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Lord ..Thank You For Breakthrough

Lord ..Thank You For Breakthrough

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Isaiah 61:1-3. We are healed, delivered, set free from bondage, because of Jesus... Our prayer is to believe and receive all that we have in him...and for this we give Him praise.


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The transcription is a prayer that praises God and thanks Him for the victory, deliverance, and healing that He provides. It acknowledges Jesus as the source of strength and comfort, and asks for empowerment and guidance through the Holy Spirit. The prayer also seeks God's help for various needs and challenges, and expresses gratitude for His love and care. The prayer ends with an invitation for personal prayer requests and testimonies. Isaiah 61 verses 1 through 3 Jesus came, the anointed one, to bring good news to the poor. He was sent to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to grant to those who mourn in Zion, to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit. When you are free, you are free indeed. Thank you, Lord, for breakthrough. Dear Lord, we come, come before your presence right now in the name of Jesus. We want to praise you. We want to lift you up. We want to magnify your name. We thank you, dear God, for being a loving father, a compassionate father, a caring father. Thank you, dear God, that you gave your son Jesus, Lord, to die on the cross. That I might have a right of victory of life. That I might have victory over sin and death. That I might have victory over the enemy. We thank you, dear God, for your word that says that we can have breakthrough. We thank you for your word that says that we can have deliverance and healing right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, as we come before the throne of grace, we come before your presence. We thank you for your presence, O God. We thank you for the Holy Spirit that leads us and guides us, reveals revelation in the word, O God, that teaches us more about you. We just thank you, dear God, and brings back to our memory who we are in Jesus Christ. We thank you, dear God, that we have victory over sin. We have victory, dear God, over bad habits. And we've got victory, dear Father, over demonic activity. We have victory over darkness. We have victory over the enemy. Right now in the name of Jesus, Lord, we bring our requests to you. We bring our needs, O God, to you. We bring our wants and our problems, our challenges, O God, our relationships. O dear God, our children, Lord. Dear Father, our neighbors, O Father, we stand in the gap. We intercede in prayer, dear God, for others right now in the name of Jesus. Empower us. You remind us of who we are in Jesus Christ. We thank you, dear God, we have the victory. We have victory, dear Father, over bad habits, dear God, of things that we can't shake off on our own, O Father. In you, we are more than conquerors, God. We can go forward in the name of Jesus. We can be overcomers, dear Father. Lord, we thank you, dear God, that we can run through troops. Lord, we can jump over the walls, O God, in the spiritual realm. We can say to the enemy, no more, in the name of Jesus, because of the Christ in us. We thank you, dear God, that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they're spiritual, dear God. We can speak life into dead situations, O God. We thank you, dear Father, that we have the victory in you. And we praise you, we glorify you, we lift you up, and we magnify your name. We can speak to those situations, O God, and bring health and strength. In Christ, their heads can be lifted up, and in Christ's hand is there to pull up those, dear Father, who feel like they can't make it. Pull up those who feel like they're stuck in the mire and clay. Pull up those who feel like they're in bondage, O God. Lord, we thank you, dear Father, that you love us and you care for us, and you've given us the tools to go forth in Jesus' name. That we could pray, dear Father, and believe your word. We could pray and know that you speak through us and that the Holy Spirit speaks through us. And we just thank you, dear God. We thank you for healing bodies and souls and minds, dear God, and emotions, O God. Those who have a broken heart right now, dear God. Dear Father, who are feeling, dear God, unloved, O God. We know we could speak life into those situations to let them know that, yes, Jesus loves you. Yes, Jesus cares. Yes, Jesus is available to give you that strength in the name of Jesus. We thank you, dear God. We praise you, O God. We glorify your name. Thank you, Jesus. We glorify you. We thank you, dear God. We thank you, dear Father, that we can go forward, that we can break free in the name of Jesus because of the power of God in our lives, the power of your word. We thank you, dear God. We praise you, God, for victory. We thank you for breakthrough. We thank you, dear God, for deliverance. We thank you for healing, O God. We thank you that we have power and authority over demonic forces. We have power, Lord, over spiritual darkness. We have power in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for salvation in our children. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, dear God, for meeting the needs of everybody, O God, that are looking to you, that are knocking. Dear God, you said the door would be opened if we seek your face, that we will find you. Thank you, dear God, for being true to your word. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for the joy you give us. Thank you for the peace. Thank you, dear God. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for the newness of life in us, O God. Thank you. Thank you, Lord. We praise you. We glorify you. We thank you for your presence, O God. Thank you, Lord, for the victory. Thank you for the deliverance. Thank you, Lord, for the healing. Thank you for the salvation. Thank you, Jesus, for lifting up our heads. Thank you for the joy of the Lord that gives strength. Thank you, Lord, for honoring our faith. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for answering our prayers. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Amen and amen. This is Robin from New Generation Christian Family Matters. If you need personal prayer or if you have a testimony, please contact us. I promise we will listen. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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