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Full Moon in Pisces

Full Moon in Pisces

Rosa Maria



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The speaker discusses their interest in astrology and spirituality, particularly in relation to their own identity as a Mexican and Japanese woman. They mention the recent full moon in Pisces and how it affected their emotions and personal growth. They emphasize the importance of accepting and exploring different aspects of oneself, including indigenous heritage. The speaker also discusses mental health, the stigma surrounding it, and the need for open dialogue. They express their love for astrology and its ability to reveal hidden truths and promote personal growth. They encourage listeners to embrace empathy and compassion while also setting boundaries. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to try new things and embrace change for personal development and well-being. Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog. And today I really wanted to talk about the full moon that just passed this weekend, specifically February 24th and 25th of 2024. And yeah, I just, I really really like astrology and like, it's just really fun and it's really not that serious at the end of the day because it's whatever you make of it, it's whatever you want it to be for yourself. It's, you know, that's kind of the whole purpose of spirituality and I guess the larger idea of religion in general. I personally was raised Mexican Catholic and I'll go into this more in my blog, but yeah, I feel like everyone has some experience with religion and I don't know, the older I get, the more I feel like the only way for me to, not even like, this is gonna sound dramatic, but exist, but the only way for me to express my beliefs in a way that doesn't feel like I'm ignoring one part of me is by, you know, embracing all different sides of what I believe and stuff. And one of those things is astrology. And I don't know if it's just because of how I grew up, because I'm also partially indigenous Mexican, and I don't know, recently in Mexico too there's kind of been like, a movement towards new age spiritualism, like getting back into tarot cards and crystals and exploring, I guess, if you wanted to. Some people don't take it this far, but if you wanted to explore your, like, indigenous side, because, I mean, the identity of Mexican is really just like a nationality, because every Mexican is partially indigenous and partially Spanish, it's just, how much you accept that fact and explore each side of you, I guess, but usually the indigenous side gets ignored and it just really sucks. But, you know, I am, me personally, I'm lucky enough to be still very connected to my indigenous side, at least on my mom's side, because my grandpa is actually, like, basically 100% indigenous, because he knows his indigenous dialect. I mean, like, as indigenous you can be taking into context, like, the colonial history of Mexico, but that's a whole different thing. But, anyways, he's really connected to his roots, like, he knows his dialect, he talks in it a lot when he's angry, just so, like, because no one understands it, but now he's trying to teach my mom, or my mom and me are more, like, trying to force him to teach us, not force him, but, like, encourage him to teach us, because, I don't know, like, those languages are already being lost and stuff like that, and, like, the full moon just really, I guess, reminded me of, like, you know, parts of you that, like, you tend to ignore, because, like, it's like a shadow, and usually the moon always has a shadow, but when the full moon comes out, it finally illuminates everything that, you know, you've been hiding. That's also why I really like astrology, I just really like the meanings it gives behind, like, the moon and stars, and, like, I've always been interested in that stuff, but I've never been, like, smart enough to actually go into STEM, or, like, astronomy, like, the actual smart people stuff, if I'm being honest, so, astrology just kind of allows me to explore that stuff in a way that doesn't hurt my brain, but also in a way that, like, isn't all about, like, numbers and all that jazz, but, yeah, this full moon was specifically in Pisces, and being a Pisces myself, like, I don't know if it's the placebo effect, but I just really felt it, I don't know, there was a lot of emotions coming out, and I personally have been in an emotional slump, as in, like, lots of highs, lots of lows, and then I feel like my OCD kind of compounds it, and I guess I've become really aware of that, because my mom, whenever I talk to my mom, she'll sometimes be like, why are you getting so emotional? But, like, sometimes she's right, it's, like, over the smallest stuff, but when you have, I guess, something like OCD, it just makes it really hard to not go 0 to 100, because it's, like, at least for me, this is my experience, and I welcome anyone to share their experience, because I feel like the only way for people with mental health stuff, like, lifelong stuff, like OCD, autism, all that stuff, the only way to get rid of the stigma is just by talking about it, and that's exactly what people who are hateful or not accepting don't want you to do, they don't want you to talk about it, they want to erase your existence, and it sucks, but, I don't know, as a brown woman, specifically Mexican and Japanese, you know, I'm really used to that, but, again, I really like astrology, because it allows you to bring, you know, untold truths out, like, that's this whole thing, it's, like, growth, learning, fully gaining perspective on the world in ways that, like, you weren't expecting, and that's also why I really like spirituality and astrology and crystals, because it's all about, you know, accepting things and learning and changing, because it's like, because I want to get one thing clear, you don't have to, like, accept something while also dismissing it in the sense of letting it still happen, and I feel like people get that twisted a lot, like, yes, I can accept, like, that the system is broken and awful and, oops, sorry, my ring was falling, but you can accept, like, a system being broken, unjust, and all that stuff, while also working to change it and dismantle it completely, and by accept, I guess I mean I can accept the fact that larger institutional structures that I didn't build, that that specifically is out of my control. I can control the bigger systems, but because I accept