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Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Который, как и все остальные, Как может кто-то сделать что-то из этого? Какой же это спектакль недели! Случайные вещи, которые просто падают на нас. И одна вещь, которую мы можем быть уверены в любых случаях, это то, что все будет больше и больше без контроля. Но мы все это выживем? И, да, друзья, добро пожаловать в новую эдицию Шортвейга в субботу ночью, прямо здесь, на Майди Деви Ди Си 2. Майди Деви Ди Си 2 Окей, давайте успокоим этих парней. Или, как я и говорю, на Страваганзо, на опасных Страваганзо. Убейте их, ребята, убейте их. О, подождите, давай. Стоп, стоп. Поехали. Давай, давай, давай. Ух! Ладно. О, боже. Это... Эх... Я говорю вам, это просто... ...не может... ...быть ни хуже. Вы не могли бы построить какую-нибудь форму компьютерной радио? В этой зинковатой вакуум-тюбовой культуре. Да. Эм... Может быть, мы можем успокоить... ...эти вещи немного. Окей. Теперь ты будешь хорошим парнем сегодня ночью? Я надеюсь, что ты будешь хорошим парнем. Да, я надеюсь. Потому что ты хороший парень. Когда ты хочешь быть. Когда ты не хочешь быть, ты не хороший парень. Эм... Ладно, давайте посмотрим. Думаю, мне нужно... ...открыть эти записи. Потому что... ...эти маленькие носки будут... ...будут... ...прыгать... ...в любом случае. Давайте посмотрим. Это всегда невозможно, чтобы... ...все было... ...в порядке. Окей. Думаю, мы можем поставить эти здесь. Ладно. Это получится. Окей. Это получится... ...когда мы начнем... ...другую шоу. Давайте сделаем карты... ...и... ...и сделаем это. Окей, давайте сделаем карты и уберем это. Не то, что мне не нравится делать карты. Мне нравится делать карты. Просто... ...я просто имел... ...чертовски плохое удачу... ...сделать карты последний раз. Это действительно время, чтобы я их снял. Но... Мы увидим, что случится... ...вечером. Эм... Окей. Эм... Окей. Мы должны получить... ...находящуюся карту-шуфлеру. Это одна из моих любимых вещей в мире. Потому что это... ...очень круто. Возьмите половину карты сюда... ...и половину карты туда. Затягивайте все, чтобы начать шуфлеру. Вот так. И потом вырезаете карты. Почему бы и нет? Видите, смешно, что вырезать карты... ...в этом случае... ...не значит ничего, потому что... ...это не влияет на мою способность... ...знать, какая карта это. Но чувство... ...рандомизации карты... ...это как... ...психологический буст. Потому что... ...вы не знаете, в каком порядке карты. Поэтому... ...это не имеет значения. Но... ...в любом случае. Окей. Хорошо, я думаю, что мы сделали это. Я думаю, что мы сделали это, Георгий. Я думаю, что вы сделали это. Хорошо. Теперь... ...я должен подумать о карте. И... ...я распространяю их сюда. И я буду... ...брать королевскую карту... ...потому что это первая карта, которая... ...пришла в мой ум. Я думал, что кот будет делать выбор. Но потом он... ...проснулся. Так что... ...я должен сделать... ...я должен сделать выбор сам. Как мы... ...словно... ...режем шоу здесь. Окей, королевская карта. Королевская карта, где... ...где ты могла быть? Божественный монарх... ...из 52. Окей, я смотрю на эту карту здесь. И я возьму ее. И она... ...королева клубов. Окей. Хорошо. Я возьму последнюю карту. Одни и те же. Так что... ...проходим. Да, королева клубов. Ну, хорошо. Ты все хорошо. Посмотрим. 8 клубов. 5 сердцев. 4 клуба. 3 куба. 10 сердцев. 6 сердцев. 9 сердцев. 4 сердца. 7 куба. 4 сердца. Королева... ...клубов. Не сердца. 7 сердца. Королева кубов. Конечно, я хотел быть последним. 8 сердцев. Королева сердцев. Окей. Победитель. 8 сердцев. 6 кубов. 6 сердцев. 2 сердца. 5 кубов. 6 сердцев. 6 сердцев. 3 сердца. Королева сердцев. 5 сердцев. 10 кубов. 8 сердцев. 2 куба. 6 сердцев. 9 сердца. 2 куба. 9 куба. 6 сердцев. 8 сердцев. 7 куба. 4 куба. 5 куба. Королева кубов. 2 сердцев. 7 сердцев. 10 кубов. 3 сердцев. Королева кубов. Королева сердцев. 3 куба. 10 сердцев. 8 сердцев. Королева сердцев. И другая карта... ...8 кубов. Так что, в отличие от прошлых раз, когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... ...когда были паттерны... I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober I'm a miserable evil when I'm sober But I adore the country I was born in My name is John McGraw And I sit here a-throwin' From something in the bottle for the mornin' Good night, Jack I'm gonna go in Ta-ta Okay, he would usually do a couple of versions of songs Some with the drunken narrations, which I've never cared for I thought this was the other one Yeah, the narrations But when he did the full version of the song, it was cool Harry Lauder And sometimes it's hard to understand with the dialect But if you've ever looked in the seed catalogs or the plant catalogs And you've seen a bush that is named Harry Lauder's Walking Stick That's who it's named after He made a lot of records And a lot of hits, too It's just that the narration ones... But I don't have them in order So it's hard to tell which is which Okay, anyway, what am I doing? I'm diverting myself and making everything harder to do than it need be Okay, I just want to get some of this stuff out of the way As we... Alright, come on, don't... Oh, boy, what a mess Alright, let's put this here We'll get this going We'll get it going, don't worry It's beginning to feel like a Fireside Theater album Okay Some of the stuff to... Oh Of course the big debate, which we'll talk about that, of course That is one of the highlights of the week But not the only one And... It just came to me That all this business About Springfield And you wonder... It's a hard thing to coagulate in the mind Alright, I guess that's the best way to put it Because... You have to sit back and wonder Regardless of your political affiliation You have to kind of say, well... You know, what... What is the reason for keeping a story like that going? You know, obvious BS What is the... I mean, like, why would you want to keep that alive? It's like... You would think anyone of normal... Alright I guess that kills that argument right there The word normal I guess anyone of... What can I replace that word with? Humanistic temperament Would kind of say... Oh, you know... This is really causing... A lot of harm And... Maybe I just better back off this one I mean, there's plenty of other political pranks and stuff we can do We don't need... We don't need that one It's destructive, so let's just... But that's... Not what's happening Double... Doubling down Tripling down Quadrupling down What would it be? Pentacoupling down? Sextacoupling down? I guess... Not too sure of those last ones there Why? Now, as I said during the Stravaganza show this week Some of which is carried here on WBCQ There's... There are three things that this has achieved for Donald Trump that are important Maybe even four First off, whatever Donald Trump does He wants to maximize the audience, the attention-getting Because regardless of what it is He needs attention He truly is the toddler that they say he is It's like, no, no, look at me, look at me And he has to have that So when you enter into the calculation of what kind of a prank Or a stunt to pull The first thing is you've got to get it into the area of the most potential audience What is going to grab the most number of people? Right off the bat Maximum initial impact You could even come up with an acronym for it, M.I.I. Maximum initial impact But that's important to him So, okay What can we do to get maximum initial impact? Well, first thing is we need to get a subject That is applicable or resonant to a great number of people Well, a great number of Americans Have cats Okay, I think it's 51% I think Let me just Let me see if I can find See if I can find the Okay See if I can find that statistic And Okay, I'm just trying to find it This thing is like really This computer needs to be replaced It just Okay, let's see if we can do a A duck, duck, go It just isn't gonna Okay, percentage Percentage Percentage of Americans With cats And dogs Let's see what we get And I'm sure after 10 minutes it will give me a result here So I'll have a Marco Rubio moment while And this pathetic old computer grinds away Trying to fulfill this obviously very difficult request It's a large number And the idea behind it is That you talk about pets, well you've got Instantly a big chunk Of the potential American voting public So check box number one You had to have that Two Immigration, Donald Trump Hates immigrants or Feigns hating immigrants to boost his political Standing with his base So whatever it is, whether he really believes it or not Is really irrelevant It's the fact that he knows it's a motivating Subject for his base Okay, so you've got another big chunk going there And it fits into Donald Trump's racism Because Haitians are black For the most part So, you've played large audience You've played racism And you've played immigration All those three important cards All at once So yeah, this is an important Important way to latch into your Okay Pet ownership in the US has jumped significantly Over the past three decades As of 2024 66% of US households That is 86.9 million Own a pet Which is up 56% In I guess from 1989 And let me just see if it says anything else