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Welcome to the Light

Welcome to the Light

Rhonel WilliamsRhonel Williams



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The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to share the word. They explain that the word contains life and that life is the light of men. They emphasize the importance of allowing the word to dwell in us and letting the light shine through our actions. They reference verses from John, Psalms, Colossians, 1 John, Peter, and Isaiah to support their points. They encourage listeners to let their light shine before others and glorify God. They conclude by discussing the concept of the spirit of a man being the lampstand of the Lord, emphasizing the need to let the Lord's word bring life into our lives. Hallelujah, amen, thank you. It's a joy to be with you guys today. I want to say thank God for this moment that he's given to us that we can come together and share the word. We want to look at something that is dear to my heart and I pray that it will be also to yours. You see the word tells us that in John chapter 1 verse 4 that in him but previously from verse 1 he says about he talks about the word that in him was life or in him is life that was sorry in him is life and the life is the light of men so his life so in the word there is life and in the life that is in the word that life is the light of men so in order to have the light we need to get in the word and allow the word to dwell in us he says the entrance of the word gives light that's what we're reading in Psalms so we need to allow the word to dwell in us in Colossians 3 he says let the word of Christ dwell in you richly so as we allow the word to dwell in us richly we then will be in light as he says in first John walk in living the light let the light he has and in Peter also he says that God has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light so we need to allow the light which is the life which comes from the word to ready to dwell and radiate in us and from us so that we can then shine you see Matthew I think it is chapter 5 he talks about that we are the light of the world and he says that let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify the fathers now in Isaiah it talks about that we need to arise and we need to shine because why our light our light has come and so that light that the Lord has given to us which comes from the word no we can only have light when we are in Christ or when we are in the word without the word we remain in darkness and he says that if we are in darkness then which means that our our life is full of evil or we walk in evil but once we get into the light darkness has to flee because you see if we if we want light to continuously shine then darkness cannot appear or come into any frame whatsoever so allow let us allow the light to shine in us daily that light which is the life so the life that we receive from the word causes our light in the book of Proverbs he talks about the spirit of a man is the lampstand of the Lord now a lampstand is what we place where you place the light the light is coming from that lampstand or another version put it the candlestick and so the candlestick is what holds the candle and it's and therefore you don't put a candle without it being lit in in Psalms he talks about light my candle and so let the Lord let allow the Lord to to to bring that word of that life into you so that your life can become the light of men amen amen

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