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Love Is The Answer

Love Is The Answer

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



The Language of God's Love. What the world needs now .is the Love of God in us.

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The speaker expresses concern for those affected by crises in the Middle East and Ukraine and encourages listeners to pray for peace. They emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and serving others, drawing inspiration from the teachings of Jesus. The speaker urges listeners to be rooted in God's love and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. They highlight the power of love to heal and draw people together. They also pray for those suffering and ask for God's guidance and strength. And my heart goes out to those, well, who did, I think they're the women, the men, the children, and the elderly, and not only the crisis in the Middle East, but also in Ukraine. And sometimes we just get tired and turn off the TV because we don't want to see it anymore, but that doesn't mean that the war has stopped. So I really believe that we are to stand in the gap and intercede in prayer until something happens, until peace comes. And I know when Jesus was here on earth, he was all about love. He was all about having compassion and care for one another, both were less fortunate than the poor. I'm reading in Ephesians right now for Paul, who was in prison, his letter to Ephesians. He says, I pray that out of his glorious riches, he may strengthen you with power from his spirit in your inner man. The inner man that's lacking those things, the inner man that's not being strengthened by God, the inner man that's being, that has that endemic nature, that inner man that goes through pain and agony or unforgiveness. Paul is saying that I pray out of his glorious riches that he may strengthen you with power so that God can strengthen us, God can enable us through his Holy Spirit to make us strong, to make us stable. Scripture in the 17th verse says, so that God may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you be rooted and established in love. So God wants us to be rooted and established in his love. Sometimes we love only because somebody else loves us, but God wants us to be rooted and established in love, his love. It's unconditional. Sometimes our love is very conditional. It's deep, it's high, it's wide, it's long. It surpasses human understanding. Came up with a plan of salvation that Christ would come to earth wrapped in flesh and give himself as a sacrifice for our sins. Put out that old nature and put on the new nature of Christ. Old things are past, the way behold, all things are new in him. We can't even with our shoe in it, wrap our hands around the love of God. And then the scripture goes on to say that you may be filled to the measure of all the forms of God. In all the forms of God, with God in us, when we take on Christ's nature, when we take on the mind of Christ, when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, when we have the word of God in us, then we can know that forms of God are alive. But we have to put on Christ. We have to have his mind. We have to be filled with his spirit. The Bible says that God has not given us the spirit of fear. And we know that the spirit of fear is of the devil. The spirit of fear is of wickedness. God has not given us that, but he has given us love, power, and a sound mind. And going back to that love again, in 1 John 4 and 18, he said that there's no fear in that. We know that true love is a powerful force. Love is a language that everybody understands. Even your pets, they understand when you love them. Children know that when you love them. Love draws. Love, even though you may not know someone else's native language, they know when they are being loved and embraced and that the compassion of God is in you. Love crosses over all culture. It doesn't matter if you are poor or rich or everybody knows the language of love. The effectiveness of love, the passion of love, the gift of love. Love builds up. It encourages. Love empowers us to serve and to give. Love is a driving force. God is love. Therefore, we worship and we adore him because we love him. Our desire for the sisters to be like Jesus. Jesus expressed love everywhere he went. He was drawn to people. He loved them. He had compassion. He prayed for them. He spoke into their lives. He gave his life that we might have a right to be reconciled to the Father God. Love really does draw people, doesn't it? It invites people. You can walk in a room and the atmosphere that's full of hate or bitterness or a person who has anger, you can feel that. But when you go into a room and it's warm and it's inviting, that's what God can give us. Jesus came that we might have life in that mission abundantly. That's an embodiment of love. Love is a healing force. It will heal a wounded heart, a broken heart. Love can do that. God's perfect act of love was when he gave his son, Jesus. The Bible says that God so loved the world that he gave his only son, Jesus. And Jesus loved us so much that he gave his life. Galatians 5 and 13 tells us that we are to love one another and to serve one another. And that's what being a Christian God-like is all about. It's easy for us to turn off the TV because so much is going on. It's easy for us to turn our head the other way when we see somebody suffering. It's easy for us to turn the corner if we see people that are homeless. But I really believe that God has called us to reach out to the unloved we are. We need to know that the God in us loves them. Praise God. Darkness is hateful. Darkness is bitterness. But God in us is the opposite. God in us is what the world needs right now. So let us pray for one another, especially what's going on right now in the Middle East. Especially what's going on in Ukraine. And what we cry out when we intercede for one another until change happens. Amen. Praise the Lord. Let us pray. Dear God, we're asking you, dear Father, to touch our hearts and minds. Help us to want to be more like you in the name of Jesus. Give us the love of God that we can reach out to one another in prayer. We can embrace one another and love one another. Have compassion for one another. Intercede and pray for one another. Lord, we're asking you to touch those who are suffering right now, dear Father. Those who are asking and crying for peace in their country, oh God. Those who are living in a crisis right now, dear Father. Experiencing a crisis. Lord, we ask you to touch over in the Middle East. Lord, we ask you, dear Father, to hear the cries of children and cries of moms and dads. Seniors, oh Father. Lord, those who are in the hospitals, dear God. Lord, we ask you to have mercy. Lord, let the light of God flow through our hearts and minds. Let the radiance of Christ be in us. Lord, we thank you, dear God, for life in which we're going to be. We thank you for your health and strength. We thank you for the Holy Spirit that leads us and guides us. Lord, we ask you, God, to bring salvation, dear Lord, to those who want to know you in a very real way. Dear God, those who have a broken heart, Lord, we ask you to heal them right now. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Most, dear God, who are suffering in their minds or mental illness. Those, dear Father, who are distraught. Or those, dear Father, who are suffering from depression. Lord, we ask you, God, to heal them right now. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Help them to feel the love. And, Lord, whatever is accomplished, we'll praise you. In Jesus' name, amen. This is Robin from New Generation Christian Family Matters. If you need prayer, please contact us. If you have something to say, please, come and listen. New Generation Christian Family Matters New Generation Christian Family Matters New Generation Christian Family Matters New Generation Christian Family Matters New Generation Christian Family Matters New Generation Christian Family Matters

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