here It says pets are a vital part of their owner's lives And that's true They are I mean we are a very pet intensive country And this site here mirrors what I've observed And I'm sure a lot of you have observed If not experienced it directly You consider your pets a part of the family And they're on just about an equal footing I mean it's like they're extremely important Towards the amount of money on vet bills So, yeah Now going down here a little bit more It says Forbes advisor conducted a deep dive Into the latest available pet owner statistics To determine which pets are most popular This is Forbes magazine by the way So this is not just You know Dickiedoozingadongo.com or something You know This is a serious source of information How pet ownership and spending habits differ by generation The cost of pet ownership in the most common lifestyle Sacrifices made by pet owners Let's see here Ok Ok Ok, here we go Freshwater fish, 11.1 million households Which is kind of odd because Fish aren't cuddly like cats and dogs Anyway 65.1 million US households own a dog 46.5 million households have a cat And then they have the freshwater fish Millennials are the largest percentage 33% Followed by Gen X, 25% And baby boomers, 24% In 2022, Americans spent 136.8 billion dollars On their pets Up nearly 11% From 2021 Which stood at 123.6 billion Oh, essential dog expenses An average of $1,533 annually 42% of dog owners and 43% of cat owners Got their pets from a store Hmm While 38% of dog owners and 40% of cat owners Got their pets from an animal shelter or rescue Hmm That's interesting The percentage of pet owners in the US Has spiked over the past 35 years The steady rise in pet ownership in the US Comes in a time when, of course Pet insurance is also rapidly gaining in popularity Here, leave it to the insurance companies I'm going to jump in There's a dollar to be made here Let's make sure Fido and Fluffy are insured to the max Oh boy But then again, vet bills are expensive So, it says Pet insurance can prevent you from paying the full cost Of unexpected vet bills If your pet is injured or gets sick It says here It's the smart way to add a layer of financial security It's beginning to sound like a little bit of a Of advertising copy here A little financial security to your budget Here are some facts Let's see, we've already gone through that More than half of pet owners That is 51% Consider their pets to be as much a part of their family As a human family member 78% of pet owners surveyed by Forbes advisor Acquired pets during the pandemic Wow But of course That could be Replacing a pet that died or something That just happened to Pass on during the pandemic Households with annual incomes of $100,000 and over Are the most likely to own pets This is very interesting Because now I can see that the A block We're going to veer on to another subject here Because this is data collection, folks Here's an illustration of it And we'll get into that in a second Where were we here? $100,000, where is that? Okay, are most likely to own pets 63% of households in this income bracket Own dogs and 40% own cats Homeowners are more likely to own pets than renters 58% of homeowners have a dog And 36% have a cat Versus 39% and 29% of renters, respectively Americans in rural areas are more likely to own pets Than suburban and urban areas 71% of adults living in rural areas have a pet I would have thought that to have been the reverse Residents of rural areas are more likely to own multiple pets 47% of adults in rural areas have more than one pet Compared with 32% in the suburbs And 26% in urban areas 42% of dog owners and 43% of cat owners Okay, we already did that one 23% of dog owners report getting their dog from a breeder Compared to only 7% of cat owners Yeah, you see that's... Breeding is kind of weird because sometimes it reinforces negative Characteristics, so that's interesting Over 1 third of Americans, 35% have more than one pet And we already did the generational thing Okay, this is like... Let's see Okay, percentage, 6.1 Okay Cost of pet ownership While the love of a pet is priceless, the cost of owning one is not Veterinary care, grooming, food, treats, and other outlays can add up quickly A Forbes advisor analysis found that essential dog expenses cost an average of... Oh, we already covered that one $1,533 annually This includes the cost of dog boarding for a 7-day vacation, $253 Veterinary care, $679.50 They really had to put the 50 cents in there Pet insurance, $601 And a penny, they really had to put the penny in there Wow, pet insurance is expensive $601, man Dog owners who rely on doggy days On doggy daycare twice per week, okay Can expect to spend an additional $2,980 per year on average And if an unexpected vet bill pops up for a major incident You can be on the hook for thousands of dollars You know this 42% of pet owners say they can't cover a surprise vet bill of $999 or less Without going into debt It says here, pet insurance can partially reimburse you Partially When you pay the bill for your pet's unexpected accidents and illnesses While you may not want to add another expense to your pet care costs You might be surprised at how affordable pet insurance can be I don't know, $601 doesn't sound like exactly cheap The average pet insurance cost for dogs is $44 a month Okay, so that would be $480 a year $488 a year And the average pet insurance cost for cats is $30 a month Based on Forbes Advisors analysis And it says Having pet insurance is like putting a leash on your potential vet costs So they don't run out of control Again, that sounds like advertising copy That can leave you with more money to spend on spoiling your furry companion Okay, here's some Dog owners spend the most money on veterinary care $367 per year Food, $339 per year Hmm, that doesn't sound like as much as I would have thought it would have been And grooming, $99 a year Cat owners spend the most on food $310 per year And don't forget, cats are a lot smaller than the average dog Veterinary care, $253 per year And toys, $50 a year Gen Z pet owners, that is ages 18-25 Are the most likely to spoil their pets with birthday cakes Birthday cakes? Where did this A block come from? With birthday cakes, 34% Birthday presents, 39% And clothing or costumes, 32% Gen Z pet owners are also the most likely to spend money on behavioral training, 41% Doggy daycare, 35% And specialized pet food and dog walking services, 31% Hmm This is incredibly detailed The most expensive cities to own a dog A Forbes advisor analysis found that Winston-Salem, North Carolina Tops the list of most expensive cities for dog owners Huh, who would have thunk that? Greensboro, North Carolina Bakersfield, California El Paso, Texas And Memphis, Tennessee Don't me try to find... Round out the top 5 most expensive cities for dog owners Regional trends for the most expensive cities to own a dog Three of the top 15 most expensive cities for dog owners are located in Nevada Nevada? Including North, Las Vegas, Las Vegas and Henderson California cities appeared at both the top and the bottom of the list Two of the most 15 expensive cities for owning a dog are located in California Including Bakersfield and Fresno Two of the most affordable cities for dog owners are also located in California Including the city that ranked cheapest overall Do you know the way to San Jose? La, la, la, la, la, la, la Okay Um Well Okay, we've already uh Uh Uh Hmm Dog owner regrets There's no denying the benefits of dog ownership But being responsible for a dog comes with challenges These obligations can cause some to have regrets about owning a dog A Forbes advisor survey of 2,000 dog owners found Messies Hmm Challenges in finding care for the dog and dog training are among the Oh, messes, alright Alright Um And dog training are among the top reasons they regret getting a dog The cost of vet bills is also a burden for some dog owners And can affect how often dogs go to the vet Here's more about dog owner regrets and concerns about vet bills 54% of dog owners have regrets about getting a dog Gee, that's weird Dog owners cited cleaning up after a dog as the biggest challenge associated with dog ownership 27% Followed by finding care for the dog when traveling or going to work 26% Training the dog 25% Cost 24% And parking or whining 24% A vet bill of $9.99 or less would cause 42% of pet owners to go into debt We already covered that While a vet bill of $4.99 or less would cause 28% of pet owners to go into debt 3% of pet owners gave their pet away between 2021 and 2022 Oh, that's so sad Oh The top reasons cited for selling or giving a pet away were Inflation, 12% The rising cost of rent, 10% Inability to afford a pet's medical bill, 7% And the cost of pet deposits for apartments, 5% God, this is just... We're just getting so far out of field with this But... They have a level of details on this That... It's amazing Huh Wow Hmm Well, there you go Now, how did we get into that? Well, we got into that because of Trump's selection of pets as a subject for one of his lies Designed to fire up his base And now we find out all this... With all this stuff And the detail on