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Nothing to say, yet
Rev. Patty's Inspiration Station is a podcast that emphasizes the need for the Holy Shekinah Spirit in our lives. The Lenten Meditation focuses on Jesus being condemned to death. Fear and spiritual blindness played a role in his condemnation. Fear is described as an emotion that can consume individuals or even nations. Fear and condemnation can have negative effects on our lives. It is important to reflect and improve upon areas of our hearts that may be in disarray. By seeking answers in moments of silence, we can find the inspiration we need. The podcast encourages listeners to visit the website for more content and to share the episode with others. The message concludes with the reminder that we are never alone. Welcome to Rev. Patty's Inspiration Station. Now more than ever, we need the presence of the Inner Ticker of Life, the Holy Shekinah Spirit, to awaken, nurture, and direct our steps. We are spiritual beings walking in a world bombarded by rapid changes. Jesus said, the words I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. Get set free and travel with me beyond the pulpit and into the garden. Welcome to our Lenten Meditation. Each Inspiration Station will take us to a scene. This week, Jesus is condemned to death. Scene 1. Jesus said, I was condemned because of who I was. Fear came out in great forces. It was not my will to stop the storms. I wanted man to see me, but he, she did not have eyes to see or ears to hear. Many false witnesses spoke against Jesus. He was asked, Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One? Jesus said, I am. Then some of them began to spit at him and beat him. The guards slapped him as they took him away. Fear is a reaction, not an action. When the guards hit Jesus, they were reacting out of anger, fear, and spiritual blindness. The dictionary describes fear as the emotion of being afraid, of feeling danger, or that evil is near, and all can produce known or unknown fears. Not much has changed since the time of Jesus. Fear is the variance of evil that lies within man at this time on the planet. Fear can take hold of the individual as well as an entire nation. Every time there is a shift or change in our economy, weather, personal life, or health, there is a shift or change within man producing fear. We are either in a state of love, where one moves closer to God, or we are in a state of fear, where one moves away from God. If we have the courage to put ourselves into scene one, we will see how fear, which leads to condemnation, decided the fate of Jesus and laid the foundation that led him straight to the cross. Their thinking became futile, and their hearts were darkened. What has fear or condemnation done for you lately? Take a moment, breathe in and breathe out, and ask God, is there any area in my heart that is in disarray? Is there something I can improve upon to keep the channel open between myself and Jesus and keep the inspiration flowing? What do I need to work on this week? It is in the silence in the moment where I will find the answers I seek. And let us close. Holy Spirit, open my mind and illuminate my heart. Please reveal to me the heart strings that are stretched, but not yet broken, causing me to act out of fear or condemnation. See you along the holy road, amen. Thanks for tuning in to Rev. Patty's Inspiration Station podcast. Don't forget to visit my website, Here you can sign up for free, to subscribe to my latest blog post messages, or listen to my podcast on the platform of your choice. Please pass this episode on to those who are in need around the world. No matter who you are and wherever you roam, you are not alone. He is with us always. Until next time, from one spiritual gardener to another, plant you and dig you later, amen.