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Yes! we need Prayer

Yes! we need Prayer

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Yes we all need Prayer.. we can come to our father and He will hear our prayers and not withhold any good thing from us. Oh how He loves you and me.

Podcastmini podcastPrayerFamilyMusicLove of Godintercessory prayerhopeScripturedeliverancehealing

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The speaker emphasizes the importance of prayer in these challenging times. They encourage coming together in prayer and seeking God's power and deliverance. They assure that God promises to hear our prayers and provide healing, hope, and strength. The speaker urges praying for others, especially in the upcoming elections, and emphasizes the love and sacrifice of Jesus. They encourage confessing sins, seeking healing, and standing on God's promises. The speaker concludes with gratitude and a call to reach out for prayer and support. Yes, yes, yes, we need to pray. More than ever, we need to come before the throne of grace and bring our burdens, challenges, and yes, we're living in a world where we need to intercede in prayer for one another, for our government, for our children, relationships, Lord, there's just so much going on and it seems hopeless sometimes, but as the song says, we just need to pray more than ever. We need to wake up. We need to come on out of our slumber, those of us who say that we know God, we need to come together in corporate prayer, personal prayer, prayer of agreement, that God will show His mighty power in this generation, His saving grace, His deliverance. There's so much anxiety and fear and stress, but God promises that if we come to Him in prayer, He will hear our voice. In Psalms, the fifth chapter and the 33rd verse, it says, my voice you hear in the morning, O Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto you and will look up. Now let's pray for one another that we may be healed. Let's pray for one another that we can feel the hope of the Lord in our hearts and minds. Pray to the Lord. He will do something special for this generation that seemingly has rejected Christianity, not interested in the good news of Jesus Christ. There's just the elections are coming up shortly and we need to stand in the gap, my brother and my sister. So let's go to the Lord in prayer. Lord, we thank you for blessing us this day. We thank you, dear God, for the beautiful song that we just heard about how we just need to come before you with everything that we have, submit our hearts and our minds to you, knowing that you love us and that you care for us and you have compassion for us. If we just cry out to you that you will hear our cry and we thank you for being such a good God. We thank you, dear Father, that you preserve our life from fear of the enemy. You preserve our life from spiritual death. You give us hope and you give us peace and you give us joy and that joy gives us strength and we need strength, Lord, in this last and evil day. And your word in Colossians 4 and 2 says that we are to continue steadfastly in prayer. That means that we are to come before you morning, day, night, continuously. We don't always have to be on our knees, but our hearts in tune with you and communicate with you. And we know beyond a shadow of doubt that you hear us. We walk by faith and not by what we see. The Bible tells us to be watchful, to pray for one another. To know that we can be victorious and to know that we could be more than conquerors in you. Yes, the enemy does come in and make us feel like we can't make it and we should give up and give in and that you don't exist and that you don't love us and you don't care. But God, we know that you love us. You gave your only son, Jesus, your only son, that we might experience the gift of eternal life. We thank you, dear God, that your son, through his obedience, gave his life as a living sacrifice, took our sins and hung on the cross and he was buried and on the third day he rose victorious. And because of his obedience, we now have a plan of salvation. And God, according to your word, all we have to do is come to you and confess our sins and say, yes, Lord, I believe that you sent your son that I might have a right of tree of life. You sent your son that I might be set free. You sent your son that I might be a part of your family. And that's love. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. We confess our sins. We confess our shortcomings, oh God, in the name of Jesus. Heal our spirit, heal our soul, heal our bodies, our mind, our emotions, oh God, in the name of Jesus. Give us a new heart, oh God. Take out the heart of stone and rebellion and replace it with a heart of love, a heart of compassion. Mark 11, 23 tells us that whatever we ask in prayer and if we believe it, that we will receive it. It's a faith thing and sometimes, yes, we do have to wait for it. We thank you, dear Father, for life. We pray for people everywhere. You said to pray for others, oh God, that they may be healed. We pray for our brother. We pray for our sister. We pray for their families. We pray for relationships, oh God. We pray for discernment, oh God. When an enemy tries to come in as a flood and cause havoc in our lives, havoc in our homes, Father, we can stand on your word. We can stand in prayer. We can stand on the rock. We can stand on your promises. We thank you, dear Father. We praise you, oh God. We thank you, dear God, for the blessings that reign upon us. We thank you, dear God, for blessing our going out and our coming in. We thank you, dear Father, for your love and for being faithful to us, oh God. We thank you, dear Father. We glorify you. We lift you up and we magnify your name. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Amen. This is Robin from New Generation Christian Family Matters. If you need prayer, please call us. If you have something to say, I promise we will listen.

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