this is really astounding I find, anyway Now, they took some... They took some surveys for this But let's think for a second, where did they get all this information from? I didn't even go through... A good 70% of this material that I didn't go over is just so much of it In that one article And basically, it would appear to me That they get it from tracking people's computer habits, internet habits What they've bought, how much they've spent on it, where They've spent the money, obviously where they live All this data is just coming together and generating overall pictures of people and their pets And you know that it's... It's a lot more detailed than they're laying on here So when you think about what's going on When you're on your computer Or even... What's worse are those damnable phones Yeah, getting a lot of data here And you can see it If you want to check this out, let's see It's Forbes.com To me, it's long, but it's easy Front slash advisor, front slash pet hyphen insurance Front slash pet hyphen ownership And you can probably use just the beginning of that and navigate to the rest Yeah, pet ownership statistics, yeah With hyphens in it, yeah So, a lot of information there, okay So, alright, we spent a lot of time establishing that Yeah, that's a good subject to make a political point with Because a lot of people, 66% have pets And what was it, 51% or 54% Consider them a full-fledged member of their family So, yeah, Trump and or his advisors know That Fido and Fluffy are sensitive subjects Yeah, it's very sensitive subjects And yet, when you start talking about somebody chopping them up and eating them That's going to get people angry I mean, when I first heard the story Yeah, you know, I could feel my blood beginning to boil a little bit, you know But then you go like, whoa, wait a minute Wait a minute Does this make sense? Does it make any sense at all? Is there any logic to this? And when you start thinking about it, no No There is no reason for anyone to think that Haitians are eating people's pets First off I mean, let's just look at the common sense part of it Nobody who comes to a new country And they're trying to build their lives in this new country Even if they did eat dogs and cats, which they don't They wouldn't be doing that It's like how to get instant animosity No, nobody's going to do that So it's utterly illogical Well, you are going to fall right off here It's like you have the police department Saying, how many times do they have to say it? I don't know how many times they have to say it But they've said it enough times There are no credible reports of pets being abducted and eaten Tortured or hurt in any way None Zero Not even, well there was one incident which kicked it off No No So When you look at that as a subject for a political trope Yeah That's going to get people's attention And again, that's what Donald Trump wants But let's see Let's just take a look At what's happening in Springfield The Haitians that have come there They're there by invitation Because Once you set aside all the racist tropes And you come back down to the real planet Earth here You again connect with the basic story The basic functioning of this country It's a country that's built on immigration And yes, immigrants have always gone through a period of rejection This, that and the other thing That part of it isn't new But Springfield advertised to these folks Springfield needed to be rejuvenized Springfield was facing extremely hard times Businesses were closing and leaving It was a dying town They needed more people there to start businesses and start doing things Being available for jobs Engineers that have hired these folks have said You know, I love them, I wish I could get a hundred more And many of them are highly educated people You know, degreed engineers, etc. And when you look at what's happened They're afraid to walk the streets The town has been beset with bomb threats Schools have closed The town hall has had to close Other municipal offices have had to close Because of this irresponsible lie This irresponsible trope Look at Donald Trump and J.D. Vance Who, by the way, is a sitting senator from What state? Ohio What state is Springfield in? You guessed it You have not failed your geography lesson tonight Yep, Ohio So here we have the sitting senator United States senator from the state of Ohio Saying things that are tearing a town to pieces By the way, it is time to say You're listening to WBCQ, Monticello, Maine The United States of America Tearing a town to pieces And so is Donald Trump They know it's not true And they won't stop They won't stop They just Trump has doubled down, tripled down, quadrupled down, etc. down And he won't give it up It's a lie, there's not a shred of truth to it But they keep saying it I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars In extra police costs and damage And lost time at schools, etc. This is going to add up to Who knows where it will end Because obviously the golden haired buffoon is not Sitting down and saying Let's just gradually fade out of this Because look what it's doing to that town You know, it's not good No Part of two Full steam ahead, keep going Great work, J.D. So here we have somebody who wants to become president again Who is quite satisfied with destroying this town To satisfy his own political, well, his own concept of political gain Quiet little American town Trying to do the best it can It's had it's problems It's trying to work through them And you get this And a lot of those Haitians are saying We're just going to have to leave Because it's just too frightening Just too scary to To be here To walk down the street What a horrible thing to do I could picture Vladimir Putin doing something like that But someone who has been the president of the United States And is seeking the office again To casually sit back And destroy a town's functional system Just for his own political benefit And his own concept of fun That's pretty, that's pretty sick It's more than sick, it's demented And what if it was your town? A lot of people out there saying Oh well, you know, it's Trump I love him, I'm going to vote for him of course He does these things How would you feel if it was your town? Because all the money That is being spent On bomb threats All the money that will need to be spent On making up school days And getting around things that were supposed to be At a functional level but weren't Because of bomb threats When you add up all the money That that has cost, is costing, and will cost Where's that money coming from? If you guessed your property tax bill Ding ding, you get it 100% You're going to pick up the tab If you're a resident of Springfield Because the money just You know, it doesn't come from nowhere The money doesn't just materialize It has to come from some place And although it's a bad system Most places get their money Most municipalities get their money From property taxes That's just the way it is Let me, I want to Just do this There we go Alright Okay, let's see if we can bring up There we go We got the crickets out there On this very late summer night And even some leaves are beginning to fall off the trees Okay, well I didn't mean to spend that much time on this But That's just an example of how demented Donald Trump is Let's see who's on the phone here Shortwave Saturday night Hold on, I put you on the air, hold on Okay, let's hit the button here And this one Okay, you should be ready to go Hey Joe Isn't this the same thing as phoning in a bomb threat? Isn't this the same thing as starting a rumor of some kind of an emergency Or something where the police Have to attend to patrol and all that stuff I don't get it Well, you know, I guess it is Can you boost your volume like you did last week? It was perfect, I don't know what you did But you were booming through Any better? Maybe a little bit But man, I don't know, last week you had that thing cranking Hold on Alright How's that? I think that's a little better Yeah, I don't know what the difference is I'm talking to myself, I was on speaker, now I'm not Okay, well that seems to make the difference You're a lot more level now Okay But I'm saying, it should to me It should rake right up there with the bomb threats Or calling fire in a building that's not on fire It should But Where the fuck is our goddamn government to stand up to this punk? They never will He's a piece of shit He is He's a walking example for abortion As far as I'm concerned, he really is I'm sorry You know If anybody can support this asshole There's no fucking way What he said He was deemed a liar within 20 minutes of that speech Yeah, I know But, you know, look Donald Trump is above the law and he knows it Yeah, well, that's like a stick in my ass I just But it's true It's true And we have a, we literally have a functional two tiered justice system There is one set of rules for Donald Trump And there are one set of rules for everyone else And that's not what it says in the law books But on the practical side, which is what counts Because that's what's actually happening There are two different sets of laws And he does have the ability to flout