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Rich RansomRich Ransom



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If you have ADHD, life can be overwhelming. But you can reframe your thinking with an exercise to identify what works for you. Treat it like your personal ADHD owner's manual. Plan a reward for finishing. Get paper, marker, timer, snacks, and settle in. If you have, or think you may have, ADHD, life can get a bit overwhelming. Whether you have a big project coming up, or just looking for motivation to start your usual tasks, sometimes a little reframe, or new way of thinking, can be helpful. Today we're going to try an exercise to help you identify and write down what works for you. This is the fun part, a chance to highlight what makes you unique. Think of it like your personal ADHD owner's manual, a way to remind yourself how to get started in the future if you're feeling stuck. Before you get started, plan your reward and promise yourself a treat when you finish. It's nice to know you'll win no matter how this goes. Get a few sheets of paper, a writing utensil, I love the bold marker for this, and a timer. Do you need snacks or a drink? Get those and maybe a quick bathroom break. Now, settle in and get started.

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