Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
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Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, this is the Black Nuremberg Trials. This is going to be a very short video addressing what that race soldier did to that woman in her home. I'm going to play the video real quick, it's blurred out, so I should not be getting a strike for the blurred out portion that shouldn't be shown on YouTube. I'll mute my mic. Now just to be clear, he told her to go turn it off because you don't want a fire to start. I'm going to mute my mic. I'm going to mute my mic. Now there's other videos in slow motion that people did. Long story short, she didn't have the pot in her hand, the pot was still on the stove. He told her to raise her hands, she raised her hands with the stove mitts in her hand. Anyway, I'm not going to get into it as far as what that is. So Tariq had a space around 2 o'clock this morning, East Coast time, and he said it's up to us as black men to stop this nonsense. And he's 100, 1,000% correct. 100 and 1,000% correct. One million percent correct. It is up to us. Concerning, I'm going in my training for my CCW and my premise permit, and I'll be talking about that CCW on the other channel, Unit 13 Tactical. I'm still going through it. I got held up on a summons that shouldn't even happen. Anyway, I said this. So in training, you as a civilian or an officer of public safety are not to use an off switch unless absolutely necessary or no other choice. This is taught in training for both because that form of execution of an unarmed individual cannot be explained away. And that's 100% correct. As I was taught by an ex-police officer for both my premise and my CCW. And he was very truthful in everything that I asked him about owning a firearm. And what should what should I do or what should not do? Because I've been training. Real quick. And I went to go do my CCW. I got 100%. But I was late. He took 20 points off of that. The reason why I got 100% was because on the first draw, and he knows this because I go to his range to train. I go for the off switch. But that's only when I'm training. Only when I'm training, I go for the off switch. And when I did that, he was just like, really? I told him I was late. Sorry. You know I train like this all the time. But it is what it is. He knows I train like that. So it is what it is. But I would never do that. I mostly go, if anything, I would go for a limp, disarm, you know, and not disarm, but, yeah, hinder him. But, yeah, you don't do that unless it's absolutely necessary. You just don't. You don't even pistol whip. He said you don't even pistol whip a fire warning shot. You shoot him in the arm or the leg. But you would need justified cause behind that. So long story short, I'm trained. Before I use anything, I use my pepper spray. Oh, goon juice. Shout out to Tariq. Oh, goon juice. But, yeah, you shouldn't do that. And we should patrol. Go to my profile. No profile. You can have this with a security license. You don't have to have it as your occupation, but the license gives you leeway to have this. You walk around with it. They stop you because it's happened to me many times. I do security. See that? Show them that badge. That's my security license right there. That's my badge. I don't. When I'm on the job, I walk around with this on me. The blade, the provoke, morphine karambit, but I don't walk with it in public. And that's another thing. That's what got me held up on my CCW. I'll talk about that on the other channel. But, anyway, you can have this with your license. FYI, depending on your state, because here in New York, we were able to wear it with no problem up until that idiot did that nonsense in the train station. And that school shooting where the cop was scared. I think the cop was scared to go in with the kid who was trying with the AR-15 who had on a plate carrier with no plate. So, yeah, that's when they banned it for civilians to have it unless you're a police officer or your job occupation or license requires it. Mine requires it because it's my occupation and I have the license. But that's how you can do that. Also, too, FYI, you cannot. Well, here in New York City, you can't walk around with a ballistic vest, a ballistic vest or ballistic armor and a firearm. You have a CCW. You can walk around. Excuse me. You can walk around with your CCW. But you cannot walk around with it with your vest on. You don't have a CCW. You can get the license and get the vest. Simple as that. But you cannot do both. At least not in New York State. I don't know about any other states. I will be finding out much later on for the other channel, Unit 13 Tactical. But also I'm going to show you some things that help people when I'm walking around in general. Now, I don't walk around fully in gear. Sometimes I walk around in my vest. Sometimes I walk around in my vest. Or I'll just walk around, you know, bare with nothing else on me. Bare with nothing else on me but my blades because I have more than one. I have more blades on me. That's the only one you see. But also walk around with the Leatherman. This is a tool that can help anybody. FYI, just about a couple of weeks ago, I helped a guy get his keys out of his trunk with this tool. Atomic bed glass breaker slash pen. This is useful for many things. I'll give two examples. One, I have a job. Keys got locked in the office. Use this to bust a little hole in the double plexiglass window. And I bust through it with this. That's just to show you how much force this bad boy has with this glass breaker. And another incident, a guy. FYI, don't do this. I'm a totally different individual. So don't do what I do. Almost got hit by a car with two other people. The guy was on his cell phone. He didn't want to apologize. He didn't want to apologize. And he shoved his shoulders like this, like. I bust his window out with this. So cops were there. They did nothing. I went dunking donuts, got my coffee while they were still there. They didn't do anything. He tried to get their attention. They paid him no mind because they saw everything. Not saying I like cops. Y'all know about my whole thing with police. I hate that. I don't like police. Don't. Given my intimate experience with NYPD and their psychological exam and recruitment process. All right. So I know more than anybody. FYI. So all that about we need more black police officers. FYI, no we don't until this system is brought down from the top all the way down to the ground and built back up from the ground up without racist psychological answers. To find out what an ideology is of an individual or to sway them to a certain ideology. With that said. Oh, also, I was about to end it also. Real quick. I also say. Where is it? I also said. Because there's a video of a judge basically just saying telling the cops because kids were partying, you know, because they graduated. Long story short, she said, you know, they own the property. We can shoot him. No, but they own the property. We can shoot him. All right. Now, when it came to this, I said, Derek posted that. I said. Now, this, in my honest opinion, looks like a psychological boost from Trump's rally. From when he got shot to when he threw up his fist and said, fight. Basically, this gave the suspected white supremacist slash white supremacist. I feel I'm feeling bold. Just my thoughts. That's exactly what it felt like. And that's all I want to say. People, keep your head on a swivel and be alert. And remember, this month is almost over. So, yeah. Keep your power tools on you. All types of power tools. You never know when you might have to blow some bushes away, you know, cut some hedges, trim some hedges. As PBT would say, you know, you never know when you have to put in some work. And I can give more examples of me putting in some work on my job. I got videos of that, but I'll leave that alone. That's for the unit 13 tactical. That one, I got so much content for that channel. And I'm only saying that because that is going to be my self-defense gun channel. That's why I remember. I build various things that won't be going on in here, but there will be links. So until then, FBA be one. I'm out. Black family. Peace.