the law And he realizes it And he's got my dander up before, you know that But it's getting to the point now That anybody that votes for the guy is a piece of shit I don't care if it's my brother, my neighbor I don't care I don't want nothing to do with you If you can believe that crap Just get away from my kids and my family You know, everything that he talks about is a lie Yes, it is, it is Look, I don't understand it I don't either, I don't either I mean, to a certain point You and I are almost the same age The last election that we had in the 60s If one politician uttered two fucking words Of the crap that he's spewing He would have been thrown out The people wouldn't have nothing to do with him Oh, of course That would have been... I mean, people lost their nominations What's his name with the boat, the monkey business He was cheating on his wife who was dying of cancer I forget that Oh yeah, yeah, yeah I can't remember his name either, yep Yes, done, finished, kaputski That was the end of him People's... I'm just thinking level of acceptance People's... To say this shit's okay You're wrong You're just as wrong as he is To think this crap is okay I don't give a damn But they do It's terrible They do Maybe it's because this is the first time We've ever had a political leader That's also a cult leader When you think about it People liked JSK But there was no cult about him There was no cult about Abraham Lincoln There wasn't a cult about FDR Or anyone else Not even Ronald Reagan There was no cult about him No He was considered a guy, you know And that was it You either agree or disagree A draft dodger is going to be the leader of our military Commander-in-chief That's a joke People around the world are laughing Until they've kissed their pants thinking about that one Of course they're laughing But look Donald Trump says things about this country Where even 15 years ago If you said those things in a bar You would be invited out to the parking lot to the suite Your phone would be ringing by the time you got home I think of that old Merle Haggard song When you're running down my country, man Walking on the fighting side of me That's what would have happened And this guy runs down this country Day in, day out And it's like Oh, Donald Trump says it, so it's okay Well, you know what I'm not a political expert You know I got my opinions And sometimes maybe I go to the extreme I believe Kamala did good in this thing Oh, she did If she wins I want to see that motherfucker melt down Because that's what he's going to He's going to pull every card out of his ass that he can How he was treated and all this other crap Don't hold your breath Yeah First off I think the American public is perfectly capable And somewhat prone to voting for this guy Yeah, I know that there is I think he does have backing Yeah, he does I'm really hoping it And I don't even want to think about him winning Because it will keep me awake at night And what's going to happen I think he could win outright But maybe, maybe not Kamala Harris is really doing well And she's increasing her numbers And that's good However, regardless of what she does And regardless of how high the numbers are And it's important to get those numbers up as high as possible Because that just makes the Republicans' job a little more difficult But not impossible There is no way No way That he isn't going to start saying Oh, stolen election He started it already Oh, I know He started it already He's like a kid on a play field Stomping his feet in sandbox He's always been that way Yeah, he is That's exactly the way he is And it's like Oh, I'm taking my bat and ball and going home You can't sit there now I'm not concerned He's just got me angry Not that he makes me angry But I know people that would still vote for him And it just burns my ass I know To no end If I didn't know these people I'd laugh at this fucker and say You know what, that was great That was a good interview All the crap he said That's great But when I see people that will vote for him It just really hurts Yeah, I know It really hurts It's just It's beyond any kind of understanding But again, you know He's the kind of guy that gets on You know, playing a game of softball And he says I'm taking my bat and ball and going home Because I'm not out That was a perfect hit That was a perfect hit It was a home run Right What do you mean out? It was always a home run And I won the debate That's why I'm not going to debate her anymore You don't want to be taken down by anybody Especially a woman Yeah That look on his face was something else Looked like he had just shit his pants He was just waiting to get off stage So he could go clean his underwear Yeah, so maybe he did I hope he did And speaking of that This is the perfect opportunity to read this When this thing finally decides to switch over here Okay People are just starting to give me credit For having a great debate Which is in all caps Well, that's all in his own mind right now Right The voters, which is capitalized And the voter polls, which is capitalized He clearly doesn't know the rules of capitalization But anyway Showed it But the fake news media capitalized Wasn't giving the credit that was due Now they are seeing the results With independent voters Which is capitalized Evangelicals And more And saying Wow Remember I wasn't debating one person I was debating three They should fire everybody at ABC Fake News Whose two lightweight Quote Anchors Unquote Have brought disgrace On to the company That's just a rambling of a fucking loser That's all that is He's scared I really think he's scared now About his chances And he's just gonna He's just You know, just Ranting and raving more than usual Yeah, he is You know, if I were his political advisors I would just say He wouldn't listen to a political advisor Yeah, well he wouldn't But you know, I would just say Hey look, do a rally here and there You're gonna win Just be cool Shut the fuck up Yeah He's never Never heard those words You wouldn't know what to do if he did No, he doesn't I had a Marco Rubio moment there Alright I'm gonna have another cold beer here And listen to the rest of this I really hope we hear from Ramsey someday Though I miss the guy I do too I do too You know I hope everything is As good as it can be with him I do too Maybe all my ranting and bitching tonight Will spark an interest deal call Yeah Yeah That would be good That would be good Okay Alright man, thanks a lot for picking me up And I'm gonna listen to the rest of the show Okay, you take care Alright Bye Okay Alrighty Well, there we go As one listener's opinion But again, you know It is The intersection of Political leader and cult That is causing this And people say no one else could ever do that No, someone else could But they will just Have to Regenerate Themselves as a cult leader As well as a political leader And then they will be able to do this And I think this is what is confusing a lot of the pundits Because They've never seen anything like this before They've never seen a Situation Where a guy can Say and do things that were always considered Absolutely verboten And not only get away with it But receive accolades for it So Yeah It's a different It's a different Playing field It's a different set of rules And there he is, you know I won, I won You know, you didn't win But He just can't He just can't accept the fact At any rate Now, speaking of that debate Now Never have we seen a President Well, at least not in my lifetime And the history that I have read That was ambivalent About the success Of an ally of ours On the battlefield Who had come under attack By a nation with an adversarial relationship to us No president has ever Has ever done that Every president has stood firm behind our allies And said, no, you know, it's like This guy has You know, has invaded our ally And we stand behind them We want them to win, we want them to repel the invaders Et cetera, et cetera Not Donald Trump Not Donald Trump He's He couldn't bring himself to say That he hopes Ukraine wins the war against Russia And he was given Multiple opportunities to do so It wasn't one quick little You know, little quickie thing that went by so fast That you could have missed it No It was very direct You know, I'm giving you another chance You know, OK, we're just trying to find out now Are you, you know Couldn't say it Couldn't say it Couldn't say that he wants Vladimir Putin to lose Is there somebody out there that thinks Russia is our friend? There may be Maybe But he isn't And Russia Is not going to Is not going to Become our friend They are not going to be in a non-adversarial relationship With the United States As long as Vladimir Putin is drawing a breath If that's just the way it is Now You know, we had We had the beginnings, and we've talked about this before Of Russia trying to transition into democracy We had Gorby And they were part of the renamed G8 There was talk of Russia joining NATO And really jumping into the circle of free and democratic nations Looking for good solutions to our worldwide problems And making sure that everybody's citizens are treated fairly And live satisfying lives of