that fact doesn't mean I'm gonna conform or give in to these, like, hateful and just downright just, like, racist and hateful ideologies, because, like, again, I don't want that for myself, I don't want that for the future, I don't want that for, if I do have kids, for them to deal with the same things I've dealt with, and I just really love the full moon, because it just really shows that, you know, even though there are truths that people want to hide, there's histories that people want to erase, it's always gonna come out, and it's always gonna be, you know, seen, in a way, whether that be now or later, the truth is always gonna come out, you know, and, like, the full moon being specifically in Pisces, it just is more revealing in the sense of emotion, because water signs traditionally are more emotional, and I feel like, I feel like a water sign being emotional just makes perfect sense, because, like, think of the ocean, like, I feel like the emotion the ocean, I didn't mean the past prime, but would hold, I feel like if the ocean was a person, or was able to feel human emotion, it would be very emotional, because it's seen so many things, it's, it's currently being, like, hurt, and, like, harmed, and, like, it just makes so much sense for a water sign to be, you know, emotional, and the moon and the ocean are connected by, you know, the moon controlling the tides, and I just think it's really beautiful how, like, this full moon is just, like, a reminder that it's a new phase, it's a new chapter in life, and it's really whatever you want it to be, and, like, I just invite everyone to embrace this full moon, and, like, embrace empathy and compassion, but you don't have to do that without being cautious. You can be selectively, not selectively, I don't want to say that, but you can be emotional and compassionate to people up until the point where they're harmful, or they're saying something that is maybe not the most appropriate, and I feel like especially women, and queer people, and people of color, because, like, even men, too, sometimes have to, like, men of color, specifically, have to deal with things that, they shouldn't have to, and they're just forced to tolerate it, but, like, I'm just saying, like, you don't have to, and, like, you can, like, just straight up disengage. And you don't have to even be, like, confrontational about it, like, you just be like, hey, I don't agree with that, I'm not comfortable with that, and, like, I guess I myself, I struggle with boundaries, and setting boundaries, because it's scary, it's something that's new to me, but, again, the full moon reminds us that new things aren't always gonna be bad, even when it's scary, and some of those new things can be things that, like, are uncomfortable, and it's gonna be okay, and with this full moon, and its correlation with, like, specifically the planet Neptune, at least right now, and how it's all set up, you know, it's a great time to, like, kinda trust your gut, and trust your intuition, maybe explore some things that you've been wanting to explore, like, creatively. Like, honestly, I'm gonna be real, it makes sense that I wanted to start a blog when the full moon is in Pisces, because I have a lot of emotions, and emotions usually lead to creativity, and, yeah, so, just, I guess I just invite someone out there who is listening, or anyone out there who is listening to, like, try something new. And change isn't bad. Growing can be scary. Setting boundaries can be scary, but if that's what you need to feel healthy and safe, then you deserve that. And I know, like, I myself have felt like I don't deserve that, because I've been told that by people, but I just wanna let anyone out there know. Like, even if this seriously only makes it to one person, like, I could genuinely care less. Like, you're not alone, I promise, and everything is gonna be okay, and there's people out there who can help you, and I know it's really sca- oh, sorry, my earring keeps hitting the mic, I'm so sorry, but you can get some earring ASMR, I guess. Anyways, but yeah, you're not alone, and the full moon being in Pisces is just a reminder that, you know, even if you feel lonely, at least the full moon is out there watching your back, and it's time to start new things, start new creative endeavors. You know, get moving! I know a lot of people don't think of exercise as creative, but I really think it is, like, even just moving your body slightly in a way that you don't usually do is improvement, and I just hate, like, fitness culture in that sense. They're like, oh, you have to look this way, it's like, no, you don't! Like, you can start from whatever spot you want, and I honestly really like the yoga studio I go to. I'm not gonna say the name because I don't wanna dox myself, but I love it because, like, they're just so, like, at least, like, even if I'm dying in the exercise, like, they're speaking, and, like, I don't know if it's a script, or maybe they're just so good at, like, finding, like, yoga instructors, but, like, the people I pick, like, are just genuinely interested in giving people a healthy outlet to express themselves, express their emotions, and, like, as someone who has anxiety and OCD, it's just, like, so nice to have a space like that, where, like, I used to have that with swimming, but I don't really have that anymore because I don't have access to the pools since I graduated, but it's nice that I found a spot close to me, um, is also encouraging in the same, because also, I feel like Pilates and swimming are very similar in the sense of, like, you have to, like, just keep going. Like, you can't think. You're like, just go, go, go. And as someone who thinks way too much and is kind of enabled to think that way by just how traditional 9 to 5 society is set up, but it's just really nice to have a space where, like, I could turn my brain off, and it's a complete safe space, and I could just express myself in my body and just do something healthy for myself, because I haven't always had that all the time, because even at the pool, you know, because it was high school, and, like, people had attitudes and vibes that they shared that weren't always the most pleasant. But yeah, I'm probably gonna go on a tangent if I keep talking, but yeah, um, I hope everyone is having a great, like, afternoon, day, night, and happy full moon and Pisces, everyone! Um, be safe. You aren't alone. And yeah. Besitos. Bye, everyone.

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