broken and she anointed the feet of Jesus. And Jesus said, as you have done this, wherever the gospel will go, your name will be there. So she broke through her time and to reach out to her time that we know there was a woman. I decree and I declare that your name will never be tarnished. No contentious spirit, no contention, no conspiracy, no negativity of the kingdom of darkness will fight your light, will fight your destiny, will fight your impact. Whatever that you are doing, if you are a businessman, if you are a student, if you are in ministry, because you are partnering with the gospel, you will break forth. You are unstoppable. And when it comes to prosperity and wealth, it is your portion. This is what the scripture said in the verse 5, that your eyes will shine and your heart will be thrilled with joy. It means the joy will fill your heart. God will provide that atmosphere that you will always feel welcomed and you will enjoy. And the one most important thing is that you will never lack. You will have more than enough. Press down, sitting together, running over, so that you can equip the body, so that you can hold hands. I decree and I declare, may the Lord remember you, may the Lord establish you, may the Lord keep you, and may the Lord cause the heavens to favor you. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Amen. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen and amen. God bless you. I want us to enter into prayer. I want us to enter into prayer. I think after I will share the details for the recording, I want you guys to all listen to it and pray.