freedom And Russia was You know, they had just thrown the switch And the train was just starting out down that track But it was like I don't know, maybe it was vestiges of the old guard No, no, no And somebody just ran down the track And threw another switch to get it right back on the old track again And they got Vladimir Putin Ex-KGB Vladimir Putin And that was the end of that Now, what's going to happen after Vladimir Putin is no longer with us? Who knows? Will Russia once again try to veer towards freedom? Russians seem to want that But when you live in an autocratic country When you live under a dictatorship When you live in a kleptocracy What you want doesn't count So the fact that Russians would want some of these things Just isn't going to be factored into the equation Because as far as Vladimir Putin is concerned It's like, well, you guys can want it But you ain't going to get it So you just go ahead and keep wanting That's as far as you're going So that's one problem that we see here One thing that we have to find ourselves dealing with And trying to find a way to face and acknowledge Because the Russian people aren't getting what they really want And of course if you ask them They'll tell you, oh, we love Vladimir Putin Gosh, I mean, you couldn't ask for a better leader It's like, he does everything right, doesn't do anything wrong He's zero, he's strong, he's intelligent He's just the perfect kind of leader that we've always wanted And I hope he lives to 500 Because they know if they don't say that There's just going to be a little knock on the door at 2.30 in the morning Greetings comrade, you will come with us Bring a toothbrush And put a big plate of food out for your cat Because it's the last meal he's going to get From you anyway And that's that So yeah, Russians can't express themselves You see signs of that happening here You see and hear what Donald Trump is saying You hear his rants against Well Any kind of freedoms at all He doesn't want anyone saying anything unfavorable about him Remember what he said about Vladimir Putin way back at the beginning Well he says nice things about me Kamala Harris was right on top of that Yeah, that's all you care about Is somebody saying nice things about you And her next line was perfect He would eat you for lunch And that's true Donald Trump is not going to be able to stand up to Vladimir Putin For whatever reason, and I think there's a lot of them But just let's be straight about it Looking at the kind of government that Russians are contending with Is a good model of what Donald Trump and his Project 2025 buddies Are planning for us And let's be Let's be straight up about it No freedom of speech, can't say anything negative about your dear leader Women's rights, forget it Right on down the line Billionaires and the kleptocrats are the ones that name the tune and you dance Whether you want to dance to that tune or not Because they're the ones that are naming the tunes In plain and simple You don't contradict them, you don't You don't complain Because if you do Well, there might be the knock on the door You might just suddenly for some unexplained reason Lose your balance And fall out a window Six stories up Yeah, I guess the good Or you might get the old green poison treatment But I guess one thing, probably in Russia right now There's a real run on first story apartments If you get thrown out the window, you'll be okay But this is Look at it Read Project 2025 Listen to Donald Trump when he says I want to terminate the constitution Now think about that for a second I want to terminate The constitution When you Terminate the constitution Terminate the constitution That means it's gone Meaning there is no There's no obligation Or mechanism or anything That would mean that you would ever have to reinstate it Once it's terminated, it's gone Once the constitution is quote terminated, unquote We become a constitutionless country Think about that for a second A constitutionless country Let that sink in That means every single right you ever had Gone Absolutely gone Because there will be no constitution Protecting that right There will be no constitution Guarding that right Nothing to assure you that you have that right Because the document that gave you that right Has been terminated Let that sink in He is freely talking about that So yeah, first amendment Oh All you guys that are saying Oh, Kamala Harris will take away our guns Well guess what When the constitution is terminated As Donald Trump has vowed to do Second amendment, bye Dictators, by the way Don't particularly want to have Random gun ownership in their countries They kind of like that Privilege belonging to their own private militias Or their own military that's loyal to them But what difference does it make Because when the constitution is terminated La constitution est terminée So is the second amendment So you thought you had a right To own a gun But Oops It's gone Because the constitution Has been terminated You see where we're going with this You feel that You feel that you have a freedom from unreasonable search and seizure Even though it's been whittled away quite a bit Well guess what Fourth amendment Goodbye Because The constitution has been terminated Gee whizzikers or gee willikers And Oh Heh The right Of protection against self-incrimination Uh uh Fifth amendment Gone Because the constitution has been terminated That's where we're going That's a That's a constitutionless country That's what it means That's what it means Not to have A foundational document that defines and protects your rights Darn The right to a speedy and public trial Seventh amendment Well uh uh Gone Because The constitution has been terminated Now what does that mean? Well I'll read you the sixth amendment In all criminal prosecutions The accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial By an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed Which district shall have been previously ascertained by law And to be informed of the nature and the cause of the accusation And these are all there By the way because of experiences that the founding fathers had gleaned from their lives and the lives of others in Europe To be confronted with the witnesses against him To have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor And to have the assistance of counsel For his defense That's actually one of the more wordy Constitutional amendments but What does it mean? Well You have a right to a speedy and public trial That means no courts of the star chamber As was the custom And the practice in many countries in Europe Where trials were brought to you Well where trials were instituted a lot of times by the church And they weren't public So anything that happened to you never became general knowledge Nobody ever got to see, hey you know what they did? They brought him into court and they gagged him so he couldn't speak in his defense No See that's the kind of thing that a public trial helps prevent Because this is seen not only by people in the community but by the press And yet you have a right to a trial that doesn't drag on Times that doesn't drag on before you ever get to a trial So it's not like you're accused in 2024 and they finally get around to charging you in 2039 Meanwhile you've been in jail all that time That's the kind of thing that happened But that's what this was in the constitution to prevent You have the right to an impartial jury Well you didn't have the right to a jury in most cases In some or the other Or you have a jury of church elders Yeah, right, that was impartial And you didn't have the right to be charged in the district where the crime shall have been committed It could be any old place but people would have no connection to whatever's going on And the district, you didn't have any right to make sure that that district was ascertained by law By legal procedure That it just wasn't somebody saying, oh well the district is 400 kilometers south Yeah I know you've never been there but that's the district That's what that is there to prevent A lot of times in medieval and pre-renaissance, especially Europe You didn't have the right to be informed of, as they put it here, the nature and the cause of the accusation They just came to your house, kicked in your door and hauled you away Why? Who knows? Terminate the constitution? Protection is gone Which means that fits in very well with Donald Trump's weaponization of the Justice Department Where he can arrest anyone he wants And hey, we got around this whole thing here, the nature and the cause of the accusation Because the constitution is terminated You don't have to be informed of the nature of the charges Ergo, there don't need to be any real charges All they have to do is say there are And you'll get a trial Yeah, you really get around to it Being confronted with the witnesses against you Having those people have to go to court and state what they saw and what they believe And you having the opportunity to rebut those arguments But if the constitution is terminated, no You won't have that right anymore It'll all be a great mystery, a black hole And to have the assistance of counsel for your defense Oh, can't afford a lawyer? Well that's too damn bad, Jack That's really a shit shame Oh well, you know some of us have it and others don't Let's lock the door and throw away the key now Oh yeah, that'll bring new gravitas to Locker Up The right to the trial by jury That's the 7th amendment And the right of trial by jury shall be preserved And no fact tried by a jury shall otherwise be re-examined in any court of the United States Then according with the rules of the common law In other words, protection from double jeopardy Why did they put that in there as a separate amendment of its own? Because that's exactly what the church did during the Inquisition You were accused of being an infidel or whatever they came up with And you got a trial A star chamber trial, you know, with church elders as your judge and jury And if for some reason you managed to get found innocent And you didn't just get to walk out okay, un-cleared, uh-uh Part of two They just came right back and charged you all over again And if you got found innocent again Same thing, over and over and over and over again Doesn't matter how many trials We'll change it around, we'll lie about this, we'll get you guilty on something And we're just going to keep trying until we do That's the 7th amendment designed to protect that The Constitution gets terminated That's another right that you lose because the Constitution was terminated on the first day The 8th amendment Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted Why is that there? Well, that's because They would, during the medieval times in Europe, in medieval times, they would say Well, okay, sure, your bail is a million dollars You don't have it? Well Too bad you were born a peasant, what can I tell you? Lock him up They can't impose ridiculously expensive fines Like, oh, jaywalking, okay, well the fine for jaywalking is a 15 million dollar fine Are you going to put that on your visa or your mastercard? But if the Constitution is terminated Which Donald Trump has promised he will do on the first day That's gone too And cruel and unusual punishments? Hey, hey, hey! Why not? The Constitution has been terminated So, yeah That's what you're voting for if you vote for Donald Trump And it's not just me that is saying that That is his words Those are his words, not mine, his So, what better source could you have than what he is saying himself? And that's what he's saying I'm going to terminate the Constitution on the first day, okay I'm going to be a dictator on the first day You really want to vote for that? Well, remember, he says it, he said it, it's not me that's saying it, he said it He said it This is This is the precipice upon which we are standing right now That's what everybody means when they're saying that Yeah, we are on the verge of totalitarianism Because, guess what? There are no checks and balances Because of the Supreme Court Which has been filled with alums from the Heritage Foundation The very folks that have brought you Project 2025 They are now the arbiters of what is constitutional Right now they are And they have said that the President is a king And that's only so far Who knows what evil lurks in the evil mind of Clarence Uncle Thomas And Mr. Vergonia Alito Yeah, they're serious about this They're all, and they're all Heritage Foundation alums So yeah, Trump wants to terminate the Constitution And they'll go, yeah, sure, yeah You know, it's an extraordinary circumstance You know, it's unusual, it's a grave situation And what can we do, you know We're sure he'll reinstate it soon enough Don't worry about it Right now, martial law Well, think about that And then ask yourself, do you think you're really going to be allowed to keep that gun? Really? Because I don't think so I really don't think so, folks Terminate the Constitution? Scary stuff But again, this is not me hypothesizing This is not This is not something that I've Just made up off the top of my head because You know, it sounds real good No This is what he has said himself This is what he has promised And he has promised the arrest of all his so-called enemies And of course, his enemies are the people that have been Participating in the normal back and forth Of political campaigning and debating in this country But That, I guess, just Has to go away Because if you don't agree with the dear leader Well, you're a traitor Because the Constitution has been terminated All easily reality If Donald Trump wins the election Pretty scary stuff How far are you willing to gamble your freedom? How far? How much of your Really extraordinary constitutional rights Are you willing to just Toss on the table As if they were a hand of cards in a poker game? How many? How many? Because that's That's what we're That's what we're facing That's what we're going to have to contend with His words You're listening to WBCQ, Monticello, Maine The United States of America Let's Let's Let's think about this Even if you're a Trumpet and you And you just think this guy is just the greatest and the best Do you really want to Trade off the Constitution? Do you really want to? I mean this is something that This is something you have to think Long and hard about This is something that you Can't just Just dismiss or hand The Constitution Read it It's not very long Read it And after you read it Do you read it? Ask yourself Do you really want to risk Throwing this remarkable document away? Do you really want to risk Taking all the remarkable rights and protections that you have? And just Flipping them out the window Trusting that everything will Land at the bottom in perfect order and will be okay again Read this document It has echoes back to King John and the Magna Carta And it's Part and parcel of a struggle that began In many respects On that day when King John was Forced to sign these rights into law Think about this Think about this And then maybe Check out a little bit of this and check out a little bit of that Because You come to realize that Once you trade these rights away At the very best it can be many Many Generations If ever Before you get them back Or putting it another way Once you allow this document to be terminated None of us Nor our children Nor our grandchildren Or our great-grandchildren Or even our great-great-grandchildren Will live to see the day when it is reinstated Because that's just the nature of how this kind of stuff works You don't You don't get rights back that easily Just see what's happening with Roe vs Wade as an example Let's look at that The population of the United States Donald Trump is going around doing the whole debate Everybody wanted it to go back to the States That's exactly what everybody wanted They wanted it to go back to the States And I made it happen No No Nobody wanted it to go back to the States Having it quote Go back to the State unquote Was exactly what people didn't want It is exactly and precisely what they didn't want And I did it, I got it back to the States Keep saying it Donald Keep bragging on it It's one of the best reasons to vote for Kamala Harris I can think of And look at this This isn't something that is like some people want This is like around 70% of the population Wanted and want The rights enshrined by the Roe vs Wade decision To maintain them, to be maintained Around 70% or so That's a damn healthy majority It's pretty difficult to get 70% of Americans To agree on anything these days Much less a big an issue as that But that's where the American public is at Despite the fact that those Those referenda have been on ballots In State after State after State after State I don't know 15 or 20 Despite the fact that no matter What they did Changing the vote margin To a filibuster style 60% That was tried in one State Telling people that they vote on a different day Than they actually did And therefore they wouldn't be able to vote That was tried Telling people That yes meant no and no meant yes That was tried Despite all these things To divert and confuse and distract Despite all those tactics A woman's right to choose A woman's right to choose remained popular With 70% of the population And it was reflected in the votes Not one of those measures To enshrine a woman's right Rights in the State has failed Not one of them It's like 0 for 20 or whatever it's been so far A lot of them Not one has failed And despite the fact that it is so overwhelmingly popular You would think that it would be a cinch To get Congress to Pass the appropriate legislation Nah With Nagamike in charge of the House of Representatives It isn't Now, Nagamike isn't stupid He knows arithmetic He can see 70% is a lot more than 50 That's, yeah That definitely constitutes a huge majority He can see that And he knows that across the country Not one of those referenda Has failed Not one anywhere From the reddest of blood dripping red states Like Kansas To the bluest of the blue Not one of them has failed So you would think that These guys would say like, hey Here's a perfect opportunity to line up with the will of the people Nah You'd be wrong But that just shows you how difficult it is That even though It is so overwhelmingly popular That it just isn't going to happen Quite a Quite a statement of fact But Yeah, that's what it is That's exactly where we're at And if, perchance We do Even if, perchance People are smart enough to realize It's not just enough to vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz That they have to vote for a democratic senate And a democratic house Otherwise, none of these things will happen You know, unfortunately Kamala isn't saying this Kamala isn't saying this And stressing it, but it's really, it's the absolute truth Without a democratic house And a democratic senate None of this stuff will move a millimeter That has to happen That has to happen So You know, where are we Where are we heading with this What is going to happen When Clarence Uncle Thomas And Samuel Vergonia Alito Get their hands on that law And those guys have to be dealt with Because remember They're all Heritage Foundation alums And even Constitutional scholars like Neal Katyal And these guys A genuine Well known Across the world, constitutional scholar Even he didn't think The president as king Case was going to fly Because it didn't make sense constitutionally And all the lower courts Had wrote the scathingly accurate And pointed decisions saying that it wasn't so And I remember when I was saying this Yeah, watch out Because nobody is counting On the depravity of Clarence Uncle Thomas And Samuel Vergonia Alito And Amy Coney whatever And I like beer And Neal none such They're not counting On the depravity of those guys They're not counting on the fact That they're all out of the Heritage Foundation Little list And sure enough Donald Trump's lawyers In the Supreme Court Gave a, as far as legal Scholarship goes Laughable argument And the Supreme Court came back And gave them more than they asked for Don't you take my word for it You can go to the supremecourt.gov website And you can listen to it For an hour and a half, something like that You can listen to that You can listen to the argument You can listen to the Trump lawyers Get asked the question Does that mean the president could assassinate his political rivals And the Trump lawyers saying Yes, yes, that's exactly what it means Exactly, you can hear all that Don't you take my word for it You can check it right out And they have proven something I have been saying for years The constitution doesn't say what it says It says what it says And so, this Supreme Court Can look at the First Amendment Which reads, Congress shall make no law Respecting an establishment of religion Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof Or abridging the freedom of speech Or of the press, or of the right to And to petition the government for redress of grievances They can come in there and say That Congress is mandated to make a law Mandating an establishment Of a religion And that the free exercise of religion Is restricted to that state religion And that you cannot speak against it You cannot say anything contrary to what the government line is And that the press shall be restricted As to what it can report And that people have no right To peaceably assemble and petition the government For a redress of grievances If they decide that that's what it says They'll make a ruling as such, and that's it Our system depends on people With integrity That's what makes our system different That's what has made it so resilient Over the past almost 250 years But That's also the same thing That makes it extremely vulnerable To a multi-pronged attack From provocateurs Like Donald Trump And the Heritage Foundation Double edged sword there They can say whatever they want about it Indeed They have already restricted The freedom of speech They have With the Texas Vigilante law They have already said If somebody Just even as much as tell somebody Where an abortion clinic is They can be sued for $10,000 by multiple people All over the country Perfect example of a state overriding A constitutional right And this Supreme Court said Looks good to us That's where these guys are at Don't Think of them as honorable They are not Don't think that they have the best interest Of this country at heart They do not Don't think That they are there to safeguard The Constitution They are not Don't think that they will safeguard The Constitution and our rights They will not They are there to protect The fundamental interests of the billionaires That have put them there That's What they are there for That is what They are doing That is what they will do So Don't Don't deceive yourself Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't 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amount does not properly account for billions in unfunded liability for for retirement and other government reporting distortions a visual data also report Report employment is approximately 2 million But this ignores approximately 20 million Contractors who while not eligible for government pay and benefits do we see them indirectly through? Contracting even though they are less generous And what they're meaning there's less generous than private industry official data also contain a rather claim that National government employees are paid less than private sector employees are paid for similar work but several more neutral sources Demonstrate that public sector workers make more on average than their private sector counterparts all of this extravagance deserves close scrutiny Scrutiny Indeed it does all of this extravagance people are being paid. Well, what? We can't have that See people were making a decent living. Well, that sounds extravagant today. Only Harlan Crow should be allowed to do that Market-based pay and benefits So, you know, here's where we get to some of the little zingers that are contained in this rather dry document but that are Going to have a profound influence according to current law federal workers are are to be paid wages comparable to Equivalent private sector workers rather than compared to all private sector employees But what they're saying there is that the law says that if you work for the government as an electrician will say That you've got to be paid what? Bowling for example, and by the way, you know, you know right on all you Union Boeing people on strike I'm with you 100% of the way you do it man So, yeah, so whatever Boeing would be paying an electrician basically the government should be paying the Electrician Rather than compared to all private sector employees So what they're saying it's not compared to everyone in the private sector in other words Averaging out what that? Electrician may make it Boeing with the guy that is checking the groceries out At your local conglomerate owned supermarket Which is obviously going to pull the number way down But I'll Continue while the official studies claim that federal employees are underpaid relative to the private sector by 20% or more a 2016 Heritage Foundation. Oh Yes study found that federal employees receive wages that were 22% higher than wages for similar private sector workers if the value of employee benefits were included the total compensation premium for federal employees over their private sector equivalents increased to between 30% and 40% the American Enterprise Institute found a 14% pay premium and a 61% total compensation premium In other words They want to pay people in Who work for the civil service a lot less making the job a lot less attractive Therefore making people who are Qualified Say well, why should I go here and work for crap wages and crap benefits when I can go to the private sector and make more even though And here's the zinger Even though this job used to pay more than the private sector, you know, but now they shifted it So who will go to the To the civil service The worst and the dumbest Yeah, this is tricky because it's dry and you yawn when you read it But it's one zinger after another Now, let's see here Base salary is only one component of a federal employees total compensation in addition to high starting wages Which is according to billionaires is always a horrible idea Federal employees normally receive an annual cost of living adjustment. Oh gosh. No Oh Available to all employees and generous scheduled raises known as step increases moreover a large proportion of federal employees are Stationed in the Washington DC area and other large cities and are entitled to steep Locality pay enhancement to account for the high cost of living in those areas. Oh So translation They want to pay The federal employee who lives in East Dog Deck, Iowa Where you can rent an apartment for $200 a month The same amount has someone who works in Washington DC where you'll probably have a hard time renting an apartment for $2,000 a month Now that's just too damn bad Again making it less attractive by far Who wants to work at a job when you can't and you can't afford to pay your rent? so again the worst and the dumbest a Federal employee with five years experience receives 20 vacation days 13 paid sick days and all 10 federal holidays Compared to an employee at a large private company who what large private company or is it an average? Well, they don't say Who receives 13 days of vacation and eight paid sick days? federal health benefits More comparable to those provided by fortune 500 employers With the government paying 72 percent of the weighted average premiums But this is much higher than This is much higher than for most private plans Almost half of private firms do not offer any employer contributions at all So Because the private sector Abuses their employees Why shouldn't the government? But again The worst and the dumbest And this is what project 2025 is is all about it's about Chipping away our rights. It's about chipping away at government protection and it's got this Sinister undertone of Without saying it just pushing us Gradually into the direction of Privatized government where big corporations will decide what your rights are because the Constitution was terminated Really want to vote for Donald Trump. You're really early, dude Okay One thing that Kamala Harris did not bring out in the debate and I was kind of yelling at it I said come on. Come on. Come on. Say it say it when they were talking about the medical benefits in the And the fact that the insulin insulin has been capped For seniors at $35 a month and they want to extend it to everyone and she didn't bring out that Donald Trump had said that when he Assumes the White House he will immediately repeal that because that was apparently done by executive order and so he will He will Repeal that executive order and Let people seniors Pay 400 and change a month for their insulin once again, and he said he would Also repeal the practice that the government can negotiate The price of drugs with big pharma and he wants to go back to the system where the government is prohibited from negotiating any kind of a deal Like they always talk about wanting to do things the way it's done in private industry well in private industry when company a quotes a price to company B for a certain amount of widgets Company B is going to come back and say well now wait a minute. We want to order 30,000 widgets So You know, we we don't want to spend $15 a piece of them because we're buying 30,000 of them. I mean, what are you gonna? You know What kind of a break are you going to give us? That's the way it's done but in this case If it benefits the people well, then we're not going to do it the way they do it in private industry we're gonna just Make sure that government pays ie you the taxpayers and I the taxpayers pay Whatever big pharma demands because like They're not rich enough. Are they of course not I Wish he had mentioned that but at any rate He Brought up Wharton Business School And that was another Perfect opportunity For Kamala Harris to really do deliver a zinger Because when You Remember way way back when he was bragging about his Performance at Wharton Business School. Oh, they never saw anyone like me They couldn't believe what are the kind of things I was saying? Hey, they were just yeah, they couldn't believe it All right, but not for a positive reason But anyway, he was You know bragging up and down about that way back in 2016 and He even said this in the next breath it wasn't later If they ever release my grades, I'll sue them Hmm So here he is in one breath bragging about how Astounded the professors were at the Wharton Business School because he was so astoundingly brilliant according to him But if they ever released his grades He would sue them well now why would that happen? You would think that this man who had Who had astounded all the professors with his business acumen and brilliance would be more than eager to have his A++ grades put up on billboards all across the country next to the Bermeshaves But no He wants to keep them a secret Gee Do you think that maybe That maybe he was lying about his grades Do you think that maybe his grades were really? Horrible, and he doesn't want anyone to know just how horrible they were and that's why he would threaten to sue them Why would a man who brags? As Much as Donald Trump Want to keep that transcript a secret There's only one possible answer You can't come up with another one. There's only one possible answer. He's lying And That he bombed in Wharton Business School, and yeah, they were they were astounded but not for Positive reasons And of course this week we were reminded that Donald Trump Bragged can you believe this on the 11th of September 2001? Donald Trump found time. I mean you would think that maybe he'd wait at least a Day To To demonstrate such callous disregard for The lives of 3,000 people and oh the hundreds of friends that he lost On that day remember that the whole I had lost hundreds of yeah So you would think that he would have waited a day before saying something like Well now that the World Trade Center is down, I've got the tallest building in New York City he didn't but What do you know can you believe that Donald Trump was lying on now? And you know and just this excerpt, you know tonight's excerpt from project 2025 Is Indicative Of the fact that The attitude about Well the attitude of by and for Project 2025 and Republicans is that anything that helps Billionaires is good, and it's sound business And that It's good government policy to if billionaires get all kinds of breaks because you know work down to the people Eventually someday kinda sorta But That anything that helps the people directly You know like child care like No direct support of money food stamps medical coverage Compensation for other high cost of living areas etc etc Well, if you talk about anything like that. Oh, well, that's communism socialism And they start blowing gaskets and steam comes out of their ears But if you are talking about a tax cut for billionaires What's wrong with that And again Donald Trump refused at the debate to say that he hoped Ukraine wins and he got More than one opportunity The North Carolina Supreme Court Dealt Donald Trump another solid over the past day here RFK jr Decided he wanted his name taken off the ballot some three days or so after the deadline and The state correctly responded that the law says that you know you have to do it by this date, and you didn't But He brought it to court and North Carolina Supreme Court all Republicans said well of course No problem doesn't matter what the law says You take his name off the ballots you spend millions of dollars after all the taxpayers will have to pay for it not billionaires and Take his name off the ballot because that's going to be better for Donald Trump and You know if you don't get it done by the deadlines for mail-in ballots, oh wouldn't that be a shame Way to go North Carolina Supreme Court way to go I Couldn't make this stuff up It just couldn't Make this stuff up I wish it was made up And Speaking of the Boeing strikers they want a 40% pay raise Which sounds like a lot but They have had their pensions taken away from them So it's like yeah you work here for 40 years and We boot you out when you're 65 you take your Social Security and Better make do Because you ain't getting the pension for us well They want their pension back and they want a 40% raise to compensate For the cost of living increases and all the other stuff. They've had to go through And I I Support them all the way Boeing doesn't deserve any kind of breaks or consideration Considering planes that are computer-controlled that will nosedive straight into the earth It's hard to gin up Sympathy for a company Like that doors coming off. I think that was going to wasn't it? And I guess ending where we began With the Haitian immigrants You know We Have to put The big blame for this on social media Then yeah, everybody knows who listens to the show. I am NOT a fan of social media. I You know if it all dried up and blew away in 10 seconds. I'd say good riddance Because This is where that crap began and Yeah, this is where it's still going All the destruction in of the lives of people in Springfield all the things that are happening to that town the expense and the Difficulty that they're enduring the suffering that the Haitian community is going through for no real reason It's all on social media Because that's where this crap goes that's where it starts and they don't do anything about it, of course With people like Elon Musk Um that mean I say anymore It is really not Social media Whoa if I only had a magic wand that I could make it disappear But I don't have that magic wand but I Don't have to wait it even if I did have it because the show is going to disappear And we'll be back next Saturday at 9 for the last show of summer Well, that's the way it's going to be right here at good old WBCQ at 9 o'clock until midnight and oh Boy, I'm sure this week will be chock full of stuff to go over We all come back now Oh From the land of freedom, this is WBCQ Monticello, Maine, USA At This time WBCQ leaves the airwaves WBCQ is operated by a family of concerned people Dedicated to giving a free speech radio voice to the world We operate on several shortwave frequencies and encourage you to go to our website WBCQ.com for more information. Thank you for listening. This is the Samuel S Sweener Memorial International Broadcasting Station WBCQ Monticello, Maine USA You

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